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Lockdown diary/hand discussion



  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited November 2015
    In Response to Re: Inspiration needed....:
    Good read, what would you say has taught you most to beat MTTS? Volume, Books, videos, forums? 
    Posted by ALTiltYou

    thats a tough one, ive never watched that many vidoes so id rule that one out, My initial thought would be volume but even the volume is pointless if you are never learning and improving, The only book which has notably improved my game straight away was the mental game of poker books. Forums are a great way to stay focused, set goals and seek inspiration from others. The way I think ive improved most is from looking over my own hands and hands good mtt players have played against me and just looking for mistakes i have made or how i can learn to implement the things that other people are doing to me
  • HaveaA1DayHaveaA1Day Member Posts: 203
    edited November 2015
    Enjoyed reading your backstory mate, didn't know you had a diary. About posting hh's what you need to do is log in with the web client go to hand history find the hand, then just copy+paste it in here and should work. Nearly forgot congrats on your scores
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited November 2015
    jumijumi Small blind   80.00 80.00 10095.00
    pete1 Big blind   160.00 240.00 9840.00
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 2
    SweetLeaf Raise   320.00 560.00 9015.00
    TheDart Fold        
    BrayCorp83 Call   320.00 880.00 13225.00
    jordz16 Raise   900.00 1780.00 8985.00
    jumijumi Fold        
    pete1 Fold        
    SweetLeaf Call   580.00 2360.00 8435.00
    BrayCorp83 Call   580.00 2940.00 12645.00
    • K
    • 3
    • 3
    SweetLeaf Check        
    BrayCorp83 Check        
    jordz16 Bet   1175.00 4115.00 7810.00
    SweetLeaf Fold        
    BrayCorp83 Raise   2750.00 6865.00 9895.00
    jordz16 Call   1575.00 8440.00 6235.00
    • A
    BrayCorp83 Bet   1440.00 9880.00 8455.00
    jordz16 Raise   3200.00 13080.00 3035.00
    BrayCorp83 Call   1760.00 14840.00 6695.00
    • 8
    BrayCorp83 Check        
    jordz16 Check        
    BrayCorp83 Show
    • 10
    • Q
    jordz16 Muck
    • 10
    • 2
    BrayCorp83 Win Pair of 3s 14840.00   21535.00

    I hope this has copied correctly?? i dunno if i was right to give up on the river, i was 99% sure i was being bluffed on the flop, but then when my raise got called on my hand i couldnt think of any hands that would now fold the river (obviously i was wrong about that) but for such a small amount should i be shoving any river when i have already invested so many chips?
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited April 2020
    I was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of how to post hands on the forum? I’ve got a bit more spare time on my hands since lockdown so I’m going to try and update this diary and discuss a few tough spots I’ve been in lately. I have no real goals and zero levels of commitment for how long il be actively posting but it will likely be until there’s some proper sport on tv to get stuck into. Until then I’m trying to improve my MTT game which has gone a bit stale over the past 2 years due to a lack of volume.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143
    jordz16 said:

    I was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of how to post hands on the forum? I’ve got a bit more spare time on my hands since lockdown so I’m going to try and update this diary and discuss a few tough spots I’ve been in lately. I have no real goals and zero levels of commitment for how long il be actively posting but it will likely be until there’s some proper sport on tv to get stuck into. Until then I’m trying to improve my MTT game which has gone a bit stale over the past 2 years due to a much decreased lack of volume.

    Paging @mumsie, paging @mumsie
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,143

    You are a ledge @mumsie

    Thank you.
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    Much appreciated :) I will get a couple of hands posted up shortly
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    sjl1973Small blind60.0060.0010725.00
    scotty77Big blind120.00180.005120.00
    Your hole cards
    • 8
    • 7
    • 6
    • Q
    • 10
    • 3
    • 2
    • 10
    • 8
    • 8
    • 7
    MissgrayWinPair of 10s6380.0011720.00

    i was very unsure what to do on the river here. i think preflop is standard, on the flop i will be flatting a majority of the time, with occasional 3bets chucked in, but given this was an opponent i was unaware of then check-calling seemed optimal, on the turn i was fairly sure i had to bet to fold out the air hands that would still be beating me, and also fold out a few lower pairs, once i get the call on the turn i can rule out most Qx hands as they will likely have bet the turn, if the opponent is quite loose then Aj/Ak are possible hands as well as a few 10x and small pairs (although i felt 10x and smaller pairs may have adopted a check/call strategy on the flop). the river changes nothing and even now im still not sure whether its a shove or not, i still fold out some smaller pairs and 10x hands, but given no obvious draws got there then many players will feel compelled to call even with as little as AK in this spot as apart from aq/q10 and sets there isn't many hands id be shoving for value.
  • cabbazcabbaz Member Posts: 36
    I think once you bet turn you have to jam river. You have the worst hand you could possibly have. You don't block any of his better high card diamond calls on the turn. You don't block any of his AK, KJ, AJ which will likely fold v river jam. Seems like a perfect bluff candidate.

    However, I'm not sure I'd have made it to this point. Going back to preflop, I'm not sure the flat is great off 24bb, I think you're a bit short to realise enough equity with low suited connector hands and not doing particularly well against UTG range. The only time I'm calling pre is if both blinds are terrible (which they aren't in this case).

    Flop call is also close imo, you're basically drawing to 4 outs, and even then they're not exactly clean when UTG should have all KJs combos. Don't blame you for floating v a less than half pot sizing though.

    Being nitpicky, I would bet a bit smaller on turn. There really aren't that many air hands that can fold, he's going to be continuing with a lot of broadways which beat your hand, and smaller pocket pairs are not going to be making up a significant portion of his range (especially given he opened UTG). I think it's cheaper and more efficient to bet like a quarter to a third and clear out the air, without investing too much money with a hand as bad as you have. With stronger made hands, and draws with more equity, I would choose a larger size.

    Then on riv, as played seems fine. Sick call by villain.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    Preflop: Would have seemed like a standard call a few years ago with a suited connector and our stack depth - at most stack depths - we are getting a fantastic price and only need to win the hand 25% of the time to make the call profitable.

    I think the call fine is pre, but totally understand cabbaz viewpoint as well.

    Flop: We are drawing to the dummy end of the straight, don't especially like calling here to unclean outs. Would like a fold>raise>call.

    Turn as Cabbaz said can go smaller with bluff and like the river jam as played.

  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    Cheers for the input, I agree the turn bet could have been smaller, my thinking at the time was that it was a draw heavy board so if I am repping top pair/higher then I would likely go slightly bigger than standard. But looking back 1/3 pot probably does the same job here 9 times out of 10

    I’d much rather defend this hand pre flop against an early position raise than a late position raise. UTG is unlikely to have any dominating 7/8s where as a mid/late raiser would likely have lots, therefore the hand plays much better against a strong tight range and il likely be much more sure of where I am at, I also felt like the blinds would be less likely to squeeze light v a UTG raiser so I’d get more chance to flop some decent equity in a multi way pot.
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited April 2020
    chriscardySmall blind7000.007000.00725663.26
    jordz16Big blind14000.0021000.00601174.55
    Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 8
    • 7
    • Q
    • 8
    • 8
    • 10
    • 10
    • 10
    • 9
    • 8
    MattBatesWinFull House, 10s and 8s559000.001117734.39

    I think this one was my worst played hand of last nights session.

    looking back im ok calling pre, im ok with the flop call but i feel i really should have donked the turn, id expect Matt to check back nearly all hands bar ak, aq and any 8s, as its a terrible card for him to continue with air, but if i lead i can rep air, a draw, or an 8 so i think i lost a lot of value there.

    then on the river im ok with the lead size but i just think i have to fold to the raise, at the time every fibre of my being was saying i was beat but i just couldnt help pressing call on the last second of the timebar, with a clear head there just isn't a single hand i can beat or a single bluff in his range. it was obviously very hard to put him on 1010 but he could have easily had the straight
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    away from hand discussion last night was the first night in about 2-3 years where i played 6 MTTs, when i played full time 6 used to be a standard night but these days ive been much more comfortable with 3-4 so it was good to be able to get away from my comfort zone even if it led to a few sub optimal calls at times.

    Ive never been someone who overly enjoys playing poker but i have always enjoyed learning/competing/risk taking and poker ticks those boxes for me, so whilst under lockdown my targets are to up my volume to 4-5 nights a week rather than my current 1-2 and to play 6MTTs per evening rather than my normal 2-4, if i can manage to stay disciplined enough to keep that going for the next 4-8 weeks il be very happy.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Good to see this thread back Jordz
    It’s always helpful to see how the best players think their way through hands

    Good luck
  • chrisdonkbchrisdonkb Member Posts: 133
    Can’t see suits as I’m on my phone so ignore me if there is a 3 flush or something on the board but I’ll chip in my 2 cents....

    Play pre and flop the same.
    Turn feels like a mandatory lead vs a reg who imo just isn’t going to barrel that wide. As you said he’s going to x/back a significant portion of his range on the turn. You can attack his 6 outer combos that are betting once, set up the double barrell vs his value with our 8x and protect our gutters/open enders that didn’t x/raise flop.

    River I’m just bet/folding, some nits don’t bluff @MattBates
    I probably size up a little bit on the river with your hand as I would do with bluffs targeting Qx but am interested to hear your thoughts on it.

  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253

    Can’t see suits as I’m on my phone so ignore me if there is a 3 flush or something on the board but I’ll chip in my 2 cents....

    Play pre and flop the same.
    Turn feels like a mandatory lead vs a reg who imo just isn’t going to barrel that wide. As you said he’s going to x/back a significant portion of his range on the turn. You can attack his 6 outer combos that are betting once, set up the double barrell vs his value with our 8x and protect our gutters/open enders that didn’t x/raise flop.

    River I’m just bet/folding, some nits don’t bluff @MattBates
    I probably size up a little bit on the river with your hand as I would do with bluffs targeting Qx but am interested to hear your thoughts on it.

    yeah i certainly think there are merits to a bigger river bet, and if i had bet bigger it would have increased my chances of folding to the reraise. i don't think there was too much logic to my river sizing as i was still annoyed at myself for checking the turn
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    Saturday was a profitable night where i played poorly but ran really well, Sunday was a losing night where i played really well but ran very poorly, not sure which one of those is more annoying?
    DAVEMCDAIDSmall blind150.00150.008944.38
    PRhack93Big blind300.00450.0017126.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    • Q
    • J
    • 4
    • 3
    • K
    • 4
    • 4
    • A
    • A
    PRhack93WinThree 4s35002.0035002.00

    this was a frustrating hand for me, the player in question had Check raised me on the flop an orbit before, they bet the turn and then checked the river with rags.. this was playing on my mind throughout this hand as i felt its very unlikely hes going to try and bluff me twice in the same way, yet i cannot fold aces on the flop to a check raise otherwise il be incredibly exploitable long term, once i called the flop i feel i have to call the turn given that all the draws have missed. when he bets the river i do feel like i am beat and at the time i felt i should have folded, but given the flush draw has missed, and that JQ may not shove in this spot and that JJ and QQ would likely have 3bet pre then 44 is one of the few hands im losing to, id be interested to hear how others would have proceeded in this spot?

  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    Hey Jordz, missed this diary first time round, some really interesting stuff in here, both life stuff and hand reviews.

    It's annoying when the draws miss but your gut tells you not to call it off! Ace of clubs is a bad card for you to hold there though isn't it?

    Blocking AT that might raise flop, so T9 or 44 most likely value?

    Other than spanners I don't see many bluffs by the river (unlikely to turn KT into bluff?).

    Having said that I can't spot many combos of bluff or value haha! Tough one for me for sure.
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