Well I have opted in again. Now for me all the league buttons are blank. So the feature to swap leagues if one wanted isn't there. Still looks borked to me maybe??
Hi bud,
Sorry you are being messed about.
This MIGHT be a Browser problem - if you had already opted in.
You either need to opt in using a different web browser or delete your cache and cookies. Sorry if its complex
This is because some browsers will pick up that the button has already been clicked on, so it'll turn blank
Well I have opted in again. Now for me all the league buttons are blank. So the feature to swap leagues if one wanted isn't there. Still looks borked to me maybe??
Hi bud,
Sorry you are being messed about.
This MIGHT be a Browser problem - if you had already opted in.
You either need to opt in using a different web browser or delete your cache and cookies. Sorry if its complex
This is because some browsers will pick up that the button has already been clicked on, so it'll turn blank
Was blank for me but you can opt in by entering the code via My Account.
Well I have opted in again. Now for me all the league buttons are blank. So the feature to swap leagues if one wanted isn't there. Still looks borked to me maybe??
Hi bud,
Sorry you are being messed about.
This MIGHT be a Browser problem - if you had already opted in.
You either need to opt in using a different web browser or delete your cache and cookies. Sorry if its complex
This is because some browsers will pick up that the button has already been clicked on, so it'll turn blank
Was blank for me but you can opt in by entering the code via My Account.
Message is now popping up to say if you opted in at any time over the last 2 weeks but before 6 pm this evening you have to opt in again. For those of us that have just opted in again (but before 6 pm) do we now have to opt in again, again?
In my attempt to get everyone updated at the earliest possible moment, I may have jumped the gun slightly - so yes please, if you RE-OPTED in before 6pm, please RE-RE-OPT In, if that makes sense.....
PS - I've just applied for a day's holiday - starting at 6.15pm this evening.
so how's your 2018 going so far?
Suffering from a bit of adverse variance, but, you know, sample size & all that......
As far as I can foresee, there will NOT be any further Updates from the Office tonight, but tomorrow morning it will all be sorted.
I'm going to go play some pokers now, so won't be able to handle further questions for a few hours, but once I'm done, I'll come back on & try to reply to any further questions. However, you now know as much as me, & I wont get any further updates from the Office until tomorrow now, so mothing much will change tonight from what I've already stated.
anyone else having problems opting in again? i can't seem to...
I had the same problem using my laptop which I'd first used to opt in with so opened up the same page with my ipad and all was good.
Cheers Dues - I just plumped for inserting the code on the "My account" page and it says it's been accepted so hopefully there won't be any hiccups from any of the re-re opting in I may or may not have done. Dunno. Seems more complex than trying to work out your 3b merge-bluff-value range*.
Just been in touch with the Office (1330) , & they are well on the way to getting this all sorted.
It's looking likely that it will be finalised & the leagues published up to close of play on Day 2 (yesterday) by mid-afternoon today, or at least, that's the current expectation.
BEFORE you post any questions or queries, I am going to explain a few things, try to clarify stuff, as there has been, as you know, some confusion about Opting In, RE-Opting In & the like.
Sorry you are being messed about.
This MIGHT be a Browser problem - if you had already opted in.
You either need to opt in using a different web browser or delete your cache and cookies. Sorry if its complex
This is because some browsers will pick up that the button has already been clicked on, so it'll turn blank
Yup, that works too.
Personally, I'd avoid doing that, just in case.
I can't get hold of the Team in the Office now, (18.22) so I won't know for sure until tomorrow morning.
Suffering from a bit of adverse variance, but, you know, sample size & all that......
As far as I can foresee, there will NOT be any further Updates from the Office tonight, but tomorrow morning it will all be sorted.
I'm going to go play some pokers now, so won't be able to handle further questions for a few hours, but once I'm done, I'll come back on & try to reply to any further questions. However, you now know as much as me, & I wont get any further updates from the Office until tomorrow now, so mothing much will change tonight from what I've already stated.
Once again, apologies for the messing about.
*erm, what is this please?
A slight
hitcherrorfiasco.....I might demand a refundSorry, I never saw the question.
I don't know the answer to that, but it won't change between now & tomorrow morning, when it all gets resolved, so it is what it is now.
Personally, I'd think it's best to try & Opt In to the same League, assuming you remember which it was.
Morning all.
Was dreading opening this thread this morning, but everyone has been patient & understanding, thank you.
The Poker Team are giving this the highest priority, & will get straight on the case this morning to get it sorted.
As soon as I hear anything from them, I will update you on this thread.
Yesterday's false start sort of reminded me of this....
Just been in touch with the Office (1330) , & they are well on the way to getting this all sorted.UPDATE
It's looking likely that it will be finalised & the leagues published up to close of play on Day 2 (yesterday) by mid-afternoon today, or at least, that's the current expectation.
Further news as soon as I get it.
Many thanks to everyone for their patience.
The League Tables are now UP.You can see them here;
These Tables are for the first TWO days - Monday & Tuesday.
As of tomorrow, it'll revert to DAILY Updates.*
* Probably.
BEFORE you post any questions or queries, I am going to explain a few things, try to clarify stuff, as there has been, as you know, some confusion about Opting In, RE-Opting In & the like.
So for the next 5 minutes, please.....
OK, let me try to work through the various scenarios.
Firstly, the points shown are for TWO DAYS, so should be up to date as of Midnight last night (Midnight Tuesday).
Also, the points shown are LEAGUE Points, & don't equate to Rewards Points as such. The points shown are based on your "Daily Rank".
More follows;
Several people asked for re-assurance that their points from Day 1 - MONDAY - would be included.
Confirmed - they ARE (or should be) included.
More follows;