aint it strange that some of the higher stakes players give out some of the vilest abuse , i remember a couple of years ago that a top player on sky used to abuse regulary , not seen him for ages now tho , wonder where he is . anyway well done for ignoring them , you,ll come good marky just stick at it Posted by stokefc
Thanks Stoke!
Yeah, I think there is something especially worse with HU games. Maybe people feel more pressured in a mental 1v1 battle. Had much the same again today although not just as vile.
I guess it means you are getting to your opponent which long term has to be a good thing
Hope you have plenty run good in your games Stoke.
Sunday morning and chilling out for a while so seemed like a plan to do a few updates here...
Real life stuff: Last uni assessment handed in, last classes attended and just a couple of exams to do on the 18th & 19th April at which point I will cease to be a 'mature student'. Cannot wait and feel great that I will be able to close that chapter in life and will have seen it through the 4 years of studying and came out the other end!
As mentioned previously I laid my 16 year old car to rest 6 weeks ago. Was starting to get loads of problems with it so I was really happy to get the 'newer' one and was looking forward to trouble free motoring, for a while at least. Within the first 4 weeks the front suspension coil snapped though and although it is still under warranty it meant a couple of days without a car.
Then yesterday I went to start it and the battery was flat as a pancake. I hadn't left anything on so although I gave it a push start and got it going, I was worried as the problem had not been identified. Went to start it this morning and yup, battery was as flat as a pancake again! Will need to get it into the dealer again this week. So much for the trouble free motoring.
On the tables: Well my playing has been limited due to finishing off the uni stuff. I have been running severly cold on Sky too when I have played but making the losses up on other sites thankfully, but making no great strides overall. My timing feels a little off and the confidence a little low. Not the best mindset to be taking into the £435 buy in VLV final tonight but maybe that is where variance evens out? I can hope
Also not sure whether to 'hang my boots up' in relation to OH8. I mean I will always play some OH8 games but I am starting to wonder if it is worthwhile focussing on OH8. I have made steadier profit from OH8 over the years than when compared to any other format however my biggest cashes and greatest volume of profit have been on the NLHE tables. Not to mention the fact there are so many more NLHE games. DYM NLHE SNG's are not really my thing and at NLHE cash games I am too impatient and too active so it will need to be a switch to NLHE MTT's if I do this.
I am not sure why the PLO8 BH's have been snubbed for both the mini and major UKOPS. Also any 'good will' regarding adding more PLO8 BH's seems to have evaporated. I don't quite get this as the PLO8 DYM's have all but died off anyway, the £11 PLO8 BH's did pretty well till they were pulled, and there are gaps in the schedule for PLO8 BH's. Also the current offerings are not shooting at the entire PLO8 player pool with just 2 x £5.50 BH's at a similar time of the day. Pretty sure some small stakes stuff and some sort of weekly PLO8 BH would do well without many issues. UKOPS would have been ideal to test just how popular the PLO8 BH's can be. Sky would make more ££'s and the players would have more game choice but hey ho I am done flogging that dead horse so I will drop the issue and will just have to squeeze extra games in elsewhere if I am playing OH8.
Well that concludes the Sunday morning ramblings. Enjoy the rest of the weekend folks and GL on the tables!
Well it has been a week and a bit since my last post so thought I would ramble a little on here while munching my Fruit 'N' Fiber.
The studying stuff is really drawing to a close (just 2 exams next week and I am completely done with uni). My attention has therefore been turning to other stuff I haven't had adequate time for (jobs, poker, health, family).
On that note I dusted the bicycle off, blew up the tyres (yes it had been that long the tyres were flat) and went a 11 mile cycle that took in Eglinton Country Park. On one of the country lanes there were fields either side with loads of horses. I decided I would be a kind chap and stop, pick some handfuls of long grass that the horses could not reach and give them a little treat. I selected some nice juicy green handfuls of grass and wandered calmly (so as not to spook the horses) over to the fence. The horses stopped in their tracks just out of reach around 2 feet from the fence. I though, aww, they are a little timid so I leaned on the fence so I could reach over and ZAP, I duely electrocuted myself. Yes, I guess I missed those 3" by 3" 'electric fence' signs. Quite a jolt they give you! I was also at such an angle I had no choice but to grab onto it again to haul myself up. I didn't get zapped the second time thankfully (I must have broken the circuit or something). No harm done apart from looking like a proper wally and feeling like I had been properly Tango'd. The penny started to drop as to why the horses pulled up 2 feet short of the fence! Horses 1 v Me 0.
On the pokering front I played the £435 VLV semi I mentioned previously. Started off okay and got the starting 5k stack up to around 18k with average stacks around 9k. I liked my table and was getting quite into the groove. Then Mr Matt Bates was moved to my table. He also had a similar stack and were was he placed? Directly on my left! I was by no means in any comfort zone in relation to snagging a £4k package (average stacks when those are dished out would be around 50k). So I had to keep working away. Well my timing was off, I made 3 or 4 plays, 2 were I had hands and 1 or 2 were I didn't. I guess through a mixture of Matt's proficiency and board texture he got away from the couple I hit and I lost more than I should in the ones I didn't hit. At least I offloaded to Matt, he is obviously an excellent player, didn't get to go last year and he put the chips to good use and didn't look back so WP that man!
In relation to the jobs front... I haven't looked much yet as I still am at uni till next week and I am not in a massive rush. I did put some feelers out though in some poker circles as I would love to work either within the gaming sector or in Education. I had the chance of a job in London. Doing almost exactly what I would like to do and with one of the bigger gaming companies. The salary however was just a bit short of what I would need to make a relocation to London work. If it had been local or even in 'middle England' it would have been happy days indeed. The search continues!
Well the Fruit 'N' Fiber is well and truly scoffed, I am sure I have sufficiently bored anyone reading and need to go get passport photos taken so I will relent for now
Hope you are all doing well on and off the tables!
Thanks Quickfeet, much appreciated sir! Yeah I better steer clear of any such career paths lol.
Okay I did this in reverse the other day... I keep a little diary elsewhere so will cheat and copy/paste the update from there which Mr T set me up so well for ...
"I had got off to a reasonable start on Day 1 although I wasn't getting the rub of the green around FT's but still managed around £150 or so profit over the day. I felt I was playing well though so took some confidence into day 2. I was happy enough with this as I was playing a bit sloppy for a couple of weeks beforehand.
I regged for 5 of the 6 events (gave the £55r a miss as I could see this getting messy and I am only just starting to focus on the poker after the studying is drawing to a close so the bankroll still needs a TLC). I also regged for 2 of the £5.50 PLO8 BH's (later unregged for the second one of these as the NLHE, PLO and PLO8 mix was getting a little confusing).
I was firstly pleased that my confidence going into these did not seem to be misplaced as I had got a few stacks going early doors.
The UKOPS £22 event 08 was PLO which I enjoy, although would enjoy even more if there was an '8' on the end of the 'PLO'. Things started steady and I got it in 3 way with the nut straight on the flop (there were a lot of redraws out though of which I had none). The board obviously paired and I was outdrawn although took a little sidepot down so all was not lost! I realised the calling ranges in this MTT were going to be massively wide so I had to tread a bit more carefully as I didn't really want to be 'flipping' all over the place. So with adjustments made I steadily ticked over managed to take it down for around £477.
Decent start and I still had stacks in other games.
In one of the £22 NLHE BH's I was sitting on 11k with average stacks around 8k. At this point a lovely chap and top player called 'omm' was newly sat at my table. I asked how he was doing and he said 'okay, but not running great' or something to that effect. Trying to keep his chin up I said 'Hopefully things will turn soon for you mate!" (Yeah I am going to regret saying that lol). I am duly dealt QQ while I was mid typing that, I standard open raise and omm shoves, I snap call and he has AK. An ace on the river seals my fate although I am left with just over 5k and it was still nice to see omm catch a break to be honest. All is not lost then! And I am dealt KK about 2 hands later and open raise hoping to induce a shove which I duly get (not from omm this time). Up against AK again and wouldn't you know it, an ace on the river again leaves me on 233 chips... I build this up again to 4.5k then run my JQ into AQ and it is GG me although still managed £25 in bounties so a tiny profit at least.
The £55 UKOPS 12 and £5.50r UKOPS 10 were still going and I had reasonable stacks in both. I nursed a small stack into the money in the £55 and then lost with A9o v Q5s AIPF which would have gave me a pretty healthy FT stack too. So bust in 8th for around £135. The £5.50r event 10 went a bit better and I managed to take this one down too for about £944. Should be looking good on the UKOPS leaderboard now and around £1423 profit for the day so have a little spring in the step today and looking forward to the UKOPS games tonight (One of which is PLO8).
Only downside is I have to study loads for neuroscience and cognitive psychology exams in 5 & 6 days respectively (after which I am totally done with uni, woop!). Last nights adventures will make the study a little more bareable
Hope you are all doing good on and off the tables and thanks for reading!"
Just had a browse through some of your early posts and a few most recent as i'very only just returned to the sky site/forum after a longish break, and what a read it has don't do anything by half do you, lol.
Great reading. Best of luck with your final exams and with poker/Life too
Ps, re electric fence....should've gone to Specsavers lol
@ Devonfish, many thanks and all the best to you too! Although I think it would be binoculars not bifocals I would need to see those tiny signs. That is my excuse anyway lol.
@ The Ploptastic Plopper, Your not meant to scare me off before it starts! There is still time for me to unregister
Not sure about Top player but nice to get a mention n the diary.
Do you study poker at all? I could imagine with the amount of uni studying you have been doing then any poker work might have taken a back seat? Although I am working full time, poker for me is a passion and I love spending time studying and learning the game. That can range from watching twitch and you tube to getting in the Lab (As Doug Polk would say). Just need to start turning the school work into results (or at least bigger results) on the tables.
Not sure about Top player but nice to get a mention n the diary. Do you study poker at all? I could imagine with the amount of uni studying you have been doing then any poker work might have taken a back seat? Although I am working full time, poker for me is a passion and I love spending time studying and learning the game. That can range from watching twitch and you tube to getting in the Lab (As Doug Polk would say). Just need to start turning the school work into results (or at least bigger results) on the tables. Good luck for the rest of UKOPS. Posted by omm
Thanks again for the nice comments all!
I used to study quite a bit via PXF (not sure how popular that still is) but I loved watching Bax's videos. Also the ones by Sheets, AJKhoosier and pearljammer I found really good. Since I have been studying @ uni I have neglected the poker learning. In 5 days I will no longer be a uni student and plan to start studying poker again. If you know any good links for twitch or whatever and are happy to share them, they would be appreciated
Hope yourself and the other folks reading have a good run in the UKOPS too (although preferably not in pots versus me like omm last night lol).
I played the 6 games tonight. The first 4 were a bust and the night wasn't looking good. Managed to cash in the £22rebuy UKOPS for £90 though and finish 2nd in the £55 turbo BH UKOPS for around £610. Also won a £5.50 PLO8 BH for £77 so managed to turn things around in the end
Yeah, I think there is something especially worse with HU games. Maybe people feel more pressured in a mental 1v1 battle. Had much the same again today although not just as vile.
I guess it means you are getting to your opponent which long term has to be a good thing
Hope you have plenty run good in your games Stoke.
Real life stuff: Last uni assessment handed in, last classes attended and just a couple of exams to do on the 18th & 19th April at which point I will cease to be a 'mature student'. Cannot wait and feel great that I will be able to close that chapter in life and will have seen it through the 4 years of studying and came out the other end!
As mentioned previously I laid my 16 year old car to rest 6 weeks ago. Was starting to get loads of problems with it so I was really happy to get the 'newer' one and was looking forward to trouble free motoring, for a while at least. Within the first 4 weeks the front suspension coil snapped though and although it is still under warranty it meant a couple of days without a car.
Then yesterday I went to start it and the battery was flat as a pancake. I hadn't left anything on so although I gave it a push start and got it going, I was worried as the problem had not been identified. Went to start it this morning and yup, battery was as flat as a pancake again! Will need to get it into the dealer again this week. So much for the trouble free motoring.
First world problems and all that!
On the tables musings next...
Also not sure whether to 'hang my boots up' in relation to OH8. I mean I will always play some OH8 games but I am starting to wonder if it is worthwhile focussing on OH8. I have made steadier profit from OH8 over the years than when compared to any other format however my biggest cashes and greatest volume of profit have been on the NLHE tables. Not to mention the fact there are so many more NLHE games. DYM NLHE SNG's are not really my thing and at NLHE cash games I am too impatient and too active so it will need to be a switch to NLHE MTT's if I do this.
I am not sure why the PLO8 BH's have been snubbed for both the mini and major UKOPS. Also any 'good will' regarding adding more PLO8 BH's seems to have evaporated. I don't quite get this as the PLO8 DYM's have all but died off anyway, the £11 PLO8 BH's did pretty well till they were pulled, and there are gaps in the schedule for PLO8 BH's. Also the current offerings are not shooting at the entire PLO8 player pool with just 2 x £5.50 BH's at a similar time of the day. Pretty sure some small stakes stuff and some sort of weekly PLO8 BH would do well without many issues. UKOPS would have been ideal to test just how popular the PLO8 BH's can be. Sky would make more ££'s and the players would have more game choice but hey ho I am done flogging that dead horse so I will drop the issue and will just have to squeeze extra games in elsewhere if I am playing OH8.
Well that concludes the Sunday morning ramblings. Enjoy the rest of the weekend folks and GL on the tables!
The studying stuff is really drawing to a close (just 2 exams next week and I am completely done with uni). My attention has therefore been turning to other stuff I haven't had adequate time for (jobs, poker, health, family).
On that note I dusted the bicycle off, blew up the tyres (yes it had been that long the tyres were flat) and went a 11 mile cycle that took in Eglinton Country Park. On one of the country lanes there were fields either side with loads of horses. I decided I would be a kind chap and stop, pick some handfuls of long grass that the horses could not reach and give them a little treat. I selected some nice juicy green handfuls of grass and wandered calmly (so as not to spook the horses) over to the fence. The horses stopped in their tracks just out of reach around 2 feet from the fence. I though, aww, they are a little timid so I leaned on the fence so I could reach over and ZAP, I duely electrocuted myself. Yes, I guess I missed those 3" by 3" 'electric fence' signs. Quite a jolt they give you! I was also at such an angle I had no choice but to grab onto it again to haul myself up. I didn't get zapped the second time thankfully (I must have broken the circuit or something). No harm done apart from looking like a proper wally and feeling like I had been properly Tango'd. The penny started to drop as to why the horses pulled up 2 feet short of the fence! Horses 1 v Me 0.
On the pokering front I played the £435 VLV semi I mentioned previously. Started off okay and got the starting 5k stack up to around 18k with average stacks around 9k. I liked my table and was getting quite into the groove. Then Mr Matt Bates was moved to my table. He also had a similar stack and were was he placed? Directly on my left! I was by no means in any comfort zone in relation to snagging a £4k package (average stacks when those are dished out would be around 50k). So I had to keep working away. Well my timing was off, I made 3 or 4 plays, 2 were I had hands and 1 or 2 were I didn't. I guess through a mixture of Matt's proficiency and board texture he got away from the couple I hit and I lost more than I should in the ones I didn't hit. At least I offloaded to Matt, he is obviously an excellent player, didn't get to go last year and he put the chips to good use and didn't look back so WP that man!
In relation to the jobs front... I haven't looked much yet as I still am at uni till next week and I am not in a massive rush. I did put some feelers out though in some poker circles as I would love to work either within the gaming sector or in Education. I had the chance of a job in London. Doing almost exactly what I would like to do and with one of the bigger gaming companies. The salary however was just a bit short of what I would need to make a relocation to London work. If it had been local or even in 'middle England' it would have been happy days indeed. The search continues!
Well the Fruit 'N' Fiber is well and truly scoffed, I am sure I have sufficiently bored anyone reading and need to go get passport photos taken so I will relent for now
Hope you are all doing well on and off the tables!
Okay I did this in reverse the other day... I keep a little diary elsewhere so will cheat and copy/paste the update from there which Mr T set me up so well for
"I had got off to a reasonable start on Day 1 although I wasn't getting the rub of the green around FT's but still managed around £150 or so profit over the day. I felt I was playing well though so took some confidence into day 2. I was happy enough with this as I was playing a bit sloppy for a couple of weeks beforehand.
I regged for 5 of the 6 events (gave the £55r a miss as I could see this getting messy and I am only just starting to focus on the poker after the studying is drawing to a close so the bankroll still needs a TLC). I also regged for 2 of the £5.50 PLO8 BH's (later unregged for the second one of these as the NLHE, PLO and PLO8 mix was getting a little confusing).
I was firstly pleased that my confidence going into these did not seem to be misplaced as I had got a few stacks going early doors.
The UKOPS £22 event 08 was PLO which I enjoy, although would enjoy even more if there was an '8' on the end of the 'PLO'. Things started steady and I got it in 3 way with the nut straight on the flop (there were a lot of redraws out though of which I had none). The board obviously paired and I was outdrawn although took a little sidepot down so all was not lost! I realised the calling ranges in this MTT were going to be massively wide so I had to tread a bit more carefully as I didn't really want to be 'flipping' all over the place. So with adjustments made I steadily ticked over managed to take it down for around £477.
Decent start and I still had stacks in other games.
In one of the £22 NLHE BH's I was sitting on 11k with average stacks around 8k. At this point a lovely chap and top player called 'omm' was newly sat at my table. I asked how he was doing and he said 'okay, but not running great' or something to that effect. Trying to keep his chin up I said 'Hopefully things will turn soon for you mate!" (Yeah I am going to regret saying that lol). I am duly dealt QQ while I was mid typing that, I standard open raise and omm shoves, I snap call and he has AK. An ace on the river seals my fate although I am left with just over 5k and it was still nice to see omm catch a break to be honest. All is not lost then! And I am dealt KK about 2 hands later and open raise hoping to induce a shove which I duly get (not from omm this time). Up against AK again and wouldn't you know it, an ace on the river again leaves me on 233 chips... I build this up again to 4.5k then run my JQ into AQ and it is GG me although still managed £25 in bounties so a tiny profit at least.
The £55 UKOPS 12 and £5.50r UKOPS 10 were still going and I had reasonable stacks in both. I nursed a small stack into the money in the £55 and then lost with A9o v Q5s AIPF which would have gave me a pretty healthy FT stack too. So bust in 8th for around £135. The £5.50r event 10 went a bit better and I managed to take this one down too for about £944. Should be looking good on the UKOPS leaderboard now and around £1423 profit for the day so have a little spring in the step today and looking forward to the UKOPS games tonight (One of which is PLO8).
Only downside is I have to study loads for neuroscience and cognitive psychology exams in 5 & 6 days respectively (after which I am totally done with uni, woop!). Last nights adventures will make the study a little more bareable
Hope you are all doing good on and off the tables and thanks for reading!"
@ Devonfish, many thanks and all the best to you too! Although I think it would be binoculars not bifocals I would need to see those tiny signs. That is my excuse anyway lol.
@ The Ploptastic Plopper, Your not meant to scare me off before it starts! There is still time for me to unregister
I used to study quite a bit via PXF (not sure how popular that still is) but I loved watching Bax's videos. Also the ones by Sheets, AJKhoosier and pearljammer I found really good. Since I have been studying @ uni I have neglected the poker learning. In 5 days I will no longer be a uni student and plan to start studying poker again. If you know any good links for twitch or whatever and are happy to share them, they would be appreciated
Hope yourself and the other folks reading have a good run in the UKOPS too (although preferably not in pots versus me like omm last night lol).
I played the 6 games tonight. The first 4 were a bust and the night wasn't looking good. Managed to cash in the £22rebuy UKOPS for £90 though and finish 2nd in the £55 turbo BH UKOPS for around £610. Also won a £5.50 PLO8 BH for £77 so managed to turn things around in the end