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Lockdown diary/hand discussion



  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited April 2015
    First of all il round up the rest of UKPC 

    played every single event and made 2 min cashes, i didnt run great, but looking back over a few hands and spots made me realise i definitely wasnt playing well, I was playing up to 8 tables at times when generally 6 is my limit and playing 12 hour sessions definitely led to a lot of -ev play on my behalf.. but oh well we live and learn.

    Since then I have been in a weird situation, I have managed a few decent results, but in terms of how i have been running it has been really really brutal, I know thats all part of poker and you have to get used to the swings, but none the less, its still very demoralising when you are going through it.

    I finally decided on my target for the year.. to make more money from MTT's on Sky than I did last year, which keeps it simple enough

    Last year £23,225 

    This year £8,727

    Considering just over a third of this year has gone, and im just over a third of the way towards my target it should be a pretty close thing.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited April 2015
    Confident, you'll smash it.

    You have a great MTT game.

    Do you play on Stars at all?
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited April 2015
    Cheers mate, and yeah i play on there now and again mainly STT's as im not a lover of 9max tournies and 1k+ fields. I dont mind playing the odd turbo/hyper...  
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited April 2015
    Havent updated in over a week, mainly due to me playing far less poker than i would normally. Sometimes normal every day life stuff takes over and you have to put poker on the back burner for a while. I have only Amassed 3500 Poker points so far this month when generally im normally between 7000-8000, so looking to next month Im going to try and really up my workrate..

    played quite a few main events and £55 BH's over the last week or so but no binks and only a few cashes....

    I did have a solid Sunday night though which helped, although I did spew a 2-1 Chip lead in the £55 freezeout which was a bit of a downer especially when looking back over some hand i can see i didnt play optmally. managed to notch up another Roller final table as well which was pleasing although it was pretty annoying as i was down to about 10bbs when we were down to the final 2 tables, and from what i remember it was a very soft final 12 tables so i was pretty disappointed i couldnt get up to a playable stack where i would have fancied my chances of taking it down....

    Last year £23,225

    This year £9,547

  • MilitantGMilitantG Member Posts: 204
    edited April 2015
    Hey Jordz, enjoying the diary. Just a quick question what is your general schedule that you play in order to get 7-8k points?


  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited April 2015
    Congrats on your 5th & 1st in the Main & Mini last night.
  • samantha25samantha25 Member Posts: 1,445
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: Inspiration needed....:
    Congrats on your 5th & 1st in the Main & Mini last night.
    Posted by VespaPX

    Well done Jordan, you boss :) 
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: Inspiration needed....:
    Hey Jordz, enjoying the diary. Just a quick question what is your general schedule that you play in order to get 7-8k points? Cheers.
    Posted by MilitantG

    I'll generally play 

    6pm £22 BH
    7pm £22 BH
    7.45 £11 BH
    8pm Main
    8.30 Mini
    9pm £55 BH
    10.30 £55 BH
    11.15 £22 Times

    I will sometimes miss the odd one out if i have more than 6 going at once,
    If i get to around 8k points then i will play some HUSNG's to make sure i make priority
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: Inspiration needed....:
    Congrats on your 5th & 1st in the Main & Mini last night.
    Posted by VespaPX

    Cheers pal
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: Inspiration needed....:
    In Response to Re: Inspiration needed.... : Well done Jordan, you boss :) 
    Posted by samantha25

    thanks sam :)
  • MilitantGMilitantG Member Posts: 204
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: Inspiration needed....:
    In Response to Re: Inspiration needed.... : I'll generally play  6pm £22 BH 7pm £22 BH 7.45 £11 BH 8pm Main 8.30 Mini 9pm £55 BH 10.30 £55 BH 11.15 £22 Times I will sometimes miss the odd one out if i have more than 6 going at once, If i get to around 8k points then i will play some HUSNG's to make sure i make priority
    Posted by jordz16
    Cheers mate and well done on the jackpot.

    How did the main rebuy FT play out for you?
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: Inspiration needed....:
    In Response to Re: Inspiration needed.... : Cheers mate and well done on the jackpot. How did the main rebuy FT play out for you?
    Posted by MilitantG
    thank you..
    . ermm i arrived as the shortstack with just over 10bbs, and i think the biggest stack only had around 35-40bbs so there wasnt much play to be had, i got a few shoves through to get up to about 15bbs, and then the sb shoved into me and i had A10 so had to call, he had Q10 and flopped the queen, pretty annoying but obviously wasnt meant to be, what i was surprised about was that the main event must have finished way before the mini as when i bust the main I was only down to the final 8 in the mini with average stacks at 30bbs.
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited June 2015
    Been 2 months since i last posted! this year is totally flying by for me, the reason i havent updated in so long is that i havent had anything worth while to report... I took a full 2 weeks off about a month ago to just enjoy my life a bit as I had a pretty stressful month, i went away for a lads weekend, spent a few days visiting family and generally got some much needed rest and recuperation.

    May Summary - first 2 weeks was a big downswing, probably around the 500-750 mark, and the second 2 weeks i didnt really play at all.

    June Summary - lots of near misses, I have had loads of cashes and final tables but just the one win which is dissappointing but compared to last month it was a success.. Also managed to make priority which is rare for me.

    Last year £23,225

    This year £10,786

    so im not really on course for my target this year, but im not too worried as my volume has been down on last year, and i have been playing a few other sites with fairly decent success, although sky is still where i play a majority of my poker.

    my target for next month is pretty simple, enjoy my poker, have fun, be happy and hopefully make some money too.
  • Sky_JPSky_JP Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2015
    In Response to Re: Inspiration needed....:
    Been 2 months since i last posted! this year is totally flying by for me, the reason i havent updated in so long is that i havent had anything worth while to report... I took a full 2 weeks off about a month ago to just enjoy my life a bit as I had a pretty stressful month, i went away for a lads weekend, spent a few days visiting family and generally got some much needed rest and recuperation. May Summary - first 2 weeks was a big downswing, probably around the 500-750 mark, and the second 2 weeks i didnt really play at all. June Summary - lots of near misses, I have had loads of cashes and final tables but just the one win which is dissappointing but compared to last month it was a success.. Also managed to make priority which is rare for me. Last year £23,225 This year £10,786 so im not really on course for my target this year, but im not too worried as my volume has been down on last year, and i have been playing a few other sites with fairly decent success, although sky is still where i play a majority of my poker. my target for next month is pretty simple, enjoy my poker, have fun, be happy and hopefully make some money too.
    Posted by jordz16
    Congrats on hitting Priority Jordz!

    Considering your volume has decreased, you're really not that far off last year!

    Any problems, give me a shout.
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited July 2015
    I dont believe in Karma, Luck, hot streaks or any other coincidences that poker players seem to fixate upon. but in the last 24 hours i had the closest thing i would compare to "Karma"

    Was heads up in the 9pm BH against a certain MTT crusher, i had a slight chip lead, when they were disconnected, they had got disconnected briefly when it was 3 handed also, but managed to sort there connection within a few minutes.... knowing this i decided to  fold every hand for 3/4mins... with the blinds being so high i probably could have taken at least half their stack in this time... eventually they came back,  and i got my AK in against his 1010. Ace on the flop, but then a 10 popped up on the river... so i finished 2nd in what would have been about a 350ish swing for 1st, i felt pretty gutted as i had been on a bit of a downswing this week but such is life...

    anyway today i got a few horse racing tips out of the blue from a friend of mine, so i stuck 20quid on a treble which came n for about £550, now i still dont believe in any of that karma nonsense but it was certainly a very welcome coincidence..

    My target for this month is to hit priority which will be very very hard for me, without the cash accelerator promotion... hopefully Sky offer some sort of points bonus this month to give me a chance!
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited July 2015
    what do they say about buses....

    Friday night  I came very close to my first wins in nearly a month when i finished 2nd in the 7pm £22 BH and the 9pm £55 BH, but I was pretty annoyed as i have spent a lot of time playing Heads up cash and sit and go's to improve that part of my game...

    But then the very next day i played the same 2 tournaments and this time managed to bink them both! which is definitely a big confidence boost as I'm currently a bit behind on my target for this year..

    Hope the run good carries on for tonights session

    Last year £23,225 

    This year £11,945

  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited August 2015
    Nearly a month since my last update.....

    Mtt's went really well managed 4/5 decent wins and lots of final tables, most of those came in the first half of last month.

    I managed to make priority by playing lots of hypers as well as some spin up tables when the points promos were on... i made a few hundred in the hypers and probably lost a few hundred on the spin up tables..

    I will be going to Nottingham to play the 10k priority tourny as well as the 6 max ukpc main event, I havent yet qualified or even tried to sat in so that is my target for this week, if i dont manage to sat in then i will probably treat myself to play the main event anyway, but satting in would definitely be nice!!

    im some way off my target so far this year and really need to take down one of the big main events sharpish!

    Last year £23,225 

    This year £12,887
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited August 2015
    see you in Notts mate just bink the main and take rest of year off easy game :)

  • alex1229alex1229 Member Posts: 680
    edited August 2015
    Hey Jordz was good to meet you and have you on the table, some good banter! Those free beers though...fml

  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited September 2015
    Just realised its been just over a year since i started this and although i dont really update it anywhere near as regularly as i should, I think it is helpful tool in battling complacency. It has been a good year for me, although I wouldnt say great, Im behind on my target for the year pokerwise but I have had a few more disractions this year than i had previously... I have invested in a small Business in my home town just to give myself something to put my time into which doesnt involve poker or gambling.. 
        I recently attended the UKPC and although I never cashed in any events I did enjoy it and it has given me the impetus to want to play a lot more live poker.(My target is to play 4 big live events next year).  A lot of talk about an upcoming UKOPS and it couldnt come at a better time for me, I will clear my Diary and play as many events as possible and hopefully I can bink a couple of events and Hit my yearly target in the process!.

    Last year £23,225 

    This year £15,321
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