Hello everyone - I've been keeping up with a few of these diaries on the forum and have been thinking for a while of starting one myself, so here I am!
Just a little introduction, I'm 28 years old and I've been playing poker for a grand total of about 10 months - making me very much a beginner still. I have been playing pretty regularly since then, mostly on Sky but a little bit on Stars every now and then as well. Still haven't really found what works best for me, I'll go through a phase of only playing, say, micro cash games, and then swap to MTTs, and right now its DYMs ever since streak week.
Up until recently I've been (on the whole) a losing player, but since I was never really losing much (maybe £10 a week, which is a lot less than I spend on beer), I wasn't really too bothered. I was just happy playing and having a bit of fun. Ever since lockdown I have, like most of us, had a significant increase in the amount of free time, which has led to an increase in playing. I had a good week a few weeks ago where I managed to turn 28p into about £50 via DYMs, freerolls and then a 4th in a MTT, but sadly dwindled all that away. Luckily for me, then came Streak Week (a massive thank you again to Sky for this!) - a second and a joint first over the two weeks in the 1.10s gave me a nice £180 boost to the bankroll, and the £5 I deposited became £200. This took a hit after a couple of bad days over the weekend, where a mixture of some terrible playing and some terrible luck left me frustrated, leading to even more terrible playing. I took a day off yesterday and so hopefully will be back on track after clearing my head a bit!
Anyway, sorry about the rambling! So the reason I wanted to start this is partly to keep track of how I'm getting on - I am a little hesitant to set any goals in stone for now since, as I said, I'm still finding my groove a little, but I will say that for now my main plan is to just try and improve my bankroll via mainly DYMs, with some micro cash games and some MTTs thrown in. I am going to make myself a promise to not buy in to anything higher that 5.50 for now, but hopefully I can start thinking about that further down the line. I also know that I have some areas which I really need to improve on (actually most areas of the game). I'm going to be starting with £140 so we'll see how I get on from here!
The main reason I wanted to do this, however, is that I have been lurking the forums for a while and I have seen that it is a really nice community here, and I wanted to get involved a little bit, as well as (hopefully) benefit from talking through my hands a little bit! I know there are some amazing player on here who I would really love to hear from from.
So again, sorry for the rambling, this definitely came out longer than I was expecting! Good luck at the tables everyone, and hope to hear from you soon
Nice opening post @aynaricol
If it's not a personal or intrusive question (ignore it if it is) what made you choose that rather unusual alias?
I did google it, but it just came up with those Streak Week Leaderboards.
Welcome to the forum and the best of luck.
Do you prefer normal speed or turbo DYM?
Post up any interesting hands/spots
I have just started something similar, but starting from the £0.55 DYM level.
Good luck!
Congrats on your progress so far
Definitely put up some hands you’re not sure about and people will be really happy to try and help
Aynar is a lebanese spiced tea.
Icol as in Icol Security Systems.
Not getting anywhere.
I'm not very good at assigning gender to names - is Anya female?
Good luck with your quest.
Was it you in the group ABBA?
Thank you. It's often hard to know these days.
Kayne West has a child named North. (As in, North West). No way of knowing what make that is.
Elon Musk & his wife have just had a child - they named it X Æ A-12. Go figure.
Rambling is good for the soul ! It is always good to see new people on the forum, especially those who are willing to participate. If you fancy it, @Tikay10 has a weekly free to enter competition, with entry to MTT's to the top three. Plenty of good people here who will be willing to help or just talk , should you so wish.
BB was playing quite aggressively and to be honest at the time I could have seen a shove with any Ax, plus I figured that with Aces, Queens or AQ they would have 3-bet pre flop. I was kicking myself after this call, since I was in quite a good position. I know that I can have a lot of trouble getting away from AK if I've hit on the flop, but should I have folded here?
(I did manage to get my 37.5 chips back up to about 4500 again before getting busted though, which was quite nice)
I am just a recreational player, play for fun, but like most people would like to get better and win some cash. So, before the real players have their say , I will give my two penneth. You still have 35bigs behind , but I am still calling here. As I scrolled down I was thinking flush draw for our villain, not A2. As I say better players than I may disagree and lay out reasons for that, but I would have called. Just to say It may be better to post hands you want feedback from in the Poker Clinic thread as not everybody will read diaries, but a lot of the guys, who will help with analysis,do read the Clinic.