JACKDAW is probably best known as he was a regular in the @NOSTRI (anyone remember him?) Micro Masters League.
A £220 affair is way way out of his league, but he decided to have a bash via the satellite route.
He had just one bash, starting with a Micro & worked all the way up to the Semi where he booked his ticket. And now look at him - bet he's chuffed to bits. Day 2 here we come?
JACKDAW is probably best known as he was a regular in the @NOSTRI (anyone remember him?) Micro Masters League.
A £220 affair is way way out of his league, but he decided to have a bash via the satellite route.
He had just one bash, starting with a Micro & worked all the way up to the Semi where he booked his ticket. And now look at him - bet he's chuffed to bits. Day 2 here we come?
JACKDAW is probably best known as he was a regular in the @NOSTRI (anyone remember him?) Micro Masters League.
A £220 affair is way way out of his league, but he decided to have a bash via the satellite route.
He had just one bash, starting with a Micro & worked all the way up to the Semi where he booked his ticket. And now look at him - bet he's chuffed to bits. Day 2 here we come?
JACKDAW is probably best known as he was a regular in the @NOSTRI (anyone remember him?) Micro Masters League.
A £220 affair is way way out of his league, but he decided to have a bash via the satellite route.
He had just one bash, starting with a Micro & worked all the way up to the Semi where he booked his ticket. And now look at him - bet he's chuffed to bits. Day 2 here we come?
Similar story myself, minus any form of decent experience! I think the biggest I've ever entered into prior to this was a £33 tournament last year but decided to have a blast at the SPT Online Direct Sat (£12) early this evening, after a monthish off poker, and managed to place first! Currently sitting at starting stack with a head to my name and am happily sipping on some rum!
JACKDAW is probably best known as he was a regular in the @NOSTRI (anyone remember him?) Micro Masters League.
A £220 affair is way way out of his league, but he decided to have a bash via the satellite route.
He had just one bash, starting with a Micro & worked all the way up to the Semi where he booked his ticket. And now look at him - bet he's chuffed to bits. Day 2 here we come?
Similar story myself, minus any form of decent experience! I think the biggest I've ever entered into prior to this was a £33 tournament last year but decided to have a blast at the SPT Online Direct Sat (£12) early this evening, after a monthish off poker, and managed to place first! Currently sitting at starting stack with a head to my name and am happily sipping on some rum!
Great stuff mate. Keep it going but go steady on that rum.
JACKDAW is probably best known as he was a regular in the @NOSTRI (anyone remember him?) Micro Masters League.
A £220 affair is way way out of his league, but he decided to have a bash via the satellite route.
He had just one bash, starting with a Micro & worked all the way up to the Semi where he booked his ticket. And now look at him - bet he's chuffed to bits. Day 2 here we come?
Similar story myself, minus any form of decent experience! I think the biggest I've ever entered into prior to this was a £33 tournament last year but decided to have a blast at the SPT Online Direct Sat (£12) early this evening, after a monthish off poker, and managed to place first! Currently sitting at starting stack with a head to my name and am happily sipping on some rum!
Great stuff mate. Keep it going but go steady on that rum.
When we get to the sharp end tomorrow we'll be a little more serious, but for now, not yet halfway through Day One, we'll keep it light.
So here's another purler from the Twitter feed of RateMyPlate.
I give you the Mushy Pea sandwich.
What's the weirdest food combo you've ever had?
I seem to remember making what we called a "shaggy sandwich" (homage to Scooby Doo) when my brothers and I were growing up. There can't have been much to do in those days.
It consisted of a stack of 6 or 7 slices of buttered bread each with a different spread in.
Team Busto @ 8pm. Note one player took a bounty AND busted.
@Tonyzya 0 0
@Rondo 0 0
@Fibler 0 0
@fishynutz 0 0
@mccoll1708 0 0
@hulk007 0 0
@CadleyX 0 0
@superslo 0 0
@MynaFrett 0 0
@CornishPro 0 0
@sighcall 0 0
@dobiesdraw 0 0
@joerow 0 0
@Gutshotter 0 0
@Waggy88 0 0
@slyray 0 0
@Doubleme 0 0
@Dragonson 0 0
@MattiasMr 0 0
@gpc70 0 0
@mainy7 0 0
@Durnster92 0 0
@Bernie02 0 0
@tartu 0 0
@mrrungood 0 0
@ctbn 0 0
@Kane79 0 0
@Mickey83 0 0
@benc 0 0
@ABS-CBN 0 0
@1-DAY 0 0
@Elliott44 0 0
@Rig1983 0 0
@gazzaluf05 0 0
@eon1961 0 0
@CIGB0CK69 0 0
@ktf88 0 0
@mixtone 0 0
@RUTSTER19 0 0
@Rossco123 0 0
@TMT_TBE 0 £75 Head Prizes 1
@DJ_Klassy 0 0
@AdamK26 0 0
@rascal74 0 0
@reeler 0 0
@Rafa888 0 0
@Jeffy45 0 0
Average Stack @ 8pm 29,184
@ChIpSiSbK 29355 0 £100.00
@tomgoodun 29165 0 £100.00
@IrishRose 29050 0 £100.00
@N1CK 29030 0 £100.00
@hurst05 29010 0 £100.00
@skully644 28900 0 £100.00
@poshcole 28900 0 £100.00
@68Trebor 28785 0 £100.00
@style2737 28778.75 0 £100.00
And we have our first player to take 3 head prizes;
myjokras00 94479.38 £243.75 Head Prizes 3 £181.25
Pretty sure he's normally a cash game player as I notice he appeared regularly in the Cash Kings Promo Leaderboards.
Bad news - we seem to have lost @MynaFrett
Team OAP Update
@Dollie 31413 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@bromley04 13498 0 £100.00
@Enut 42527.50 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@Essexphil 39982.50 0 £100.00
@glencoelad 31745 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@HAYSIE 42459.25 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@MacMonster 36120 0 £100.00
@SoLack 25400 0 £100.00
@The--Don 54900 0 £100.00
@tomgoodun 15815 0 £100.00
The winner - "BarryMadeTea" - is Barry Carter, best known for being Co-Author of the best-selling Mental Game of Poker.
When we get to the sharp end tomorrow we'll be a little more serious, but for now, not yet halfway through Day One, we'll keep it light.
So here's another purler from the Twitter feed of RateMyPlate.
I give you the Mushy Pea sandwich.
What's the weirdest food combo you've ever had?
We'll do a few of these.
JACKDAW is probably best known as he was a regular in the @NOSTRI (anyone remember him?) Micro Masters League.
A £220 affair is way way out of his league, but he decided to have a bash via the satellite route.
He had just one bash, starting with a Micro & worked all the way up to the Semi where he booked his ticket. And now look at him - bet he's chuffed to bits. Day 2 here we come?
@JACKDAW 37379 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
1 slice doubled over.
Great stuff mate. Keep it going but go steady on that rum.
@IVIystical 29820 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
It consisted of a stack of 6 or 7 slices of buttered bread each with a different spread in.
Something like,
Bovril, peanut butter, lemon curd, salad cream, marmite, branston pickle and ketchup.
Doesn't sound that appealing now!
Update @ 3rd break, 9pm
536 entries + 61 re-entries
Prize Pool £119,400
Leaders @ 9pm
@Eizy 133594.75 £150 Head Prizes 2 £150.00
@FOUNTS9 131258 £150 Head Prizes 2 £150.00
@MBSNTB_JB 122887.50 £243.75 Head Prizes 3 £181.25
@tommyv282 119625 £150 Head Prizes 2 £150.00
@AKAscotty 112833.50 £225 Head Prizes 3 £175.00
@Cabbage20 112400 £150 Head Prizes 2 £150.00
@Nooblafish 109188 £225 Head Prizes 3 £175.00
@hinton 108805 0 £100.00
@fastfood 105437.50 £225 Head Prizes 3 £175.00
@CHALKY107 104037.50 £150 Head Prizes 2 £150.00
Team Bowl of Rice @ 9pm
@Cameronpa 5625 0 £100.00
@poooop 5525 0 £100.00
@mark124529 5275 0 £100.00
@BBBruce 4825 0 £100.00
@superan 4700 0 £100.00
@NIHIGHGUN 3934 0 £100.00
@maaayyn 3775 0 £100.00
@NAGGER 3350 0 £100.00
@Coops25 3150 0 £100.00
Average Stack @ 9pm = 36,642
@steveysee 37341 0 £100.00
@catit 37305 0 £100.00
@johnny_e 37085.50 0 £100.00
@Formosina 37017.50 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@cabbaz 36975 0 £100.00
@pacman821 36812.50 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@HAYSIE 36734.25 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@aaron105 36545 0 £100.00
@newdaddy 36503.50 0 £100.00
@flexystash 36410 0 £100.00
@Tweaks7 36245.25 0 £100.00
@AB0151 36229.99 0 £100.00
@HiJoker 36083.50 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00
@LB44 36048.75 £75 Head Prizes 1 £125.00