this is a thread dedicated to the man, the maverick ( not the 'M4VERICK', the actual maverick) post your poker questions here, and im sure he will be able to help you with any questions you may have.
terms and conditions apply, please dont post anything relating to a bad beat, or if it is rigged as you this may result in some unwanted flaming/insults
first question anybody?
Blackfish is like ask the 8ball 80)
ps: was bathing the goldfish last night but got shampoo in his little eyes, he was splashing about telling me it really hurts so i pulled the plug and off he went, did i do the right thing?
Hi blackfish3 my wife wants me to pick up my son from school and then go to our local shops to replenish our beer reserves.I want her to go as i wanna play poker.What am i to do?
Do you know the answer to the bonking question in the shed? If not, it will be some useful research for you.
thank you!
I went all with my pocket AA only to be called by bb who turned over a 10d Jd, the flop came AA3, one A being a diamond, turn Kd, river Qd. Should i remove my fist from the monitor and carry on playing or phone for an ambulance. ?