What a great weekend, well played to everyone who cashed, many thanks to the Sky crew for organising a fantastic tournament. Great to meet the faces behind the avatars. Definatly a few days off the booze to allow my liver to recover also
Always good to meet people i haven't seen in yonks-including you in this case. Nice to see you contributing here. Good luck to all who cashed here, and good luck to forum regs trying to qualify for Vegas.
Thanks to Sky staff-must be a little uncertain at times, so thanks for being you.
What a great weekend, well played to everyone who cashed, many thanks to the Sky crew for organising a fantastic tournament. Great to meet the faces behind the avatars. Definatly a few days off the booze to allow my liver to recover also
Always good to meet people i haven't seen in yonks-including you in this case. Nice to see you contributing here. Good luck to all who cashed here, and good luck to forum regs trying to qualify for Vegas.
Thanks to Sky staff-must be a little uncertain at times, so thanks for being you.
Bumping into you was certainly a blast from the past Phil. Great memories of days and tournies gone past. Hope to see you again soon.
Not an album as such, but I do have a bunch of photos, some of them unused, so I'll have a look later, or in the morning, & if there are any of interest, I'll post them up.
Until I got back home, I never realised you were gazza127. Shame really, woulda been good to chat, but without those self-adhesive name-tags I was a bit buggered.
Thanks Tikay. I only ask on the off chance there's a photo of me somewhere not looking tired and sweaty 😅.
Was hoping to talk to you at some point, but ended up staying in the tournament a bit longer than expected! After I had sorted the admin at the casino on the Sunday unfortunately you had left.
Enjoyed the weekend immensely. Will hope to catch you at another SPT in the future (when work allows).
As I’ve now been inexplicably blocked from the SkyPoker Facebook page (spoken to support about this-they have no idea how to rectify. It’s a mystery) I can’t even see ones on there.
Thanks to Sky staff-must be a little uncertain at times, so thanks for being you.
Not an album as such, but I do have a bunch of photos, some of them unused, so I'll have a look later, or in the morning, & if there are any of interest, I'll post them up.
Until I got back home, I never realised you were gazza127. Shame really, woulda been good to chat, but without those self-adhesive name-tags I was a bit buggered.
Was hoping to talk to you at some point, but ended up staying in the tournament a bit longer than expected! After I had sorted the admin at the casino on the Sunday unfortunately you had left.
Enjoyed the weekend immensely. Will hope to catch you at another SPT in the future (when work allows).
As I’ve now been inexplicably blocked from the SkyPoker Facebook page (spoken to support about this-they have no idea how to rectify. It’s a mystery) I can’t even see ones on there.