bennydip21£75100000 dav19642£500 silentbob3£350 FlashFlush4£250 zxghostxz5£200 PILLOWMAN6£17.500 COCASIRF7£150 phil12uk8£12.500 margatemaf9 0 Kiwini4u10 0 webby23411 0 scrumdown12 0 Grimstar3013 0 Great game well played all ..some lively action and chat was ...umm well fantastic.. railing was superb .. I love an emotional game, and .. this had everything..... If I upset anyone watching then I apologise.....but that's me.... no grey areas .. black or white .. I say it as I see it .. glk all and thanks for the game Sky and all the players GG WP !!
Players..Poster's Freeroll !! Wednesday result !! bennydip2 1 £75 100000 dav1964 2 £50 0 silentbob 3 £35 0 FlashFlush 4 £25 0 zxghostxz 5 £20 0 PILLOWMAN 6 £17.50 0 COCASIRF 7 £15 0 phil12uk 8 £12.50 0 margatemaf 9 0 Kiwini4u 10 0 webby234 11 0 scrumdown 12 0 Grimstar30 13 0 Great game well played all ..some lively action and chat was ...umm well fantastic.. railing was superb .. I love an emotional game, and .. this had everything..... If I upset anyone watching then I apologise.....but that's me.... no grey areas .. black or white .. I say it as I see it .. glk all and thanks for the game Sky and all the players GG WP !! Posted by bennydip2
Oh I sneak into being along side some big names in that list WD mate
Tks Dave were unlucky ..Right move with your hand and stack ..just got river-ed ,, I had to call your small stack Allin bet, my chip stack with AK the river K got you played well all through, your good enough to win tourneys mate ...all you need is TIMING ) It just shows the power of a big stack .. glk Dave and thank you ..
Just a few quick one liners .. to start the weekend off ...
My mate's missus has just gone into hospital with 2 black eyes and a broken jaw! It seems they were on different wavelengths when she said she wanted decking on the patio !!
S e x therapist claims that the most effective way to arouse your man is to spend 10 minutes licking his ears!! Personally I think its bolloxs!!
They reckon that Beer contains female hormones and I think they are right. After 8 pints I talk sh it and can't drive!
Vicar booking into a hotel asks the receptionist "Is the P o rn channel in my room disabled" ? "No" she replies "its just regular p o rn you sick bassa"
A biker goes to the Doctor with hearing problems "Can you describe the symptoms to me" "Yes.....Homer is a fat yellow lazy bastar and Marge is a skinny bird with big blue hair!!"
In Response to Re: Bennydip2 (X Files) "The Truth Is Out There"? : Well done my Navigator! Not a bad week for you this week - well done! :)xx Posted by SUPERNOVA
Thank you Nova xx (who can ya turn to ?) and everyone else for the posts in this thread.. )
FLAPDOODLE1£175.50 + 40 League Points390000 bigbadboss2£102.05 + 36 League Points0 SUPERNOVA3£71.50 + 32 League Points0 welp4£58.50 + 28 League Points0 UDR45£47.45 + 24 League Points0 ken19486£39 + 20 League Points0 charlsef7£32.50 + 16 League Points0 topchipy18£26 + 12 League Points0 haddock2149£19.50 + 8 League Points0 brummie11310£13 + 4 League Points0 CHIN71611£6.50 + 2 League Points0 Hornet8012£6.50 + 2 League Points0 Dubs4Sam13£6.50 + 2 League Points0 Yet again ..NOVA is Super ... You cant keep a good un down .. and SUPERNOVA bounced back to form with a great example of patience and picking a spot .. Laddering into 3rd in an aggressive final ..Good game and well played SUPERNOVA .....
500 VELOCITY Saturday Result .. FLAPDOODLE 1 £175.50 + 40 League Points 390000 bigbadboss 2 £102.05 + 36 League Points 0 SUPERNOVA 3 £71.50 + 32 League Points 0 welp 4 £58.50 + 28 League Points 0 UDR4 5 £47.45 + 24 League Points 0 ken1948 6 £39 + 20 League Points 0 charlsef 7 £32.50 + 16 League Points 0 topchipy1 8 £26 + 12 League Points 0 haddock214 9 £19.50 + 8 League Points 0 brummie113 10 £13 + 4 League Points 0 CHIN716 11 £6.50 + 2 League Points 0 Hornet80 12 £6.50 + 2 League Points 0 Dubs4Sam 13 £6.50 + 2 League Points 0 Yet again ..NOVA is Super ... You cant keep a good un down .. and SUPERNOVA bounced back to form with a great example of patience and picking a spot .. Laddering into 3rd in an aggressive final ..Good game and well played SUPERNOVA ..... Posted by bennydip2
Saturday Night Orfordable But TGIF ( thank god it's friday) thanks Seagull I wouldn't have known if you hadn't said, "Comfortably Numb" ??
Great game guys and gals !! This is a TV-only gameStarts AtStarted AtBuy-InRunning ForPrize PoolRegisteredPlayers LeftChipsBlind LimitsBlinds CurrentNextInStacks LargestAverageSmallest1thekurgon - £73.08 + 15 League Points2bennydip2 - £44.37 + 12 League Points3Dudeskin8 - £31.32 + 10 League Points4rawhand - £26.10 + 8 League Points5pod1 - £20.88 + 6 League Points6dicey1 - £18.27 + 4 League Points7Penny_Less - £15.66 + 3 League Points8HuFlungPu - £13.05 + 2 League Points9Seagull158 - £10.4410BADBOY985 - £7.83Rebuys/Addons available
thanks girls and yes you were unlucky Penny Q against you on the river .. wasn't me though I wouldnt do that to you ) but you played oh so well .. glk for your future games,
bennydip21£75100000 dav19642£500 silentbob3£350 FlashFlush4£250 zxghostxz5£200 PILLOWMAN6£17.500 COCASIRF7£150 phil12uk8£12.500 margatemaf9 0 Kiwini4u10 0 webby23411 0 scrumdown12 0 Grimstar3013 0
Great game well played all ..some lively action and chat was ...umm well fantastic.. railing was superb .. I love an emotional game, and .. this had everything..... If I upset anyone watching then I apologise.....but that's me.... no grey areas .. black or white .. I say it as I see it .. glk all and thanks for the game Sky and all the players GG WP !!
I had to call your small stack Allin bet, my chip stack with AK the river K got you played well all through, your good enough to win tourneys mate ...all you need is TIMING
glk Dave and thank you ..
Top job Benny.....pleased for you m8
My mate's missus has just gone into hospital with 2 black eyes and a broken jaw! It seems they were on different wavelengths when she said she wanted decking on the patio !!
S e x therapist claims that the most effective way to arouse your man is to spend 10 minutes licking his ears!!
Personally I think its bolloxs!!
They reckon that Beer contains female hormones and I think they are right. After 8 pints I talk sh it and can't drive!
Vicar booking into a hotel asks the receptionist "Is the P o rn channel in my room disabled" ? "No" she replies "its just regular p o rn you sick bassa"
A biker goes to the Doctor with hearing problems "Can you describe the symptoms to me"
"Yes.....Homer is a fat yellow lazy bastar and Marge is a skinny bird with big blue hair!!"
glk all Benny !!
Thank you Nova xx (who can ya turn to ?) and everyone else for the posts in this thread..
Well I found this link.....
Covers most UK racing and also tonights (Saturday) Breeders Cup as well as other racing from around the world...All Live...
Can also watch full screen ....ahhhhh thats better ........ lol
FLAPDOODLE1£175.50 + 40 League Points390000 bigbadboss2£102.05 + 36 League Points0 SUPERNOVA3£71.50 + 32 League Points0 welp4£58.50 + 28 League Points0 UDR45£47.45 + 24 League Points0 ken19486£39 + 20 League Points0 charlsef7£32.50 + 16 League Points0 topchipy18£26 + 12 League Points0 haddock2149£19.50 + 8 League Points0 brummie11310£13 + 4 League Points0 CHIN71611£6.50 + 2 League Points0 Hornet8012£6.50 + 2 League Points0 Dubs4Sam13£6.50 + 2 League Points0
Yet again ..NOVA is Super ... You cant keep a good un down .. and SUPERNOVA bounced back to form with a great example of patience and picking a spot .. Laddering into 3rd in an aggressive final ..Good game and well played SUPERNOVA .....
It will say the link is broken but click on the 'suggestion' link it's there ..
enjoy benny
thanks Pod and gg in the Orfordable Saturday nigh ... great game enjoyed every minute
"Comfortably Numb" ??
Great game guys and gals !!
Go Benny! Well done penny too, and all who cashed!