Came down for a few hours to keep the reprobates happy unfortunately misty and mattprawn went out. Was great to catch up with old and new players alike. Thanks for the laughs it was fun and meeting the sky poker crew and chatting with Mr C. Shame couldn't have stayed longer but was just what the Dr ordered. For everyone still in the competition run golden all and good luck. Sky have out done themselves yet again. Well done to them and also all the staff at Dtd. Looking forward to the updates.
In Response to Re: Blog: Sky Poker £1m GTD UKPC Main Event Day Ones : I know you are all busy guys but any chance on an update on the lovely Claire008? x Posted by debscom18
just seen a 300,000 pot Mick Fletcher from blackpool with KK chris scholes with Aces Osman Mstanglou with Aces all 3 in pre flop, fletcher has 4 bet shoved from the blinds and got called in both spots, as you would K-Q-9-7-5, fletcher knocks out mustanglou and virtually triples up Posted by SPT
Rigged for action.
Gl to Sky guys heading into day 2, good to see various faces last night, old and new.
your still the hero of our little micro stake players team well done Claire were proud of you well done. hope you enjoyed your day and well done to sky poker for giving so many players the chance to get there. .
your still the hero of our little micro stake players team well done Claire were proud of you well done. hope you enjoyed your day and well done to sky poker for giving so many players the chance to get there. . Posted by dumb_blond
I think I can put in a raise on Ric's post in that I got farcically lost in Nottingham, having come in on the 'wrong side' instead of from the M1. After crossing a lot of the city and asking various locals without success I found myself in a Mcdonalds and was by this time pleading with the staff for directions. The manageress was very nice and took pity on me and was saying 'the lads will all know where the casino is'. But then they went all coy and started making excuses - one guy even started claiming he was from Darby, never heard a group of lads go so quiet! Finally she asked some customers and came up with some good advice which was to head for B&Q.
Well I got there only to find myself in a very repititive loop between the B&Q shopping centre and the industrial estate where a lot of lorries park. All I can say is Nottingham has a lot of one way roads and being old skool I haven't embraced satnav...
By the time I rocked up about an hour and a half late I was pretty well stressed. Not really the start you want in your first live tournament.
But things got a lot better when I found out I was playing with MattPrawn and TimmyRaRa and they both made me feel very welcome. Mind you it didn't stop Matt from cracking my Aces by making his flush and Timmy beating me set on set in what was a defining hand for both of us .
Next time I will buy a Satnav and get some live play practice in!
Seriously thanks Matt and Tim and GL Tim for Sunday!!!
Very well done Claire hope you had a great time. Rafa didn't realise you were on Matty's table or would have said Hi. Any chance of an update or Chris Cunliffe and pokey please. For all those playing today extra gl and run golden. I thought Dtd was packed in august for the ukpc then, but this time it was rammed to the rafters. Posted by Darkangel7
Martin Bader 240,000
Ngoc Nguyen 230,000
Tristan Chaplin 210,000
Tomasz Caba 210,000
rob jackson 200,000
paul green 200,000
Xiaoyang Luo 190,000
we are just approaching the last level of the day with 209 left
blinds are now 1500-3000 and average is 119,000
so its a make or break level
Kuly Sidhu 230,000
Imran Ladaak 160,000
daniel parsonage 135,000
Tomasz Zi�lkowski 130,000
joe townsend 130,000
Mohammed Ifzail 130,000
ross clark 120,000
marc wright 115,000
alex spencer 110,000
tony robisnon 110,000
andrew garland 100,000
150 were in the second flight so i make it 988 entries total
will put chip counts up for the first flight in due course, then the second flight in the morning
Mick Fletcher from blackpool with KK
chris scholes with Aces
Osman Mstanglou with Aces
all 3 in pre flop, fletcher has 4 bet shoved from the blinds and got called in both spots, as you would
K-Q-9-7-5, fletcher knocks out mustanglou and virtually triples up
Gl to Sky guys heading into day 2, good to see various faces last night, old and new.
hope you enjoyed your day and well done to sky poker for giving so many players the chance to get there. .
+1 very well played
I think I can put in a raise on Ric's post in that I got farcically lost in Nottingham, having come in on the 'wrong side' instead of from the M1. After crossing a lot of the city and asking various locals without success I found myself in a Mcdonalds and was by this time pleading with the staff for directions. The manageress was very nice and took pity on me and was saying 'the lads will all know where the casino is'. But then they went all coy and started making excuses - one guy even started claiming he was from Darby, never heard a group of lads go so quiet! Finally she asked some customers and came up with some good advice which was to head for B&Q.
Well I got there only to find myself in a very repititive loop between the B&Q shopping centre and the industrial estate where a lot of lorries park. All I can say is Nottingham has a lot of one way roads and being old skool I haven't embraced satnav...
By the time I rocked up about an hour and a half late I was pretty well stressed. Not really the start you want in your first live tournament.
But things got a lot better when I found out I was playing with MattPrawn and TimmyRaRa and they both made me feel very welcome. Mind you it didn't stop Matt from cracking my Aces by making his flush and Timmy beating me set on set in what was a defining hand for both of us
Next time I will buy a Satnav and get some live play practice in!
Seriously thanks Matt and Tim and GL Tim for Sunday!!!
All in all it was a very interesting experience.
pokey2011 he went out last night,