I will keep a running total of any practice placepot/jackpot attempts
Virtual Jackpots |
Attempts | 1 |
Times Paid | 0 |
Times Profit | 0 |
Profit/Loss | -£576.00 |
Virtual Placepots | |
Attempts | 8 |
Paid | 4 |
Profit | 1 |
Profit/Loss | -£223.10 |
Quadpots | |
Attempts | 2 |
Paid | 2 |
Profit | 1 |
Profit/Loss | -£1.34 |
Putting alot of time in to the Ascot racing (with mixed results) so I thought I would have a dabble at a Placepot attempt as well.
Keeping it realistically small for me even though I am not backing it.
| 22nd June Ascot | | | |
£0.10 | per line PLACEPOT | | | |
| | | | |
TIME | Sel 1 | Sel 2 | Sel 3 | Sel 4 |
2.30 | 14 Santry | 06 Havana Grey | | |
3.05 | 11 Order of the Garter | 16 Tamleek | | |
3.40 | 01 Alluringly | 09 Naughty or Nice | | |
4.20 | 01 Big Orange | 13 Simple Verse | | |
5.00 | 14 Son of the Stars | 21 Keyser Soze | 22 Afaak | 30 Maths Prize |
5.30 | SP FAVOURITE | 04 Utah | 09 First Nation | 18 Never Surrender |
| | | | |
| TOTAL LINES | 256 | | |
| TOTAL COST | £25.60 | | |