Prize pool at present? A nice round £75,000, so it should get over the £80,000 mark with ease. Some of the suits do worry about these Guarantees, & quite right too, overlay is setting fire to money, but they can relax this weekend.
Meanwhile, away from poker, it's a very big weekend, as the Circus Comes to Town in the form of Man United visiting Brighton to play the Seagulls.
Big, big game for the locals. Brighton are, of course, owned by poker player & punter extraordinaire Tony Bloom. He purchased the club in their dark days for £90 million (paid in cash, too, without having to borrow a penny) & has since invested several hundred million more.
I popped into the Stadium this morning, & the Sky Sports OB lorries were all lined up, in readiness for Sunday's match.
Morning all, from a windy & very autumnal Brighton.
Big day today, with Man United in town to play Brighton, & the final day of this SPT.
Should be a fun day.
Give me 30 mins or so, & I'll post the chip counts from Day 1B, then follow that, hopefully, witht he full table, seat daw & chip counts for everyone still in.
Here we go then. These are the chip counts for Day 1B (Saturday) ONLY.
Please excuse any spelling errors, as I've coped these names from lists hand-written by the Dealers.
Paul Humphrey 217,700 Ryan Shreeve 211,800 Danny Tran 188,400 Nick Seager 176,100 Jennifer Barr 160,700 Fidez Fadil 159,000 Adam Toulson 150,600 Eamonn Gilroy 148,200 Arthur Howe 137,600 Chris Cunnicliffe 136,500 Michael Cummings 125,100 Balbir Pottiwal 124,600 Ged Butcher 124,900 Mark Herron 121,300 Joseph Fogarty 109,600 Siamak Vakili 103,600 Dan West 101,400 James Jordan 99,100 Robert Green 98,800 Joe Duke 98,100 Peter Horridge 97,700 Paul Smith 97,700 S Rolfe 96,100 David Buckland 95,900 Andrew Bray 90,400 Dlalli 89,200 Colin Wilson 87,400 W Cheung 83,200 Oscar Pancic 82,400 I Swanson 78,500 Philip Lee 77,600 Richard “Laz” Lazarus 76,300 Ben Antill 77,500 P Hackshaw 75,900 P Baker 74,200 Corina Coombs 72,800 Thomas Monks 71,600 Phil Green 68,200 Paul Jackson 58,600 Chris Weatherley 54,900 Masoud Etemadihekisi 54,700 Nadja Rosewihl 53,900 Debbie Kimm 52,600 Gary Young 51,500 Tom Powell 51,400 Gary Fossela 49,700 Steve Lennon 43,600 D Desousa (sp?) 40,200 Peter Munro 38,800 J O’Leary 38,700 Alex Holgate 37,500 Christina Johnson 37,300 Dean Coombs 35,700 Robert James 33,800 Joshua Jenkins 32,000 Gregory Neil 31,000 Matt Bates 30,800 Aaron Ayad 30,200 Ian Fumagall 29,800 Jeff Kimber 27,900 Charles Asbridge 26,400 W Moffet 10,100
Good Morning Had a great day yesterday meeting lots of the folk who play on Sky. Mr.K was looking particularly dapper, not many people could pull off wearing pink but as the style icon he is, he made it work. Good luck to all those playing today,and thanks to Sky Poker for organising a great event.
OK, below is the full Table & Seat Draw for today, together with Chip Counts. Players are listed in seat order, starting, remarkably, with seat 1.
These are in SEAT ORDER, starting with seat 1 in all cases.
Nigel Milligan 34,100 Jeffrey Kimber 27,900 Jon Pattenden 240,300 Oscar Pancic 82,400 Robert James 33,800 Charles Asbridge 26,400 Ronnie de Beaulox 40,700 Ben Nuttall 91,900 Ryan Shreeve 211,800
Table 2
James Jordan 99,100 William Longbottom 40,700 Sam Darkin 129,100 William Moffett 10,100 Stephen Enser 68,600 Max Johnson 58,600 Danny Tran 188,400 Chris Macleod 176,700 Clive Mileham 42,900
Table 3
Lloyd Walker 70,000 Phil Lee 77,600 Robert Legg 47,900 Dean Coombes 35,700 Chris Cuncliffe 136,500 Claire Newman 65,200 Matt Bates 30,800 Aaron Ayad 30,200 Jake O’Leary 38,700 Table 4 Masoud Etemadiherisi 54,700 Arthur Howe 137,600 Peter Herring 97,700 Richard Lazarus 76,300 Leo-Worthington Leese 121,100 Phil Green 68,200 Stephen Poulter 191,600 Mark Waterhouse 242,300 Vahid Safvatnia 38,400
Table 5
Peter Hackshaw 75,900 Simon Hemsworth 86,800 Gregory Georgiou 31,200 Ben Antill 77,500 Peter Munro 38,800 Daniel West 101,400 Paul Smith 97,700 Gary Fossella 49,700 Nadja Rosental 53,900
Table 6
Robert Green 98,800 Dave James 75,100 Stuart Rolfe 96,100 Jim Kemp 90,200 Anthony Lee 66,500 Michael Cummings 125,100 Samuel Gill 100,900 Paul Humphrey 217,700 Benitto La 107,700
Table 7
William Cheung 83,200 Fadil Isufi 159,000 Alex Todd 164,600 Paul Danko 135,700 Jeremy Tilson 173,700 Brian Massow 159,500 Colin Good 84,300 Nick Seager 176,100 Faysal Soualah 99,900
Table 8
Ian Fumugall 29,800 Siamak Siamak 103,600 Garry Sleet 55,800 Chris Barnes 51,700 Christina Johnson 37,300 Brendan Mccartain 94,000 Gary Shipp 40,900 Tejinder Dedyal 99,400 Table 9
Lee Cannizzaro 76,600 Charlotte Gouldsborough 78,100 Chris Weatherley 54,900 Joshua Jenkins 32,000 Denis Carter 58,100 Mark Bright 136,200 Dan Brown 76,800 Michael Nicholas 135,800
Table 10
Paul Jackson 58,600 Mark Hutchinson 37,800 Luciano Colao 59,600 Adam Toulson 150,600 Corina Chambers 72,800 Andrew Bray 90,400 Maragaret Prince 28,300 Mark Herron 121,300
Table 11
Debra Kimm 52,600 Dean Fitzgerald 42,600 Jennifer Barr 160,700 Steve Lennon 43,600 David Anderson 62,600 Colin Wilson 87,400 Patel Rishin 50,200 Phil Baker 74,200
Table 12
Darren Lalli 89,200 Bob Anscombe 20,600 David Buckland 95,900 John Hull 61,500 Aaron Frith 113,000 Charles Leicester 98,500 Joseph Duke 98,100 Marwan Abbas 64,000 Table 13
Joseph Fogarty 51,500 Eamonn Gilroy 148,200 Gregory Neal 31,000 Louis Heriz-Smith 112,400 Barbir Pottiwal 124,600 Thomas Levene 196,400 Alex Holgate 37,500 Andrew Young 68,000
Table 14
Gary Young 51,500 James Cheek 150,700 Gerald Butcher 124,900 Cesar Palacios 136,900 Thomas Powel 51,400 Dinarte De Sousa 40,200 Ian Swanson 78,500 Thomas Monks 71,600
End of level 3, so first break of the day.
Prize pool at present? A nice round £75,000, so it should get over the £80,000 mark with ease. Some of the suits do worry about these Guarantees, & quite right too, overlay is setting fire to money, but they can relax this weekend.
Meanwhile, away from poker, it's a very big weekend, as the Circus Comes to Town in the form of Man United visiting Brighton to play the Seagulls.
Big, big game for the locals. Brighton are, of course, owned by poker player & punter extraordinaire Tony Bloom. He purchased the club in their dark days for £90 million (paid in cash, too, without having to borrow a penny) & has since invested several hundred million more.
I popped into the Stadium this morning, & the Sky Sports OB lorries were all lined up, in readiness for Sunday's match.
2nd break of the day now over, & here's the state of play.
12 levels scheduled for today, so play should end just this side of midnight.
Chip counts incoming......
Neil Channing 30,000
Melty 100,000
Tina (Karl Luke) 21,000
Bates 45,000
Jac35 56,000
Giant 7,000
The Bates 45,000
Ebberdon 65,000
Craig 80,000
Lord At It aka cpfc_2010 80,000
pompeynic 110,000
Darkangel 18,000
Dog Bloke 48,000
Sky James 18,000
Essexphil 50,000
Simon Hemsworth 20,000
CoffeeNCream 16,000
Timmy Ra Ra 14,000
12 levels to be played today, & we are midway through the 10th of those 12.
The average stack is now just shy of 50,000, so we can reasonably assume half of today's field have departed the scene of the crime.
Good luck to all the regs left.
10.30pm, an update on those earlier chip counts;
Neil Channing
100,00090,000Tina (Karl Luke)
21,00013,000The Bates
80,00065,000Lord At It aka cpfc_2010
18,000BUSTODog Bloke
48,000125,000Sky James
50,00070,000Simon Hemsworth
20,000MIA, presumed BUSTOCoffeeNCream
16,000BUSTOTimmy Ra Ra
14,000BUSTODay 1B play is coming to a close within the next few minutes on what has been a very pleasant & successful day.
I'll get all the chip counts up in the morning, & combine them with the Day 1A counts so we all know the score before play commences for Day 2.
Should be another good day tomorrow, as we play down to our winner.
For now though, night all.
Morning all, from a windy & very autumnal Brighton.
Big day today, with Man United in town to play Brighton, & the final day of this SPT.
Should be a fun day.
Give me 30 mins or so, & I'll post the chip counts from Day 1B, then follow that, hopefully, witht he full table, seat daw & chip counts for everyone still in.
Here we go then. These are the chip counts for Day 1B (Saturday) ONLY.
Please excuse any spelling errors, as I've coped these names from lists hand-written by the Dealers.
Paul Humphrey 217,700
Ryan Shreeve 211,800
Danny Tran 188,400
Nick Seager 176,100
Jennifer Barr 160,700
Fidez Fadil 159,000
Adam Toulson 150,600
Eamonn Gilroy 148,200
Arthur Howe 137,600
Chris Cunnicliffe 136,500
Michael Cummings 125,100
Balbir Pottiwal 124,600
Ged Butcher 124,900
Mark Herron 121,300
Joseph Fogarty 109,600
Siamak Vakili 103,600
Dan West 101,400
James Jordan 99,100
Robert Green 98,800
Joe Duke 98,100
Peter Horridge 97,700
Paul Smith 97,700
S Rolfe 96,100
David Buckland 95,900
Andrew Bray 90,400
Dlalli 89,200
Colin Wilson 87,400
W Cheung 83,200
Oscar Pancic 82,400
I Swanson 78,500
Philip Lee 77,600
Richard “Laz” Lazarus 76,300
Ben Antill 77,500
P Hackshaw 75,900
P Baker 74,200
Corina Coombs 72,800
Thomas Monks 71,600
Phil Green 68,200
Paul Jackson 58,600
Chris Weatherley 54,900
Masoud Etemadihekisi 54,700
Nadja Rosewihl 53,900
Debbie Kimm 52,600
Gary Young 51,500
Tom Powell 51,400
Gary Fossela 49,700
Steve Lennon 43,600
D Desousa (sp?) 40,200
Peter Munro 38,800
J O’Leary 38,700
Alex Holgate 37,500
Christina Johnson 37,300
Dean Coombs 35,700
Robert James 33,800
Joshua Jenkins 32,000
Gregory Neil 31,000
Matt Bates 30,800
Aaron Ayad 30,200
Ian Fumagall 29,800
Jeff Kimber 27,900
Charles Asbridge 26,400
W Moffet 10,100
Had a great day yesterday meeting lots of the folk who play on Sky.
Mr.K was looking particularly dapper, not many people could pull off wearing pink but as the style icon he is, he made it work.
Good luck to all those playing today,and thanks to Sky Poker for organising a great event.
OK, below is the full Table & Seat Draw for today, together with Chip Counts. Players are listed in seat order, starting, remarkably, with seat 1.
These are in SEAT ORDER, starting with seat 1 in all cases.
Nigel Milligan 34,100
Jeffrey Kimber 27,900
Jon Pattenden 240,300
Oscar Pancic 82,400
Robert James 33,800
Charles Asbridge 26,400
Ronnie de Beaulox 40,700
Ben Nuttall 91,900
Ryan Shreeve 211,800
Table 2
James Jordan 99,100
William Longbottom 40,700
Sam Darkin 129,100
William Moffett 10,100
Stephen Enser 68,600
Max Johnson 58,600
Danny Tran 188,400
Chris Macleod 176,700
Clive Mileham 42,900
Table 3
Lloyd Walker 70,000
Phil Lee 77,600
Robert Legg 47,900
Dean Coombes 35,700
Chris Cuncliffe 136,500
Claire Newman 65,200
Matt Bates 30,800
Aaron Ayad 30,200
Jake O’Leary 38,700
Table 4
Masoud Etemadiherisi 54,700
Arthur Howe 137,600
Peter Herring 97,700
Richard Lazarus 76,300
Leo-Worthington Leese 121,100
Phil Green 68,200
Stephen Poulter 191,600
Mark Waterhouse 242,300
Vahid Safvatnia 38,400
Table 5
Peter Hackshaw 75,900
Simon Hemsworth 86,800
Gregory Georgiou 31,200
Ben Antill 77,500
Peter Munro 38,800
Daniel West 101,400
Paul Smith 97,700
Gary Fossella 49,700
Nadja Rosental 53,900
Table 6
Robert Green 98,800
Dave James 75,100
Stuart Rolfe 96,100
Jim Kemp 90,200
Anthony Lee 66,500
Michael Cummings 125,100
Samuel Gill 100,900
Paul Humphrey 217,700
Benitto La 107,700
Table 7
William Cheung 83,200
Fadil Isufi 159,000
Alex Todd 164,600
Paul Danko 135,700
Jeremy Tilson 173,700
Brian Massow 159,500
Colin Good 84,300
Nick Seager 176,100
Faysal Soualah 99,900
Table 8
Ian Fumugall 29,800
Siamak Siamak 103,600
Garry Sleet 55,800
Chris Barnes 51,700
Christina Johnson 37,300
Brendan Mccartain 94,000
Gary Shipp 40,900
Tejinder Dedyal 99,400
Table 9
Lee Cannizzaro 76,600
Charlotte Gouldsborough 78,100
Chris Weatherley 54,900
Joshua Jenkins 32,000
Denis Carter 58,100
Mark Bright 136,200
Dan Brown 76,800
Michael Nicholas 135,800
Table 10
Paul Jackson 58,600
Mark Hutchinson 37,800
Luciano Colao 59,600
Adam Toulson 150,600
Corina Chambers 72,800
Andrew Bray 90,400
Maragaret Prince 28,300
Mark Herron 121,300
Table 11
Debra Kimm 52,600
Dean Fitzgerald 42,600
Jennifer Barr 160,700
Steve Lennon 43,600
David Anderson 62,600
Colin Wilson 87,400
Patel Rishin 50,200
Phil Baker 74,200
Table 12
Darren Lalli 89,200
Bob Anscombe 20,600
David Buckland 95,900
John Hull 61,500
Aaron Frith 113,000
Charles Leicester 98,500
Joseph Duke 98,100
Marwan Abbas 64,000
Table 13
Joseph Fogarty 51,500
Eamonn Gilroy 148,200
Gregory Neal 31,000
Louis Heriz-Smith 112,400
Barbir Pottiwal 124,600
Thomas Levene 196,400
Alex Holgate 37,500
Andrew Young 68,000
Table 14
Gary Young 51,500
James Cheek 150,700
Gerald Butcher 124,900
Cesar Palacios 136,900
Thomas Powel 51,400
Dinarte De Sousa 40,200
Ian Swanson 78,500
Thomas Monks 71,600
The staff are just getting all the tables, chips & seats sorted.....