blackfish is it true that AKo is a favourite over AKs because it can make 2 flushes? Posted by offshoot
honoured to have you on my thread sir... however im not sure how you play 200nl if you really believe that... although AKo can make 2 flushes... only 1 is possible at a time and is far less likely that 4 cards of the suit will hit the board than the 3 needed to make a flush for AKs. If you want any poker tips just PM me... maybe we can work out a lesson plan? my fee is £20 an hour.
These tips are free:
A flush beats a straight. A flush is 5 cards of the same suit and not just 4 as some people often believe.
well busto in the tourny a-7 vs a-6, pesky 6 on the flop, so 2 nights in a row gone in with a better ace only to be outdrawn. why does this happen blackfish? this question has been bugging me all night, maybe affected my play a little. Can cannibals be arrested for being under the influence of alcohol (e.g. drunk-driving) if they have eaten someone who was drunk? Posted by hurst05
because live poker... just like online poker (sky poker in particular) is rigged.
And if a cannibal ate someone and thus became intoxicated, then they could potentially be arrested for drunk driving... however this may be regarded as involuntary intoxication and then the case would rest on whether the defendant would of had the mens rea for the crime if they were not intoxicated.
mr black if mr webster wore a flowery dress ! which of the following would you feel ? A. MMM B. MMM MMM C. MMM MMM MMM D. JUST FEEL WEBBY Posted by IRISHROVER
In Response to Re: ask blackfish3 : ok, a follow up question. Adding me into the mix. In a 3 way in webby's top bunk. Who would come first? Posted by Mr_Miyagi
webby of course... he always goes out of poker tournies early so im sure this would be no different.
In Response to Re: ask blackfish3 : webby of course... he always goes out of poker tournies early so im sure this would be no different. Posted by BlackFish3
In Response to Re: ask blackfish3 : honoured to have you on my thread sir... however im not sure how you play 200nl if you really believe that... although AKo can make 2 flushes... only 1 is possible at a time and is far less likely that 4 cards of the suit will hit the board than the 3 needed to make a flush for AKs. If you want any poker tips just PM me... maybe we can work out a lesson plan? my fee is £20 an hour. These tips are free: A flush beats a straight. A flush is 5 cards of the same suit and not just 4 as some people often believe. Hope this helps. Posted by BlackFish3
i believe it was Phil Hellmuth who was convinced AKo was a favourite over AKs because it could make two possible flushes, he might have even taken a bet on the outcome if i remember correctly.
So its official, you are smarter than Phill Hellmuth.
In Response to Re: ask blackfish3 : i believe it was Phil Hellmuth who was convinced AKo was a favourite over AKs because it could make two possible flushes, he might have even taken a bet on the outcome if i remember correctly. So its official, you are smarter than Phill Hellmuth. Posted by offshoot
Thanks for confirming my suspicions...
you want lessons then??? I know you are not very good at poker so it could do you good.
ok, blackfish, i was wondering Why do people say "heads up" when you should duck? Posted by hurst05
Nasty people say it when they want you to get hit so they want you to put your head up and get hit in the face. OR they want you to put your head up and see the incoming projectile so you are more likely to move out the way because otherwise you might not believe them. OR they say heads up because the projectile is going to hit you in the head but by moving your head up it only hits you in the stomach and doesn't hurt as much.
In Response to Re: ask blackfish3 : whats this then? are you not honoured to have me on your thread? Posted by MrMagooo
Of course i am i thought that was too obvious to mention though.
and the best way to satisfy a frog... well i had a baby mouse at one point and you had to rub its private area with a cotton bud to make it poo... maybe this would satisfy a frog?
yeah it was me blackfish who posted senile old granny,i do for get thing,s such as my dear hubbie, cant remember where i left him now was it tesco,s car park please help
In Response to Re: ask blackfish3 : hmmm this is all very true... i recommend just playing at the same table as me, you wont lose as much because you will play less and you will get to chat to me at the table... wow i wish i could be that lucky! Posted by BlackFish3
Dear Blackfish
I just dont think Im strong enough 2 sit at the same table as my love.
All I will be thinking is when can we meet? what u r like in real life? etc etc and how wonderful you are and how Im so lucky u choose me.
If you want any poker tips just PM me... maybe we can work out a lesson plan? my fee is £20 an hour.
These tips are free:
A flush beats a straight.
A flush is 5 cards of the same suit and not just 4 as some people often believe.
Hope this helps.
Adding me into the mix. In a 3 way in webby's top bunk. Who would come first?
And if a cannibal ate someone and thus became intoxicated, then they could potentially be arrested for drunk driving... however this may be regarded as involuntary intoxication and then the case would rest on whether the defendant would of had the mens rea for the crime if they were not intoxicated.
So its official, you are smarter than Phill Hellmuth.
you want lessons then??? I know you are not very good at poker so it could do you good.
OR they want you to put your head up and see the incoming projectile so you are more likely to move out the way because otherwise you might not believe them.
OR they say heads up because the projectile is going to hit you in the head but by moving your head up it only hits you in the stomach and doesn't hurt as much.
and the best way to satisfy a frog... well i had a baby mouse at one point and you had to rub its private area with a cotton bud to make it poo... maybe this would satisfy a frog?
Frogs don't have any genitals
btw it only starts with a stare at the poker table...
I just dont think Im strong enough 2 sit at the same table as my love.
All I will be thinking is when can we meet? what u r like in real life? etc etc and how wonderful you are and how Im so lucky u choose me.
All My Love