Here's a very odd photo, which kinda sums up Vegas.
See that tall Venetian billboard - well just to it's right, you can see what appears to be the top 4 floors of one of the Venetian Towers.
All is not what it seems though - those top 4 floors don't exist. It's just scaffolding with canvas draped over it, painted to look like the façade of the building.
But why?
Simple. If that false façade was not there, the imposing & beautiful Wynn Hotel would be visible, & the owner of The Venetian - Sheldon Adelson - did not want folks seeing that.
Blinds are now 400-800 with a 100 running ante.
Tato (A-K) & Groggs (Q-Q) get it all in, door card King & Groggs is left with dust.
Midway through Level 8 & we are down to 29 already.
27 left.
Once we get down to 2 tables we'll start doing chip counts.
This bridge sits over the Gondala Lake, & in the background (missing the top bit ) is St Marks (?) Tower, or at least a replica of it.
Looking in the opposite direction, there's Treasure Island - or TI as it is known these days - just across the Strip.
In the background, on the left, is one of the 7 Caesars Palace towers.
Here's the other end of the Gondola Lake. Can't believe I got photo-bombed by 2 pigeons.
Here we see one of the Venetian Towers, with the (relatively) downmarket Harrahs in the background.
Here's a very odd photo, which kinda sums up Vegas.
See that tall Venetian billboard - well just to it's right, you can see what appears to be the top 4 floors of one of the Venetian Towers.
All is not what it seems though - those top 4 floors don't exist. It's just scaffolding with canvas draped over it, painted to look like the façade of the building.
But why?
Simple. If that false façade was not there, the imposing & beautiful Wynn Hotel would be visible, & the owner of The Venetian - Sheldon Adelson - did not want folks seeing that.
Funny old game, Vegas.
Meanwhile, whilst I was waffling, we are down to 24 players.
Irish Rose goes to war with A-K & is up against A-Q.
No dramas, 9 high board, & Rose gets a double up.
With blinds at 600-1,200 (RA 200) Ambo is in trouble with 10,300, & shoves all-in on the button with K-6 suited.
Tedson in the small blinds is not buying, & pretty much snaps with 7-7, whilst GSmith in the BB finds the fold.
Channing is in a world of pain on the higgeldy piggeldy one spade flop, but running spades get him there & he doubles up to 20,000+.
10 minute break now, as Level 9 comes to an end.
Ambo is busto, beaten by LuckyBrah with 9-9 which setted up on the end.
LuckyBrah wins Ambo's Bounty, being a free seat at the next SPT.
20 left, the blinds are biting & the chips are flying.
18 left now, so down to 2 Tables.
9 paid, but a 10 person Final, as per TDA rules.
Ha, you wish.
Here's the last 2 tables before that flurry of exits;