How many runners registered at present? (0908 Saturday morning)
Current overlay?
I have a 'friendly' bet with my other half that the total number of buy ins (including rebuys) will be 685, giving a total pot of £137,000. He has gone lower but that the tournament will still cover plus a decent bit extra.
Button - min bet small blind - calls BB (ME) - ????
Run the scenario out to get the most value and share your thoughts on what you would do - will add the Turn and River once you give your thoughts on the flop first! Will share the next action on next break
P.S - Just recently returned to Sky Poker after I heard of the SPT Online! Great effort guys
Going along nicely I see?
19walker88 34340 0 £100.00
I mentioned @JACKDAW earlier, well he's having an absolute ball. He would SO love to make Day 2.
@JACKDAW 66969 £150 Head Prizes 2 £150.00
Up and down - still trying to get used to 6 handed again - forgot position means nothing at these tables haha
Team OAP Update @ 9.30pm
@Dollie 30238 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@bromley04 34802 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@Enut 29685 £75 Head Prizes 1
@Essexphil 40585 0 £100.00
@glencoelad 57495 £150 Head Prizes 2 £150.00
@HAYSIE 33719.25 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@MacMonster 0 0
@SoLack 24480 0 £100.00
@The--Don 30128 0 £100.00
@tomgoodun 0 0
For all those @NOSTRI fans out there, he's going along steadily on about 15,000.
Oh wait........
Dealt - Qh Qd (BB)
Button 3 bets
Small blind calls
BB (ME) calls
Flop - 2d Qs Qc
Button - min bet
small blind - calls
BB (ME) - ????
Run the scenario out to get the most value and share your thoughts on what you would do - will add the Turn and River once you give your thoughts on the flop first! Will share the next action on next break
Edit: was the button a 3 bet or a raise? Also stack sizes fairly key
Stacks pretty equal
Button 28k
SB - 20k
BB - 29k
Blinds 200/400
button raises 3x (1200)
SB - calls
BB calls
All a bit of fun
Irish Rose & Grumpy Jac both going along nicely.
@IrishRose 54007 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@Jac35 46848 0 £100.00
Update at 4th break, 10pm
Entries 545 + re-entries 101 = 646
Current Prize Pool £129,200
Leaders @ 10pm
@SadPanda 260412.50 £529.69 Head Prizes 6 £276.56
@CHALKY107 180078.75 £243.75 Head Prizes 3 £181.25
@Sunday8pm 167777.38 £525 Head Prizes 7 £275.00
@Kev1892 156653.75 £150 Head Prizes 2 £150.00
@tommyv282 143554 £225 Head Prizes 3 £175.00
@MBSNTB_JB 142387.50 £243.75 Head Prizes 3 £181.25
@M10Dembele 136797.48 0 £100.00
@Smevy 136763.50 0 £100.00
@Andyman007 134600.25 £243.75 Head Prizes 3 £181.25
@FOUNTS9 133690.50 £225 Head Prizes 3 £175.00
BB (ME) Qh Qd
Flop - 2d Qs Qc
Turn - Kh
Small Blind - Check
Big Blind (Me) - Check
Button - Bets 1200
Small Blind - Call
Big Blind (Me) - ?????
Most Head Prizes @ 10pm
@Sunday8pm 169277.38 £525 Head Prizes 7 £275.00
@SadPanda 260412.50 £529.69 Head Prizes 6 £276.56
@piglet69 83198.75 £375 Head Prizes 5 £225.00
@myjokras00 80035.26 £393.75 Head Prizes 5 £231.25
@Formosina 109101.50 £431.25 Head Prizes 5 £243.75
@supercrazy 102226.50 £323.44 Head Prizes 4 £207.81
@jimmyc1990 119973.50 £300 Head Prizes 4 £200.00
@henners10 66446.50 £300 Head Prizes 4 £200.00
@fastfood 69552.50 £300 Head Prizes 4 £200.00
@MrPooch 86972 £318.75 Head Prizes 4 £206.25
@Foxydog 106751 £300 Head Prizes 4 £200.00
@AKAscotty 112083.50 £323.44 Head Prizes 4 £207.81