Nigel Farage getting hit by a milkshake isn’t funny, it’s absolutely hilarious Great leaders used to be measured by whether you would take a bullet for them. Nigel Farage can’t even pay someone to take a gourmet milkshake for him
The flak only gets heavy when you’re over the target.” ~ Anonymous WWII Bomber Pilot
Let's return to my question. You know, the one that absolutely no-one seems willing to answer.
"How will voting for the UKIP Party speed up Brexit?"
Because it is the most important question for anyone who supports Brexit. You see, the Government is trying (and failing) to deliver Brexit. But we are not "ruled by Brussels"-we are ruled by the UK Parliament. And the Brexit Party has precisely 0 of the necessary 326 votes where democracy actually counts.
I know Farage is obsessed by the EU, but he knows that. Ad he is not telling you that any "bombs" (votes) for him are ensuring that we do not leave the EU for at least another 3 years.
People who support us leaving the EU should be voting where it matters.
For a Withdrawal Bill to get us past the Beginning. For a new PM that aligns with what you want. Or for Labour/Momentum to provide clear leadership towards a Customs Union. Any of those things are achievable, and we could be out of the EU this year.
We can debate any of those things. Some suit some, some suit others. But voting for the Brexit Party is like Remainers petitioning for a "Final" vote. A pointless, empty gesture. Unless you just like protesting without achieving anything.
You want to talk about Ukip start another Thread ... this is Brexit Party with Nigel. Your Question was answered some time ago .... This EU election is not about Brexit anymore it's about this Government & Democracy.
I'm not here on this Thread to convince anyone.
In out, In out, shake it all about...... do the Hooooooo
Make your own mind up ...... just want everyone to Vote tomorrow.
Thank you Q for the support while my Puppy is in Quarantine, don't get sucked into the Swamp or play Musical Chairs with his Lordship. Like the Battle Britain theme.
D Day Landings tomorrow get you're Spitfire pen out.
@Essexphil As Don righty says, it’s not about Brexit. It’s about how much money Nigel and his cronies can screw out of the EU whilst not attending meetings or voting in the UK’ interest , and getting those gullible enough to believe he is on a mission to “ save democracy “.
@Essexphil As Don righty says, it’s not about Brexit. It’s about how much money Nigel and his cronies can screw out of the EU whilst not attending meetings or voting in the UK’ interest , and getting those gullible enough to believe he is on a mission to “ save democracy “.
Not looking for confrontation you're one of the few good guys on here, try answer your questions don't take it the wrong way. You're in the Swamp with the other Creatures. I could .... throw you life jacket ... but think you like it in there. However dangerous Nigel is in your eyes, this Government is ten hundred times worse. Nigel has already covered why he did not attend votes in EU before Brexit and after. Trying to paint him as Money grabber is barrel scrubbing. The Man was happy to walk away........ not looking to be PM either, however I do think he is enjoying the new found fame and attention. Who wouldn't. !
Nigel was happy to take the money for being EMP we voted him in. If he wasn't entitled like every other EMP , he would not have got it. The Funds he gets now is from Supporters same as all the other Parties. You don't like him .... simple, don't vote for him ..... vote for who you think .... Democracy will look after it's self.
@Essexphil As Don righty says, it’s not about Brexit. It’s about how much money Nigel and his cronies can screw out of the EU whilst not attending meetings or voting in the UK’ interest , and getting those gullible enough to believe he is on a mission to “ save democracy “.
Not looking for confrontation you're one of the few good guys on here, try answer your questions don't take it the wrong way. You're in the Swamp with the other Creatures. I could .... throw you life jacket ... but think you like it in there. However dangerous Nigel is in your eyes, this Government is ten hundred times worse. Nigel has already covered why he did not attend votes in EU before Brexit and after. Trying to paint him as Money grabber is barrel scrubbing. The Man was happy to walk away........ not looking to be PM either, however I do think he is enjoying the new found fame and attention. Who wouldn't. !
Nigel was happy to take the money for being EMP we voted him in. If he wasn't entitled like every other EMP , he would not have got it. The Funds he gets now is from Supporters same as all the other Parties. You don't like him .... simple, don't vote for him ..... vote for who you think .... Democracy will look after it's self.
Hi Don I know you’re not looking for confrontation, neither am I, am just typing what I believe.
There’s something dodgy going on re “ Getting his money from supporters “ , what we have to ask ourselves is - Who benefits from his actions? I’m not naive enough to believe ANY politicians claims that they are doing what they are for my benefit., certainly not someone as ...let’s be kind , self serving as Nigel. His pretend party isn’t the same as political parties, you can’t be a member but you can donate, what exactly will giving him more money do for the ‘ordinary ‘ man:woman? Nothing., like Phil said , he has no say in Brexit.
I don’t know his reasons for not attending meetings or voting in the UK’s interest when he had the chance , I’d love to know, can you inform me please?
Are you happy he was paid to do something for the UK and didn’t do it?
Hi Tom, Here because OP Puppy fell in the Swamp....... I don't do Serious or War &
The short version; Remainers will vote for remain candidate. Leavers will vote for Leave Candidates.
Whoever get the most votes gets elected, if it's Conservatives or Labour we're in trouble, if it's Nigel the message is clear for this Government get Brexit or face him setting up opposing party to fight next Election. The funds he is getting now is for EU election. Swampy is to far down the road asking for Manifesto's he's just set up Brexit Party 1st hurdle fight EU election, second hurdle, if the Public ask him to fight a General Election in the Future be another hurdle which will also need funding. People that send him Money do it willingly, he's not robbing them, they believe leaving the EU was correct and Brexit should be honoured. fwiw
@Essexphil As Don righty says, it’s not about Brexit. It’s about how much money Nigel and his cronies can screw out of the EU whilst not attending meetings or voting in the UK’ interest , and getting those gullible enough to believe he is on a mission to “ save democracy “.
Not looking for confrontation you're one of the few good guys on here, try answer your questions don't take it the wrong way. You're in the Swamp with the other Creatures. I could .... throw you life jacket ... but think you like it in there. However dangerous Nigel is in your eyes, this Government is ten hundred times worse. Nigel has already covered why he did not attend votes in EU before Brexit and after. Trying to paint him as Money grabber is barrel scrubbing. The Man was happy to walk away........ not looking to be PM either, however I do think he is enjoying the new found fame and attention. Who wouldn't. !
Nigel was happy to take the money for being EMP we voted him in. If he wasn't entitled like every other EMP , he would not have got it. The Funds he gets now is from Supporters same as all the other Parties. You don't like him .... simple, don't vote for him ..... vote for who you think .... Democracy will look after it's self.
One thing I will never come to terms with, is how people are able to make Farage into a hero, when to do so, means you have to blot out much of what he does.
I don't intend spending a lot of time on this, because there are so many well known facts that prove the point.
Only people that ignore the facts, can possibly support him.
He just tried to ban CH4 from covering his rallies, because he didn't like the documentary they made about his finances. This didn't work out too well, and the ban was removed.
He recently made up a story about a street in Oldham, which doesn't exist, and had to apologise for his lying. He told more lies to try to get out of this.
He is a racist and commented on the use of foreign languages on a train, and that Romanians moving in next door is a cause for complaint.
He has criticised tax dodgers, yet set up an offshore trust himself, in order to pay less tax.
He was claiming £15,000 per day from the EU, to pay for bodyguards. While claiming that the EU waste money. He is a hypocrite.
He boasts about the £2million he has claimed in EU expenses.
Whatever his excuses for not turning up at the EU are, don't matter to me. That was what he was elected to do, and handsomely paid for. So as far as I am concerned, he has no excuses.
He wants to live like a rich man and clearly above his means.
Hi EU salary is £9,000 per month. He was receiving this whilst sponging £450,000 off Arron Banks.
So he is a sponger.
The rent on the £4million house that Banks was paying for, was £13,000 per month, 50% more than his salary.
Why didn't he try to claim benefits as well?
Banks paid for his crockery for Gods sake.
Only one person had a worse voting record than him, in the EU, and he had been in hospital for months. What right does he have to talk about democracy.
When CH4 tried to question him regarding the sponging off Banks, he firstly claimed it was not true, before moving on to no comment. Of course when Banks admitted that it was true, he was screwed.
One thing I hate seeing on TV, is guilty criminals attempting to evade justice, and thwart the police, by doing no comment interviews.
Well that's exactly what he was doing, when reporters were asking questions about his sponging, he tried to get away with a no comment response.
The man is a compulsive liar.
He has been well paid as an MEP for 20 years, why does he need to sponge off Banks? He has no self respect, and in my eyes, a bum.
I could go on and on, but cant be bothered
To be a supporter of his, involves ignoring so much.
The simple fact is that if the outcome of the referendum had been delivered,as promised by all M.P's prior to the result,then there wouldn't have been any excuse or reason for Farage to reappear.
That may be the case, although it wouldn't have made him a better person. How do you think the MPs might have delivered it?
Good person or bad person is down to personal preference,each to their own views.Many,many,many pages ago on your Brexit thread I stated that "In my view the negotiations should be led by someone who actually believed in leaving". You disagreed, are you still of that opinion? As for how I think the M.P's should've delivered it,me,you or anyone else on a poker forum are not qualified to answer that,that's what M.P's are supposedly for.Cameron,rightly or wrongly allowed the question to be asked,the country gave it's answer,so it should be upheld.
Hi Tom, Here because OP Puppy fell in the Swamp....... I don't do Serious or War &
The short version; Remainers will vote for remain candidate. Leavers will vote for Leave Candidates.
Whoever get the most votes gets elected, if it's Conservatives or Labour we're in trouble, if it's Nigel the message is clear for this Government get Brexit or face him setting up opposing party to fight next Election. The funds he is getting now is for EU election. Swampy is to far down the road asking for Manifesto's he's just set up Brexit Party 1st hurdle fight EU election, second hurdle, if the Public ask him to fight a General Election in the Future be another hurdle which will also need funding. People that send him Money do it willingly, he's not robbing them, they believe leaving the EU was correct and Brexit should be honoured. fwiw
Hi Don
The thing is, the times we are living in, and the position we are in is Deadly Serious.
“ People that send him money do it willingly”
The system that checks funding has got analogue rules in a digital world.
The Brexit party “ Check” the funding by URL , when asked if they check people’s addresses, the answer was “ We check e mail address”, they don’t seem to care where the funding comes from.
So, according to existing law, any payment under £500 is not classified as a donation. This means that when dealing with smaller sums of £500 or less, there is no legal requirement for details of these donations (such as individuals' names and addresses) to be reported to the Electoral Commission.
You could rightly say they aren’t breaking the rules Trouble is the rules are flawed.... What’s to stop a person, or organisation sending multiple £499 donations?
Is there a bigger picture here?
Who EXACTLY benefits from the UK leaving the EU?
It’s gone far beyond “ The will of the people”
On the other thread, Graham posted that in the last EU elections, the turn out was 10% How come, everyone is now an expert on the EU and how horrible they are? Why not in the last Election did the “ Will of the people” not surface?
The thing is, the times we are living in, and the position we are in is Deadly Serious.
“ People that send him money do it willingly”
The system that checks funding has got analogue rules in a digital world.
The Brexit party “ Check” the funding by URL , when asked if they check people’s addresses, the answer was “ We check e mail address”, they don’t seem to care where the funding comes from.
So, according to existing law, any payment under £500 is not classified as a donation. This means that when dealing with smaller sums of £500 or less, there is no legal requirement for details of these donations (such as individuals' names and addresses) to be reported to the Electoral Commission.
You could rightly say they aren’t breaking the rules Trouble is the rules are flawed.... What’s to stop a person, or organisation sending multiple £499 donations?
Is there a bigger picture here?
Who EXACTLY benefits from the UK leaving the EU?
It’s gone far beyond “ The will of the people”
On the other thread, Graham posted that in the last EU elections, the turn out was 10% How come, everyone is now an expert on the EU and how horrible they are? Why not in the last Election did the “ Will of the people” not surface?
Ever had a feeling you’re being played?
Hi again, Like Nigel said, the two party system is flawed and should (he) get the chance he would change it........ for what ...... is not yet clear. My personal view things do need change as my vote where I live has never counted till now with my protest vote in Local Elections and will count in tomorrows EU. If you don't think Nigel is credible them take look at alternative if you're looking for Whiter than White you gonna struggle. "Kylie syndrome" Paypal is save way to pay, why people use it, they have my details so can verify transaction. The low turn out was the fault of the Remainers as the Leavers didn't want to be part of the EU. When given the chance in the Referendum.... every leaver leaped.
I'm not sure if you pullin my chain here ....... what ever you do don't side with me as all that do mysteriously disappear,
That may be the case, although it wouldn't have made him a better person. How do you think the MPs might have delivered it?
Good person or bad person is down to personal preference,each to their own views.Many,many,many pages ago on your Brexit thread I stated that "In my view the negotiations should be led by someone who actually believed in leaving". You disagreed, are you still of that opinion? As for how I think the M.P's should've delivered it,me,you or anyone else on a poker forum are not qualified to answer that,that's what M.P's are supposedly for.Cameron,rightly or wrongly allowed the question to be asked,the country gave it's answer,so it should be upheld.
I just think that it is not quite as simple as many people make out.
I don't think negotiations would have been easy, whoever was in charge.
If you live in Essex what good will voting for "Nigel" do...........well it will be One small step from the EU.... One Giant Leap for Democracy.
Is Nigel ....Andy take us all out...... milk cookies
You know, the one that absolutely no-one seems willing to answer.
"How will voting for the UKIP Party speed up Brexit?"
Because it is the most important question for anyone who supports Brexit.
You see, the Government is trying (and failing) to deliver Brexit.
But we are not "ruled by Brussels"-we are ruled by the UK Parliament.
And the Brexit Party has precisely 0 of the necessary 326 votes where democracy actually counts.
I know Farage is obsessed by the EU, but he knows that. Ad he is not telling you that any "bombs" (votes) for him are ensuring that we do not leave the EU for at least another 3 years.
People who support us leaving the EU should be voting where it matters.
For a Withdrawal Bill to get us past the Beginning.
For a new PM that aligns with what you want.
Or for Labour/Momentum to provide clear leadership towards a Customs Union.
Any of those things are achievable, and we could be out of the EU this year.
We can debate any of those things. Some suit some, some suit others.
But voting for the Brexit Party is like Remainers petitioning for a "Final" vote. A pointless, empty gesture.
Unless you just like protesting without achieving anything.
Your Question was answered some time ago .... This EU election is not about Brexit anymore it's about this Government & Democracy.
I'm not here on this Thread to convince anyone.
In out, In out, shake it all about...... do the Hooooooo
Make your own mind up ...... just want everyone to Vote tomorrow.
Thank you Q for the support while my Puppy is in Quarantine, don't get sucked into the Swamp or play Musical Chairs with his Lordship. Like the Battle Britain theme.
D Day Landings tomorrow get you're Spitfire pen out.
As Don righty says, it’s not about Brexit.
It’s about how much money Nigel and his cronies can screw out of the EU whilst not attending meetings or voting in the UK’ interest , and getting those gullible enough to believe he is on a mission to “ save democracy “.
Not looking for confrontation you're one of the few good guys on here, try answer your questions don't take it the wrong way.
You're in the Swamp with the other Creatures. I could .... throw you life jacket ... but think you like it in there. However dangerous Nigel is in your eyes, this Government is ten hundred times worse. Nigel has already covered why he did not attend votes in EU before Brexit and after. Trying to paint him as Money grabber is barrel scrubbing.
The Man was happy to walk away........ not looking to be PM either, however I do think he is enjoying the new found fame and attention. Who wouldn't. !
Nigel was happy to take the money for being EMP we voted him in. If he wasn't entitled like every other EMP , he would not have got it. The Funds he gets now is from Supporters same as all the other Parties. You don't like him .... simple, don't vote for him ..... vote for who you think .... Democracy will look after it's self.
or you could ask a Friend.
I know you’re not looking for confrontation, neither am I, am just typing what I believe.
There’s something dodgy going on re “ Getting his money from supporters “ , what we have to ask ourselves is - Who benefits from his actions? I’m not naive enough to believe ANY politicians claims that they are doing what they are for my benefit., certainly not someone as ...let’s be kind , self serving as Nigel.
His pretend party isn’t the same as political parties, you can’t be a member but you can donate, what exactly will giving him more money do for the ‘ordinary ‘ man:woman? Nothing., like Phil said , he has no say in Brexit.
I don’t know his reasons for not attending meetings or voting in the UK’s interest when he had the chance , I’d love to know, can you inform me please?
Are you happy he was paid to do something for the UK and didn’t do it?
Here because OP Puppy fell in the Swamp....... I don't do Serious or War &
The short version;
Remainers will vote for remain candidate. Leavers will vote for Leave Candidates.
Whoever get the most votes gets elected, if it's Conservatives or Labour we're in trouble, if it's Nigel the message is clear for this Government get Brexit or face him setting up opposing party to fight next Election. The funds he is getting now is for EU election. Swampy is to far down the road asking for Manifesto's he's just set up Brexit Party 1st hurdle fight EU election, second hurdle, if the Public ask him to fight a General Election in the Future be another hurdle which will also need funding. People that send him Money do it willingly, he's not robbing them, they believe leaving the EU was correct and Brexit should be honoured. fwiw
I don't intend spending a lot of time on this, because there are so many well known facts that prove the point.
Only people that ignore the facts, can possibly support him.
He just tried to ban CH4 from covering his rallies, because he didn't like the documentary they made about his finances. This didn't work out too well, and the ban was removed.
He recently made up a story about a street in Oldham, which doesn't exist, and had to apologise for his lying. He told more lies to try to get out of this.
He is a racist and commented on the use of foreign languages on a train, and that Romanians moving in next door is a cause for complaint.
He has criticised tax dodgers, yet set up an offshore trust himself, in order to pay less tax.
He was claiming £15,000 per day from the EU, to pay for bodyguards. While claiming that the EU waste money. He is a hypocrite.
He boasts about the £2million he has claimed in EU expenses.
Whatever his excuses for not turning up at the EU are, don't matter to me. That was what he was elected to do, and handsomely paid for. So as far as I am concerned, he has no excuses.
He wants to live like a rich man and clearly above his means.
Hi EU salary is £9,000 per month. He was receiving this whilst sponging £450,000 off Arron Banks.
So he is a sponger.
The rent on the £4million house that Banks was paying for, was £13,000 per month, 50% more than his salary.
Why didn't he try to claim benefits as well?
Banks paid for his crockery for Gods sake.
Only one person had a worse voting record than him, in the EU, and he had been in hospital for months. What right does he have to talk about democracy.
When CH4 tried to question him regarding the sponging off Banks, he firstly claimed it was not true, before moving on to no comment. Of course when Banks admitted that it was true, he was screwed.
One thing I hate seeing on TV, is guilty criminals attempting to evade justice, and thwart the police, by doing no comment interviews.
Well that's exactly what he was doing, when reporters were asking questions about his sponging, he tried to get away with a no comment response.
The man is a compulsive liar.
He has been well paid as an MEP for 20 years, why does he need to sponge off Banks? He has no self respect, and in my eyes, a bum.
I could go on and on, but cant be bothered
To be a supporter of his, involves ignoring so much.
Ukip leader Nigel Farage boasts of his £2m in expenses
This article is more than 10 years old
Farage used EU allowances to finance his eurosceptic message
How do you think the MPs might have delivered it?
The thing is, the times we are living in, and the position we are in is Deadly Serious.
“ People that send him money do it willingly”
The system that checks funding has got analogue rules in a digital world.
The Brexit party “ Check” the funding by URL , when asked if they check people’s addresses, the answer was “ We check e mail address”, they don’t seem to care where the funding comes from.
So, according to existing law, any payment under £500 is not classified as a donation. This means that when dealing with smaller sums of £500 or less, there is no legal requirement for details of these donations (such as individuals' names and addresses) to be reported to the Electoral Commission.
You could rightly say they aren’t breaking the rules
Trouble is the rules are flawed....
What’s to stop a person, or organisation sending multiple £499 donations?
Is there a bigger picture here?
Who EXACTLY benefits from the UK leaving the EU?
It’s gone far beyond “ The will of the people”
On the other thread, Graham posted that in the last EU elections, the turn out was 10%
How come, everyone is now an expert on the EU and how horrible they are? Why not in the last Election did the “ Will of the people” not surface?
Ever had a feeling you’re being played?
Hi Don
The thing is, the times we are living in, and the position we are in is Deadly Serious.
“ People that send him money do it willingly”
The system that checks funding has got analogue rules in a digital world.
The Brexit party “ Check” the funding by URL , when asked if they check people’s addresses, the answer was “ We check e mail address”, they don’t seem to care where the funding comes from.
So, according to existing law, any payment under £500 is not classified as a donation. This means that when dealing with smaller sums of £500 or less, there is no legal requirement for details of these donations (such as individuals' names and addresses) to be reported to the Electoral Commission.
You could rightly say they aren’t breaking the rules
Trouble is the rules are flawed....
What’s to stop a person, or organisation sending multiple £499 donations?
Is there a bigger picture here?
Who EXACTLY benefits from the UK leaving the EU?
It’s gone far beyond “ The will of the people”
On the other thread, Graham posted that in the last EU elections, the turn out was 10%
How come, everyone is now an expert on the EU and how horrible they are? Why not in the last Election did the “ Will of the people” not surface?
Ever had a feeling you’re being played?
Hi again,
Like Nigel said, the two party system is flawed and should (he) get the chance he would change it........ for what ...... is not yet clear.
My personal view things do need change as my vote where I live has never counted till now with my protest vote in Local Elections and will count in tomorrows EU.
If you don't think Nigel is credible them take look at alternative if you're looking for Whiter than White you gonna struggle. "Kylie syndrome"
Paypal is save way to pay, why people use it, they have my details so can verify transaction. The low turn out was the fault of the Remainers as the Leavers didn't want to be part of the EU. When given the chance in the Referendum.... every leaver leaped.
I'm not sure if you pullin my chain here ....... what ever you do don't side with me as all that do mysteriously disappear,
I don't think negotiations would have been easy, whoever was in charge.