I sincerely hope that you are not prevented from doing your thing.
I'm disappointed with the outcome but I wouldn't make a fuss if others were permitted to do things that I wasn't.
Andrew started the conversation by informing me that unfortunately, they're not in a position to work with me as an affiliate (or words to that effect) which is something I have never asked about aside from a tongue in cheek remark in this thread.
I think Sky have taken a hammer to crack a walnut and handled this quite badly but I'm not exactly a professional either. I'll just carry on making videos in a way that doesn't compromise my account but won't be changing anything regarding needling the snowflakes that I clearly get under the skin of.
Teacher has to ban all class from going on school trips because little Johny always swears at the locals when abroad. Little Johny approaches the teacher and asks why Teacher explains decorum and rules Johny tells teacher to F off, the people I swear at deserve it, they’re all soft b..... Johny becomes local hero Class still don’t go on school trips Johny holds his head high knowing he’s right.
I haven’t reported you. I may well have done so If I’d watched any of your streams over the last year but I haven’t. I watched 2 minutes of your stream a year or so back. You spoke of how you work with people with special needs and promptly followed up by calling a player a retard. You apologised on the forum for saying it at the time. Now you deny ever saying it. I don’t like liars After that I decided I didn’t like you and so haven’t watched since.
Don’t worry, you don’t need to watch the whole lot! The first 5 minutes is where our hero gets things off his chest.
I’m not sure how my stance makes me a “****”, or a “snowflake” or how it “makes life a challenge for me” or how it will make me offended “if I see a bit of dogshit in the street”
I have said time and again, I don't remember it but if I did, then it was a mistake and I apologise. I even addressed it in this thread.
Have a lovely life. I'm done discussing the same topic with you over and over. Don't go out in that sunshine
You did. There isn't an if.
Perhaps if you actually offered a more sincere apology instead of one with caveats that you have rolled out a few times then people might be more receptive to you.
I don't care either way for your channel, but I can understand why Sky have gone down the road they have done.
For the record, your language and swearing doesn't bother me but you should be more aware of your audience and how certain words can impact on people and their situations.
If you're gonna use words of a certain nature then fill your boots, just don't then deny using them when dozens of people hear it.
I have said time and again, I don't remember it but if I did, then it was a mistake and I apologise. I even addressed it in this thread.
Have a lovely life. I'm done discussing the same topic with you over and over. Don't go out in that sunshine
You did. There isn't an if.
Perhaps if you actually offered a more sincere apology instead of one with caveats that you have rolled out a few times then people might be more receptive to you.
I don't care either way for your channel, but I can understand why Sky have gone down the road they have done.
For the record, your language and swearing doesn't bother me but you should be more aware of your audience and how certain words can impact on people and their situations.
If you're gonna use words of a certain nature then fill your boots, just don't deny using them when dozens of people heard it.
Good grief, how many times?
I have apologised without even remembering saying it. I believe that actions speak louder than words, which is why my channel and facebook group have twice raised money for good causes, one was for a young girls family who had to travel to America for treatment on a brain tumour. The other was to donate to a local youth group for people with learning disabilities.
Even if I did use that word in a moment of weakness, I hardly think it is something that warrants still getting thrown at me years later. My work in the disabled community locally is well received and I take the feedback I get from people that actually know me a little more seriously than some random dude on the internet with an axe to grind.
If this truly is a big issue for you, rather than just something convenient for you to roll out time and again, then I can only imagine what an emotional rollercoaster life must be for you and for that, you have my deepest sympathy.
As with Jac, I will not be addressing this issue with you any further, either on here, or at the tables.
I get that you get on his back for that ok, but tell me what streamer in twitch has not dropped the c bomb or smashed other players at the tables, take Lex he has one of the biggest followings on twitch, and he swears more than I do and smashes more players than most when he takes a beat as you can see from his you-tube takes.
The reason I like the don is because he is being creative, and he is offering a service to newcomers in a market, that IMO needs it right now, I have never met him in person and just see the value from the work he has produced.
To make a blanket ban for one person complaining seems a bit harsh, I look at this from productive point of view as a whole, unless there is some underling factor I'm not aware of, this seems a bit harsh given what's on the market already with in the streaming industry.
as a streamer myself that makes me uncertain, if not fearful of any grey areas to having a ban on my account incase I cross a grey line in certain sky T&C.
don't get me wrong I love sky poker and its made a lot of money here but I just don't get it.
maybe its me.
as a side note I have been asked a fair bit on FB and SM about my comments about matt , for the record I have no real problem with Bates I do think he's a good player and have a lot of respect for him as a player, its just sometimes he creates problems that he's not aware of that have sideline affects for people that have vested interested in some stables on sky (which I have a stake in) or vested interests in some situation.
so the term wind your neck in might be helpful in some situations imo though. but that's just my point of view, I'm not telling him what to do he's his own man.
as a side note I have been asked a fair bit on FB and SM about my comments about matt , for the record I have no real problem with Bates I do think he's a good player and have a lot of respect for him as a player, its just sometimes he creates problems that he's not aware of that have sideline affects for people that have vested interested in some stables on sky (which I have a stake in) or vested interests in some situation.
so the term wind your neck in might be helpful in some situations imo though. but that's just my point of view, I'm not telling him what to do he's his own man.
If he's creating problems that he's not aware of, then the best thing to do is to make him aware of them. He's one of the good guys on here and is defo approachable - I very much doubt he'll bite your head off if you message him to try and sort things out the right way.
I have said time and again, I don't remember it but if I did, then it was a mistake and I apologise. I even addressed it in this thread.
Have a lovely life. I'm done discussing the same topic with you over and over. Don't go out in that sunshine
You did. There isn't an if.
Perhaps if you actually offered a more sincere apology instead of one with caveats that you have rolled out a few times then people might be more receptive to you.
I don't care either way for your channel, but I can understand why Sky have gone down the road they have done.
For the record, your language and swearing doesn't bother me but you should be more aware of your audience and how certain words can impact on people and their situations.
If you're gonna use words of a certain nature then fill your boots, just don't deny using them when dozens of people heard it.
Good grief, how many times?
I have apologised without even remembering saying it. I believe that actions speak louder than words, which is why my channel and facebook group have twice raised money for good causes, one was for a young girls family who had to travel to America for treatment on a brain tumour. The other was to donate to a local youth group for people with learning disabilities.
Even if I did use that word in a moment of weakness, I hardly think it is something that warrants still getting thrown at me years later. My work in the disabled community locally is well received and I take the feedback I get from people that actually know me a little more seriously than some random dude on the internet with an axe to grind.
If this truly is a big issue for you, rather than just something convenient for you to roll out time and again, then I can only imagine what an emotional rollercoaster life must be for you and for that, you have my deepest sympathy.
As with Jac, I will not be addressing this issue with you any further, either on here, or at the tables.
Have a lovely evening.
Yet again you use the caveats of 'I don't remember' or 'even if I did use that word'. Very convenient indeed.
Let this sink in for you and any others in doubt; there is no ''if''. You used that word, that is a fact, no matter how much you try to gloss over this. Many many people witnessed it so its futile to keep up this charade. You called a fellow Sky player a ''retard'' on one of your streams.
Its pretty obvious you seem unable to take any responsibility for the things that you said. You then try to cover your tracks with the fact you help out in your disabled community, which if anything makes the whole situation worse.
If you're happy call random Sky players ''retards'', then what are you calling the people who you are tasked to care for?
I wish you all the best in your staked 20nl career.
I have said time and again, I don't remember it but if I did, then it was a mistake and I apologise. I even addressed it in this thread.
Have a lovely life. I'm done discussing the same topic with you over and over. Don't go out in that sunshine
You did. There isn't an if.
Perhaps if you actually offered a more sincere apology instead of one with caveats that you have rolled out a few times then people might be more receptive to you.
I don't care either way for your channel, but I can understand why Sky have gone down the road they have done.
For the record, your language and swearing doesn't bother me but you should be more aware of your audience and how certain words can impact on people and their situations.
If you're gonna use words of a certain nature then fill your boots, just don't deny using them when dozens of people heard it.
Good grief, how many times?
I have apologised without even remembering saying it. I believe that actions speak louder than words, which is why my channel and facebook group have twice raised money for good causes, one was for a young girls family who had to travel to America for treatment on a brain tumour. The other was to donate to a local youth group for people with learning disabilities.
Even if I did use that word in a moment of weakness, I hardly think it is something that warrants still getting thrown at me years later. My work in the disabled community locally is well received and I take the feedback I get from people that actually know me a little more seriously than some random dude on the internet with an axe to grind.
If this truly is a big issue for you, rather than just something convenient for you to roll out time and again, then I can only imagine what an emotional rollercoaster life must be for you and for that, you have my deepest sympathy.
As with Jac, I will not be addressing this issue with you any further, either on here, or at the tables.
Have a lovely evening.
Yet again you use the caveats of 'I don't remember' or 'even if I did use that word'. Very convenient indeed.
Let this sink in for you and any others in doubt; there is no ''if''. You used that word, that is a fact, no matter how much you try to gloss over this. Many many people witnessed it so its futile to keep up this charade. You called a fellow Sky player a ''retard'' on one of your streams.
Its pretty obvious you seem unable to take any responsibility for the things that you said. You then try to cover your tracks with the fact you help out in your disabled community, which if anything makes the whole situation worse.
If you're happy call random Sky players ''retards'', then what are you calling the people who you are tasked to care for?
I wish you all the best in your staked 20nl career.
Ignoring the stuff I have already covered, where do you get that I am staked to play £20nl from?
I ran a couple of stakes when I was trying to build a twitch community and wanted regular viewers to feel invested in the action. I ended it early (after giving the backers a >100% return on their investment) and have played on my own money since.
Before then, I have literally never been staked aside from occasionally selling some pieces way back before Black Friday in some tournaments.
Given how factually incorrect your statement is regarding staking, it brings into question other things that you consider to be facts.
I look forward to your next post with bated breath. Hopefully it will be a lot more interesting that most of your other contributions are around here.
as a side note I have been asked a fair bit on FB and SM about my comments about matt , for the record I have no real problem with Bates I do think he's a good player and have a lot of respect for him as a player, its just sometimes he creates problems that he's not aware of that have sideline affects for people that have vested interested in some stables on sky (which I have a stake in) or vested interests in some situation.
so the term wind your neck in might be helpful in some situations imo though. but that's just my point of view, I'm not telling him what to do he's his own man.
If he's creating problems that he's not aware of, then the best thing to do is to make him aware of them. He's one of the good guys on here and is defo approachable - I very much doubt he'll bite your head off if you message him to try and sort things out the right way.
This is definitely the advice to take. I like you JJ and think your streams are great and you are +EV for the forum also.
I see how Matt can come off the wrong way in situations but I dont believe there is any malice in what is said and again he is +EV for the forums. He seems like a nice guy from my interactions with him.
On a sidenote I think banning twitch streaming is a bad line for Skypoker. Streaming is the future of bringing new players to the site
negative feedback on this thread is from players with 100s of posts. Positive feedback is mainly from players who have posted just the once. Just saying !
I agree with Danny re streaming, these days though it comes with certain responsibilities. The whole online communities have received such bad press lately ( ongoing data breach cases, online bullying etc etc) and online gambling has to be seen to be whiter than white , it’s easy to criticise a huge firm like sky for what seems to be “ cracking a nut with a sledgehammer” but they have most to lose here, and will have people in positions that are far more knowledgeable on the subject than the bloke on the street/ felt.
negative feedback on this thread is from players with 100s of posts. Positive feedback is mainly from players who have posted just the once. Just saying !
Doesn't mean anything. I could get people to make accounts on here and post nice stuff. Not saying this is the case. Just saying.
negative feedback on this thread is from players with 100s of posts. Positive feedback is mainly from players who have posted just the once. Just saying !
That's because @The--Don posted on his fan group FB page asking for people to give their support if they enjoyed the channel/Sky content etc (Which is obvs fair enough) - But many of them will have been unaware of the forum or just not had any desire to use it before.
Looks like weve got regi the charity worker all wrong , hes promoting sky poker , a quick scroll through his facebook group.
Judging by the alacrity and joy you seem to take in targeting someone who clearly has been a positive influence in this community, you seem to have a violent disregard to both your bottom line, and the state of this community.
I'm sorry that you place your personal virtue signaling above the health of this site, and though that may be good for you, you clearly aren't in the right mind about the long term ramifications.
It's pretty absurd that one player complaining can cause this.
I understand your client suspects its either me or Jac35 that may have complained , I can clear this up , it wasn't me, if it was , I would have made it known in this thread at the earliest opportunity and on the offending stream. I suspect the same of Jac35.
As for the site and community health resting in the hands of Regi-Geldof-Mandella, look in this thread, he calls sky staff a bunch of C-word, whilst saying look what traffic he brings, calls a player at his table a retard, denies it adding "look what I do for charity, mate" .
Any misforture this guy suffers in the streaming world is self inflicted.
For what its worth that was ambiguous, I wasn't trying to say conclusively that was you that reported, I don't like throwing around accusations, It was mainly one point of me not particularly getting the hate you had for someone who in my opinion is way better than you give credit for. And then a second point of what likely is one person complain and sky spewwing.
I get that you get on his back for that ok, but tell me what streamer in twitch has not dropped the c bomb or smashed other players at the tables, take Lex he has one of the biggest followings on twitch, and he swears more than I do and smashes more players than most when he takes a beat as you can see from his you-tube takes.
The reason I like the don is because he is being creative, and he is offering a service to newcomers in a market, that IMO needs it right now, I have never met him in person and just see the value from the work he has produced.
To make a blanket ban for one person complaining seems a bit harsh, I look at this from productive point of view as a whole, unless there is some underling factor I'm not aware of, this seems a bit harsh given what's on the market already with in the streaming industry.
as a streamer myself that makes me uncertain, if not fearful of any grey areas to having a ban on my account incase I cross a grey line in certain sky T&C.
don't get me wrong I love sky poker and its made a lot of money here but I just don't get it.
maybe its me.
as a side note I have been asked a fair bit on FB and SM about my comments about matt , for the record I have no real problem with Bates I do think he's a good player and have a lot of respect for him as a player, its just sometimes he creates problems that he's not aware of that have sideline affects for people that have vested interested in some stables on sky (which I have a stake in) or vested interests in some situation.
so the term wind your neck in might be helpful in some situations imo though. but that's just my point of view, I'm not telling him what to do he's his own man.
A few people have asked me about this and I am none the wiser as to what I have done and you even say I create problems I am unaware of. If I am causing problems then just tell me so I am aware of them then at least I can make an informed decision as to my actions. Of the people that have asked me about this none of them can think what it is that this relates to so as I said I am none the wiser.
I sincerely hope that you are not prevented from doing your thing.
I'm disappointed with the outcome but I wouldn't make a fuss if others were permitted to do things that I wasn't.
Andrew started the conversation by informing me that unfortunately, they're not in a position to work with me as an affiliate (or words to that effect) which is something I have never asked about aside from a tongue in cheek remark in this thread.
I think Sky have taken a hammer to crack a walnut and handled this quite badly but I'm not exactly a professional either. I'll just carry on making videos in a way that doesn't compromise my account but won't be changing anything regarding needling the snowflakes that I clearly get under the skin of.
Little Johny approaches the teacher and asks why
Teacher explains decorum and rules
Johny tells teacher to F off, the people I swear at deserve it, they’re all soft b.....
Johny becomes local hero
Class still don’t go on school trips
Johny holds his head high knowing he’s right.
I haven’t reported you. I may well have done so If I’d watched any of your streams over the last year but I haven’t. I watched 2 minutes of your stream a year or so back.
You spoke of how you work with people with special needs and promptly followed up by calling a player a retard. You apologised on the forum for saying it at the time. Now you deny ever saying it. I don’t like liars
After that I decided I didn’t like you and so haven’t watched since.
Don’t worry, you don’t need to watch the whole lot! The first 5 minutes is where our hero gets things off his chest.
I’m not sure how my stance makes me a “****”, or a “snowflake” or how it “makes life a challenge for me” or how it will make me offended “if I see a bit of dogshit in the street”
I have said time and again, I don't remember it but if I did, then it was a mistake and I apologise. I even addressed it in this thread.
Have a lovely life. I'm done discussing the same topic with you over and over. Don't go out in that sunshine
There isn't an if.
Perhaps if you actually offered a more sincere apology instead of one with caveats that you have rolled out a few times then people might be more receptive to you.
I don't care either way for your channel, but I can understand why Sky have gone down the road they have done.
For the record, your language and swearing doesn't bother me but you should be more aware of your audience and how certain words can impact on people and their situations.
If you're gonna use words of a certain nature then fill your boots, just don't then deny using them when dozens of people hear it.
I have apologised without even remembering saying it. I believe that actions speak louder than words, which is why my channel and facebook group have twice raised money for good causes, one was for a young girls family who had to travel to America for treatment on a brain tumour. The other was to donate to a local youth group for people with learning disabilities.
Even if I did use that word in a moment of weakness, I hardly think it is something that warrants still getting thrown at me years later. My work in the disabled community locally is well received and I take the feedback I get from people that actually know me a little more seriously than some random dude on the internet with an axe to grind.
If this truly is a big issue for you, rather than just something convenient for you to roll out time and again, then I can only imagine what an emotional rollercoaster life must be for you and for that, you have my deepest sympathy.
As with Jac, I will not be addressing this issue with you any further, either on here, or at the tables.
Have a lovely evening.
The reason I like the don is because he is being creative, and he is offering a service to newcomers in a market, that IMO needs it right now, I have never met him in person and just see the value from the work he has produced.
To make a blanket ban for one person complaining seems a bit harsh, I look at this from productive point of view as a whole, unless there is some underling factor I'm not aware of, this seems a bit harsh given what's on the market already with in the streaming industry.
as a streamer myself that makes me uncertain, if not fearful of any grey areas to having a ban on my account incase I cross a grey line in certain sky T&C.
don't get me wrong I love sky poker and its made a lot of money here but I just don't get it.
maybe its me.
as a side note I have been asked a fair bit on FB and SM about my comments about matt , for the record I have no real problem with Bates I do think he's a good player and have a lot of respect for him as a player, its just sometimes he creates problems that he's not aware of that have sideline affects for people that have vested interested in some stables on sky (which I have a stake in) or vested interests in some situation.
so the term wind your neck in might be helpful in some situations imo though. but that's just my point of view, I'm not telling him what to do he's his own man.
Let this sink in for you and any others in doubt; there is no ''if''. You used that word, that is a fact, no matter how much you try to gloss over this. Many many people witnessed it so its futile to keep up this charade. You called a fellow Sky player a ''retard'' on one of your streams.
Its pretty obvious you seem unable to take any responsibility for the things that you said. You then try to cover your tracks with the fact you help out in your disabled community, which if anything makes the whole situation worse.
If you're happy call random Sky players ''retards'', then what are you calling the people who you are tasked to care for?
I wish you all the best in your staked 20nl career.
I ran a couple of stakes when I was trying to build a twitch community and wanted regular viewers to feel invested in the action. I ended it early (after giving the backers a >100% return on their investment) and have played on my own money since.
Before then, I have literally never been staked aside from occasionally selling some pieces way back before Black Friday in some tournaments.
Given how factually incorrect your statement is regarding staking, it brings into question other things that you consider to be facts.
I look forward to your next post with bated breath. Hopefully it will be a lot more interesting that most of your other contributions are around here.
This is definitely the advice to take. I like you JJ and think your streams are great and you are +EV for the forum also.
I see how Matt can come off the wrong way in situations but I dont believe there is any malice in what is said and again he is +EV for the forums. He seems like a nice guy from my interactions with him.
On a sidenote I think banning twitch streaming is a bad line for Skypoker. Streaming is the future of bringing new players to the site
The whole online communities have received such bad press lately ( ongoing data breach cases, online bullying etc etc) and online gambling has to be seen to be whiter than white , it’s easy to criticise a huge firm like sky for what seems to be “ cracking a nut with a sledgehammer” but they have most to lose here, and will have people in positions that are far more knowledgeable on the subject than the bloke on the street/ felt.
I understand your client suspects its either me or Jac35 that may have complained , I can clear this up , it wasn't me, if it was , I would have made it known in this thread at the earliest opportunity and on the offending stream. I suspect the same of Jac35.
As for the site and community health resting in the hands of Regi-Geldof-Mandella, look in this thread, he calls sky staff a bunch of C-word, whilst saying look what traffic he brings, calls a player at his table a retard, denies it adding "look what I do for charity, mate" .
Any misforture this guy suffers in the streaming world is self inflicted.