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  • zenbudhistzenbudhist Member Posts: 144
    WHAT? That was ages ago hardun, try keep up I've just challenged a smarmybstrd to a heads up... Jeezuz how old are you guys? that keeping up with know ... THE THREAD is an unmanageable task
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    edited June 2019

    If you're named after THIS ...

    ... I'll beat-ur-**** like a GONG heads up but if you're named after this ..


    I really cant understand if you are a genuine plank or if you just help out when its busy.

    Whats with all the keyboard warrior angst? I assume you are aware that 14 year olds are not permitted to be on the site.

    Angry capital letters, name calling, having a pop about the guarantees etc. Its all very unnecessary and really does not present you in good light.Also its not a good idea to be letting your mouth write cheques that your body cant cash.

    Im afraid I dont play heads up, I'm really not good enough. however Im always playing the late deepstack and the 1am and 2am freezeouts although I do understand that that may be past your bedtime.

    Oh and yes whilst I may be smarmey I challenge you to provide any evidence that I am indeed a bastrd. I look forward to a battle of wits which is usually amusing, humerous and revealing however my fear is that you may come unarmed.

    Please take care, chill out and have fun
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    @zen, loving your work, more and more X
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    @zen. Especially for you, I know, you gonna love this one, dear 'edge' are you? The Heel? From, back in the day? The attitude era? Edge, Lita, John Cena, easy, Utube(boom) John Cena Lita, rated R babi X
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    @zen. Especially for you, I know, you gonna love this one, dear 'edge' are you? The Heel? From, back in the day? The attitude era? Edge, Lita, John Cena, easy, Utube(boom) John Cena Lita, rated R babi X
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    @zen. Especially for you, I know, you gonna love this one, dear 'edge' are you? The Heel? From, back in the day? The attitude era? Edge, Lita, John Cena, easy, Utube(boom) John Cena Lita, rated R babi X
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    @zen. Especially for you, I know, you gonna love this one, dear 'edge' are you? The Heel? From, back in the day? The attitude era? Edge, Lita, John Cena, easy, Utube(boom) John Cena Lita, rated R babi X
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789

    If you really need to know the name is in memory of someone.

    The name comes from the 949cc Honda Fireblade that we used to race.

    The Edge comes from my cousins last name he was killed at the I.O.M. TT June 5th 2008 when his GSXR 1000 was clipped by another rider on the mountain section just after Hailwood Rise.

    As he was the principal rider on the blade it seemed apt

    Hope this clarifies it.
  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,518
    misterpj said:

    @zen. Especially for you, I know, you gonna love this one, dear 'edge' are you? The Heel? From, back in the day? The attitude era? Edge, Lita, John Cena, easy, Utube(boom) John Cena Lita, rated R babi X

    Are you the fill shillin ?.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    This, by @TheEdge949 , was excellent, I thought.

    "..... I look forward to a battle of wits which is usually amusing, humerous and revealing however my fear is that you may come unarmed......"
  • zenbudhistzenbudhist Member Posts: 144
  • zenbudhistzenbudhist Member Posts: 144
    Really Tikay THAT'S was what you took from that?

    I much prefer .."Oh dear, care in the community really fails those most in need of it".

    THAT tells me all I need to know about the wit and character of this flapping fool.

    Oh and Hedge we've all got horror stories. But some of us are brave enough to face the storm of life rather than sitting on the shore, cosy office, whining on a forum.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Well done, you actually made me laugh out loud.

    Firstly, I don,t recall telling a horror story, it seemed important to you that you knew why I play under the name I do. I simply explained it.

    Secondly, I am more than qualified in facing the storms that life throws at us and rather than say wow I'm safely through that, I go back into those storms to try and help others through.

    Thirdly, don't have an office.

    Finally, If you follow the thread (something you have berated others for not doing) I believe you started it as a whine about guarantees. Really cant think where I've had a whine.

    Somebody's always bringing a knife to a gunfight.

    Be happy Mr Zen and don't take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Oh also I tried to find you to play a little but you werent in player search so I went through all the heads up tables to no avail.

    Mind you this was at 10.30 so I assume you have to either be

    a, up early to do the paper round or
    b tired from homework

    Oh well always another time i suppose.

    Be happy Mr Zen.
  • zenbudhistzenbudhist Member Posts: 144
    Such a good egg, one that should be smashed into little pieces
    Real horrorshow.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Hmm, obviously a short missive dashed off between finishing your paper round and going to school, probably whilst on the bus. I suppose I should be happy that it's spelled correctly, properly formatted and not in text speak.

    A good egg ? I think the majority of people I have encountered would attest to the opposite. however, I'm glad that you think so and any goodness I have about me now is not down to me.

    If you're trying to get a reaction you really are going about it in the wrong way. As someone who spent over 30 years working as a Professional Doorman I have heard every insult, name and threat you can think of and unfortunately for you I don't go to pieces.

    However, I was somewhat interested in your profile picture. Are you squatting over some form of homo - erotic sex machine? Because that would go a long way to explaining your facial expression.

    As always Mr Zen, be happy.
  • zenbudhistzenbudhist Member Posts: 144
  • zenbudhistzenbudhist Member Posts: 144
    A doorman.That's 2 two threads uv announced that that ah've seen. Wot u got to be so fcknproud about. Bouncers are just THUGS & BULLIES. And here's one who fancies himself as a wordsmith hoho ... u couldn't write it.

    THIS is wot they get round here ...

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Oh my word you really are getting your butt handed to you on a plate with this battle of wits.

    Ok lets examine this photograph closely.

    The fighter underneath has full guard and with a roll to his right can easily reverse this position as the dominant (thats on top for you) fighter has failed to spread his weight correctly is too upright and to be honest if the fighter on top left his left arm there its going to get broken.

    I'm assuming this is either a kempo ju jitsu mat or a jitsu training area for MMA either way if you participate then good for you. Martial study focuses the mind strengthens the body and teaches discipline.

    I myself only hold a brown belt in Bushi Kempo Ju jitsu (1 under black) and a blue belt in Lau Kickboxing (2 under black)

    Anyway I feel that you have really gone off topic over the past few posts in an attempt to well i dont really know but one final point I can assure you Im certainly not proud of what I did when I was a bouncer except when I had to deal with gobby little upstarts.

    Have we met on a door somewhere ?

    Be happy Mr Zen, I worry for you with all that pent up anger.
  • zenbudhistzenbudhist Member Posts: 144
    yEah, well u TALK like a thickcunt trying hard to be articulate. But it's a massive fail, And I've got better things to do than talkshite with you. Why don't u post a pic of urself big boy and ah'll pin it onto my heavy bag. That's known as projection (Freud).
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