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Kags challenge



  • _kagawa__kagawa_ Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2015

    Thanks rainman and 67bhoys.

    Day 2     Played 3     w3

    Br :  € 28.20


  • _kagawa__kagawa_ Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2015
    Day 3

    2 x £ 1.05   won 2
                        lost 0                      BR =  € 30.88

    Have not got the time to put in any sort of volume at the minute but I am hoping to do a few decent sessions next week. But for the time being I am happy with my progress. Sometimes i think the more i play the less focused i am, so might not be a bad thing at the minute.


  • _kagawa__kagawa_ Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Kags challenge:
    Wishing all my luck your way Kagawa! Look forward to reading. Ger
    Posted by gerardirl
    Ger i am very sorry for the loss of your friend, i am thinking of you at this time.

    Rip silve
  • _kagawa__kagawa_ Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2015
    Day 4 played 1 x £1.05  w1

    day 5 played 1 x £1.05 w1

    day 6 played 9 x £1.05 w3 L6
                       1 x £2.10 w1                  Current br  €27

    Slow progress but just finding my feet a bit at the minute.
    Cant wait for the weekend to give it a good go. Think my record for sng in a day is around 50 or so, will be aiming for that on sat and sun to hopefully get this thing moving in the right direction.   

    Not a great night tonight obviously but I don't pay too much attention to that, you get runs like that played some decent players in that group of 10 games so not too worried. Had a visit from the champ himself played well too beat me as usual.
    GG AJ and please don't come back, ;)

    Later folks


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited August 2015

    The very best of luck with this Jim.

    As you say, persistence is key, just keep doing the right things, & that overcomes the variance. Not that I'm in any position to give you advice, of course.

    You won't be getting a donation from me, that's for sure. I know a better player when I see one.

    Hope the new job is going well.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Kags challenge:
    Day 1       Played :  8 x £ 1.05 hu                                   won 4                                lost  4            br € 24.10 In a strange kind of way even though not the greatest of starts I am happy with that, played no where near my best, mixture of tiredness  and high expectations I suppose from starting this challenge. Had some nice messages of support from some of the hilo dym regs which is nice as sometimes being a hu player you are a bit isolated. Even had a vote of confidence from footsie66 who is my mentor in hu he just doesn't know it:). Been watching his games for 2 years and have learnt everything I know about this form of the game from him. Surprisingly it has been more about the mental side of the game than the normal abc stuff. He is a class act and you never know he might even contribute here if any newbies or anyone in general have any questions about hu hilo. Laters Kags
    Posted by _kagawa_
    +1 to all that about footsie66.

    Hard to think of a better player & a nicer bloke. Genuine class act, & plays the game in exactly the right spirit. I've watched him time & time again, & I still can't quite see what he does that sets him apart from the rest of us. Maybe he drinks Carling.
  • _kagawa__kagawa_ Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Kags challenge:
    The very best of luck with this Jim. As you say, persistence is key, just keep doing the right things, & that overcomes the variance. Not that I'm in any position to give you advice, of course. You won't be getting a donation from me, that's for sure. I know a better player when I see one. Hope the new job is going well.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Better player hu prob ,better player in general, def not.
    You and ger are untouchable at dyms hilo, and of course the queen of hilo herself, the one that eats a lot.

    Laters Kags
  • _kagawa__kagawa_ Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2015
    Day 7 played 17 x £1.05   w12  L5 

         BR = € 34 

    Happy enough with the way I am playing. Probably could have played better,  but I am realistic to know even if you are playing your A game every time this is pretty much as good as it gets in a hu session.

    Some people are probably reading and thinking this bloke is raving he is never getting to €1000 playing £1 and 2 hilo hu,
    well I assure you folks I will.

    I plan hitting the £2.10 stakes when my bankroll is able to take it, not quite sure when that is, as I have not worked it out yet, but I imagine around the €60 mark. And when there you could potentially have a £30 + night. But anyhow wont speak too much about that now will make up my mind first what my target is to move up. I will keep ye posted. Riveting innit.

    Just a quick shout out to a long term plopper Churchy18 , fwiw I think you do an amazing job on the league thingy, and in my own opinion a great deal for our game in general, hilo that is your a questionable holdem player :).
    Keep it up wont be joining you because as you know I am a horrendous tournay player.

    Laters Kags 
  • _kagawa__kagawa_ Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2015
    day 8

    Played 16 x £1.05     W9 L7

    BR €35.66

    Had a run of 5 loses in a row in there which can be pretty demoralising, and in the past would have led me to jump up stakes. This time I just kept my focus and won the next 6 from 8.


  • _kagawa__kagawa_ Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2015
    day 9

    Played 31 x £1.05     w18  L13

    Br € 40.47

    Played over 60 odd games over the last 3 days and not much to show for it, but I am still heading in the right direction which is good. There was a stage today when I was wondering if I am going to able to keep this up but I read garyqqq story that he posted in another thread earlier and it gave inspiration to keep on track. And you never know someday my diary might do the same for someone else, we will see.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited August 2015

    It's like the early stages of a marathon, Jim, the finishing line seems so far away, but once you get to £100, it will seem a lot easier.  
  • _kagawa__kagawa_ Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Kags challenge:
    It's like the early stages of a marathon, Jim, the finishing line seems so far away, but once you get to £100, it will seem a lot easier.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Thanks for the encouragement.
  • _kagawa__kagawa_ Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2015
    Day 10

    Played 8  W6 L2

    BR  €45.30
  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited September 2015
    Not too bad so far Kags

    Question for you.

    As you know i have been dabbling a little in these. What sort of roi % would you be looking in these.

  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited September 2015
    Good progress Kag, keep it up.

  • _kagawa__kagawa_ Member Posts: 156
    edited September 2015

    Thanks  very  much Ger and Stu.

    Stuarty I am not the best person to answer this, I am not really up on all that stuff, But I will do my best with an answer.

    Top hu grinders           18-20%     avg roi that is. ( Aint that something)
    Winning hu grinders     7-8 %       which is where I would like to think I am

    My sharkscope for sng says 5.2% but this includes all the Dyms that I have played and I have lost more than my share of those over time. Hope this answers your question. If I am wrong on this I stand corrected, and if anyone has other views please share.  



  • _kagawa__kagawa_ Member Posts: 156
    edited September 2015
    Day 11

    played 5 x £1.05    W3 L2

    BR  € 44.90

    Quite night for me watching sky sports transfer centre, happy de gea stays not sure what way his mindset will be for rest of the year though. Looking forward to seeing this new kid the new henry they reckon, if he gets anywhere near the goal he will just handball it in. :)

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited September 2015

    How is the new job going Jim?

    Must say, those results are impressive. How many HU SNG's can you play at the same time & still maintain your win rate?
  • _kagawa__kagawa_ Member Posts: 156
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Kags challenge:
    How is the new job going Jim? Must say, those results are impressive. How many HU SNG's can you play at the same time & still maintain your win rate?
    Posted by Tikay10
    Job going well thanks. I mostly only play 1 at a time, just find that works best for me.

  • _kagawa__kagawa_ Member Posts: 156
    edited September 2015
    Day 12

    Played 4x £1.05   W4  L0

    BR €50.09
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