Dear Blackfish3, No matter how hot or cold a room it still room temperature ? Oh and how many blondes does it take to make some chocolate chip muffins ? Posted by AIRWALKER
Room temperature is a common term to denote a certain temperature within enclosed space to which humans are accustomed. Room temperature is thus often indicated by general human comfort, with the common range of 20 °C (68 °F) to 25 °C (77 °F), though climate may acclimatize people to higher or lower temperatures.
In Response to Re: ask blackfish3 : you want a donation youll have to play 55 dym, see you in a few years about that donation yes bank details and pin would be appreciated, security number also essential, thanks. i have a question, i overheard someone talking about the birds and the bees, what does this mean? Posted by hurst05
your too young... if you really want to know ask tikay
In Response to Re: ask blackfish3 : Room temperature is a common term to denote a certain temperature within enclosed space to which humans are accustomed. Room temperature is thus often indicated by general human comfort, with the common range of 20 °C (68 °F) to 25 °C (77 °F) , though climate may acclimatize people to higher or lower temperatures. Posted by BlackFish3
LOL. Nice one m8. I am going to stick a thermometer on the wall.
Have another problem Mr BF but I kno u will have the answer Am just so cr*p at poker but I cant seem 2 accept.....Cant leave sky as Id miss u so much!! and I live 4 our chats. What do u suggest??? Posted by xFALLENx
hmmm this is all very true... i recommend just playing at the same table as me, you wont lose as much because you will play less and you will get to chat to me at the table... wow i wish i could be that lucky!
In Response to Re: ask blackfish3 : May i recommend the latest episode of horizon... found on bbc i player... its pretty good if your into physics. Posted by BlackFish3
was that the 'infinity' one? that was quite a head-funk.
In Response to Re: ask blackfish3 : 1. two beans, one bean, a bean and a half, and half a bean. 2. Ludwig van Beethoven 3. The Magna Carta was signed by King John in a meadow at Runnymede in Egham, Surrey, South England ( between Windsor and Staines) on June 15th, 1215. Posted by BlackFish3
I think the answer to question 3 was 'at the bottom'
Weldone m8.The mouth of a river 10/10
No matter how hot or cold a room it still room temperature ?
Oh and how many blondes does it take to make some chocolate chip muffins ?
2. Ludwig van Beethoven
3. The Magna Carta was signed by King John in a meadow at Runnymede in Egham, Surrey, South England ( between Windsor and Staines) on June 15th, 1215.
Could you beat webby in a fight?