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Return of the Kerching. A Nob Bits Tale



  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2021
    Red_King said:

    Now that's a good looking Lettuce!

    Obviously well loved! :D
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098

    Plenty of good lettuce on the Webb.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hello everybody and welcome back.

    I was going to have a little brag about my latest binks and final table heroics. Unfortunately however, this has proved a mite difficult owing to the fact that my poker game has the success rate of Brentford in a play off final so my musings must centre around other things.

    Now it's no secret that as a person of corpulence I need lockdown like a fish needs a bicycle. I mean I hardly require a reason to slob out with alcohol, Sky Sports, comfort food, Playstation and the laptop.

    However, imagine my absolute horror when Yesterday morning my 1st of the month weigh in, also the first one this year, showed a weight of 25 stones.

    Yes, thats right 25 st, 350lb, 159.09kg etc, cue chorus of "who ate all the pies", and "I predict a diet". To say that this self inflicted omfg moment really stopped me short would truly be an understatement, but as ever I have decided to turn it into something positive.

    Recent events have caused me to take a more active role in fundraising for cancer research and this coupled with a need to challenge myself, I respond well to being challenged, I have registered to walk 10,000 steps a day, every day, during March. This at my current stride length approximates to 10K or 6 ish miles a day.

    Now I am aware that at the moment I am not in a state of fitness to achieve this so the next 25 days is going to be used to build fitness, stamina and importantly recovery ability ready to succeed with this challenge.

    So if I'm not on the usual tables over the next few weeks it's because I'm probably lying down in a darkened room feeling sorry for myself.

    What I may do during March is start a daily diary about it, probably in the rail section so it doesn't take up space reserved for poker stuff whilst allowing you guys to encourage, take the p*** or whatever else you feel may get me to the end.

    Well thats it for now.

    Til next time. Rungood, love each other and yourselves and please stay safe yeah.


  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    Good luck with the challenge!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098

    Hi Mark,

    Please do update us daily on the Challenge in March. Not only will it be an entertaining read, but I believe it will help motivate you. Accountability is a huge motivator.

    Best of luck mate.

    Oh, & less of the Brentford jibes. They won't need the play-offs this season, they'll be auto-promoted.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hello everybody and welcome back.

    Well it all went totally to ratpoo last night / this morning as my bankroll got wiped out on Stars and Party and then was obliterated on here, all £13 of it. Except it didnt coz I'd forgotten I'd regged into a 2.20 dym.

    Managed to cash and earn enough points for the freerolls next week and after another 28p dym cash I'm now sitting on £4.29. I know heady stuff eh ?

    OK so can I nurse this piddling little amount to Monday by just microing dym and playing freerolls?. Probably not but hey Monday is reload day so its not the end of the world if I can't. If I do I might even get the next 46 points for a £2.30 ticket. My word I can visualise "The Bates" and others trembling in their slippers.

    Anyhow on other matters I've begun to start building my stamina and fitness up ready for March. Its no magic formula, just 4000 steps each day and every 5th day increasing in increments of 1000.

    Alcohol free since Tuesday and eating healthy, so there will be health benefits too, hopefully the scales will show smaller numbers from now on.

    Just cashed in another 28p dym so now have £4.51, oh yeah, get off the tracks coz the trains coming through :)

    Well I'll give it a few minutes and see if another fills up if not, its off to bed.

    Til next time folks

    Rungood. Love each other, Love yourselves, Love life and stay safe yeah.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hello everybody and welcome back.

    Just completed 45 28p dym to get to 100 points and blag a 2.30 ticket for next week.

    Out of the 45 games I cashed in 27 which gives me a win rate of exactly 60% which I imagine is slightly below the norm of a grinder. Personally I was aiming more towards the upper 60's, but hey its a start.

    My biggest streak was 6 cashes on the bounce whilst on 2 occasions I ran up three blanks in a row

    Didn't play any of the freerolls today but actually just enjoyed 2 tabling the dym and the bankrolls gone up by the huge amount of 90p sitting at a mightily impressive £5.41.

    So the plan for poker such as it is, is to keep doing this, play any freerolls that I can and rack up points etc.

    As always one hopes to find these long priced horses and win a ticket that way and whatever its all good fun.

    Away from the poker all is well at Edge Towers, with the slow transformation from Jabba The Hutt to something resembling a humanoid gradually coming to fruition.

    Isnt it amazing how accountability to people focusses the mind? I am going to succeed with "Mark Walks" and every bit of fitness I can gain before March is going to help.

    Ok folks, til next time.

    Rungood. Love each other, love yourselves, love life and please stay safe guys

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    edited February 2021
    Hello everybody and welcome back.

    Just finished my session for the day and it hasnt gone well tbh.

    played 50 dym but only 49 @28p coz I managed to misclick and regged for a 1.10 which fortunately I cashed in.

    However out of the 50, I cashed in exactly half of them including the 1.10 which even I know is losing money as a 50% win rate doesn't cut the mustard in dyms.

    My best win streak was 4 but was obliterated by the cashless run of 5 in a row which came mid session

    I even managed 17p for coming in at 20th in the 1 a.m. freeroll but it still leaves the old BR at £4.99 down 42p on the day.

    These micro turbo dyms are really a wild ride, with it would seem, huge variance and more tough beats than a Dickensian novel but if you can stomach the rollercoaster they are great fun. Not sure if there is really a standard way to play them as it would seem there is little in the way of strategy and more a case of call, hope you connect, shove all in, hope you hold, laugh maniacally, rinse and repeat.

    So hoping to nurdle the old bankroll up to about £20 then have a go at 55p standard dym for a little session.

    Now I'm not planning on using 28p turbos to get there but rather treading water with them whilst using the points for the daily freeroll and the 2.30 ticket to boost the bankroll.

    The other thing I'm learning is self discipline at very low stakes, the bad beats and volatility of the game are great as I'm slowly adjusting to taking them in my stride and not getting tilted or frustrated whilst playing.

    The other news is that I managed to get my Betfair Exchange account reactivated so once I've saved a decent chunk to put on deposit it's back to scalping the markets for a bit of locked in guaranteed profit, although I think either a Geeks Toy or Bet Angel system is the first priority.

    Missed a massive arbitrage earlier today in a football match with the bookies figure of 93.7% leaving me a fantastic, by arb standards, 6.3%. Still it wont be last I'm sure.

    Wont be playing tomorrow, got the marinade to prepare, the wings and ribs to coat before slow cooking, a chilli to make and corn dogs to prep. Then its open a Coors light and a Jack Daniels and settle in for Superbowl 55.

    Whatever you're doing, have fun.

    Til next time, rungood, love each other, love yourselves and stay safe.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098

    Excellent writeage.

    Enjoy Superb Owl.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hello everybody and welcome back.

    It's mission accomplished as despite only cashing 5 of 12 28p dym I placed 8th in the 1K freeroll for £20 which put the BR above the £20 target and now clears me to grind the next level.

    Also thought I was going to have a spectacular start to the £200 deepstack that I entered with my free ticket. However pocket Kings ran into pocket Aces AIPF on about hand number 5 and that was all she wrote.

    Had a profitable Superbowl thanks mainly to the intransigence of Chiefs backers who steadfastly refused to acknowledge the weakness of their O line due to 2 major absences. It got even better when the Chiefs jumped out to a 3 point lead and they jumped all over my lays. OK we're not talking phone numbers here but a 40 quid profit locked up by halftime is fine by me.

    Ok. The plan now is to grind the regluar 55p dym whilst still trying to build bankroll with freerolls and tickets. If I can get to £40 then I may consider moving up. If I slip to £10 I wll go back to the madness of the turbo 28p and rebuild.

    Only a quickie today, so til next time.

    Rungood, love each other, love yourselves, love life and stay safe.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098

    Nice work on Super Bowl. Not enjoyed one as much in years. Brady is a freak.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hello everybody and welcome back.

    Continued the 55p dym grind today with a steady if unspectacular progression.

    I played 30 games in all winning 19 for a hit rate of 63.3333% and a profit of £2.50.

    This was boosted by a min cash in the 1K freeroll for another £1.00 meaning a total profit of £3.50 and a closing balance of £27.29.

    Felt much more comfortable playing the regular dym and was certainly more in control throughout the session probably because the structure suits me. Even managed to go on a small rush taking 8 cashes in a row at one point whilst losing 3 in a row twice was the worst of it today.

    Dont know whether playing more than the 2 tables at a time would be beneficial in terms of bottom line, but I'm leaning towards not as things stand. I've only just started 2 tabling and its not as if there's a huge player pool so probably sticking with the current set up.

    I've downloaded the geeks toy for betfair trading system on a 14 day trial but if it doesnt start becoming easier to use, it's going to be uninstalled pretty quickly.

    I expect some form of auto integration however this system is really a pain to set up and already the "training account" took 2 huge losses due to the "hedge" option going missing which meant my scalping wasnt hedged accross the market and left me exposed and losing.

    Also I found the ideal race to "lay all". Aussie card with with 9 runners, 1 mile, no big favourite and several runners very close in the betting. So about 30 seconds before the off I lay all, and wait for the orders to get filled as the race progresses.

    Then it happened, the option to keep the positions active in running didnt do that, the positions only got filled on 2 of the selections as the book snapped shut on the off.

    Well like I said theres some time to try and resolve the issues, if not, it might be an option to look at bet angel instead.

    OH well night all, speak soon.

    Til next time.

    Rungood, love each other, love yourselves, love life and stay safe.


  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hi everyone and welcome back.

    I can now fully understand what drives the poker conspiracy theorists and why they think the game is rigged. IT'S NOT let me put that out there straight from the off, but, in what can only be described as the session from he11 it sure seemed like it.

    Ok so we're playing a total of 30 55p dyms

    I manage to brick the first 7, yes thats right 7 straight blanks 6 of which I exit in 4th as every hand I have gets rivered with the exception of A A which saw my all in for 2700 chips snapped by J 4 of hearts which promptly flops the flush.

    Alright, stand up walk away from the laptop, make a coffee, remind yourself that cards have no memory and that what goes round, comes round, usually, sometimes, occasionally.

    To be honest it wasnt just me. Game 16 of the session saw 4 of us into level 11, which was incredible, if only for the fact that every time a player was all in in the blinds they won. Several players were commenting on how wild it all was tonight to the point it became known as weird s*** Wednesday.

    Anyhow the end result was a pathetic 13 cashes out of 30 for a paltry rate of 43.3333% and a loss of £3.50 to leave the balance exactly where it was before Tuesdays session on £23.79

    Just to cap it off I also managed to blank the £1K freeroll as well when my A A was smashed on the river by K K.

    Happy days eh? No ! Ah guess you're probably right.

    Bed time now so til next time,

    Rungood, love everybody including yourself and stay safe.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Thread closed. New thread coming soon.

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