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Return of the Kerching. A Nob Bits Tale



  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hi all, hope everybody is well and making a few bob.

    Not really played much over the last week as "stuff" just kept getting in the way.

    The big news of the week is that at 07.24 on Sunday, Marcus Phillip Ashley finally put in an appearance weighing 8lb 5oz. Grandson number 3, Grandchild number 6 and Mum and baby are doing great.

    Funny how a birth or a death really puts everything else into context, 16 days before we were at the funeral of my Son in Laws' 34yr old sister surrounded by by raw grief and now it's unbridled joy.

    On a personal note the fitness regime is continuing with 3 more hikes under my belt and 2 x 30 minute gym sessions. Still eating healthily and very little alcohol.

    Currently down at the caravan with the eldest 2 grand daughters (7 and 6) who are going for their first hike in the Ogwen Valley tomorrow. The round of Cwm Idwal will suffice methinks.

    Hoping to play the late deepy and 1 of the freezeouts over the next couple of nights so maybe see you at the tables.

    Til next time,

    Love life, love each other, love yourself

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098

    Lovely update. Life is good if you know how to recognise it.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    edited August 2020
    Greetings from Tropical Wales.

    Not too much to write about re the poker, just exited the 21.15 deepy in 54th. Never got anything going and it was a blessing to eventually crash out.

    Nothing else of note since arriving here apart from heatwaves and biblical thunderstorms. Went to the local market yesterday morning where the aim appears to be having as much contact with your fellow humans as possible, in fact the only place where social distancing was observed was in the cafe and the bar.

    Took the Granddaughters walking today as yesterdays planned excursion was binned at the very last minute due to an updated forecast which basically said imminent thunder with lightning. Lightning and mountains do not mix, so despite the girls being a tad upset I cancelled the hike.

    This was as we were booting up in the car park around 3.45 and within about 20 minutes it was like a scene from some apocalyptic nightmare. The girls now actually think that maybe, just sometimes, grandad knows best.

    Anyhow today was a much better affair and the only downside was the girls deciding to test the veracity of boot manufacturers claims of waterproofing by actually standing in Llyn Idwal up to their knees.

    Anyway they completed the round, had ice lollies, cookies and water from the brewshack and then slept all the way back to the caravan site, waking only as we passed the on site chippy to complain that they were hungry. Typical, sleep all the way back but awakened by the aroma of chips.

    The upshot is that they've got the bug for it and are already talking about "real mountain" experiences they want Grandad to take them on.

    Hope they're content to stick to hiking, harnesses, helmets, rope, cams', hex's etc cost a blooming fortune, plus the courses to safely learn the skills.

    Oh yeah got on the local airsoft skirmish on the 30th, so that something to look forward to especially as I know have the 96 round grenades for my M203 launcher.

    Gonna play the 23.15 and maybe the late freezeout as there's nothing really planned for Friday.

    Whatever happens have a banging weekend and til next time

    Love life, love each other, love yourself.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hi everyone, hope you're all great and smashing the granny out of it.

    This is just a poke to make contact so you don't think I've been abducted by nubile alien sex sirens eager to perform strange sensual experiments prior to returning me to Earth and the mundane mediocrity of existence.

    Don't know when, if ever I shall start playing with any great regularity again. It's nothing in particular but at the moment, poker , like life is simply boring the living cr4p out of me.

    Maybe it's just a general malaise or maybe I've finally realised that I just don't care anymore.

    Whatever, til next time.

    Love each other, love yourself, don't dream it, be it.

    Gotta go, the nubile aliens are back.


  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hi all,

    Well what can I say. Finally got tempted to stick 30 quid on the old site just so I can have something to moan about, cos like theres naff all else to do.

    Cant get to my caravan and after Wales kicked us all out on the 30th of September its going to be 9 weeks come Dec 2nd. Hope the pipes havent burst cos we didnt even have time to drain it down.

    Cant get to the hills to hike, gyms shut, pubs shut, airsoft is shut down, Slimming World isnt operating and cant play live poker.

    I'd go and throw myself at the alter and pray but hmmm, Churches are effectively shut

    OK thats the moan over. I really hope everybody is safe and healthy, see you at the tables.

    Love life, love each other and remember enjoy it, its not like we get out of life alive.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098

    Great to see you are OK Mark. Been a thoroughly dreadful year, hasn't it?

    Are the family all OK?
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Yes thank you Tony, had a couple of positive tests in the extended family but everybody is doing well and just getting on with it.

    Like I always think, there's millions who'd swap places with us in a heartbeat, then I'm really grateful for what I have.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Whoo Hoo. Played my first comp in a while and managed to grab a money finish 19th in the Mini Major.

    Really enjoyed it although my rustiness was obvious, limping too much, folding when I was getting the right odds to call etc and generally being too passive.

    Hope everybody is safe and healthy and looking forward to quality family / friend time over Christmas.

    Ok, I'm off to the gym now, speak soon.

    Love life, each other and yourself.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098

    Good to see you back Mark, & I hope you & the family are all well.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hey Ho, played the 23.15 deepy and luck boxed my way to a 2nd place for £32 plus change.

    Still not happy with my overall game but the £30 deposit is now up to a shade over £50 so it can't all be bad.

    I really hope that you can all get over the latest kick in the nads from Boris and the gang and you all get through the solitude of the festive season with mind and body intact.

    Stay safe, love each other, now more than ever and love yourselves yeah.

    Seasons blessings on you all.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098

    Have a lovely Xmas mate.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,916
    All the best Mark have a good un
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hi all and welcome back.

    Now its not everyday that I get myself chat banned from Pokerstars but it's happened this afternoon and to say I'm a little miffed, nay perhaps even a soupcon annoyed would not be overstating it.

    The fact that other players were launching the throwable poo at the villain does in my own mind vindicate my actions somewhat, however the powers that be remain steadfast in their immutable belief that excommunication from verbal interaction is a just and suitable punishment.

    In my defence I used words that were neither, racist, homophobic, sexist or threatening and yet admin suddenly appear requesting that I desist and apologise post haste, I decide to form the opposing view and politely but firmly declined although I must admit this was done with much sarcasm and not a little irony.

    Anyhow what invoked my ire I hear you wonder. Well we are at the business end of a 180 player sng, well into the money and looking at a final table when I as 2nd chip leader go all in with pocket K K.

    The table chip leader takes all 20 seconds then 75 seconds of time bank before calling and tabling A A.

    I simply made a couple of suggestions as to his general character and intelligence and next thing the chatbox militia are in there and emptying the clip.

    Oh how it would've been so funny if I'd hit a third K.

    Til next time, rungood, love each other and yourselves, stay safe.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,098
    edited January 2021
    Slow Roller bloke deserved it. I mean, how dumb & childish is that?

    Bet he struggles to tie his shoelaces.
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,034
    Tikay10 said:

    Slow Roller bloke deserved it. I mean, how dumb & childish is that?

    Bet he struggles to tie his shoelaces.

    Can't see them.
    What with all those chips :)
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    edited January 2021
    Hello everyone and welcome back.

    Boy don't you just love it when with 90 players left you are a comfortable chip leader ? Yes/No ! Well it would appear I don't either as I managed to turn that position into a 50th place exit in the 19.15 deepstack.

    Can't even blame it bad luck, well I could but it would be a lie.

    I decided therefore to go over to Stars and see what trouble I could get myself into today.

    Turns out none at all as I managed to turn a $2.20 deepstacks entry into a 69th place for just under $10 out of a field of just shy of 800 runners, the end coming when I shoved my last 11 bb from the button (there were already 2 limpers and the antes) with 88 only to have the 60 bb table leader call with J J from the big blind. GG NH.

    Well that's about all as I sit here with a small scotch and watch the snow dance like some magical ballerina in the glow of the streetlight before softly kissing the ground like the delicate touch of a lover.

    Til next time. Rungood, love each other and yourselves, stay safe.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Hello everyone and welcome back.

    The most annoying thing about being in a slump is that seems to be a perversity about your starting hands which could make the less rational among us believe that the system, the cards or the site are out to get us.

    Now we all know that cards have no memory, the RNG is exactly that, random, and no site is going to risk multi millions / billions to shaft a player or players. So where can such thoughts originate ?

    Well lets take last Fridays "Orfy" as an example, in the first 9 hands I saw preflop A K suited twice, 99, JJ, 55 twice and 88. Unfortunately I wasn't able to flop or turn any improvement and ended up folding to strong bets / raises until eventually I cracked and shipped a very weak holding and got well and truly owned.

    Now heres where the irrational thought process begins. As each deal brought me a reasonable starting hand the hopes of taking a pot improve only to be dashed, until I'm actually willing trash to be dealt so I dont have a choice to make. As each flop and or turn make my holding less playable the frustration increases and so it becomes almost the perfect self fulfilling prophecy.

    So an occasional rec might see this and believe that forces are conspiring to get him, but, If the starting hands were examined one by one it becomes apparent that most of them should have been mucked. For instance 99 looks great as a starting hand full ring, but, when theres been a 2.5x and 2 calls in front how strong is it really?

    So ok yeah its level one so we call hoping to hit the 9 (not +EV I'm sure) miss the flop and then are in a world of hurt as the betting goes third pot and call in front again.

    So after analysis my absolute shocker in the "Orfy" wasnt down to dodgy cards, favourite players or any of the other rubbish thats often spouted.

    Its actually my own poor play, bad decisions and lack of a plan which lead to nearly all of my losses. Yes I do at times get it in really good and lose, however, I also get it in bad and win. Thats the nature of poker.

    Maybe though if some players took time to analyze honestly we wouldnt get the plethora of bad beat, rigged, corrupt etc posts that hit the forum with regular monotony. After all there's a reason the so called favourite players do well, it's because they continually analyze, find fault with and improve their game.

    Ok just some ramblings there, whatever youre doing have a great weekend and see you soon.

    Til next time. Rungood, love each other and yourselves yeah and stay safe.


  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2021

    I must admit if I were to see someone preaching love to another human and then calling them an imbecile I would be confused. Not because I thought calling them an imbecile would be wrong, but that I simply wouldn't understand the contradiction. Then again the bible is full of these contradictions through different interpretations, and sometimes just blatant hypocrisy.

    That's a fair point you raise @kapowblamz and If I may, I would like to explain why there is no contradiction.

    Let's assume that somebody has done something daft or silly and through that action has caused injury or loss to another person.

    Now, would it not be right to say that the person in question was a nob, a dik, a moron, or even worse. I think that yes it would.

    Does that mean we shouldn't have love in our hearts for that person. No absolutely not. We should love people in spite of the fact that they do stupid, crazy, wrong and even illegal things.

    It's not a contradiction, it's an acknowledgement that at a given point person a was a total prat, but despite that I shall endevour to have and show love for that person.

    Maybe this is a better example.

    I have occasionally called out my son (who's 27) for being a total effing d'head, when that's what he's been, and yet I still love him unconditionally. Always have always will.


    This quote from Thich Nhat Hanh springs to mind:

    And yes, unconditional Father/Son love, I hear you! :D
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,785
    Very good @StayOrGo and sums it up extremely eloquently. Also not the first time some of my family have been labelled a lettuce :D
  • Red_KingRed_King Member Posts: 2,850
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