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  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review:
    Looking forward to this. Did you keep notes with this sort of thing in mind, or is it something you'd do normally in a live tournament to keep focused or as a reminder of what's been going on?
    Posted by bbMike

    Hi Mike,

    I did it in my first ever big live tournament, which was in 2012 (UKIPT Nottingham), mainly for me to reflect upon after, and also, to pass on to my son (Limp2Lose), to help him with his game.

    On this occasion, I originally did it for the UKPC High Roller, to pass on to my "backers". I didn't go deep in the High Roller, so I recorded hands from the UKPC M/E instead.

    I think it is a useful thing to do (for self and others)

    When the hand was over (and I've folded the following hand), I just stepped back from the table and quickly recorded the details (as best as I could remember)

    Then at a later date, I review and reflect upon. There will be some hands that I am still unsure on, which I will be happy to receive feedback from the forum on, and open up for discussion.

    Hopefully it will be mutually beneficial. It's a bit of a "trial" really. Time will tell if it proves to be a useful exercise for others and/or myself.

    All the best!

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    edited May 2016
    i shall read with much intrest , ty Graham its appreciated
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2016


    OK, here is the first hand. I will details the "facts" about what happed (as best as I can recall from the recording) and after detailing the hand I will describe my thought processes. (Also if anyone is unsure of the abbreviations/terminology I use, please let me know)

    I hardly played a hand first level, so picking it up at the start of LEVEL2:

    Early stages, everyone seemed quite solid, too early to fully understand player styles.

    Blinds 75/150

    50K starting stack, no one busted yet. (Stacks all around 50K)

    My Starting Hand: 99

    UTG, R to 350, UTG+1, RR to 900, I call 900 in the CUTOFF, BB calls, UTG, calls.

    Flop: 79J rainbow

    BB checks, UTG, checks, UTG+1 (original 3bettor), bets about half pot (1,800), I re-raise to 5,400, BB folds, UTG, folds.

    UTG+1 makes it 18K, I go ALL IN, he calls.


    My thought process is as follows:


    1) UTG+1 probably has a very strong hand to 3bet an UTG raise, at this stage of the tournament. So I put him on a range like, AQ,AK, TT,JJ,QQ,KK,AA.
    2) I have 50K in chips which is plenty to allow me to set mine with my 99 in position.

    FLOP: 79J, Rainbow


    3) Clearly I have a great hand (3rd NUTS), so I am very happy when UTG+1 leads out, 1,800. There are however, two people to act after me, and it's a draw heavy board, (I don't want a random, 8x,Tx or KQ making a straight) so I decide to play it aggressively and make it 5,400.
    4) It folds to the UTG+1(original 3bettor) and he makes it 18,000. I am a bit worried about, JJ now. To play the hand like this, this early in the tournament, is usually sign of a very strong hand. Being the pre flop 3-bettor, I can't feasibly put him on T8 in this spot.
    5) So, it's all in or fold for me, I decide, if he has, JJ, it's just a cooler. I think he could play QQ,KK,AA like this, putting me on a hand like JT, JQ, so I move all in and he calls.

    SHOWDOWN: He has: Td8d

    Remarkably he does have T8 (The NUTS), but I house up with a Jack on the river.

    So I was nearly the first one out of the entire tournament, but doubled up instead. Fickle game this poker. :=)

    Feel free to provide thoughts/comments on this hand.


  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    edited May 2016
    when he showed 10 8 what were your thoughts on the villan, did you think whaat,what are you playing at or did you just dismiss this kind of play knowing you had plenty of outs,curious,it could tilt lesser players
    edit:im probably being abit nieve here
    edit: my spell checker aint working
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review:
    when he showed 10 8 what were your thoughts on the villan, did you think whaat,what are you playing at or did you just dismiss this kind of play knowing you had plenty of outs,curious,it could tilt lesser players edit:im probably being abit nieve here
    Posted by stokefc

    Hi Stoke, my thoughts were, that it was a strange play, at this stage of the tournament.

    In the later stages of tournaments, good aggresive players can make these sorts of plays when the blinds are big. However, I have rarely seen this type of play in the early stages.

    How did I feel at the time? I generally believe that any player has the right to play their hand how they want. So, sure, I was dissapointed to see his hand, and just hoped I'd house up. Which I did.

    Would I have gone on tilt if I didn't house up? Well it's a mute point, as I would have busted. But generally it's my own bad plays that put me on tilt more than what anyone else does, or how the cards run out.

    In this situation, I would probably have thought that I played the hand OK, and I couldn't really have forseen T8 there. So I'd be dissapointed, but probably wouldn't tilt me.

    I'm not "beyond" tilt, as I do occasionally, but I try to work very hard on my mental resilience to avoid tilting wherever possible. Like I said before, it is more likely that I tilt from my own bad play than from "bad luck" or how someone else chooses to play their cards.

    No one and no thing, can PUT someone on tilt, it's one's reaction to it, that puts one on tilt.

    My advise to players who find themselves tilting, is to work mentally to change their "emotional response/reaction" to events that happen. This could involve something like, listening to calming music, meditation, mindfulness, or just creating a strong mindset through will power not to tilt. Everyone has their own way. It's always a work in progress though.

    Hope this helps.

  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2016
    Brilliant idea!

    Would be good if a few people who play WSOP events also do this (I will pinch the idea for my diary if you have no objections).

    I have a few thoughts on the first hand you have posted. Kind of in the middle of a night off and having a few drinks with my other half so will reply when I can give a proper reply.
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited May 2016
    Hi Graham

    Whaat a way to start things off!

    That would b a cooler - as you say - proably only being beaten by the  Set JJ when he calls I guess must have thought was behind to that - Most thinking players fold kk, AA there I guess.

    Great advise on the tilt too

  • SnufferSnuffer Member Posts: 3,057
    edited May 2016
    Hi Graham,

    Really intresting read on how the hand played out. I'm guessing you had no reads so early in the tourney on the villian but would this hand played out the same against a winning reg in a ME on Sky?

  • MICKYBLUEMICKYBLUE Member Posts: 2,035
    edited May 2016
    that sky river ;)

    great read btw and i think its great play by yourself
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited May 2016
    You really think someone might rip in QQ/KK/AA on a J high board for 300bb+, thinking you have just top pair, in the 2nd level of a £1k event?

    I've never played a £1k event and probably never will but I'd assume the standard is gonna be pretty decent at the least? Happy to be corrected if that isn't the case.

    I'm never folding fwiw but think we're gonna be shown JJ a **** of a lot more than QQ+.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,656
    edited May 2016
    Have to agree that when he calls I think he has JJ 80% of the time, 77 about 10% and an overpair about 10%, I wouldn't ever put him on 10 8 though!

    By the way am I the only one who feels slightly sorry for the guy who got all his stack in with the stone cold nuts and as a 65% favorite only to end up getting his coat?

    Still a little bit of run good helps, nice river.
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: FIRST HAND NOW REVEALED:
    Have to agree that when he calls I think he has JJ 80% of the time, 77 about 10% and an overpair about 10%, I wouldn't ever put him on 10 8 though! By the way am I the only one who feels slightly sorry for the guy who got all his stack in with the stone cold nuts and as a 65% favorite only to end up getting his coat? Still a little bit of run good helps, nice river.
    Posted by Enut

    Thanks for the replies, I did tank quite a lot (for me, about 30 seconds), and eventually decided to go all in.

    It wasn't an easy decision by any means. I agree, JJ was a real possibility here.

    I did half have an eye on the fact that I could re-enter. Although £1K is a lot to stump up. But I would have re-entered if I had lost that hand. Possibly making my decision easier.

    For me the percentages felt more like, 55%, JJ, 15%, 77, 25%, overpair, 4.5%, other, 0.5%, T8.

    It completely depends on the player mind, whilst I didn't have any actual reads, some subliminal info is always present, clearly I can't convey this on the thread. Either way you look at it, I am fully aware that I got very lucky :=)
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: FIRST HAND NOW REVEALED:
    Brilliant idea! Would be good if a few people who play WSOP events also do this (I will pinch the idea for my diary if you have no objections). I have a few thoughts on the first hand you have posted. Kind of in the middle of a night off and having a few drinks with my other half so will reply when I can give a proper reply.
    Posted by markycash

    Feel free Mark.

    And if you can get the Vegas lads to do a similar thing, great!
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited May 2016
    This type of hand gets me into trouble quite often because I love suited connecters and I have asked the question a few times about just how far behind these hands are against pocket pairs and I think that putting your stack at risk on the hope of housing upif you are behind is worse than him starting aggressively with his hand and hitting
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2016
    Hi Graham,

    I learned this one the hard way in a similar pot in a WSOP PLO event. I was in the BB with TTxx and there were 2 limpers at the early stages (level 1 or 2). Flop comes down something like T2A rainbow and then one of the limpers says 'pot'. I repot right back at him without hesitation and he again says 'pot'. I think for a minute and my reasoning at the time is, the table has been fairly active and raisy preflop, if he had AA then he would have made some kind of raise preflop. I figure he 'could' have AT but more likely 22 and has maybe limped a double pair hand like 22kk 22qq etc and made bottom set. I therefore repot right back at him and the pot is like 400+ BBs. He flips his hand and shows the AA for top set, I am crushed, there is no miracle turn/river and I am out.

    I feel there are a lot of parallels with this hand and your hand. I spoke to several other friends who are pros about the hand afterwards and they were in concensus that unless my opponent was a maniac (which he wasn't) then his range is so heavily polarised to AA in this spot.

    You mentioned nothing much happened at level 1. If you don't have your opponent tagged as a maniac/complete amateur here then I think we have to be very worried later in this hand. The prelop call is a no brainer in my opinion. There is easily the implied odds there to call (although I would be slightly concerned about UTG 4betting but with these stack depths you can easily assess the hand again if this happens so I would therefore be snap calling the 900).

    On the flop in this hand when faced with the 1800 bet I would be smooth calling this all day long for a few reasons. Firstly addressing the 'draw heavy' board. You 'should' be able to discount a lot of draws here. The flop is rainbow so no need to worry about flushes yet. I would be discounting 8T (yeah ironic I know), I would also be generally discounting TQ due to the preflop action. QK would be a bit of a strange one too, I can see UTG opening QKs maybe QKo (possibly 77 too) but I wouldn't have the original 3 bettor on QK or 77 but I guess UTG could have this and could have called the 3bet due to the pot odds offered (especially QKs).

    All that said I think we can discount a lot of big drawing hands on this flop apart from maybe QK with the gutterball and 2 overs and maybe backdoor flush draws. In that scenario do we really need to massively chase out QKs for instance? I think we can let them catch up a bit and maybe hit top pair and extract a few chips. Hands like AA KK QQ 'shouldn't' be getting 330 BBs in on this flop. By flat calling it lets them offload more chips with these hands. They may bet a **** of a lot of chips if you flat call and they may try to 'chase you out' or protect their hand or value 2/3 barrel you with AA KK QQ even AJ but they shouldn't be shovelling in 330 BBs on this flop as played with these hands. Also even if the board straightens up or backdoor flushes come in, sometimes this will involve a paired board and if you have underrepped your hand then you could look to extrace a lot of chips regardless.

    As played I would feel the villains 330 BB shovelling range is heavily weighted to JJ. If they got it all in I would be waiting to see the JJ. I mean 77 would have been possible for UTG or very aggro for UTG+1 as played (possible but quite aggro). JJ on the other hand would make complete sense and I think most of the time in such an event you manage to create a 660+ BB pot on the flop you are going to see JJ. If opponent has 77 then you would imagine he is flatting the 5400, either to let you fire off more chips or as they are concerned you have 99, JJ or overcalled with 8Ts.

    Great it worked out but I don't think as played the chips are going all in on the flop with 99 ahead unless we are playing someone we have tagged as either a bit weak or a super TAG player.

    Very interesting hand and again it is a great idea to post these!

    P.S. I know he showed up with 8T here and I discounted this but I don't think you are seeing 8T here as played often enough to worry about it. JJ though is another matter as mentioned.
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited May 2016
    for me that hand is one where you need to look at the reads, if he looks a solid player whos taking it seriously then it would be hard to ever think you are ahead as im sure once you reraise then he will be flatting or folding his overpairs, even bottom set in that spot my flat too. 10 8 is very unlikely so personally id be a lot more worried about JJ. So if i was looking at him thinking he was a solid pro i think it has to be a fold, if he seems like an average or below player, or someone with more money than know-how then id be jamming too. the one other reason that I may call in your spot was if you had been playing a bit loose previously then your opponent could perceive you as the kind of player who may get it in with qq/kk as that would also mae up a big part of your range. It certainly isnt an obvious fold at all, but its hard to see too many good players stacking off light on that board.
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited May 2016
    Pretty sure I had a near identical hand in a tournament I played at DTD at some point. Possibly a UKPC. I think iirc I had 99 on J9x and they did have the JJ - unfortunately, I never out-drew them.

    I think a lot of what marky said I agree with (particularly with regards to the flop being drawy) - the hands that are draws I wouldn't expect to be in a pre-flop range of any of the players. I don't hate the flop raise by any means, but I think flatting could be an interesting/better option - particularly (without wanting to offend!) given your percieved image => not a young internet 'kid', so possibly plays more straight forward (as viewed by no hands played in 1st level) - when you flat pre in your position a good player will often narrow your range down to medium-high pairs (so 77-JJ) which smash this board with 3 possible sets out of 5 and raising it should set off alarm bells for anyone holding an overpair.

    When he re-raises to 18k like has been said I would be very worried about JJ. I don't think 8Ts is without the realms of possibility though if he thinks UTG is on the loose side. People love to create an aggro image, and I know I've made similar plays myself early on in tournaments with these non-broadway one gappers. (57s, 68s, 97s, T8s) - it's a hand that if it smashes the flop when you were the PF3bettor that is really disguised. And when you have a lot of chips you can afford to speculate by 3b these hands (as opposed to just flatting them - where he might get squeezed from behind and have to fold)

    I think once he makes it 18k the only way you are ahead is if he is bluffing or has 77 (which I think is v unlikely for a number of reasons)

    His only bluffs here should be 3 combos of QTs that have a back door flush draw and can semi-bluff jam the turn if you call their flop raise and they turn a FD. 

    Against that range anyway we only have 36.3% equity - which means we should probably just fold now although it seems v close. However, I disagree also that if we decide not to fold that we can only shove. Yes, it's a lot of our stack in the middle after we call. But we still have 32k left? Which at level 2 is still plenty. We have position and can see what he does again OTT before making our decision. Suppose he does have JJ too and the turn is a T, 8 or perhaps a K. Whilst he might still think he has the best hand, he will be wary of betting again since he's likely then only being called by better hands. So, we have a decent chance of saving ourselves chips and not losing our entire stack. Sure, we could call flop and end up being bluffed off the best hand on say a T turn - but if we think of his range, is that really likely to happen? Even if we call now and call a blank turn and he does have JJ - at least we've given ourselves some chance to get away from it or for villain to put his stack in on a bluff.

    I've wrote all this now more for myself - I don't really want to hijack the thread with mine and other people's strategy for each hand you post, unless that's something you don't mind. So I'll post this now I guess and hope you (and othes) find the reply useful!
  • railtard11railtard11 Member Posts: 29
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review:
    OK, here is the first hand. I will details the "facts" about what happed (as best as I can recall from the recording) and after detailing the hand I will describe my thought processes. (Also if anyone is unsure of the abbreviations/terminology I use, please let me know) FIRST HAND ======== I hardly played a hand first level, so picking it up at the start of LEVEL2 : Early stages, everyone seemed quite solid, too early to fully understand player styles. Blinds 75/150 50K starting stack, no one busted yet. (Stacks all around 50K) My Starting Hand: 99 UTG, R to 350, UTG+1, RR to 900, I call 900 in the  CUTOFF , BB calls, UTG, calls. Flop: 79J rainbow BB checks, UTG, checks, UTG+1 (original 3bettor), bets about half pot (1,800), I re-raise to 5,400, BB folds, UTG, folds. UTG+1 makes it 18K, I go ALL IN, he calls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My thought process is as follows: PRE FLOP: 1) UTG+1 probably has a very strong hand to 3bet an UTG raise, at this stage of the tournament. So I put him on a range like, AQ,AK, TT,JJ,QQ,KK,AA. 2) I have 50K in chips which is plenty to allow me to set mine with my 99 in position. FLOP: 79J, Rainbow POST FLOP: 3) Clearly I have a great hand (3rd NUTS), so I am very happy when UTG+1 leads out, 1,800. There are however, two people to act after me, and it's a draw heavy board, (I don't want a random, 8x,Tx or KQ making a straight) so I decide to play it aggressively and make it 5,400. 4) It folds to the UTG+1(original 3bettor) and he makes it 18,000. I am a bit worried about, JJ now. To play the hand like this, this early in the tournament, is usually sign of a very strong hand. Being the pre flop 3-bettor, I can't feasibly put him on T8 in this spot. 5) So, it's all in or fold for me, I decide, if he has, JJ, it's just a cooler. I think he could play QQ,KK,AA like this, putting me on a hand like JT, JQ, so I move all in and he calls. SHOWDOWN: He has: Td8d Remarkably he does have T8 (The NUTS), but I house up with a Jack on the river. So I was nearly the first one out of the entire tournament, but doubled up instead. Fickle game this poker. :=) Feel free to provide thoughts/comments on this hand. Cheers, Graham
    Posted by StayOrGo

    Preflop is fine / standard. Only negative to cold calling the 3bet is our range is pretty transparent. I expect u to have 88-JJ AQs / AK nearly always in this spot.

    You made the comment "UTG+1 probably has a very strong hand to 3bet an UTG raise, at this stage of the tournament. So I put him on a range like, AQ,AK, TT,JJ,QQ,KK,AA".

    I think this is too standard/dated a thought process. I disagree with the range you have asigned him. I think its completely standard for him to flat TT/JJ/QQ/AQ/AK. Some people wont even have much of a 3bet range at this stage of the torny.
    But yeh i think suited connectors and decent stuff like A2s - A5s is definately in his range. See the 3bet as more of an iso, ESPECIALLY if utg is a weaker player.

    Flop raise is good and hard to not stack off as played. The degree of "happy" we are depends on the villain. If your stacking off 300+ bb with the 3rd nuts in level 2 of a 1k against someone decent, were not loving life... However if ur staking off 300bb against ali malu..... well, u get the idea  ;-)
  • railtard11railtard11 Member Posts: 29
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review:
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review : Preflop is fine / standard. Only negative to cold calling the 3bet is our range is pretty transparent. I expect u to have 88-JJ AQs / AK nearly always in this spot. You made the comment "UTG+1 probably has a very strong hand to 3bet an UTG raise, at this stage of the tournament. So I put him on a range like, AQ,AK, TT,JJ,QQ,KK,AA". I think this is too standard/dated a thought process. I disagree with the range you have asigned him. I think its completely standard for him to flat TT/JJ/QQ/AQ/AK. Some people wont even have much of a 3bet range at this stage of the torny. But yeh i think suited connectors and decent stuff like A2s - A5s is definately in his range. See the 3bet as more of an iso, ESPECIALLY if utg is a weaker player. Flop raise is good and hard to not stack off as played. The degree of "happy" we are depends on the villain. If your stacking off 300+ bb with the 3rd nuts in level 2 of a 1k against someone decent, were not loving life... However if ur staking off 300bb against ali malu..... well, u get the idea  ;-)
    Posted by railtard11

    On 2nd thughts, the flop raise is also player dependent. Vs ali malu, we wnt to be raising the flop to get it in, but vs someone decent i think i like calling the flop. Keeps our range wide and we dont get him to just fold AA face up (which someone capable will imo), ur range is SO STRONG on this board
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2016
    Thanks for all the feedback and comments, that's the great thing about poker, we all can see things from a different perspective. It is not as clear cut, as being just, right or wrong.

    I definately got away with one here. There is no doubt.

    This is the first of many hands from the UKPC, so an interesting start. Clearly as we go forward, people may have differing views to myself, and this is fine, it's all about opinions and perspective.

    I certainly don't feel that my opinion is always right, and others are wrong, however, I will continue to describe my thought processes and how I saw the particular hand in question. I am happy for others to offer there opinions and critique my play.

    However, what I don't want to get into, is a I'm right, your wrong scenario (so I will try to leave the ego behind).

    As such, in a lot of cases, we may just have to agree to differ in our evaluation of the hand in question. I certainly take onboard all the replies, and appreciate the feedback so far.

    There are several ways to play hands, each having their own merits, this thread is how I chose to play the hand in question and why (I'n my own mind), I played it the way I did.

    I will post hand number2 tomorrow.


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