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SPT Notts Live Update



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,347
    edited May 2018
    A very good morning from a sun-kissed Nottingham.

    Chip counts - or most of them - follow shortly.

    The cardroom staff have very kindly left me the chip counts of the top 56 players (by chip count) but seem to have omitted the last page. I think there were around 65 or 70 survivors in all.

    The top 56 will follow shortly, just as soon as I can get them typed up, the stragglers will follow once the card room staff arrive.

    EDIT - the missing players have now been included, but not their table numbers
  • mildsteal0mildsteal0 Member Posts: 47
    good morning tikay how many players started 1a and 1b gl to you and all the others today
  • ILoveLycraILoveLycra Member Posts: 1
    Is there a tv table being streamed, if so will there be a recording that can be watched after on youtube?
  • DoyleBrunDoyleBrun Member Posts: 1,296
    Had a great day yesterday even though I only played about half a dozen hands never seen so much raising and reraising nearly made day 2 but didnt want to come back with small stack so tried to double up late on 1010 v AQ he hit is Q so fair enough. Was cream crackered at the end and I wasn't drinking anything stronger than orange, met and played with IrishRose and TK he certainly has style even if he doesn't win many hands. Good luck to those left have a great day.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,347
    edited May 2018
    Craig Cummins, 259,400, Table 10

    Gary Young, 251,100, Table 14

    Tim Chung, 237,200, Table 10

    Matthew Bates Esq, 202,900, Table 11

    Mark Dansie, 199,500, Table 12

    Dieter Popsichil, 183,100, Table 10

    Greg Churchward, 177,500, Table 16

    Antonius Samuel, 170,000, Table 15

    Neil Andrew Channing, 164,400, Table 13

    Ben Shannon, 159,100, Table 14

    Phil Dorrington, 157,500, Table 11

    John Garratt, 153,800, Table 9

    Gareth Smith, 152,300, Table 11

    Shay Ahluwalia, 150,000, Table 9

    Leonard Ebdon, 134,800, Table 12

    Samuel Arbuthnot Tyrrell, 128,700, Table 16

    Robert Elkin, 124,800, Table 13

    Rose Roberts, 115,900, Table 16

    Daniel Hawkins, 111,300, Table 14

    Ma Ang, 109,100, Table 12

    James Jagger, 108,300, Table 13

    Richard Timms, 107,100, Table 11

    Alan Gascoigne, 107,000, Table 15

    Nicholas Seagar, 100,800, Table 14

    Ben Nuttall, 95,400, Table 15

    Mark McCluskey, 93,8900, Table 16

    Ryan Eborall, 89,700, Table 13

    Wilson Tan, 84,700, Table 15

    Catalin Geangos, 78,600, Table 14

    Guy Rolfe, 76,500, Table 13

    Laura Graham, 76,200, Table 14

    Zaheer Ahmed, 74,200, Table 9

    Maz Bako, 73,700, Table 12

    James Platt, 72,700, Table 10

    Henry Strudwick, 72,100, Table 16

    Alan Silcock, 71, 500, Table 11

    Ian Senior, 70,800, Table 11

    Roger Sloss, 67,500, Table 12

    Adam Hilton, 65,600, Table 12

    Dan Lammin, 65,200, Table 10

    Harry Dukes, 62,000, Table 9

    Melissa Price, 61,000, Table 15

    Stuart Rolfe, 61,000, Table 15

    Oliver White, 60,500, Table 10

    Stephen Devlin, 60,000, Table 11

    George Devine, 59,600, Table 16

    Andrew Hedderman, 59,600, Table14

    Stuart Lee, 58,800, Table 9

    Oscar Ford,58,400, Table 11

    Simon Griffin, 54,300, Table 12

    Adam Maxwell, 51,300, Table 16

    David Dyson, 51,200, Table 13

    Glen Gaines, 50,700, Table 15

    Andy Burt, 48,900, Table 10

    Kirsty Buttle, 48,300, Table 9

    Simon Ellis, 47,700, Table 13

    Vinod Jadav, 47,000, Table 10

    Stephen Davis, 45,000

    Hayden Horman, 40,800

    Christina Johnson, 38,500

    John McGlynn, 38,100

    Michael Poon, 35,800

    Tony Kendall, 35,000

    Nicholas Howat, 34,800

    Lilai Ji, 31,600

  • thislteduthisltedu Member Posts: 399
    Had a very enjoyable day yesterday. Lunch with our chip leader Gary 'Cracked' and Nick 'Tzar' then spent a lot of time next to Phil ' Essixphil' at the table. I also had the pleasure of TK in the last session until he unfortunately ran his AQ into JJ and....... AQ.
    I bounced about between average stack and 1/2 stack most of the day before dropping to fumes with 20 minutes to go. Got lucky with QJs onto AJ and then KK in the BB over a shove and a call and held. So coming back with 67,500 and a chance.
    Good luck to all in day 2 and thanks to Sky for a great tournament.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,347

    So our Craig is currently chip leader, with Gary Young, Tim Chung & Batesy all close up.

    Ambo, Gareth Smith &, remarkably, Sam Tyrrell are all in close attendance.

    Plenty of other familiar names & faces, too, so maybe we can have a fun update today.

    I'll need to sit in at 1pm, but with 35,000, don't think I'll be there too long, it'll be double or bust within a few orbits, so I'll be back on the Updates.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,347
    thisltedu said:

    Had a very enjoyable day yesterday. Lunch with our chip leader Gary 'Cracked' and Nick 'Tzar' then spent a lot of time next to Phil ' Essixphil' at the table. I also had the pleasure of TK in the last session until he unfortunately ran his AQ into JJ and....... AQ.
    I bounced about between average stack and 1/2 stack most of the day before dropping to fumes with 20 minutes to go. Got lucky with QJs onto AJ and then KK in the BB over a shove and a call and held. So coming back with 67,500 and a chance.
    Good luck to all in day 2 and thanks to Sky for a great tournament.

    Well done yesterday.

    And yes, was a bit of a poo spot for me, A-Q into J-J, complicated by, to my surprise, a third player who also had the A-Q. Bad spot, that. Never mind, on we go.
  • rspca12rspca12 Member Posts: 618
    edited May 2018
    gd to see so many reg sky players in list got a feeling about bates this time gl kid. And all other sky regs.
  • Sky_SamTSky_SamT Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 984
    rspca12 said:

    gd to see so many reg sky players in list got a felling about bates this time gl kid. And all other sky regs.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,347

    Here you go, players in table & seat order;

    Dieter Pospichil 183,100 Table 10, Seat 1
    Timothy Chung 237,200 Table 10, Seat 2
    Craig Cummins 259,400 Table 10, Seat 3
    Andy Burt 48,900 Table 10, Seat 4
    Vinod Jadav 47,000 Table 10, Seat 5
    Oliver White 60,500 Table 10, Seat 6
    James Platt 72,700 Table 10, Seat 7
    Daniel Lammin 65,200 Table 10, Seat 8
    Oscar Ford 58,400 Table 11, Seat 1
    Gareth Smith 152,300 Table 11, Seat 2
    Phil Dorrington 157,500 Table 11, Seat 3
    Matthew Bates 202,900 Table 11, Seat 4
    Stephen Devlin 60,000 Table 11, Seat 5
    Ridckie Alan Silcock 71,500 Table 11, Seat 6
    Ian Senior 70,800 Table 11, Seat 7
    Ashley Richard Timms 107,100 Table 11, Seat 8
    Ma Ang 109,100 Table 12, Seat 1
    Adam Hilton 65,600 Table 12, Seat 2
    Ryan Mark Dansie 199,500 Table 12, Seat 3
    Mazalahedwa Bako 73,700 Table 12, Seat 4
    Leonard Ebdon 134,800 Table 12, Seat 5
    Donald Roger Sloss 67,500 Table 12, Seat 6
    Christina Johnson 38,500 Table 12, Seat 7
    Simon Griffin 54,300 Table 12, Seat 8
    David Dyson 51,200 Table 13, Seat 1
    Guy John Rolfe 76,500 Table 13, Seat 2
    Stuart Rolfe 61,000 Table 13, Seat 3
    Simon Ellis 47,700 Table 13, Seat 4
    Neil Channing 164,400 Table 13, Seat 5
    Ryan Eborall 89,700 Table 13, Seat 6
    William Robert Elkin 124,800 Table 13, Seat 7
    James Jagger 108,300 Table 13, Seat 8
    Benjamin Shannon 159,100 Table 14, Seat 1
    Gary Michael Young 251,100 Table 14, Seat 2
    Michael Poon 35,800 Table 14, Seat 3
    Andrew Hedderman 59,600 Table 14, Seat 4
    Daniel Hawkins 111,300 Table 14, Seat 5
    Laura Graham 76,200 Table 14, Seat 6
    Nicholas Peter Seager 100,800 Table 14, Seat 7
    Catalin Geangos 78,600 Table 14, Seat 8
    Glen Gaines 50,700 Table 15, Seat 1
    Antonius Samuel 170,000 Table 15, Seat 2
    Benjamin Nuttall 95,400 Table 15, Seat 3
    Alan Gascoigne 107,000 Table 15, Seat 4
    Nicholas John Howat 34,800 Table 15, Seat 5
    Neil Channing 31,800 Table 15, Seat 6
    Melissa Chloe Price 61,000 Table 15, Seat 7
    John Mcglynn 38,100 Table 15, Seat 8
    Wilson Tan 84,700 Table 15, Seat 9
    Rose Roberts 115,900 Table 16, Seat 1
    George Devine 59,600 Table 16, Seat 2
    Adam Maxwell 51,300 Table 16, Seat 3
    Greg Churchward 177,500 Table 16, Seat 4
    Tony Kendall 35,000 Table 16, Seat 5
    Henry Strudwick 72,100 Table 16, Seat 6
    Sam Tyrrel 128,700 Table 16, Seat 7
    Mark Mccluskey 93,900 Table 16, Seat 8
    Zaheer Ahmed 74,200 Table 9, Seat 1
    Stuart Lee 58,800 Table 9, Seat 2
    John Samuel Garratt 153,800 Table 9, Seat 3
    Stephen Davies 45,000 Table 9, Seat 4
    Shay Ahluwalia 150,000 Table 9, Seat 5
    Harry Dukes 62,000 Table 9, Seat 6
    Lilai Ji 31,600 Table 9, Seat 7
    Hayden Horman 40,800 Table 9, Seat 8
    Kirsty Buttle 48,300 Table 9, Seat 9

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    Was a great day 1, I do consider myself very lucky. Early on I shoved a raise as AJ high on flop Q10x, as much as I rule out hands like AQ and QQ their waz still a number of hands beat me thankfully I ran into J9 and stayed ahead. Those who think online poker is rigged might as well start start thinking live poker is rigged, I called a short stack and a SB AI as AQ, SB had KK flop K10x turn J riv blank
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    What's the payouts please?

    Good luck to everyone today
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,347

    What's the payouts please?

    Good luck to everyone today

    I'll post the payouts soonest, but for now, the winner gets £12,050, & 25th gets £250.
  • marlsssmarlsss Member Posts: 26
    Great banter yesterday folks,i expect i will be nursing a hangover for next three weeks after this

    GL everyone left
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,388
    edited May 2018
    Are there 2 Neil Channing's in this?

    ones got a big stack and one has less than you Teeks

    Table 13 Seat 5 164,400

    Table 15 Seat 6 31,800
  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    Good luck today lads and lasses.... Iv got a sneaky feeling we are going to see a mattbates masterclass today
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,388
    edited May 2018
    ....... or is Neil taking his glasses off and playing Blind on 1 table :D
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    Thank you Tikay, good luck on roses table. Also gl to George.
    Must be rigged as you and Mark are on the same table. But that just means 2 bounties to go for.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,347

    Thank you Tikay, good luck on roses table. Also gl to George.
    Must be rigged as you and Mark are on the same table. But that just means 2 bounties to go for.

    That table has now broken, but not before a 3 way all in pre
    between seat 3 (J-J), me (Q-Q) and......Sam (A-K).

    The board ran out 6 high, so that propelled me to 90,000 or more.

    Most pleasing.
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