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Further misadventures of a fish at the cash tables



  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: Further misadventures of a fish at the cash tables:
    In Response to Re: Further misadventures of a fish at the cash tables : How do you get your hand histories to come out like that mate? , when I have wanted to show a friend a hand I played I have been going into my sky poker/hh then taking a screenshot put into paint then scroll down and do this 2 more time and piece it together in paint then use gyazo to capture it all, really lone winded :( .
    Posted by HaveaA1Day
    If you open them in a browser from 'My Sky Poker' and 'Hand History' (as opposed to clicking links on the table/download lobby) then you can just highlight the hand and copy / paste as you would any other sort of text or image.

    Some browsers won't paste properly - I know you can't do this in Safari or Opera, but IE and Firefox work OK.
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited February 2015
    Speaking of hands...

    Brag post first.

    This was one of my many practice £2.20 deepies... why do I never receive gifts like this when it's a Monday night??
    brunoboy51 Small blind  75.00 75.00 3065.00
    shakinaces Big blind  150.00 225.00 6440.00
      Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 3
    xxxxxxCall  150.00 375.00 7887.50
    kateyes Fold     
    TopperB Fold     
    cpfcjacqs Fold     
    brunoboy51 Call  75.00 450.00 2990.00
    shakinaces Check     
    • 3
    • 5
    • 3
    brunoboy51 Check     
    shakinaces Bet  150.00 600.00 6290.00
    xxxxxxxCall  150.00 750.00 7737.50
    brunoboy51 Fold     
    • 6
    shakinaces Bet  450.00 1200.00 5840.00
    xxxxxCall  450.00 1650.00 7287.50
    • 10
    shakinaces Bet  1200.00 2850.00 4640.00
    xxxxxRaise  2400.00 5250.00 4887.50
    shakinaces All-in  4640.00 9890.00 0.00
    xxxxxxCall  3440.00 13330.00 1447.50
    shakinaces Show
    • 6
    • 3
    • K
    • K
    shakinaces Win Full House, 3s and 6s 13330.00  13330.00
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited February 2015
    Shame hand second.

    Think I missed £8.96 of value here.  I don't frequently donk sets, especially on such dry flops, but BBBBB and CCCCC are stations that will pay off with any pair in this spot but would check it through if it wasn't bet for them.

    AAAAA being the only caller made me figure they had either AK/KK/AA or maybe KQ/KJ, so the river was either a killer card or a guarantee I'd get paid.

    Retrospectively I don't know why I checked because a) I'm sigh-calling any bet and b) he may call KQ/KJ but wouldn't bet them c) I'd sized my bets to set up a river shove.

    Still disappointed that it was a rare hand BBBBBB and CCCCC both folded the flop :(
    CCCCCCCSmall blind  £0.05 £0.05 £23.21
    Sngwizkid Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £20.05
      Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 7
    lillie Fold     
    shakinaces Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £24.46
    AAAAAAARaise  £0.90 £1.35 £29.82
    BBBBBBBCall  £0.90 £2.25 £7.81
    CCCCCCCall  £0.85 £3.10 £22.36
    XCall  £0.80 £3.90 £19.25
    shakinaces Call  £0.60 £4.50 £23.86
    • 7
    • 2
    • K
    shakinaces Bet  £2.50 £7.00 £21.36
    AAAAAAACall  £2.50 £9.50 £27.32
    • 4
    shakinaces Bet  £5.90 £15.40 £15.46
    AAAAAAACall  £5.90 £21.30 £21.42
    • A
    shakinaces Check     
    AAAAAAABet  £6.50 £27.80 £14.92
    shakinaces Call  £6.50 £34.30 £8.96
    • K
    • A
    shakinaces Show
    • 7
    • 7
    shakinaces Win Three 7s £32.90  £41.86
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited February 2015
    WTF hand third and last.

    I think this is the first time I've ever raised a river bet as a bluff. Rare to have enough chips in these sort of spots to have the option available to me.

    A bit of me was almost tempted to hero call and hope I look a genius vs 89, but figured that if he was bluffing (as I really felt he was) it was equally likely it was a missed flush as a missed straight and therefore could be losing to K-high. 

    He made me sweat it by running the time bank down, not sure if that was hollywooding or a weak-Ace that sigh folded. Either way I may possibly have fist pumped as chips came my way.
    xxxxSmall blind  £0.05 £0.05 £16.68
    dotsmum Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £9.64
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • 10
    shad8604 Fold     
    Sngwizkid Fold     
    seanafc Fold     
    shakinaces Raise  £0.25 £0.40 £20.33
    xxxxCall  £0.20 £0.60 £16.48
    dotsmum Fold     
    • A
    • 7
    • 6
    shakinaces Bet  £0.30 £0.90 £20.03
    xxxxCall  £0.30 £1.20 £16.18
    • Q
    shakinaces Bet  £0.70 £1.90 £19.33
    xxxxCall  £0.70 £2.60 £15.48
    • 3
    xxxxBet  £1.95 £4.55 £13.53
    shakinaces Raise  £4.70 £9.25 £14.63
    shakinaces Muck     
    shakinaces Win  £6.01  £20.64
    shakinaces Return  £2.75 £0.49 £23.39
  • HaveaA1DayHaveaA1Day Member Posts: 203
    edited February 2015
    Cheers mate just tried it now, only one problem though I will have to start a thread to keep posting them in lol.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited February 2015
    Hi. Maybe you did, didn't look at the date range. Didn't want you to miss out. 

    Couple of comments. I understand your caution on the river as he did 3 bet and has also called down big bets so that does narrow down his hands a lot. But if he is a station then checking river is a definite mistake. I think the A doesn't really threaten your hand though as you would expect AA to not only raise bigger pre but raise the turn or even jam. I thought his river bet was AK. 

    Third hand. Cute move but I think if we made it £5 it looks psychologically tougher to call if he is weak. It's only an extra 30p but it may give you an increased chance of forcing folds. I know it worked this time but I've found sizing bets to look either strong or weak has had good success. And it's only a few pence either way just enough to make it look bigger. 

    For example you have a draw and check raise a 160 bet to 400 it looks just as strong as if you had made it 480 but in this case you can save chips if your bet off your hand or miss your draw. 
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: Further misadventures of a fish at the cash tables:
    In Response to Re: Further misadventures of a fish at the cash tables : I think I was a day too late to get the bonus monies? Although I'm obviously not on Sky's favourite list as I got no advance warning of the February promotion, which it seems most other forum regs received? Luckily my rungood extended to being pretty lazy/disloyal to Sky during January and earning much fewer points than I have since I started this thread.  c.2,200 should be achievable without too much pain... especially with booze free weekends. Although I already have several mates trying to put an end to the booze ban in advance of the Wales England game this Friday... always good to have such helpful support when trying to quit something :/
    Posted by shakinaces
    If you're talking about my post on my diary, I was joking ~ I had no idea, it was just good luck! :)
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited February 2015
    Lol there was a few that have noted it so I wasn't sure if it was a perk like the people that get a cheeky £5 or so on their birthday... but yeah like I said above I was equally lucky to have put in low volume in January so don't really need to up my game at all :)

    88 was just utterly cursed for me last night, my exit hand in all 3 DTD games and cost me a whole stack at cash as well. No more pairs of fat ladies for me.

    Could run worse though. I could support a football club that think its a good idea to lose all their key management staff in order to bring in a manager who spent his last job taking a fairly decent squad of players to the bottom of the league.

    Oh. Wait.

  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: Further misadventures of a fish at the cash tables:
    Lol there was a few that have noted it so I wasn't sure if it was a perk like the people that get a cheeky £5 or so on their birthday... but yeah like I said above I was equally lucky to have put in low volume in January so don't really need to up my game at all :) 88 was just utterly cursed for me last night, my exit hand in all 3 DTD games and cost me a whole stack at cash as well. No more pairs of fat ladies for me. Could run worse though. I could support a football club that think its a good idea to lose all their key management staff in order to bring in a manager who spent his last job taking a fairly decent squad of players to the bottom of the league. Oh. Wait. :(
    Posted by shakinaces
    Never get that neither :(
    Sniff sniff!!
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited February 2015

    IIn Response to Re: Further misadventures of a fish at the cash tables:

    No more pairs of fat ladies for me.Posted by shakinaces
    I really wish I could actually take my own advice...
    CJ227 Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £13.39
    shakinaces Big blind  £0.10 £0.20 £15.66
      Your hole cards
    • 8
    • 8
    xxxxxxCall  £0.10 £0.30 £10.46
    Call  £0.10 £0.40 £11.45
    shakinaces Raise  £0.40 £0.80 £15.26
    xxxxxCall  £0.40 £1.20 £10.06
    • 8
    • 4
    • 3
    shakinaces Bet  £0.60 £1.80 £14.66
    xxxxCall  £0.60 £2.40 £9.46
    • A
    shakinaces Bet  £1.60 £4.00 £13.06
    xxxxxAll-in  £9.46 £13.46 £0.00
    shakinaces Call  £7.86 £21.32 £5.20
    shakinaces Show
    • 8
    • 8
    • K
    • A
    • 9
    xxxxxxWin Flush to the Ace £19.92  £19.92
     Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £4.63
     Big blind  £0.10 £0.20 £20.96
      Your hole cards
    • 8
    • 8
    shakinaces Raise  £0.40 £0.60 £10.68
    yyyyyyyCall  £0.40 £1.00 £4.69
     Call  £0.30 £1.30 £20.66
    • 10
    • 9
    • 8
    shakinaces Bet  £0.90 £2.20 £9.78
    yyyyyCall  £0.90 £3.10 £3.79
     Call  £0.90 £4.00 £19.76
    • A
    shakinaces Bet  £3.00 £7.00 £6.78
    yyyyyyCall  £3.00 £10.00 £0.79
    • J
    shakinaces Bet  £5.00 £15.00 £1.78
    yyyyyyAll-in  £0.79 £15.79 £0.00
    shakinaces Unmatched bet  £4.21 £11.58 £5.99
    shakinaces Show
    • 8
    • 8
    • 7
    • 6
    yyyyyyWin Straight to the Jack £10.71  £10.71
    First one is just another cooler (lots of those the last few days) and the second one... meh... I think there is room to play better but not sure where.

    I only went all in on the river because oppo had so little behind (and you never know, they may time out or misclick fold lol)... not after typing 'ah ffs' in the chat box after the jack arrived...

    In these spots I feel like I have to bet for value & protection, in case there is a bare 6/7 or J/Q out that can otherwise hit their OESD/GS for free - particularly relevant given the bigger stack (that folded turn) had been calling down very light.

    I maybe need to go bigger on flop and smaller on turn?

    Obviously against a bigger stack I'm sigh folding any bet on the river and hoping they don't flip over something like JT... but as per above, I think I always have to pay the extra 79p for the few times I will actually win a £10.79 pot.

    Anyhow. 2 days in a row of getting battered at the tables and losing a packet... all well overdue... but hope that the tide turns soon!!!

    Mantra for today... stop calling river donk bets... they DO always have it in these spots and this isn't the one time they are bluffing...
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited February 2015
    Thanks for the advice on my thread mate, thanks alot and much appreciated, cheers for taking the time...

    now on yours.....

    hand one as on the clinic earlier im prob folding unless i feel im going too house, but wouldve been loving to see those cards, ul on river, guessing you might have notes amd made a great call. Me 2 id say wp.  

    Hand 2

    Dont think youve done nothing wrong as there's no raise id put him open ended, and as you say too short stacked at the end not to call. 

    Ul mate. 

  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited February 2015
    Thanks Chris - that's the fun part of poker that we see the two hands right/wrong for similar but reversed reasons :)

    Hand 1 I figure the guy would let me carry on barrelling if he had made the flush, which is why I figured it much more likely he had the draw and/or a smaller set or two pair.... ie he'd have played it similar to oppo by the made hand in number 2.

    All goes to show how much easier things are if I was the one in position with these sort of hands I guess?

    In retropect, I'm really amazed that there are still people in low stakes games limping with AK!!

    Got caught out with that a few times last night as well, value-betting AQ/AJ like a boss on a dry A-high flop against limpers and being utterly bemused when AK/AQ beat me at showdown lol... games are good on Sky!!!
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited February 2015
    I know I could have played this better.  But even avoiding playing 88 myself was not enough to stop it from giving me a bit more of a kicking lol
    URHO Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £19.90
    FORDYCE Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £15.50
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    MM76 Call  £0.20 £0.50 £22.57
    xxxxRaise  £0.60 £1.10 £27.61
    shakinaces Raise  £1.80 £2.90 £40.89
    Rumpy Fold     
    URHO Fold     
    FORDYCE Fold     
    MM76 Fold     
    xxxxxCall  £1.20 £4.10 £26.41
    • 8
    • 3
    • 3
    shakinaces Bet  £2.20 £6.30 £38.69
    xxxxRaise  £6.00 £12.30 £20.41
    shakinaces Call  £3.80 £16.10 £34.89
    • 7
    xxxxBet  £10.00 £26.10 £10.41
    shakinaces All-in  £34.89 £60.99 £0.00
    xxxxAll-in  £10.41 £71.40 £0.00
    shakinaces Unmatched bet  £14.48 £56.92 £14.48
    • 8
    • 8
    shakinaces Show
    • A
    • A
    • 6
    xxxxWin Full House, 8s and 3s £55.12  £55.12
    No grumbles though. First half last night I carried on getting being on the wrong side of spots, second half I totally rediscovered my luckbox talent and reversed all the losses from the first 3 1/2 days of the month.
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: Further misadventures of a fish at the cash tables:
    I know I could have played this better.  But even avoiding playing 88 myself was not enough to stop it from giving me a bit more of a kicking lol Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance URHO Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £19.90 FORDYCE Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £15.50   Your hole cards A A       MM76 Call   £0.20 £0.50 £22.57 xxxx Raise   £0.60 £1.10 £27.61 shakinaces Raise   £1.80 £2.90 £40.89 Rumpy Fold         URHO Fold         FORDYCE Fold         MM76 Fold         xxxxx Call   £1.20 £4.10 £26.41 Flop     8 3 3       xxxx Check         shakinaces Bet   £2.20 £6.30 £38.69 xxxx Raise   £6.00 £12.30 £20.41 shakinaces Call   £3.80 £16.10 £34.89 Turn     7       xxxx Bet   £10.00 £26.10 £10.41 shakinaces All-in   £34.89 £60.99 £0.00 xxxx All-in   £10.41 £71.40 £0.00 shakinaces Unmatched bet   £14.48 £56.92 £14.48 xxxx Show 8 8       shakinaces Show A A       River     6       xxxx Win Full House, 8s and 3s £55.12   £55.12 No grumbles though. First half last night I carried on getting being on the wrong side of spots, second half I totally rediscovered my luckbox talent and reversed all the losses from the first 3 1/2 days of the month.
    Posted by shakinaces[/QUOTE

    Lol what is it with you and the fat ladies. (88)

    Ul,  i think  may have got to the turn on this hand, but with a little worry,  i dont think im shoving the £10 bet after hes seen us all the way, id either fold or call here and see the river, 

    think if it was kk or qq you might be re raised pre, so im prob putting him on the set her or even A3. And that he raises you i dont think he's  worried about over pairs, so id say gets rid of jj and less which leaves us beat. 

    This is how id look at it now though,  and im most certainly probally wrong lol.

    the reason why i say that is we can see the whole hand,
    Where if it was me id snap all in and shout hes got kk lol and be gutted!!

  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited February 2015
    Yeah that sort of spot catches me out too often.  See too many people that get frisky on a low flop after playing 88-QQ and figure that all but one of those are going to pay me off... obviously that's not the note I've added to this oppo!!

    Luckbox time was mostly back last night, pushing me up to nearly +£1k overall in 2015 which is nucking futs. Shame that is a level which will never last :)

    661pts after 5 days is my fastest start to a month... but amazes me further as how people playing around the 10-30NL games can rack up 10k+ points months.  I'd struggle to have found much more time to play this week to earn more!

    Today is 2 weeks no booze, just over 3 to go. That should mean good point scoring all weekend, but I still can't say no to the pub. Watching rugby on a Friday night with only soft drinks will be a new experience... I hope there are lots of drunks online by the time I get home.....

    Holiday planning time is also go. Best mate and brother-in-law have somehow scored pass-outs to holiday away from other halves... although that pass-out was almost immediately revoked when my initial response was to shout out 'VEGAS!'... guess that trip remains on ice until I reach my 40th...
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited February 2015
    Today's ballsed up hand.
    I think this may have been induced by a nosebleed from adding a table one level above my normal top limit.

    Probably should have flatted the flop bet?

    Maybe should have checked behind on the turn?
    xxxxSmall blind  £0.20 £0.20 £83.90
    swiper Big blind  £0.40 £0.60 £38.65
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    shakinaces Raise  £1.40 £2.00 £39.65
    legs200 Call  £1.40 £3.40 £63.47
    Th1nkerman Fold     
    URHO Fold     
    xxxxRaise  £2.60 £6.00 £81.30
    swiper Fold     
    shakinaces Raise  £5.20 £11.20 £34.45
    legs200 Fold     
    xxxxCall  £3.80 £15.00 £77.50
    • 6
    • 5
    • 10
    xxxxBet  £6.80 £21.80 £70.70
    shakinaces Raise  £15.60 £37.40 £18.85
    xxxxCall  £8.80 £46.20 £61.90
    • 10
    shakinaces All-in  £18.85 £65.05 £0.00
    shakinaces Muck     
    shakinaces Win  £44.40  £44.40
    shakinaces Return  £18.85 £1.80 £63.25
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: Further misadventures of a fish at the cash tables:
    Yeah that sort of spot catches me out too often.  See too many people that get frisky on a low flop after playing 88-QQ and figure that all but one of those are going to pay me off... obviously that's not the note I've added to this oppo!! Luckbox time was mostly back last night, pushing me up to nearly +£1k overall in 2015 which is nucking futs. Shame that is a level which will never last :) 661pts after 5 days is my fastest start to a month... but amazes me further as how people playing around the 10-30NL games can rack up 10k+ points months.  I'd struggle to have found much more time to play this week to earn more! Today is 2 weeks no booze, just over 3 to go. That should mean good point scoring all weekend, but I still can't say no to the pub. Watching rugby on a Friday night with only soft drinks will be a new experience... I hope there are lots of drunks online by the time I get home..... Holiday planning time is also go. Best mate and brother-in-law have somehow scored pass-outs to holiday away from other halves... although that pass-out was almost immediately revoked when my initial response was to shout out 'VEGAS!'... guess that trip remains on ice until I reach my 40th...
    Posted by shakinaces
    So you're looking at going next year? ;)
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited February 2015
    Bar steward H :(

    Poker things I learned this weekend.

    1) Taking a shot at NL50 isn't that challenging until TommyD takes the spare seat to your left and 3bets every open. I gave it about two orbits before I admitted defeat.

    2) Taking another couple of shots at NL50 and promptly running KK into AA within the first couple of orbits at the table both times quickly diminishes the desire to continue trying to play at that level. I still can't break the mental barrier of losing bigger sums at poker. Dunno what is required to get over that?

    3) Playing maybe 50% of the poker a proper player would undertake in a weekend compresses an awful lot of bad beats into a short window. I'm pretty 'whatever' to these as it normally means I'm making good decisions, but the mental strength that full time grinders have to take the beatings every single day is immense. I think even I'd start to get worn down if that was my standard day!

    4) Priority must be nearly impossible for part-timers that can't play 6xNL50 (maybe NL30+) tables or more.  I've made it past 2,100pts after the weekend but figure time is against me unless I really boss it over the remaining double points weekends.

    5) I can't beat T5o if all in pre-flop at cash. 3 times it did for me... just so anyone reading this knows to play it like the nuts if in a hand vs me :)

    Plus side is that playing that much over a weekend totally stops me **** my cash away at casino games, so that fact makes it way more profitable, even if I don't continue to run like Usain Bolt at a poker table :)

    Other good times... Forest found another team that are worse than them. The underwhelming Dougie has doubled his total Championship wins this season at his first attempt. Well done him.
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited February 2015
    Lol, 50nl a bit away yet for me!!! If i ever get there. 2100 pts is nit bad though!

    And 10 5o is defo going in the note section lol.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited February 2015
    1/ Yeah, there are tougher opponents but with experiance its a level I htink you can beat. Just take a while.
    2/ Losing the bigger BI is a tough aspect. But I remember the jump from 4nl to 10nl and losing £10. But after playing lots and lots its a bit 'ah, well' now! Same will happen at these bigger stakes. Just takes a while. Try 6 tabling 20nl and get used to those first then move up.

    Must dash, Walking Dead now!! Finsih this later.
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