first game back for ages and the prize mony for the 16.30 tourney's prize money's dropped 100 fcknquid , I know you usual suspects'll be saying … here he is again 'moaning his bag' about money. WHO DECIDES THESE THINGS OUT OF THE BLUE?
This is a genuine inquiry I WANT TO KNOW ,,, I appeal to you're wisdom Tiquy?
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The reply by @waller02 is correct.
These decisions are made my Management, in this case @Sky__James who has responsibility for keeping "subsidy" (in this case, MTT Overlay) at sustainable levels. Overlay is akin to setting fire to money, & makes no sense.
It's not done "out of the blue", James has a weekly subsidy Report, he peruses that & then make such changes as he feels appropriate to keep subsidy to within forecast.
If he fails to do that properly he's failing to do his job. He does a pretty good job I'd say, despite his tender years & woeful dress-sense.
The Prize Money is £650 today, so it's not been "slashed" or "dropped", it's actually increased.
Have a pleasant evening.
P.s Welome back, you come across as a top bloke and the forum has missed you greatly.
Love AKAfathead xxx
Never mind Mr Zen, like others, I feel that your erudite missives will be a welcome addition to the forum.
One does tire of reading well constructed and informative posts
Oh if you don't recognise me look for the player hidden by a mountain of chips lolling away in the chatbox.
... I'll beat-ur-**** like a GONG heads up but if you're named after this ..
Please bear with me as I get confused easily.
If the ‘Guarantee’ is £500 and the number of entrants dictate the prize pool at £600, then the ‘ Guarantee’ reduces to £400 but the numbers of entrants dictate the prize pool is £600, can you explain the difference to me please @zenbudhist ?