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The Catch All Site Problems Thread 23rd March (and previously 21st and 22nd March)



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04:
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04 : hi waller I was on the same table as you and got £14.24 for the 3K bounty Hunter. Don't understand how I got more than you when you had 3000 chips and I had 1700 014-03-21 21:05:08 3848268408 Tournament £3,000 B/Hunter No Limit £14.24 £11.00 yours Darryn
    Posted by darryn1973
    There you go then.......says it all! I had roughly double the stack yeah? and get refunded less????? whats going on????
  • THEROCK573THEROCK573 Member Posts: 2,550
    edited March 2014
    really poor this, can you imagine this happening on any other site, ive never experienced it anyhwere but here to be honest. ive had my £55 refunded from the 4k bounty hunter which im gratefull for, i was struggling in it to be honest but im pretty sure i was gonna win this tonight, almost certain in fact. any chance of an explanation as to why these things happen or we gonna be kept in the dark as per???
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04:
    Hats off to sky. Refunded quickly and added according to stack size. 
    Posted by mewillows
    This has already been proven to be bull..............hats off to sky????

    I CBA to chase up over a couple of quid but those who maybe on for more should def question it because it has already been said that the whole refund system is flawed
  • tomo_efctomo_efc Member Posts: 716
    edited March 2014
    FREEROLL AK...AQ OUT What a joke..i don't normaly complain but......everyone rushing for freeroll and it's like an all-in..

    After 25min 506 runners 154 left, is that a tornie ?.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2014
    I'm not playing to tonight but just wanted to throw this out there...

    What happens to the ROI of every single person regged in a sng? Were the games cancelled and so would be 'wiped from memory' or would they still flag up or did they continue for some people leading to some unfair losses and easy wins?
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04:
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04 : Its telling me no history found mate.
    Posted by Matt237

    Ok, contact Customer Services.

    Alex asked the CS email address.  Please follow the following route.

    Go to the SkyPoker home page (or any page including this one).  If you go to the bottom left in green is 'Help and Support.'  This will open a new window

    In the new window click 'Contact Us' in the green header bar on the page.

    Click email and then fill out the form and email to send directly to C/S.
  • alex1229alex1229 Member Posts: 680
    edited March 2014
    I was in BH Tourny been playing for hours HU..Site crashes for me, guy in first blinds me down and gets £200 extra for doing so..Is this fair?? Why should he get that extra money, Its a joke, 

    I dont want refunds, that doesnt come close to settling in the difference in payout i had, this needs to looked into
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04:
    I'm not playing to tonight but just wanted to throw this out there... What happens to the ROI of every single person regged in a sng? Were the games cancelled and so would be 'wiped from memory' or would they still flag up or did they continue for some people leading to some unfair losses and easy wins?
    Posted by Lambert180
    The SNGs in progress were all cancelled and all players were fully refunded as far as i am aware.
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited March 2014
    Yeah, just logged back in having registered for a Dym and been given my money back without contacting CS so probably just a bit of backlog to pay everyone. 

    Good idea with the thread btw Tommy. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04:
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04 : The SNGs in progress were all cancelled and all players were fully refunded as far as i am aware.
    Posted by Matt237

    Ok so just down to how it appears on skys reporting. Like would that show up as 1 game played and they broke even/got their BI back or would it not exist. Makes a big difference to the promo
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04:
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04 : Its telling me no history found mate.
    Posted by Matt237
    Just had a thought, you did click the quick history search button right after going into your account?  At the very least it should have your buy ins and deductions for entering the tournies or a zero by any cancelled tournies.  If you did try setting up a manual history search to cover a few days to get some results there.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04:
    I was in BH Tourny been playing for hours HU..Site crashes for me, guy in first blinds me down and gets £200 extra for doing so..Is this fair?? Why should he get that extra money, Its a joke,  I dont want refunds, that doesnt come close to settling in the difference in payout i had, this needs to looked into
    Posted by alex1229 can somebody with half the chips I had in the £3k Bh get refunded more than me??? it's bs........the sky ar53 lickers will always be saying how well the matter was resolved but that is simply not the case!
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04:
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04 : This has already been proven to be bull..............hats off to sky???? I CBA to chase up over a couple of quid but those who maybe on for more should def question it because it has already been said that the whole refund system is flawed
    Posted by waller02
    I have just got my money back now but it took 45 minutes for me to prove the point. for the first 20 minutes they were thinking i was wanting refunds of losses that occured from master cash tables. the best way i found was to give them a hand history number which would have happened at the time of the crash.

  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited March 2014
    Trying to look through the thread and answer questions.  I'm getting PMs as well so trying to be as helpful as I can.

    Waller, you mentioned the payouts for cancelled tournies.  A few points:

    1)  If you were still in a Bounty Hunter MTT when the MTTs were paused and settled, the amount which popped up will not be the full refund amount.  All head prizes accumulated, including your own, appears to have been added as well and was not part of the amount stated in the pop up.

    2)  Formula for settlements of cancelled MTTs:  Please read here:  Link

    That is the policy from the help pages.  I can't copy and paste the whole page but I think this exert covers the majority of people for the main and other MTTs going on at the time of the crash:

    The tournament has started but the money has not yet been reached

    If the tournament has started and the money has not yet been reached, then the tournament will be settled as follows:

    • All players knocked out at this stage receive no refund.
    • All remaining players receive a refund of their tournament fees
    • 50% of the total tournament prize pool is distributed evenly between all the remaining players
    • 50% of the total tournament prize pool is distributed accordingly dependant on each player’s chip count.


    You are playing in a £9 + £1 tournament with 500 players, a starting chipstack of 3,000 and a total prize pool of £4,500 which pays the top 60 places.

    The tournament is settled when there are 100 players remaining and you have a chip stack of 80,000 your returns would be calculated as follows:

    Prize pool to be divided equally: £4500 / 2 = £2250

    Prize pool to be divided based on chip count: £4500 / 2 £2250

    Entry fee refunded = £1

    Share in equally divided money: £2250/100 = £22.50

    Share based on chip count: £2250 x (80,000/1,500,000) = £119.99

    Total refund = £143.49

    This rule will be applied to all scheduled tournaments unless the total number of players left in the tournament is equal to or less than the declared number of paid places for that particular tournament.

    The tournament has started and all remaining players are in the paid places

    If the tournament has started and all remaining players are now in paid places then the tournament will be settled as follows:

    • All players knocked out (but not reached the money) receive no refund.
    • All players who have already been knocked out and did reach the money will be paid the full amount they won but will NOT receive their fees back.
    • The fees for all players remaining are refunded
    • Each remaining player receives the minimum prize not yet awarded at the time of cancellation
    • The rest of the remaining tournament prize pool is distributed accordingly dependant on each player’s chip count.


    You are playing in a £9 + £1 tournament with 500 players, a starting chipstack of 3,000 and a total prize pool of £4,500 which pays the top 60 places.

    The tournament is settled when there are 30 players remaining, the minimum prize yet to be awarded is £29.25 and you have a chip stack of 150,000 your returns would be calculated as follows:

    Prize pool to be divided equally: £29.25 x 30 = £877.50

    Prize pool still to be awarded: £3870 (£630 already paid out to players placed 31-60)

    Prize pool to be divided based on chip count: £3870 - £877.50 = £2992.50

    Entry fee refunded = £1

    Your minimum prize share = £29.25

    Share based on chip count: £2992.5 x (150,000/1,500,000) = £299.25

    Total refund due = £329.50

    Players placed 31 – 60 receive their payout as normal but not their fees.

    Bounty Hunter Tournaments

    A bounty hunter scheduled tournament which has been settled early due to a server issue will follow all of the rules listed above, with the following additions:

    • Knocked out players who have collected heads will keep their head prize winnings along with any cash prizes won.
    • All remaining players are paid for the heads they have currently collected
    • All remaining players are paid their current head value.


    You are playing in a £9 + £1 Bounty Hunter tournament with 500 players, a starting chipstack of 3,000 and a total prize pool of £4,500 (Split 50/50 between heads & cash prizes) which pays the top 60 places.

    The tournament is settled when there are 30 players remaining, the minimum prize yet to be awarded is £14.625, you have a chip stack of 150,000, your head value is £20 and you have currently collected £40 in Heads. Your returns would be calculated as follows:

    Cash Prize pool to be divided equally: £14.625 x 30 = £438.75

    Cash Prize pool still to be awarded: £1935 (£315 already paid out to players placed 31-60)

    Cash Prize pool to be divided based on chip count: £1935 - £438.75 = £1496.25

    Entry fee refunded = £1

    Banked funds from heads collected = £40

    Current head value = £20 Minimum prize share = £14.625

    Share based on chip count: £1496.25 x (150,000/1,500,000) = £149.625

    Total refund due = £225.25

  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04:
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04 : Just had a thought, you did click the quick history search button right after going into your account?  At the very least it should have your buy ins and deductions for entering the tournies or a zero by any cancelled tournies.  If you did try setting up a manual history search to cover a few days to get some results there.
    Posted by TommyD
    Yes i did Tommy, it kept coming up with an error but it has now worked, and i have been manually refunded. Thanks for your help and the work on here you've done with this thread. Top man (Y)
  • BoxsterBoxster Member Posts: 4,463
    edited March 2014
    I went out of Orfy at 8pm well before the outage   ,,,NO REFUND  ...  I would have played much tighter if I knew there was to be an outage  .. right I'm leaving    ;)
  • mewillowsmewillows Member Posts: 406
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04:
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04 : This has already been proven to be bull..............hats off to sky???? I CBA to chase up over a couple of quid but those who maybe on for more should def question it because it has already been said that the whole refund system is flawed
    Posted by waller02

    Whhhyyyyyy would I lie? 

    Is not bull. So speaking bull and font reply to my post unless you actually have factual evidence. Im giving you my perspective. 

  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04:
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04 : Yes i did Tommy, it kept coming up with an error but it has now worked, and i have been manually refunded. Thanks for your help and the work on here you've done with this thread. Top man (Y)
    Posted by Matt237
    You're welcome man.  Just glad it's there.

    And this adds to another point.  Not all My Accounts seem to be up to full working snuff yet then.  So if anyone has a problem with their one, consider giving it a bit and checking again.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: The Catch All Site Problems Thread 21/03/04:
    Trying to look through the thread and answer questions.  I'm getting PMs as well so trying to be as helpful as I can. Waller, you mentioned the payouts for cancelled tournies.  A few points: 1)  If you were still in a Bounty Hunter MTT when the MTTs were paused and settled, the amount which popped up will not be the full refund amount.  All head prizes accumulated, including your own, appears to have been added as well and was not part of the amount stated in the pop up. 2)  Formula for settlements of cancelled MTTs:  Please read here:  Link That is the policy from the help pages.  I can't copy and paste the whole page but I think this exert covers the majority of people for the main and other MTTs going on at the time of the crash: The tournament has started but the money has not yet been reached If the tournament has started and the money has not yet been reached, then the tournament will be settled as follows: All players knocked out at this stage receive no refund. All remaining players receive a refund of their tournament fees 50% of the total tournament prize pool is distributed evenly between all the remaining players 50% of the total tournament prize pool is distributed accordingly dependant on each player’s chip count. e.g. You are playing in a £9 + £1 tournament with 500 players, a starting chipstack of 3,000 and a total prize pool of £4,500 which pays the top 60 places. The tournament is settled when there are 100 players remaining and you have a chip stack of 80,000 your returns would be calculated as follows: Prize pool to be divided equally: £4500 / 2 = £2250 Prize pool to be divided based on chip count: £4500 / 2 £2250 Entry fee refunded = £1 Share in equally divided money: £2250/100 = £22.50 Share based on chip count: £2250 x (80,000/1,500,000) = £119.99 Total refund = £143.49 This rule will be applied to all scheduled tournaments unless the total number of players left in the tournament is equal to or less than the declared number of paid places for that particular tournament. The tournament has started and all remaining players are in the paid places If the tournament has started and all remaining players are now in paid places then the tournament will be settled as follows: All players knocked out (but not reached the money) receive no refund. All players who have already been knocked out and did reach the money will be paid the full amount they won but will NOT receive their fees back. The fees for all players remaining are refunded Each remaining player receives the minimum prize not yet awarded at the time of cancellation The rest of the remaining tournament prize pool is distributed accordingly dependant on each player’s chip count. e.g. You are playing in a £9 + £1 tournament with 500 players, a starting chipstack of 3,000 and a total prize pool of £4,500 which pays the top 60 places. The tournament is settled when there are 30 players remaining, the minimum prize yet to be awarded is £29.25 and you have a chip stack of 150,000 your returns would be calculated as follows: Prize pool to be divided equally: £29.25 x 30 = £877.50 Prize pool still to be awarded: £3870 (£630 already paid out to players placed 31-60) Prize pool to be divided based on chip count: £3870 - £877.50 = £2992.50 Entry fee refunded = £1 Your minimum prize share = £29.25 Share based on chip count: £2992.5 x (150,000/1,500,000) = £299.25 Total refund due = £329.50 Players placed 31 – 60 receive their payout as normal but not their fees. Bounty Hunter Tournaments A bounty hunter scheduled tournament which has been settled early due to a server issue will follow all of the rules listed above, with the following additions: Knocked out players who have collected heads will keep their head prize winnings along with any cash prizes won. All remaining players are paid for the heads they have currently collected All remaining players are paid their current head value. e.g You are playing in a £9 + £1 Bounty Hunter tournament with 500 players, a starting chipstack of 3,000 and a total prize pool of £4,500 (Split 50/50 between heads & cash prizes) which pays the top 60 places. The tournament is settled when there are 30 players remaining, the minimum prize yet to be awarded is £14.625, you have a chip stack of 150,000, your head value is £20 and you have currently collected £40 in Heads. Your returns would be calculated as follows: Cash Prize pool to be divided equally: £14.625 x 30 = £438.75 Cash Prize pool still to be awarded: £1935 (£315 already paid out to players placed 31-60) Cash Prize pool to be divided based on chip count: £1935 - £438.75 = £1496.25 Entry fee refunded = £1 Banked funds from heads collected = £40 Current head value = £20 Minimum prize share = £14.625 Share based on chip count: £1496.25 x (150,000/1,500,000) = £149.625 Total refund due = £225.25
    Posted by TommyD

    Fair play, proper ballache for you and you don't even have to give your time here. I respect that, But I had more chips, we both had no heads, had been on same table from the off and he gets refunded logic in that whatsoever....just something for ppl to think about who were maybe playing for more money
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