Bit of a stormer last night with 7 final tables. Deep stack specialist @pomfrittes won the £300 Deep Stack and followed it up with 3rd in the £100 Deep Stack. @stokefc and @lewjax79 took up a third of the seats at the £100 Rebuy FT and again in the £200 Bounty Hunter. Then @lewjax79 showed up again in 5th in the £500 Bounty Hunter.
That puts @lewjax79 back in his favourite spot in the league, for the first time in a little while. @stokefc jumps into 2nd, @pomfrittes into 3rd, and yesterday's leader drops all the way to 4th. How rude.
Good stuff last night. We got wins from @JACKDAW and Sky's second best streamer @Allan23. And a few more final tables courtesy of @Jeni82, @stokefc, and @WAREZ.
Doesn't change much on the league table, with @lewjax79 holding on at the top, @stokefc remains in 2nd, and @JACKDAW and @pomfrittes have traded places.
My 1st goal was not to crash out in the 1st half hour as per norm. stocked up n ready to go.
Started fantastic on my 1st table, seated to my left the prestigious Mr Redmond Lee...
...Quickly exited my chair grabbed the stronger meds.... Ready for battle.
To say i was the Nittiest i've ever been, would make the duo of streamers A.K.A Duessenberg and Allan23 very proud, considering how many AA's KK's i folded
Anyways crashed out in 28th with a mere 2 bounties hopefully good warmup for Sundays mini
just to confirm that i was one of lewjaxs many KO's of the night
OK bud, & I'll try not to forget this time.
Freebie Update;
@MynaFrett - your Free Entry into tonight's Main has been organised.
@chappo100 - your Free Entry into tonight's Mini has been organised.
GL both, bring the money home please.
£100 Rebuy
4. stokefc (60 points)
6. lewjax79 (50 points)
7. cenachav (35 points)
10. Inachair (20 points)
£200 Bounty Hunter
2. stokefc (80 points)
4. lewjax79 (60 points)
£1,000 Bounty Hunter
7. tomgoodun (35 points)
16. Kerrnal (1 points)
£50 Nightly Micro
8. stokefc (30 points)
10. chappo100 (20 points)
14. misterpj (1 points)
£300 Deep Stack
1. pomfrittes (100 points)
7. Inachair (35 points)
£100 Deep Stack
3. pomfrittes (70 points)
10. WAREZ (20 points)
£500 Bounty Hunter
5. lewjax79 (55 points)
17. DARK4NIGHT (1 points)
£3,000 Mini Gold Rush
13. MAXALLY (5 points)
44. TVSpice (1 points)
50. WAREZ (1 points)
61. lewjax79 (1 points)
Bit of a stormer last night with 7 final tables. Deep stack specialist @pomfrittes won the £300 Deep Stack and followed it up with 3rd in the £100 Deep Stack. @stokefc and @lewjax79 took up a third of the seats at the £100 Rebuy FT and again in the £200 Bounty Hunter. Then @lewjax79 showed up again in 5th in the £500 Bounty Hunter.
That puts @lewjax79 back in his favourite spot in the league, for the first time in a little while. @stokefc jumps into 2nd, @pomfrittes into 3rd, and yesterday's leader drops all the way to 4th. How rude.
Unlucky. Was a great spot to get it in.
Don't think @TVSpice will mind me posting considering he was forced all in
In surprise news, I remembered this week, & you are all sorted for tonight's Mini. Just need to remember Sunday now.
£100 Rebuy
9. stokefc (25 points)
£400 Bounty Hunter
3. Jeni82 (70 points)
£200 Bounty Hunter
12. lewjax79 (10 points)
13. Allan23 (5 points)
£50 Nightly Micro
5. stokefc (55 points)
£300 Deep Stack
2. WAREZ (80 points)
8. lewjax79 (30 points)
14. chappo100 (1 points)
16. JACKDAW (1 points)
£100 Deep Stack
1. Allan23 (100 points)
7. TVSpice (35 points)
£500 Bounty Hunter
1. JACKDAW (100 points)
11. SLICKMICKS (15 points)
£2,000 Mini Predator
13. MAXALLY (5 points)
43. loosecamel (1 points)
Good stuff last night. We got wins from @JACKDAW and Sky's second best streamer @Allan23. And a few more final tables courtesy of @Jeni82, @stokefc, and @WAREZ.
Doesn't change much on the league table, with @lewjax79 holding on at the top, @stokefc remains in 2nd, and @JACKDAW and @pomfrittes have traded places.
wasmeant 3rd.MAXALLY 0 52 £5.59 + £1.88 Head Prizes 1
NOSTRI 0 53 £5.62 Head Prizes 2
My 1st goal was not to crash out in the 1st half hour as per norm.
stocked up n ready to go.
Started fantastic on my 1st table, seated to my left the prestigious Mr Redmond Lee...
...Quickly exited my chair grabbed the stronger meds.... Ready for battle.
To say i was the Nittiest i've ever been, would make the duo of streamers
A.K.A Duessenberg and Allan23 very proud, considering how many AA's KK's i folded
Anyways crashed out in 28th with a mere 2 bounties
hopefully good warmup for Sundays mini
Special thanks to Nostri Waller02 and Tikay.
many thanks mr chair
Sounds like it was quite an experience Mr Chair. It will stand you in good stead for Sunday.