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What database apps on Sky are forbidden, and which permitted?



  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: What database apps on Sky are forbidden, and which permitted?:
    last time rosie and i chatted about numbers she went on to win the super roller. underestimate at our peril.  overestimate at our peril. best avoided.   ;-)  
    Posted by aussie09
    think you should have an opt in and not just you deciding to do it.

    will you remove mine as well please aussie thanks
  • raggy94raggy94 Member Posts: 166
    edited February 2016
    Does anyone know if there is any way of opting out of Sharkscope if you are on leaderboard? The just seems to be a dead link.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: What database apps on Sky are forbidden, and which permitted?:
    Does anyone know if there is any way of opting out of Sharkscope if you are on leaderboard? The just seems to be a dead link.
    Posted by raggy94
    Hi Raqgy,

    Yes, it's simple to opt out of Sharkscope, & you can do it yourself;

    Go to their site, then OPTIONS (Top Right) & you will see "Opt In" & "Opt Out". There's a little form to fill in, (Alias & e-Mail addy), click "SUBMIT" & that's it, job done.
  • raggy94raggy94 Member Posts: 166
    edited February 2016
    Thanks for responding Tikay,

    I just get an error message saying 'player is on one or more leaderboards' when i try that.

    It's not really a big deal or anything, I'll just try resist the urge to look.

    Thanks again.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2016
    Raggy if you're on the leaderboard you can't opt out manually, email this address and ask to be opted out of all leaderboards, then you will be able to opt in and out manually by completing the little form so can still check your results.
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: What database apps on Sky are forbidden, and which permitted?:
    Hi Aussie I think the work you put into these stats is awesome - and scarey at the same time lol. I personally would prefer my username NOT to appear in your database please.  It's bad enough that I know my own stats - I wouldn't want to depress myself further by keep being able to look it up. So can you please remove my stats from the database?  I've opted out of sharkscope but can't find this option on your site to click. Please don't be offended - I think your database is great - but I would prefer not to be part of it.
    Posted by IrishRose

    hi rose,

    i have been working over the past few days to achieve this.  i am pleased to say that i can do what you ask and more now.

    as the first one, i have given you a private HERO Card webpage.  only you can see your stats.  it is password protected.  you just need to let me know by PM what password you would like set.  you can then try it out and see whether you find it helpful.

    if you go to and select HERO and from the drop down list you will see "Personal".  Your totally private HERO Card is number 2.

    for everyone else, i have developed the website to provide 4 options.  you can see these under the Hero tab if you select "Options".


  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited February 2016
    Great thread - and one that has stayed very well mannered throughtout with somediffereing opinions - so well done all on that :-)

    My POV - well - I will not lie - Rob's site gets me to play more - This year I started looking at the site more and thought - why am I not up there? could I ever get there?  Seen that volume was key so gave it a go - playing 4/5 mtt's at once on my poker nights.  Despite me posting saying my news years res was to play less!! ooops

    Won a few mtt's and boom I am up there - got to 46th - was over the moon :-)

    I use for me - just me - oh and to take P out of my mate as i am "better" than him ;-)  Yes now there is a charge to it - people do not like - why?  Jealousy is my bet there!  No one has complained for over a year - now as soon as there is an option to pay for some different features people think its bad?

    Fo the record - I signed up but did not pay - I still get access to my stats but not the hero cards.  Boom win for me as I can still see me and the top 100 players (Brag - still in top 100) 

    Good luck to Rob - I really hope he continues to put in all this work and effort that many benefit for FREE.  Ok if it IS now a business - is a grey area - maybe he no longer posts in community pages and just on the FB page etc.  His posts on here, in my opinion, are only results etc in general - same as the mtt page by Gary.  

    Maybe Rob will stop posting a link and just the results?  He is very generous to have an opt out - but fact of the matter is - If I wanted too - I could still go and get that data myself on that player without too much trouble.

    Best of luck with all - interesting read

  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: I thought HUDs on Sky were forbidden:
    In Response to Re: I thought HUDs on Sky were forbidden : That's a good post Craig, but to be fair, Gelders never actually referenced Aussie09's site, I just suspected that was the case, especially as several pointed remarks were made yesterday by others. If I have jumped to the wrong conclusion, my apologies go to Geldy, but it seems to me the subject needed airing, this was a boil waiting to be pr....pri....pric..... - well you get my drift. There is, of course, no correlation at all between a HUD & a player database site such as Sharkscope, or Rob's site.   Sky Poker remain vigorously anti HUD & all other similar third party software which runs in game.   
    Posted by Tikay10

    Did you mean to say lanced?

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited February 2016

    Ah yes, THAT was the word I was looking for.
  • suzy666suzy666 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: What database apps on Sky are forbidden, and which permitted?:
    - I could still go and get that data myself on that player without too much trouble. Posted by Nuggy962
    how? players can opt out of sharkscope and until recently know one was processing sky tournament data.

    I have been away and have been meaning to post some thoughts on this.

    It wasn't so long ago that our sky ambassador TK was unhappy in a sharkscope thread when he stated 'they just take it' but somehow is in favour of aussies site despite sky being a non-software site.

    Nuggy has touched on aussies failure to abide by sky forum guidelines including inflammatory posts (see 'poker whale') and now advertising a third party site for profit.

    as usual sky haven't been proactive in making it clear what is allowed. I asked customer services to look at the poker whale thread and well....if my name was on that list I'd have exploded!

    Aussie was asked some time ago by some to opt out but has only provided the option in the last day or 2.
    why do I need to give you my email to opt out?
    how do I know that a member wont received my stats when they've paid?
    there is no regulation.

    Aussie takes the tournament thread data and processes it, did he ever ask the community or sky if it was ok to do this?

    his avatar is quite apt really.

    personally this doesn't affect me much, but I have strong feelings on the matter. if I was a top player, I wouldn't want all the newbs knowing I was the best and visa versa.
    IMO the tournament thread data should be stopped and all links to aussies site removed, and if any are posted, their forum rights removed.

  • preparedprepared Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2016
    Hiya Aussie, 

     I have no idea what this 'herocard' is, but I would prefer it if my stats were not recorded and/or reported.

    Kind Regards in advance


  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2016
    suzy, if i was a top player i would want my stats out there.

    winners generate interest in games. i dont even play on sky and when aussie released the cards of people like mattbates and divsdreams i was like a kid looking over football stats. it made me want to jump into mtts.

    the worst thing regs can do for their games is block stats and hide their winnings. recreationals will flock to games where there are big winners and want to play with people who have a big name or reputation.

    now again i was one of the most critical of aussies 'whale' and 'bully' threads, but the idea of hero cards, presenting the data that is already out there in a cool and user friendly way is a boss way for sky and the regs to generate interest in games. all the data is already out there. aussie has no back-door into sky. he merely collates the results from lobbies then goes to work in producing some really cool data.

    that data will have some at the table usefulness. but nothing in the same catagory of a HUD or HH database.

    but really it is just a cool and unique service that people shouldnt worry about, certainly not regs. they should be praying for people to be able to see their success and hope that people take an iterest in their games. sky should hope the site catches interest from outside the skypoker community too.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited February 2016

    Some of us, maybe irrationally I admit, don't like the idea that our opponents, and others, can pay to get more information about our poker playing. They are able to access information that has been mined that they otherwise would not know. In the past we have discussed this on the forum and there have been some people who feel that this should not be available, and that players should have to opt in to enable that to occur.

    However we now have the situation whereby this information is being provided to anyone who is willing to pay for it. That everyone is included unless they know enough about it to opt out. And SkyPoker is happy to allow it to be promoted through its community on its main poker forum. 
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited February 2016
    I've not been happy about this for a while. But given that many here were appreciative of the aussie service that was being provided free, and aussie himself was doing a lot of work to provide it, I did my best to bite my tongue.

    But now it's turned into a commercial service, and others have raised their  concerns, i felt it was behoven on me to speak up. I do think SkyPoker needs to say what types of commercial databases they are happy to have promoted on the forum and which not. And then we can decide whether we are willing to play here based on that. 

    It's not personal, i think Aussie's done a lot of great work, but it just seems to have become too intrusive. 
  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2016
    fair enough, if you are uncomfortable then its a problem for you.

    sky could if they wanted prevent sharkscope from publishing data, they could also bar aussie.

    i'd argue they wont as it is great publicity. its called graph-**** for a reason. look at any pgc thread over over on 2+2 and the most common request off people is for graphs. aussie's site promotes skypoker.

    he doesnt direct anyone specifically to the paywall, provides the juiciest hero cards that generate most interest and positive publicity for free [that of the crushers] and the whole thing seems like a labour of love. you sky peeps should be properly buzzing that such a service exists for you and the site.

    any MTT regs should welcome the postive interest in your games his site will generate.

    sky should promote the site for him.

  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: What database apps on Sky are forbidden, and which permitted?:
    I do think SkyPoker needs to say what types of commercial databases they are happy to have promoted on the forum and which not. And then we can decide whether we are willing to play here based on that. 
    Posted by GELDY
    well you can go to stars which prevent scope from displaying results unless you opt-in.

    unfortunately it is the most extensively data-mined site out there.

    and it allows all manner of 3rd party software. you'll be playing against people like me who have screens like this when grinding:

    other sites are stricter on 3rd party software but allow sharkscope to promote their site by displaying results.

    888 recently went back on their policy of not allowing scope to collate results.

    gl finding a site with a HUD-less enviroment, boss community and safe, reliable and fast payouts. sky has a lock on that triumvirate.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited February 2016
    Luckily for me i prefer playing live. Nice 3 way chop today as well. I can live without online poker if i have to. I'd rather not as i rather like sky but I'm happy to make my decision around the pros and cons of playing on sky based on what the environment is like. 
  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2016
    yeah i often wonder if online just attracts a slightly different type of poker player.

    i personally doubt i'd enjoy live poker nearly as much. i'm a stat freak and enjoy having a database and numbers to play around with. it adds significantly to my enjoyment as much as anything.

    i know a few live players who simply are not into online poker, and never will be.

    two totally different beasts.
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: What database apps on Sky are forbidden, and which permitted?:
    In Response to Re: What database apps on Sky are forbidden, and which permitted? : think you should have an opt in and not just you deciding to do it. will you remove mine as well please aussie thanks
    Posted by churchy18
    yes, done yesterday mate.  good luck.

  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: What database apps on Sky are forbidden, and which permitted?:
    Great thread - and one that has stayed very well mannered throughtout with somediffereing opinions - so well done all on that :-) My POV - well - I will not lie - Rob's site gets me to play more - This year I started looking at the site more and thought - why am I not up there? could I ever get there?  Seen that volume was key so gave it a go - playing 4/5 mtt's at once on my poker nights.  Despite me posting saying my news years res was to play less!! ooops Won a few mtt's and boom I am up there - got to 46th - was over the moon :-) I use for me - just me - oh and to take P out of my mate as i am "better" than him ;-)  Yes now there is a charge to it - people do not like - why?  Jealousy is my bet there!  No one has complained for over a year - now as soon as there is an option to pay for some different features people think its bad? Fo the record - I signed up but did not pay - I still get access to my stats but not the hero cards.  Boom win for me as I can still see me and the top 100 players (Brag - still in top 100)  Good luck to Rob - I really hope he continues to put in all this work and effort that many benefit for FREE.  Ok if it IS now a business - is a grey area - maybe he no longer posts in community pages and just on the FB page etc.  His posts on here, in my opinion, are only results etc in general - same as the mtt page by Gary.   Maybe Rob will stop posting a link and just the results?  He is very generous to have an opt out - but fact of the matter is - If I wanted too - I could still go and get that data myself on that player without too much trouble. Best of luck with all - interesting read
    Posted by Nuggy962
    thanks for your comments nuggy. 

    it makes me play more on sky poker too.

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