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Return of the Kerching. A Nob Bits Tale



  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,652
    I hear you and agree but if Desmond Tutu's queens got cracked you can bet your bottom dollar he would not call someone an imbecile. All it takes is a tiny misstep for the love preaching to become harder to hear.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785

    I assure you the KT hand was you. You got the TTx flop and doubled through me against my JJ. This was with 2 tables left. It's fine you don't remember it, no reason that you would, but it was absolutely you. And it was for your MTT life, as you had less chips than me.

    You call people donkheads and imbeciles and I'm the troll for pointing this out as not being a good thing?
    If a random poster came on here and said that, they would be rightfully mocked and told to wind it in.
    Maybe you think you get a free pass cos you consider yourself to be a bit of a wordsmith?

    The buy in will always matter, regardless of whether that's a quid or a grand. This is because people should be playing within their means. Often when people are playing beyond their means, or the money would be better used elsewhere than poker, this elicits the type of reaction you demonstrated last night on this forum when things don't go your perceived way.

    Ok, I think that covers everything.

    Why would I even be so full of myself to think that i would get a free pass?.

    I think history has shown that I stand here to be shot at and that's fine, certainly @HAYSIE has over the years had me in his crosshairs on many occasions. In fact it's not the first time you've felt compelled to have a pop and that is absolutely how it should be.

    However you have taken a small part of a post which was describing a whole day and the subsequent feelings that were experienced through the day.

    Are you saying that I shouldn't be honest or that I should in some way compromise my integrity.

    No I was miffed and I stated why.

    You felt that that was worthy of criticism and that's fine. That's your right and perogative.


  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    It’s imbecilic to call shoves with AK?

    You learn something new every day
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    If the imbeciles were playing better poker, maybe you’d not have built such a stack in the first place.

    A £2 deepstack shouldn’t really be triggering.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Jac35 said:

    It’s imbecilic to call shoves with AK?

    You learn something new every day

    I did not say the AK call was imbecilic. I said that the imbecilic had been running golden.

    Please don't quote out of context.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited July 2020
    Eventually my QQ gets looked up by the big stack who of course thinks AK is the canines gonads. Does it hold ? Will it hold ? Of course it doesn't.“

    Not really out of context. Your implication with the “thinks AK is the canines gonads” certainly seems to infer that you don’t think it’s a good call
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Jac35 said:

    Eventually my QQ gets looked up by the big stack who of course thinks AK is the canines gonads. Does it hold ? Will it hold ? Of course it doesn't.“

    Not really out of context. Your implication with the “thinks AK is the canines gonads” certainly seems to infer that you don’t think it’s a good call

    Which of course it wasn't at the time, although the runout favoured it. I have to laugh at just how many players really rate AK off as the mutts nuts. You're only ahead of Ax and in the case of QQ drawing to 6 cards

    It got the nickname Anna Kornakova after the stunningly attractive tennis player because it looks fantastic but often doesn't win.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Tuesday was an interesting day really, I answered some "fan mail" and then went out for a scenic drive through Southern Snowdonia via The Denbigh Moors, through Ffestiniog and into Porthmadog.

    It really is amazing just how empty and desolate this seemingly crowded isle of ours can be and when travelling at speeds where you can appreciate it really emphasises the beauty, wonder and grandeur of the whole experience.

    Got some exercise in courtesy of a nice walk in Porthmadog and generally chilled, found a costa and a homemade Welsh lamb burger, which due to the new diet was consumed sans cheese and onions.

    Wales is still behind regarding establishments opening so any pubs, restaurants etc its all take away. However, the harbour wall is as good a place as any to enjoy the repast, especially when the weather is good.

    Pootled back along the coast in no particular rush, getting back in time to have our Church Community group meeting via Zoom of course and then decided to play a little poker.

    The 23.15 deepy was over almost before it started but 3 cashes from 4 in £2.20 dym and a 2nd place in the 1a.m. freezeout meant that the day ended rather nicely.

    So I'm sitting here now with a single scotch, 56 Kcals, and contemplating Wednesday afternoon and The Sychnant Pass although I may have to dash home at any time as Grandchild number 6 is due very, very soon.

    Love life, each other and yourself.


  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036

    I must admit if I were to see someone preaching love to another human and then calling them an imbecile I would be confused. Not because I thought calling them an imbecile would be wrong, but that I simply wouldn't understand the contradiction. Then again the bible is full of these contradictions through different interpretations, and sometimes just blatant hypocrisy.

    Work of fiction innit.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Sitting here having just exited the 23.15 deepy and feeling ok about things. Top pr tk taken apart by 2 pr, no problems nh @Gregs99. T.I.D.

    Would normally fire up some £2.20 dym and the £5.50 freezeout but am just so tired, so giving them a pass.

    Had an epic afternoon in the Sychnant Pass, bagging Altwen and it's neighbour Penmaenbach although i elected to give the third nail in the horseshoe a miss as by then I was absolutely knackered.

    It matters not, I'm guessing Conway Mountain isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

    The whole thing should take a fit hillwalker about 70 minutes to complete, I came in at 1 hour 55. yet more evidence of my total lack of fitness and the necessity of a regular exercise regimen.

    Came back to the van, showered, rehydrated (water and Russian Caravan), did week 14 of Alpha, had some food, read a little, played crib, had a cabby at the late deepy and now its time to crash out coz I'm going to ache like I don't know what tomorrow.

    Back home in the morning coz got to take Dau in Law for an appointment in the afternoon as she's 39 weeks pregnant.

    Got a hike in Dovedale planned for Friday and probably wont get back to the van until the 9th. Missus will want to coo and fuss over the new arrival so it'll be any excuse to "Help Out".

    Will play some poker over the weekend but making the schedule up as I go along.

    Have a brilliant weekend.

    Love life, each other and yourself.


  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Somebody, somewhere is about to get a wake up call.

    Me and the HK416 in perfect harmony.

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited July 2020

    Sitting here having just exited the 23.15 deepy and feeling ok about things. Top pr tk taken apart by 2 pr, no problems nh @Gregs99. T.I.D.

    Would normally fire up some £2.20 dym and the £5.50 freezeout but am just so tired, so giving them a pass.

    Had an epic afternoon in the Sychnant Pass, bagging Altwen and it's neighbour Penmaenbach although i elected to give the third nail in the horseshoe a miss as by then I was absolutely knackered.

    It matters not, I'm guessing Conway Mountain isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

    The whole thing should take a fit hillwalker about 70 minutes to complete, I came in at 1 hour 55. yet more evidence of my total lack of fitness and the necessity of a regular exercise regimen.

    Came back to the van, showered, rehydrated (water and Russian Caravan), did week 14 of Alpha, had some food, read a little, played crib, had a cabby at the late deepy and now its time to crash out coz I'm going to ache like I don't know what tomorrow.

    Back home in the morning coz got to take Dau in Law for an appointment in the afternoon as she's 39 weeks pregnant.

    Got a hike in Dovedale planned for Friday and probably wont get back to the van until the 9th. Missus will want to coo and fuss over the new arrival so it'll be any excuse to "Help Out".

    Will play some poker over the weekend but making the schedule up as I go along.

    Have a brilliant weekend.

    Love life, each other and yourself.


    Dovedale is lovely
    If you’re in the National Trust book in advance and park there. It’s a 15 minutes walk across fields to the stones and Thorpe Cloud from there.
    Far better than battling to get a spot in the car park next to the stones on roads barely big enough to fit one car let alone two
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hey hey and hope you all had a banging weekend.

    So not a lot of poker played of late, played just 5 mtt and had a 4th, 6th and a 2nd and 2 out of the money. So far in fact it was embarrassing, still you can't get it right every time.

    Quite happy with my approach to the game and enjoying it now I've got some perspective back.

    Away from the tables life's goodish, Grandson is due to be born tomorrow if due dates can be believed, so everything's kinda on hold as Mrs will have the others whilst I take Son and Dau in Law to the local Maternity Centre.

    Just hope she doesn't pup on Wednesday as that's my Wedding Anniversary and I'm sposed to be taking "her indoors" out, sod's law dictates that that's exactly what will happen.

    The new health regime is going well and I'm starting to see the benefits so it's an encouraging start. Small steps and attainable goals is the way. See fat club the sequel for more info.

    The hike in Dovedale last Friday was a very hot affair, in fact the urge to leap into the cool inviting river was almost too much to bear. However I fought the longing and settled for just sitting with the feet in the flow after I'd finished.

    Suffice to say Thorpe Cloud was left unmolested, there will be cooler more suitable days and to be honest after going to Milldale and back I just didn't fancy it.

    Trying desperately to get on the Skirmish on the 16/8 but it would appear to be booked up fully. I could play the one at Cheadle but not a fan of either the site or the organisers so probably give it a miss. Got an Alzheimers fundraising skirmish at the Grange in Coventry to look forward to in Sept so at least that's one confirmed.

    Hoping to get a hike in tomorrow, maybe Buxton way, we'll have to see what the baby says about it eh?

    Ok that's all for now, have a great Monday.

    Love life, each other and yourself.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098


    What is the "Skirmish"?
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Skirmishing is the name given to Airsoft battles. Players are known as skirmishers.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098


    I'd best go pay google a visit.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Ok, for the uninitiated, Airsoft is a little like paintball but on a much larger, deeper and more involved scale.

    We use realistic imitation firearms (RIFs) which are either electric, gas or spring powered to fire 6mm plastic bbs. Many of these are exact replicas in weight, materials used and accessories. Players have to have a UKARA defence/ license to purchase these. Players who don't have to purchase two toned weapons until they qualify for UKARA.

    Weapons have to conform to max fps rules and all weapons are chronographed before every game day starts. If its too powerful its not tagged for use.

    The bbs usually weigh between 0.2g and 0.5g depending on weapon type and weather conditions.

    Eye protection is compulsory as is full face protection for players aged under 18.

    Players can also use pyrotechnics such as grenades, flash bangs smoke grenades and mortars. These have to be verified by marshals before use as properly manufactured and approved for use.

    Unlike paintball, the battlefield can cover up to 80 acres and it is a trust based game in that if you are hit, unlike paintball there is no visible mark on the clothing so players are expected to "own" their hits and in game marshals have the power to disqualify players who cheat.

    Most days will see a variety of gameplay ie, death match, defend the flag, last man standing, CQB, storm the building etc etc, and some of the better sites will construct a day around a storyline with ever evolving scenarios.

    It's fun, friendly, cheap to play £25 - £30 for a whole day 6 - 8 hours, inc lunch. Some sites play 2/3 times a week others more usually fortnightly on a Sunday. Nearly all sites have kit to hire, usually an M4, mags, face pro, eye pro and 2,000 bbs.

    Safety is the over riding concern and game rules are sensible, germane to the event and very strictly enforced.

    Find a site near you and go have a great day.

    Airsoft - because paintballers need heroes.

  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,652
    My stepson used to go airsofting. He's got a couple of guns and they're pretty realistic but that's reflected in the price!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098

    Thanks for the full explanation.

    So basically, cowboys & Indians for grown ups?
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,654
    edited August 2020
    Skirmish is a great laugh. I used to marshall at a site, probably over 30 years ago now (eek) in its early days. A couple of highlights were playing in the final of the English Woodland Championship, our team turned up with mostly 6 shot single action pistols, fire one shot and then reload a pellet and fire again. Every other team showed up with automatic rifles with 100 shot hoppers (magazines) attached. Needless to say we got crucified.

    Another highlight was marshalling the day a group of Millwall football supporters turned up to play, they resorted to turning the guns round and clubbing each other over the heads with them! They had a great day and asked if the police ever sent a team as they would love to play against them!
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