Been watching @IrishRose@MISTY4ME@Essexphil and @madprof tonight, The 72 off man has sadly departed, the other three still going. It will not surprise you or fellow SPT regulars and followers that aRose has sed the stand up put coat on routine when going all n a few times, Rose was in trouble a few times, none more so than all in with Q10 off against AA. I knew she’d be ok , FH did very nicely. Around 90k at the moment
Been watching @IrishRose@MISTY4ME@Essexphil and @madprof tonight, The 72 off man has sadly departed, the other three still going. It will not surprise you or fellow SPT regulars and followers that aRose has sed the stand up put coat on routine when going all n a few times, Rose was in trouble a few times, none more so than all in with Q10 off against AA. I knew she’d be ok , FH did very nicely. Around 90k at the moment
I'm afraid I'm not at all familiar with the player except that he won his seat earlier this week, starting with a Micro Satellite, then the Quarter & finally the Semi, so he's in for just a couple of quid. 4 Head Prizes too, amazing stuff.
I'm afraid I'm not at all familiar with the player except that he won his seat earlier this week, starting with a Micro Satellite, then the Quarter & finally the Semi, so he's in for just a couple of quid. 4 Head Prizes too, amazing stuff.
Following on from my last post we had the following - You tell me what the next action should be (Stacks are shown in previous posts)
BB (ME) Qh Qd
Flop - 2d Qs Qc Turn - Kh
Small Blind - Check Big Blind (Me) - Check Button - Bets 1200 Small Blind - Call Big Blind (Me) - ?????
From what you have said so far I think Button has either KK or AA so a raise to 3600 imo would be enough to induce a call from at least one of your opponents
@Enut My PL08 buddy teleports onto @Essexphil’s table Enut has 41k but by the look of his bounty has won some nice head prizes EssexPhil not getting much to play with needs a double up on 28k but has a head prize
I make the mistake of looking away from a table and @Essexphil gets the aforementioned double up no idea how 55k Same thing as I type here @IrishRose up to 180k Rose picks up another bounty 196k
I make the mistake of looking away from a table and @Essexphil gets the aforementioned double up no idea how 55k Same thing as I type here @IrishRose up to 180k Rose picks up another bounty 196k
Fumes @ 10pm
@MAXALLY 16466.25 £150 Head Prizes 2 £150.00
@cash123 15161.50 £112.50 Head Prizes 1 £137.50
@hurloon1 14350 0 £100.00
@darryl1976 13357.50 0 £100.00
@Aaaces3 12440 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@rabdeniro 12305 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@WildcardAL 11697.50 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@hurst05 9092.50 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@ray01 7522.50 0 £100.00
@thefall 250 0 £100.0
Average Stack 57,015
@MD_575 57516 £150 Head Prizes 2 £150.00
@trusoldier 57000 £168.75 Head Prizes 2 £100.00
@ufud 56935 0 £100.00
@daleboss 56904 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@catit 56665 £150 Head Prizes 2 £150.00
@HayleyR27 56439.50 £150 Head Prizes 2 £150.00
@91kid15 56400 0 £100.00
@biggirl 55405 0 £100.00
@bluevelv14 55187.50 0 £100.00
@ColinDent 54715 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
The 72 off man has sadly departed, the other three still going.
It will not surprise you or fellow SPT regulars and followers that aRose has sed the stand up put coat on routine when going all n a few times, Rose was in trouble a few times, none more so than all in with Q10 off against AA. I knew she’d be ok , FH did very nicely. Around 90k at the moment
@IrishRose 89302 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
I'm afraid I'm not at all familiar with the player except that he won his seat earlier this week, starting with a Micro Satellite, then the Quarter & finally the Semi, so he's in for just a couple of quid. 4 Head Prizes too, amazing stuff.
@Foxydog 101501 £300 Head Prizes 4 £200.00
Yeah I think he said he was in for £2.20. Currently with 4 heads and running fantastic. Great to see.
Ha. Go Dollie
@Dollie 52544 £150 Head Prizes 2 £150.00
She is away from the table as brave soul @Jaystac steals her BB
Absolute worst turn card gave me a set and oppo a flush.
Enjoyed moving with the big boys though.
Thank you sky for the free entry.
Enut has 41k but by the look of his bounty has won some nice head prizes
EssexPhil not getting much to play with needs a double up on 28k but has a head prize
@IrishRose 150052 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
Same thing as I type here @IrishRose up to 180k
Rose picks up another bounty 196k
Aaarghhhh @MISTY4ME 95k Misty on a heck f a table with @chrisdboy @68Trebor and @Arrogant
Great comeback by @MAXALLY
@MAXALLY 35665 £150 Head Prizes 2