as you know the immutable law of probability states "if X<50% it is assured it cannot happen ever!!!!!" and the second immutable law of probability "if X>50% it has to happen always every single time."
These laws of probability are absolute and irrefutable. now it may be the case that statistics and math's courses teach otherwise but you must remember that the beings that write these courses I call them beings not humans because they are part of the evil reptilians illuminati who are in on the rigged conspiracy all the gambling sites are involved with.
in all seriousness though I get it I know how you feel I have had periods where I have ran really bad and just when I figure I having a breakthrough or improving/getting somewhere and my results going somewhere crash back to reality train wreck down.
I scoped you and saw you are profitable like me. However I am significantly more profitable then you in large part because I have more emotional control, and get less bogged down/dejected when stuff goes against me.
However My mental game like my actual game needs much work if both my mental game and actual game were perfect or very good compared to the standard I would be showing results similar to Mattbates and Chickenmelt and etc.
You know a lot of people have complained that online poker is rigged you just look at the reviews on trust pilot of this site and so many people swear blind that the site is rigged.
Do I believe the site is rigged? no of course not if I did I would not continue on this site. Do I sometimes wonder if it is/think it is when I am running really bad? yes I admit that.
The truth is the vast majority of people are completely unqualified to assess statistically if the game results are fair. You certainly cannot go on feel as you have your own bias. I am 2 thirds of the way through a statistics degree and do not feel I would be confident in trying to statistically assess if the game is fair. Sure I would know how to assess all ins like pair vs two overs or all in with x ev etc I know how to do that easily but to do a complete assessment to rule out any rig at all I actually think that is beyond me.
What I do know is I and many others like me have been consistently profitable. so if there ever was a rig its not stopping me winning.
when I have worked to make improvements I usually see positive results.
Now I have seen people who have very good stats on sharkscope do somethings that look very fishy against me. or against other people. in a few spots I could work out why they did it against me and they were not the fish in that hand I was. They were doing it because they had spotted a leak in my game and thought they had spotted a potential exploitive spot usually if I can identify why they are doing it I can see why and what they are thinking and use it to my advantage sometimes though I am just outclassed.
sometimes also they are just fish/bad players who got lucky and sometimes they are good players on tilt, and occasionally its a misclick, I have had a few misclicks where I folded hands I never should have and where i rearise someone with a hand like j3 off suit not because i think its a correct play but just because it was a misclick and then when the flop comes jj3 some guy goes awall and thinks I work for sky poker and its all a conspiracy.
you can entertain that you are cursed you can entertain that your the most unlucky person alive or that the site is rigged or the RNG is off somehow but it wont help.
working on studying your game will.
also Chickenmelt is a good coach I have bought coaching of him previously and will do so in the future again maybe hit him up if you want to improve or if you cannot afford that this is a great video on how to improve if you cant afford the expensive software/coaching.
I have no reason to help you or point out ways to improve its not in my interest I guess I just emphasize as a human being and have felt like you have before.
In truth though nothing I have given here is significant anyone who wanted to do a few basic bits of research would come across everything i mentioned here or stuff very similar.
my final bit off advice is this think about what you want from poker if its just entertainment and a bit of fun keep within your means dont gamble what you cant afford and dont take it too seriously/get wound up about it.
if you want to make a decent profit or money from the game then work on it.
I am a hypercritic i do get wound up when i have a real run of bad luck. However that does not help me it never has. It will not help you either.
mitigating circumstance for factual Accuracy, actually, a 'bad beat' every day, for 1061 days
the prior 13 days of December 'when I make my action at the table 😅' a delay occurs, proceeded, by this ( 'sample' of today's 'example😅) Ti's, an on the hour, every hour, {thing}
just for the «me» v the GLEE club lifetime members.. All I want for Christmas, is a Poker Coach 😅😅😅 £5.50 bounty hunter. rather a tourney defining hand, flop it 90% good, turn it 96% good.. Guess, Gwan dare you, the rest 😅
and then;
a little bit, of your tournament defining 18k pot, that's 18,250, get it all in, a mere 86% good.. Guess, Gwan dare you, the rest😅
These laws of probability are absolute and irrefutable. now it may be the case that statistics and math's courses teach otherwise but you must remember that the beings that write these courses I call them beings not humans because they are part of the evil reptilians illuminati who are in on the rigged conspiracy all the gambling sites are involved with.
in all seriousness though I get it I know how you feel I have had periods where I have ran really bad and just when I figure I having a breakthrough or improving/getting somewhere and my results going somewhere crash back to reality train wreck down.
I scoped you and saw you are profitable like me. However I am significantly more profitable then you in large part because I have more emotional control, and get less bogged down/dejected when stuff goes against me.
However My mental game like my actual game needs much work if both my mental game and actual game were perfect or very good compared to the standard I would be showing results similar to Mattbates and Chickenmelt and etc.
You know a lot of people have complained that online poker is rigged you just look at the reviews on trust pilot of this site and so many people swear blind that the site is rigged.
Do I believe the site is rigged? no of course not if I did I would not continue on this site. Do I sometimes wonder if it is/think it is when I am running really bad? yes I admit that.
The truth is the vast majority of people are completely unqualified to assess statistically if the game results are fair. You certainly cannot go on feel as you have your own bias. I am 2 thirds of the way through a statistics degree and do not feel I would be confident in trying to statistically assess if the game is fair. Sure I would know how to assess all ins like pair vs two overs or all in with x ev etc I know how to do that easily but to do a complete assessment to rule out any rig at all I actually think that is beyond me.
What I do know is I and many others like me have been consistently profitable. so if there ever was a rig its not stopping me winning.
when I have worked to make improvements I usually see positive results.
Now I have seen people who have very good stats on sharkscope do somethings that look very fishy against me. or against other people. in a few spots I could work out why they did it against me and they were not the fish in that hand I was. They were doing it because they had spotted a leak in my game and thought they had spotted a potential exploitive spot usually if I can identify why they are doing it I can see why and what they are thinking and use it to my advantage sometimes though I am just outclassed.
sometimes also they are just fish/bad players who got lucky and sometimes they are good players on tilt, and occasionally its a misclick, I have had a few misclicks where I folded hands I never should have and where i rearise someone with a hand like j3 off suit not because i think its a correct play but just because it was a misclick and then when the flop comes jj3 some guy goes awall and thinks I work for sky poker and its all a conspiracy.
you can entertain that you are cursed you can entertain that your the most unlucky person alive or that the site is rigged or the RNG is off somehow but it wont help.
working on studying your game will.
also Chickenmelt is a good coach I have bought coaching of him previously and will do so in the future again maybe hit him up if you want to improve or if you cannot afford that
this is a great video on how to improve if you cant afford the expensive software/coaching.
further I would recommend this book in the strongest possible terms.
I have no reason to help you or point out ways to improve its not in my interest I guess I just emphasize as a human being and have felt like you have before.
In truth though nothing I have given here is significant anyone who wanted to do a few basic bits of research would come across everything i mentioned here or stuff very similar.
my final bit off advice is this think about what you want from poker if its just entertainment and a bit of fun keep within your means dont gamble what you cant afford and dont take it too seriously/get wound up about it.
if you want to make a decent profit or money from the game then work on it.
I am a hypercritic i do get wound up when i have a real run of bad luck. However that does not help me it never has. It will not help you either.
for factual Accuracy, actually, a 'bad beat' every day, for 1061 days
the prior 13 days of December
'when I make my action at the table 😅'
a delay occurs, proceeded, by this ( 'sample' of today's 'example😅)
Ti's, an on the hour, every hour, {thing}
just for the «me» v the GLEE club lifetime members..
All I want for Christmas, is a Poker Coach 😅😅😅
£5.50 bounty hunter. rather a tourney defining hand, flop it 90% good, turn it 96% good..
Guess, Gwan dare you, the rest 😅
and then;
a little bit, of your tournament defining 18k pot, that's 18,250, get it all in, a mere 86% good..
Guess, Gwan dare you, the rest😅
don't, ever Dare, mention it 😅😅😅