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Markycash diary - It's been a while! Anyone up for Twitch?



  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - quitting smoking, doggy holidays and the pokers.:
    Hi Marky, good luck in the quest to stop smoking, best decission you will ever make if it comes off !   On the movie front a few old ones i enjoy watching again are " Treasure of the Sierra Madre "   ( dont get too greedy in the pots )  " Life is Beautiful " ( best with subtitles ....always think possitive ! )  "Quest for fire "  This is mental, real old movie about the days of Cave men ..not sure if TK got a small part in this, no words just grunts etc, but a good LOL movie.  On the live game / holidays , we are off this weekend to Malaga, taking in a 150 euro 2 day event at   Torrequebrada hotel , by the beach and a decent payout for the winner.     A couple of friends are going also , so should be fun, and i will get a bit of fishing done away from the tables also .  Perhaps a small buy in like this could be posting and trying to have a few sky players meet up   for a game in the sun ?     Run good, take care.
    Posted by glencoelad

    Hey George

    Thanks, I have no doubt I will get there with the smoking, it may just take several attempts. 

    I don't think I have seen any of those movies but will definitely check a couple out. I am always stuck for movie ideas so this will help! One I haven't seen which I want to check out soon is Mullholland drive. I absolutely love LA and apart from being a good movie, this film is supposed to capture LA really well too. I would love to live there one day but property is so expensive unless you are happy to live in gang country. All being well I will get out to live in Vegas within the next 10 years and LA is an easy drive from there so could have lots of weekends away.

    Good luck with the trip! Sounds like it could be a lot of fun. Poker, beaches and sun... Could do with some of that just now. If only I can snag a Vegas package somewhere :D Will probably head out anyway and play some cash games and small tourneys.

    Great idea for a live meet up. The old site I played on used to meet up in Derby every November and it gave all the forum regs a chance to to meet up, have some fun, and play a few games without costing a fortune.

    Good luck on the trip sir!
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - quitting smoking, doggy holidays and the pokers.:
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - quitting smoking, doggy holidays and the pokers. : 15, not that anyone is counting. I might have to start playing again & put a stop to that nonsense.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Thanks, I should never have mentioned it though! Apart from jinxing myself, bearace read the post and took a few marginal spots on to make sure he put an end to my shenanigans :D

    Ah well, it was a £3.30 at least and have started a new sequences of wins (only at 2) but at least they were at £5.50 and £11 buy ins.

    Really looking forward to getting a game when you feel like playing again Mr T. It feels like it has been so long, alough it hasn't really been that long. Will feel strange to duel of the virtual felt with you again :)
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - quitting smoking, doggy holidays and the pokers.:
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - quitting smoking, doggy holidays and the pokers. : Try thinking about the money you could save. I quit smoking exactly 50 days ago, & assuming I smoked a pack a day, that means I am around £500 ahead already.    I'm doing it the hard way, too - cold turkey (no patches or 'owt) AND hard dieting at the same time. Quite a neat trick to accomplish those two. So come on Mr B, show your mettle & quit with the ciggies.
    Posted by Tikay10

    Well done on the 50 days Mr T! That really is great and to do it without the aid of patches, e-cigs etc... Well, I know how difficult it is, countless failed attempts testify to that. And a healthy diet on top. You put my levels of self control to shame...

    About the only positive I had was that when I ran out of smokes yesterday and was mid in a poker session... rather than get more, I waited about 6 hours until I was done playing. I did however run to the shop like Speedy Gonzalez afterwards for more. I don't usually manage to last that long unless I am sleeping so getting used to long spells without smokes may at least be a small step in the right direction.

    Will you still allow yourself the sticky bun and latte indulgence in the future or are they a thing of the past too?
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - quitting smoking, doggy holidays and the pokers.:
    Surely you have plenty of armoury in your psychology toolkit to help you in your quest to quit?
    Posted by Phantom66
    Haha, good point!

    I could go into great detail as to why I/people smoke (psychologically speaking). I could also offer some decent advice to those wanting to stop. Apart from the psychology toolkit I also done about 9 courses on addictions, oh the irony!

    I guess saying stuff is one thing but actually doing it is another entirely.
  • razorkevrazorkev Member Posts: 1,364
    edited May 2017
    Me and my good lady have decided to quit the cigs when our pack runs out later..This will save us at least £70 per week so we have decided to put £25 in each week and this time next year we will book a fab holiday for our kids..thats all the insipration i need so its gonna be hard but worth it in the long run..Bring on that turkey im not afraid..
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - quitting smoking, doggy holidays and the pokers.:
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - quitting smoking, doggy holidays and the pokers. : Hey George Thanks, I have no doubt I will get there with the smoking, it may just take several attempts.  I don't think I have seen any of those movies but will definitely check a couple out. I am always stuck for movie ideas so this will help! One I haven't seen which I want to check out soon is Mullholland drive. I absolutely love LA and apart from being a good movie, this film is supposed to capture LA really well too. I would love to live there one day but property is so expensive unless you are happy to live in gang country. All being well I will get out to live in Vegas within the next 10 years and LA is an easy drive from there so could have lots of weekends away. Good luck with the trip! Sounds like it could be a lot of fun. Poker, beaches and sun... Could do with some of that just now. If only I can snag a Vegas package somewhere :D Will probably head out anyway and play some cash games and small tourneys. Great idea for a live meet up. The old site I played on used to meet up in Derby every November and it gave all the forum regs a chance to to meet up, have some fun, and play a few games without costing a fortune. Good luck on the trip sir!
    Posted by markycash
    No wonder the site went to the wall
    Obviously alll nutcases
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2017
    I guess I will do a quick update while I am here...

    Doggy day trips

    Well this is postponed until Friday as my partner says she has too much studying to do. Weather looks great for Friday anyway and it gives me carte blanche to play another poker session today.

    The pokers

    Was so looking forward to those Mayhem freerolls, did not expect these to return this year due to the 'Vegas Giveaway' promo (I thought that was a replacement) so kudos Sky!

    However, have ran pretty bad on days 1 & 2. Out after I 5 bet shoved JJ on day one and ran into JQs (I think we all know what happens in that spot). I really should listen more to Norman Chad! Day 2 I think I 3bet preflop with A8 and flop comes A8x with 2 diamonds. I bet big hoping opponent has Ax and they call and turn is a raggy diamond. Have to protect my hand here right? Also there are a fair amount of chips in the pot and, we are sort of committed, so it is just a shove and opponent shows 23dd...

    At least there are 4 weeks to try and they are freerolls so no complaints :)

    I did finish a massive £4 up on Sky yesterday, woot! Was $110 up between other sites though so not the worst.

    Georges idea for a meet up

    This could be a really good idea if people were interested. I gather the SPT live games used to be good but seem to have vanished? Maybe we could take it upon ourselves to arrange a meet up late in the year for an overnight and a little tourney at a local casino? Maybe somewhere in 'middle England' in late November so that there is the least amount of travelling for everyone collectively?

    Fidget Spinners

    I can't believe these are a real thing? I heard about them the other day and apparently they are the latest craze with young people. 
    Fidget Spinners. I am feeling really old, I just don't get the hype... Isn't that what poker chips are for?
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2017
    The best of luck Kev! Really hope you can pull it off.

    @Jac Yeah, I am not sure why they came up with Derby. I never did make any of those trips but they did all seem to have a brilliant time...
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited May 2017
    Marky, you seem to have been bashing away at the keyboard even more than me lately. All interesting stuff although I think PLO8 is beyond me. I'll keep shoving away in the NL TDYMs for now
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,654
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - quitting smoking, doggy holidays and the pokers.:
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - quitting smoking, doggy holidays and the pokers. : Haha, good point! I could go into great detail as to why I/people smoke (psychologically speaking). I could also offer some decent advice to those wanting to stop. Apart from the psychology toolkit I also done about 9 courses on addictions, oh the irony! I guess saying stuff is one thing but actually doing it is another entirely.
    Posted by markycash
    You need to go on a course to treat your addiction to courses on addictions, but only one obviously otherwise........ 
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,028
    edited May 2017
    I appreciate that everyone is different, but wanted to mention what worked for me.

    I smoked 30 a day for over 20 years. 2 things helped me quit, and I've never touched tobacco or its substitutes since.

    The Alan Carr book was inspirational, in 2 respects. Firstly, the proof of how smoking takes over-his first memory of his daughter's wedding was the wait for the speeches to be over so he could have a cig. Secondly, it was his attitude. He always liked smoking while he did, and never persecuted them as an ex-smoker. (Strangely, apart from those 2 bits, I didn't like the book). I always enjoyed smoking. However, I decided that I would like not smoking even more, not least for my family. I smoked my last cigarette on New Years Eve 2006. I enjoyed it. I enjoy being free from smoking even more.

    Good luck in giving up smoking. When/if you want to. It can be easy, but it is really tough until you conquer the mental addiction part.

    Hope that helps. If not, try a fidget spinner :)
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited May 2017
    @EssexPhil - I assume you mean Allen Carr? I was struggling to see what the chatty man had to do with quitting smoking and I was stumped to read about the anecdote at his daughter's wedding.

  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,028
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - Failing to stop smoking, possible Sky players get together? & Fidget Spinners:
    @EssexPhil - I assume you mean Allen Carr? I was struggling to see what the chatty man had to do with quitting smoking and I was stumped to read about the anecdote at his daughter's wedding.
    Posted by Phantom66
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,654
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - Failing to stop smoking, possible Sky players get together? & Fidget Spinners:
    @EssexPhil - I assume you mean Allen Carr? I was struggling to see what the chatty man had to do with quitting smoking and I was stumped to read about the anecdote at his daughter's wedding.
    Posted by Phantom66
    Yea I had to read that again as I didn't think he had children for obvious reasons.

    I've never really smoked but my dad gave up after being a heavy smoker for many years. The best bit about being a non smoker according to him was being able to smell the fresh air. Simple things eh.
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - Failing to stop smoking, possible Sky players get together? & Fidget Spinners:
    I guess . Georges idea for a meet up This could be a really good idea if people were interested. I gather the SPT live games used to be good but seem to have vanished? Maybe we could take it upon ourselves to arrange a meet up late in the year for an overnight and a little tourney at a local casino? Maybe somewhere in 'middle England' in late November so that there is the least amount of travelling for everyone collectively? Fidget Spinners I can't believe these are a real thing? I heard about them the other day and apparently they are the latest craze with young people.  Fidget Spinners . I am feeling really old, I just don't get the hype... Isn't that what poker chips are for?

       23rd June, Blackpool. TPT are having a weekend of pokers n booze. All welcome I would think. Have a look at TPT threads in Team talk.
    Posted by markycash
  • 5501355013 Member Posts: 336
    edited May 2017
    Hi Marky, i smoked for over 30 years, had my last proper tab early 2012, i had nothing for over a year and then started on the e-cigs, i did not enjoy them at first but then found a menthol one i really liked and have been using it ever since.
    I often wonder if e-cigs had not been invented would i have gone back on the normal cigarettes and i get a nasty feeling i would have so i suppose i am thankful for the e-cigs in a way but i am heading towards my mid 50s now and have realised that it is about time they went in the bin for good as well.
    Anyway i am going to give it my best shot and see if i can chuck them and i hope you have success too Marky.
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - Failing to stop smoking, possible Sky players get together? & Fidget Spinners:
    Marky, you seem to have been bashing away at the keyboard even more than me lately. All interesting stuff although I think PLO8 is beyond me. I'll keep shoving away in the NL TDYMs for now
    Posted by QUICKFEET
    Haha, yeah I have gotten into a little pattern this week of updating the hand analysis thread and my blog each morning before walking the dogs and playing a little session of poker across a few sites.

    Have to say, I thoroughly enjoy catching up with your blog updates! The PLO8 really isn't too hard once you get used to it, like all new things I guess. I don't think I take any longer to react when action is on me in PLO8 than I do in NLHE. I hope the NLHE TDYM's are going well? I know you had a small more testing spell in them recently but I am sure you will turn that around no problem!
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - quitting smoking, doggy holidays and the pokers.:
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - quitting smoking, doggy holidays and the pokers. : You need to go on a course to treat your addiction to courses on addictions, but only one obviously otherwise........ 
    Posted by Enut
    Lol yes that could become quite the 'vicious circle'...

    Brilliant stuff getting the Vegas package Paul! Have you been over to Vegas before? Hopefully see you over there.
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - Failing to stop smoking, possible Sky players get together? & Fidget Spinners:
    I appreciate that everyone is different, but wanted to mention what worked for me. I smoked 30 a day for over 20 years. 2 things helped me quit, and I've never touched tobacco or its substitutes since. The Alan Carr book was inspirational, in 2 respects. Firstly, the proof of how smoking takes over-his first memory of his daughter's wedding was the wait for the speeches to be over so he could have a cig. Secondly, it was his attitude. He always liked smoking while he did, and never persecuted them as an ex-smoker. (Strangely, apart from those 2 bits, I didn't like the book). I always enjoyed smoking. However, I decided that I would like not smoking even more, not least for my family. I smoked my last cigarette on New Years Eve 2006. I enjoyed it. I enjoy being free from smoking even more. Good luck in giving up smoking. When/if you want to. It can be easy, but it is really tough until you conquer the mental addiction part. Hope that helps. If not, try a fidget spinner :)
    Posted by Essexphil
    Great post Phil!

    I know exactly what you mean with smoking overtaking the memories etc. I was at my uncle's wedding last weekend and while it all went well and was a very nice day... I did spend half the day wondering when I would get the next ciggy.

    I would also never give anyone who did smoke a hard time if I stopped. I try to remember as you so correctly pointed out, that we are all different. Just because I do or do not do somthing doesn't mean everyone else who has the opposite take on it is wrong. Each to their own as long as they are not directly hurting anyone IMO.

    I was going to give the book a try (and also thought it was the comedian lol) until you pointed out the rest of the book was not as enjoyable, so thanks for the cliff notes :-p I also agree it is hugely down to psychology and overcoming the mental addiction, something I am supposed to be good at...

    Well done to you on the Vegas package and good luck going after the main event package. Will hopefully get to join you over there one way or another. Whether I will be a smoker or not remains to be seen.

    Maybe those 'Fidget Spinners' would give me something to occupy the hands instead of a cigarette :D
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2017
    @Pomfrittes Many thanks, I will check that out sir :)
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