I actually enjoy some parts or the Christmas period, but to be honest the older i get the less tolerant I am.....
So with that in mind I thought I would post a daily gripe on the run up to the big day, to keep it loosely poker related I will also combine a felt based irritant.
Feel free to contribute with your own examples (albeit if Grumpy Paul gets involved i may be bereft of material after a day :-))
So to start the ball rolling;
Scarves should never be worn indoors at a poker table.....yes even you Mr Kendall. This may be coloured by a recent live sojourn, where an elderly Portuguese gentleman sporting just such an accessory ripped about 80 euro from my grasp by hitting a gutshot on the river....
At what point did the 'drop off' point outside Tesco become a 'park here and wait for the wife to nip in and buy something' spot.....the clue is in the wording.
Anyway Merry Christmas
2. Finally getting through and then immediately getting disconnected.
3. After trying again for another 20 minutes being told that the person that can help you (probably the only one with a brain) only works Monday to Wednesday.
4. Being asked to email your enquiry through and then being given the wrong email address hence necessitating a return to step 1.
5. Getting an email response to say that their turnaround time is 10 working days. I was due to see the client on Monday.
6. Being asked to complete a satisfaction survey for the same insurance company but realising that I am now late for my next appointment so won't actually be able to leave the 'feedback' I would so dearly like to.
7. Skip 2 weeks then realise that you still haven't had the information requested....return to step 1.
8. After a month receive information, most of which is incorrect.....return to step 1.
9. Finally receive all the correct information.....decide that it is unfair that the client should pay for the time wasted so far but realise that complaining to the insurance company will result in a return to step 1.
10. Finalise your work and advice to the client and bill the client what is reasonable rather than the actual time spent.
Rinse and repeat, day after day after day.
Will need more time to document the multitude of things, people and behaviours that drive me to near Michael Douglas, in Falling Down, levels of insanity.
Immediately springing to mind due to Enut's post....My internet recently went down, it was a wide spread problem so the provider issued a phone number to call if affected, it was an automated message, annoying in its own right, but what really took the p!ss was after listening to said message waffle on (much like I am now) for an unreasonable amount of time, imparting no information of any use, the message finished by announcing, 'for further details please go to www.wehavenotthoughtthisthrough.com'.
People who limp call, a lot.
Airports, especially when they steal toiletries.
People who send you Christmas cards in November.
People who put Christmas decorations up in November.
Limp calling.
Small coats.
People who start threads that take up way too much of your time.