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Return of the Kerching. A Nob Bits Tale

TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
edited July 2020 in Poker Chat
Hi all and after what seems like an eternity I'm back, cue the sound of agonised groans and voices screaming abuse into convenient towels.

Things have been moving apace at Edge towers recently and the rush to normality has encouraged me to persue my 3rd favourite activity of donating to you, the desperate and needy of Sky Poker.

Actually it all started on Friday when we received a letter informing us that we could finally visit our caravan which had stood empty and unused since 21st March. That was all well and good but the site had already been open for a week by the time we got it, so thanks for nothing royal snail.

So the plan was to dash down Saturday/Sunday after I finished work and get here about 1-2 am. But lo even more good news Airsoft reopens on the Sunday and there's still tickets left. No way am I passing up the opportunity to shoot people after nearly 4 months so its hi ho off to Penkridge at 6 am. 4 up in a car packed with enough weapons and kit to arm a small country with a McDonalds breakfast stop on the way.

Ah yes and in there lay a slight problem and potentially a day at the Police Station on serious charges. As we pass the pay window we notice the guys expression change to one of utter terror, instantly we know what dizzy Dan has done. Whilst everyone has their weapons in locked gun bags or cases he's just put his last 2 items on top of the kit and they happen to be an AK47 and an RPG7 mk 3 and we are all dressed in fatigues, BTP or black multi cam.

We grabbed the food and made for the site (about 8 miles away) at a rate of knots hoping that a) the guy doesn't think that they are real although they are what is known as RIFs (Realistic Imitation Firearms) and b) he recognises that we are skirmishers (nearly everyone calls at McD's pregame) and doesn't call the police.

Fortunately nothing arises from the episode with the exception of Dan getting a severe rollocking from the 3 of us, a stunt like that could lose us our licences, get all our gear which costs hundreds and sometimes thousands confiscated, as well as leave us in a very unsafe situation, the Police if informed would have scrambled an ARU.

So its down to the Van on the Monday amidst glorious sunshine, a few lagers, good food and an overwhelming desire to play poker which causes me to deposit a little amount on here and I play the 23.15 deepstack badly enough to get a small cash in 8th.

Staying down here til Thursday with a days hiking in the Sychant Pass either tomorrow or Wednesday then back home for a funeral on Friday morning and then ?? Heck I don' know I make life up as I go along but rest assured I'll put it all here, life, poker, ups, downs, laughter and tears.

Its great to be back.

Til next time, love life, love each other, love yourself.



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098

    Fabulous stuff, terrific to see you back.
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    edited July 2020

    Will be following with interest as the saying on the forum goes ;)

    Best of luck to you mate!

  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 818
    Welcome back mate! I will also be following this with interest.

    Hope to see you at the tables very soon!
  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,652
    Sychant Pass is outrageously epic. Enjoy
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    Could have been the Final Frontier?
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    VespaPX said:

    Could have been the Final Frontier?

    Good one @VespaPX. Yes Frontier Airsoft at Penkridge was the battleground of choice.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Well hello on this Sunday morning as the sun attempts feebly to pierce the gloom above Rhyl.

    Yup that's right, got back down to the van about 1.30 this morning ready for another lazy few days and a bit of poker thrown in for good measure.

    Not really a lot to comment upon since the last post, travelled home, attended a cremation, drank copiously afterwards, slept most of Saturday, went to work then came to the van. Didn't really play much poker as I just didn't feel like it and tbh I may not play too much this week either.

    Isn't it funny how things suddenly creep up on you when least expected?. I knew that i had been putting weight on rather than losing it over the lockdown, but putting my suit on prior to the cremation on Friday was a shock, getting on the scales revealed that i have ballooned to 25 stone and that coupled with an already emotional state led to a bit of a meltdown.
    Well at least now I know why my back and knees are so painful and why the Sychnant Pass was such a grueller last Wednesday.
    Diet now in place, alcohol cut off and exercise regime activated.

    Anyway, just thought I'd touch base with you all. Hope your week goes great and will speak soon. Got to go and prepare for Church Online !!

    Love life, love each other, love yourself.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098

    GL with the diet Mark. Once you get started, it's easy. Getting started it the tough part though.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    The Lord loves all shapes & sizes ....... The Vicar would prefer you didn't take up all the seats. cough! (we know were you bin.)
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    edited July 2020

    Well hello on this Sunday morning as the sun attempts feebly to pierce the gloom above Rhyl.

    Yup that's right, got back down to the van about 1.30 this morning ready for another lazy few days and a bit of poker thrown in for good measure.

    Not really a lot to comment upon since the last post, travelled home, attended a cremation, drank copiously afterwards, slept most of Saturday, went to work then came to the van. Didn't really play much poker as I just didn't feel like it and tbh I may not play too much this week either.

    Isn't it funny how things suddenly creep up on you when least expected?. I knew that i had been putting weight on rather than losing it over the lockdown, but putting my suit on prior to the cremation on Friday was a shock, getting on the scales revealed that i have ballooned to 25 stone and that coupled with an already emotional state led to a bit of a meltdown.
    Well at least now I know why my back and knees are so painful and why the Sychnant Pass was such a grueller last Wednesday.
    Diet now in place, alcohol cut off and exercise regime activated.

    Anyway, just thought I'd touch base with you all. Hope your week goes great and will speak soon. Got to go and prepare for Church Online !!

    Love life, love each other, love yourself.


    Reading this post looks like a big statement of intent, especially this part:-

    "Diet now in place, alcohol cut off and exercise regime activated."

    Very good read too.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Ok, let's get one thing clear straight from the off. I am in a really bad mood.

    Exercised today, eaten sensibly and had just 1 beer. A 330ml bottle of Coors light which comes in at 116 Kcals and was feeling really good about the day until I sat to play poker.

    Leading the 21.15 deepy until with about 50 left my turned boat got run over by donkheads trips to river a bigger full house. I rebuild like a boss back to 5th with 22 left when I lose against the comp ss 3 hands in a row with him all in and me dominating.

    Eventually my QQ gets looked up by the big stack who of course thinks AK is the canines gonads. Does it hold ? Will it hold ? Of course it doesn't.

    This comp really got me ranting a la D'Negs. It shouldn't I know, but had the general play of these guys been decent then that's all well and good, but when the imbecilic seem golden time after time, I just have to have a good rip about it.

    I know that it's only variance and these things even out over a 50 year 35,000,000 tourney sample.

    Well I feel better for that, and if you're reading this and are one of those players then sorry but I'm going to call it as I see it. Yes I am fully aware that we don't tap on the glass but to not be honest about it is well frankly silly.

    Anyway away from poker, I'm having a decent run on Sporting Index with the spreads, helped by the start of the baseball season and I'm looking to fund the Football Index account over the coming weeks.

    Back to the Sychnant Pass either tomorrow or Wednesday. It's a slow, gradual build up that I'm looking to extend into The Glyderau by Autumn, and hopefully by next year I'm aiming to be at a level of fitness to do both the 3 Peaks and the Welsh 3000s on back to back weekends.

    Can't get to Airsoft this weekend as all the games are sold out due to limited numbers which is another blow.

    Got a new HK416 with under rail mounted M203 just desperate to cause mayhem, but it seems destined to remain in the case for at least the next 3 weeks. The L96 sniper rifle needs a new hop rubber so that's a job I can get done at least, especially as the state of the undergrowth makes sniping almost impossible atm. Roll on October.

    Probably speak over the weekend.

    Til next time,

    Love life, love each other, love yourself.

  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    "Coors light"

    Good choice and bottle as well ;)
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    What's the buy in for the 21.15 comp? Fiver? 2 quid?
    And it's causing you to rant about donkheads and imbeciles on a public poker forum?
    Not like you can even claim you were drunk.

    I've played you a few times, and in all honesty I could label some of your play as ''imbecilic'' (very deep in a mini or a mini UKOPS not that far back and you limped utg then jammed vs my UTG+1 raise, did you think KT was the ''canines gonads'' then? You were running golden enough to spike that time)

    Excuse the irony but given you end your posts with that similar message, perhaps you need to practice what you preach a little more.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hmm, seems that it's troll season again already. Not to worry it's a free world, peoples opinions, etc, etc.

    Why should the buy in matter regarding how people play and feel?. Yes, maybe if I'm playing a £5K bankroll I can play low stakes with a certain disdain but only players who don't regularly play at the micro stakes seem to have that attitude that its only a few quid.

    Can't remember the hand in the ukops mini main.

    Jamming KT after your utg+1 raise doesn't sound like me. Mind you it would depend on how short you were compared to my huge stack or whether I'd been drinking, or was tilted or had a note saying V STK UTG +1 = WEAK.

    Or maybe I really thought KT utg was the mutts nuts, either way I'm glad you remember it.

    Anyway it doesn't really matter like I said it's variance and it evens out eventually, maybe, perhaps.

    As for how I end my posts, that is something that I try very hard practice and live by. Just because I have a turbo charged rant about donks, muppets, morons, and imbeciles doesn't mean that I don't have love for these people.

    I'll give you an example of what I mean and as you're here I'll use you.

    As you can see from my opening line I don't really have much respect for a lot of what you post, and that's fine because I'm guessing it's a two way street.

    However, as a fellow human being you are somebody deserving of love and as such I will show you that and would pray that you get all from life that you desire.

    You don't have to even like people to show love to them. I don't like many of the people I come into contact with through the Church Community projects, but it is often these very people who are most in need of love, compassion and help.

    Ok, I think that covers everything.

    I'm sending you love right now buddy and a heartfelt prayer that you have health, wealth and happiness long into your life.

  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,652
    I must admit if I were to see someone preaching love to another human and then calling them an imbecile I would be confused. Not because I thought calling them an imbecile would be wrong, but that I simply wouldn't understand the contradiction. Then again the bible is full of these contradictions through different interpretations, and sometimes just blatant hypocrisy.

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    I assure you the KT hand was you. You got the TTx flop and doubled through me against my JJ. This was with 2 tables left. It's fine you don't remember it, no reason that you would, but it was absolutely you. And it was for your MTT life, as you had less chips than me.

    You call people donkheads and imbeciles and I'm the troll for pointing this out as not being a good thing?
    If a random poster came on here and said that, they would be rightfully mocked and told to wind it in.
    Maybe you think you get a free pass cos you consider yourself to be a bit of a wordsmith?

    The buy in will always matter, regardless of whether that's a quid or a grand. This is because people should be playing within their means. Often when people are playing beyond their means, or the money would be better used elsewhere than poker, this elicits the type of reaction you demonstrated last night on this forum when things don't go your perceived way.

    Ok, I think that covers everything.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited July 2020
    Nice troll killer:

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    VespaPX said:

    Nice troll killer:

    All lives matter?
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    VespaPX said:

    Nice troll killer:

    The HK416. When you absolutely, positively have to kill every last mutha luvva on the battlefield.

    Mines the all black affair and I've replaced the standard sights with an optics red/green dot mounted on a riser to give that extra clearance for the facepro and the M203 grenade launcher looks soooo sexy when its mounted under the barrel.

    And yes All lives matter, always and for ever.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785

    I must admit if I were to see someone preaching love to another human and then calling them an imbecile I would be confused. Not because I thought calling them an imbecile would be wrong, but that I simply wouldn't understand the contradiction. Then again the bible is full of these contradictions through different interpretations, and sometimes just blatant hypocrisy.

    That's a fair point you raise @kapowblamz and If I may, I would like to explain why there is no contradiction.

    Let's assume that somebody has done something daft or silly and through that action has caused injury or loss to another person.

    Now, would it not be right to say that the person in question was a nob, a dik, a moron, or even worse. I think that yes it would.

    Does that mean we shouldn't have love in our hearts for that person. No absolutely not. We should love people in spite of the fact that they do stupid, crazy, wrong and even illegal things.

    It's not a contradiction, it's an acknowledgement that at a given point person a was a total prat, but despite that I shall endevour to have and show love for that person.

    Maybe this is a better example.

    I have occasionally called out my son (who's 27) for being a total effing d'head, when that's what he's been, and yet I still love him unconditionally. Always have always will.


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