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Total Player, How Was It For You?



  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You?:
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You? : Lol....Tikay is probably the most polite and understanding man I have ever met, and ever likely to meet. 
    Posted by Cowgomoo
    Hey  I agree  I know him fairly  well ...Real Nice guy   but   this  TP  thing and the likes is nonsense .... and  I cant  get  into  rows with him over it ... Its being proved here in   this thread  what  IS happening   regarding a public or forum vote  ......    ITS   A  JOKE  and the mentors  forgive me saying so  but there  trying to get their man  to Vegas  ..cop  10% and a free  trip   'to-boot' ..    I give up ..!!   It's a sham the whole thing ...

    Sorry  TK  but we will  never  agree on any of this  !!
  • DELTADELTA Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2010
    if facebook is involved i would like my vote to viod. this should be an open vote for lets say players who have been on sky for at least 6month. or take the vote away from the forum and let the public decide lol. anther farce come on sky sort it out.
  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You?:
    I would just like to say that im not even on facebook!! The facebook page thingy was done by my friends who really want me to do well! It was made aware at the very start of the competition to me that it would come down to a vote. now whether i like this or not it was part of the competition so if i wanted to be a part of it those were the rules. I have put soooo  many hours into this competition, sacrificed so much. Ive even taken days off work during this voting period so i can play 8 hours plus a day just to try and get more votes. It means so much to me, and to suggest that a facebook page is the reason people will vote for me is a real boost to my confidence, thanks.   
    Posted by TP_Dantb

    DAN   like  I said to "sparce"   I feel for ya man ... none of this  is your fault  it the whole concept of the way  it's been set up  .. It should never  end like this ....
    I cant believe that  no one couldn't see this coming  ..
    Who ever  wins this   good luck to  them  but those  who  have waisted so much  time .. I genuinely feel sorry  for .....  glk man
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You?:
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You? : Hey  I agree  I know him fairly  well ...Real Nice guy   but   this  TP  thing and the likes is nonsense .... and  I cant  get  into  rows with him over it ... Its being proved here in   this thread  what  IS happening   regarding a public or forum vote  ......    ITS   A  JOKE  and the mentors  forgive me saying so  but there  trying to get their man  to Vegas  ..cop  10% and a free  trip   'to-boot' ..    I give up ..!!   It's a sham the whole thing ... Sorry  TK  but we will  never  agree on any of this  !!
    Posted by bennydip2
    The Mentors get a "free trip" to Vegas with "their" player? News to me. Where did you read that?

    Disagreeing with each other is not a problem, it's perfectly normal. But I have not ridiculed you, as you stated, I have simply stated my views - always politely - when I consider you have not spoken accurately, or have misunderstood or mis-stated certain things.

    This is nothing to do with your dislike of TP, or it's running, those are views which you are wholly entitled to. 
  • BIGSHANNBIGSHANN Member Posts: 433
    edited March 2010
    I think the competition for a sponsored player is a great idea. I also have enjoyed watching the whole thing unravel.  Hopefully Sky will run this again next year with a few tweaks!

    I think the mentors vested interest in their team members isn't right.  

    The end vote is all wrong and was always going to be.  But as stated, the rules were made and hopefully this will be changed for the next comp.  

  • EdGiddinsEdGiddins Member Posts: 245
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You?:
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You? : Hey  I agree  I know him fairly  well ...Real Nice guy   but   this  TP  thing and the likes is nonsense .... and  I cant  get  into  rows with him over it ... Its being proved here in   this thread  what  IS happening   regarding a public or forum vote  ......    ITS   A  JOKE  and the mentors  forgive me saying so  but there  trying to get their man  to Vegas  ..cop  10% and a free  trip   'to-boot' ..    I give up ..!!   It's a sham the whole thing ... Sorry  TK  but we will  never  agree on any of this  !!
    Posted by bennydip2
    No free trip as far as i know benny !!, yes I would have 10% of Dan should he win, he has worked **** hard for this competition and plays exclusivly at Skypoker, If he were to win I would pay for myself [and my Mrs]to go out and support him in Las Vegas.

    Regarding the facebook thing, as a previous poster has said it was set up for Dan not by Dan and it creates more publicity for skypoker, it is not against the rules and as to Sparce coming on here saying its unfair and then creating his own site!, that is just so LOL , perhaps he has been too busy playing REAL tournaments  elsewhere.
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You?:
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You? : DAN   like  I said to "sparce"   I feel for ya man ... none of this  is your fault  it the whole concept of the way  it's been set up  .. It should never  end like this .... I cant believe that  no one couldn't see this coming  .. Who ever  wins this   good luck to  them  but those  who  have waisted so much  time .. I genuinely feel sorry  for .....  glk man
    Posted by bennydip2

    I'm pretty sure that none of the competitors feel that they have "waisted" time.
    They have been part of a competition that gave them a chance to discuss their poker one-to-one with their "mentors" and play poker using a bankroll supplied by SkyPoker.
    They have participated fully in a way that has provided a lot of enjoyment for many people who have followed the competition throughout.
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited March 2010
    wow. didn't expect all this lol

    Just to make a point to those jumping on the facbook thing. It's not against the rules (as far as i'm aware) to use outside media to gain votes. it shows a bit of outside the box thinking o get peeple to create accounts and lend support and a total should certainly be thinking outside the box.

    The players have done nothing wrong so i would urge people making comments like void my vote to consider that all is within the rules here.

    I feel for the TP players and i honestly just wanted to see what people thought could be altered for next time - not meant to be a thread to pull what has been a great competition to pieces
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You?:
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You? : Lol....Tikay is probably the most polite and understanding man I have ever met, and ever likely to meet. 
    Posted by Cowgomoo
    Thanks Moo. It's not a problem, I'm used to it.

    In fact, I have nothing whatsoever to do with running, managing, or rule-making of TP, but I do sit between the Players & the Management, and do all the TP Shows, & as such, I try to explain what is what where necessary. The whole thing has been a fun experience, to tell the truth. The TP thing is probably not perfect, few things worthwhile are first time round, to be honest & I don't think that's ever been denied.
  • BIGSHANNBIGSHANN Member Posts: 433
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You?:
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You? : , No free trip as far as i know benny !!, yes I would have 10% of Dan should he win, he has worked **** hard for this competition and plays exclusivly at Skypoker, If he were to win I would pay for myself [and my Mrs]to go out and support him in Las Vegas. Regarding the facebook thing, as a previous poster has said it was set up for Dan not by Dan and it creates more publicity for skypoker, it is not against the rules and as to Sparce coming on here saying its unfair and then creating his own site!, that is just so LOL , perhaps he has been too busy playing REAL tournaments  elsewhere.
    Posted by EdGiddins
    See DP is doing well in open!
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited March 2010
    I enjoyed the whole TP experience

    I believe that the last three thoroughly deserve their places

    The final vote had to be a skypoker member vote, and why not?

    I don't see what the fuss is about tbh. With any new competition, especially something so unprecedented and brave in poker circles, there were always going to be teething problems...

    but.. i believe that sky have listened to, and taken on board all constructive comments and i, like others hope there is a tp 2.

    i live in hope that tp 2 can go ahead without the under current of bad feeling that i fear tp 1 has had to endure...

    May the best man win, and who gives a hoot if facebook is used. Why shouldnt they publicise themselves?

    Best of luck to Dan, David, and Ben and well done Sky

    I cant wait for the result on Saturday, and hope the person i voted for wins.

  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You?:
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You? : , No free trip as far as i know benny !!, yes I would have 10% of Dan should he win, he has worked **** hard for this competition and plays exclusivly at Skypoker, If he were to win I would pay for myself [and my Mrs]to go out and support him in Las Vegas. Regarding the facebook thing, as a previous poster has said it was set up for Dan not by Dan and it creates more publicity for skypoker, it is not against the rules and as to Sparce coming on here saying its unfair and then creating his own site!, that is just so LOL , perhaps he has been too busy playing REAL tournaments  elsewhere.
    Posted by EdGiddins
     I'm not saying any of the players haven't worked hard .. I believe they all  have, and I also believe there are a  lot  of players who went into this TP with a dream.. and there's  nothing wrong   with that ...BUT  like X factor. so  many have been left broken hearted, and for the final  ending  to  come to  this .. is nothing but a joke.
    I personally  couldn't care less  who wins, good luck  to  them.  but I do feel  for the  2 guys who  don't  get  there now ... this is so  wrong .. The last 6 players should have played  a  tournament  at least ....  Cards in the air and may  the best  man(or  woman) win ..   Nobody  would have complained at  that  i'm sure />>  Glk ED   your  OK  in my book   :))
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You?:
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You? : , No free trip as far as i know benny !!, yes I would have 10% of Dan should he win, he has worked **** hard for this competition and plays exclusivly at Skypoker, If he were to win I would pay for myself [and my Mrs]to go out and support him in Las Vegas. Regarding the facebook thing, as a previous poster has said it was set up for Dan not by Dan and it creates more publicity for skypoker, it is not against the rules and as to Sparce coming on here saying its unfair and then creating his own site!, that is just so LOL , perhaps he has been too busy playing REAL tournaments  elsewhere.
    Posted by EdGiddins
    thats below the belt ed  !

    you should take that back !

  • EdGiddinsEdGiddins Member Posts: 245
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You?:
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You? : thats below the belt ed  ! you should take that back !
    Posted by IRISHROVER
    Im sorry if you feel that my post is below the belt rover but its what I believe so it would be very hypocritical to delete it because you think its below the belt.

     Had Sparce have complained about the facebook page and not created one HIMSELF [almost copied and pasted from the one that was  created for dan] then I could just about stomach  his post. but to try and score points off  Dan and his fans for showing initiative[by making his post] is just plain wrong after creating a facebook page himself.

  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You?:
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You? : I'm pretty sure that none of the competitors feel that they have "waisted" time. They have been part of a competition that gave them a chance to discuss their poker one-to-one with their "mentors" and play poker using a bankroll supplied by SkyPoker. They have participated fully in a way that has provided a lot of enjoyment for many people who have followed the competition throughout.
    Posted by MereNovice

    Oh If  only you  had  said that  at the start, instead of having a  'pop' at  me  .. 

    Well said  and  now  i'm going  to  bed ...

    Oh  by the way  Mere,    I know you cant  see me .. BUT  do I look as If I care ?? 

  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited March 2010
    Again just to make the point this is more a general thread on TP and what went well / not so well, not any way to rattle at TP'ers. I'm a tad sorry to have started this with the turn that the thread seems to have taken.

    1) if its going to be voted on then each tp'er should do what they can to get votes, they owe it to those they have been chosen above to try and win the thing and not waste an opportunity

    2) In fairness to Sparce i think his comment is more directed at the fact that the way a winner will be chosen is more a popularity contest than ability thing, the facebook comment i think just highlights that this is now down to how you rub shoulders with the public so to speak and not based on ability

    3) In fairness to Dan if you have mates you want them to vote, facebook is as good a way as any to get them to do it -...........I however have no friends........ this would not help me lol

    Come on guys, can we have a cheerier outlook on this thread PLEASEEEEEEE lol
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited March 2010
    I personally would say that I loved the TP competition.  Being able to challenge myself against the best players on Sky helped improve my game no end.  It was mentally draining doing the challenges and really made me analyse my game.  

    I was completely gutted when I was eliminated but it was always gonna happen to everyone bar one player.  The 3 left all fully deserve their places and I for one know that whoever wins has completely earned it!  The goodwill I had from TPers and non TPers both during and after my exit was phenomenal and made me feel glad to have been a part of it.  My game has improved greatly and my results since my exit have shown that I have come on leaps and bounds.

    Ling, Tikay etc have done great jobs with this comp, and as Tikay said, they know of 'kinks' along the way and it has been a learning curve for all.  Although we were competitors, Nutter, Dohhhhh and Dylan have all railed me over the past few weeks and it is that side of TP that needs to be celebrated.

    I have ideas on how I think TP2 could be improved and hopefully, when the time is right, the forum will be used to allow everyone to give their constructive ideas for improvement. For now, I would simply like to wish all 3 the very best of luck!!! :)
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You?:
    I personally would say that I loved the TP competition.  Being able to challenge myself against the best players on Sky helped improve my game no end.  It was mentally draining doing the challenges and really made me analyse my game.   I was completely gutted when I was eliminated but it was always gonna happen to everyone bar one player.  The 3 left all fully deserve their places and I for one know that whoever wins has completely earned it!  The goodwill I had from TPers and non TPers both during and after my exit was phenomenal and made me feel glad to have been a part of it.  My game has improved greatly and my results since my exit have shown that I have come on leaps and bounds. Ling, Tikay etc have done great jobs with this comp, and as Tikay said, they know of 'kinks' along the way and it has been a learning curve for all.  Although we were competitors, Nutter, Dohhhhh and Dylan have all railed me over the past few weeks and it is that side of TP that needs to be celebrated. I have ideas on how I think TP2 could be improved and hopefully, when the time is right, the forum will be used to allow everyone to give their constructive ideas for improvement. For now, I would simply like to wish all 3 the very best of luck!!! :)
    Posted by phil12uk
    +1 on the luck sentiment for all 3
  • penguin7penguin7 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited March 2010
    As someone who was a small part of it, I think it was a great idea, but does have some serious flaws. But Im sure Sky will learn from this year and make it better next year.
    I do have lots of constructive criticism to offer but out of respect to the three players still involved, I think its better to keep it until the competition is over.
    One comment I would make is that personally I am more inclined to vote for the two players who throughout the week have been playing in many different areas of sky poker rather than someone who is only seen occasionally on higher level cash tables and posts about his ventures on other sites.
  • CowgomooCowgomoo Member Posts: 749
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Total Player, How Was It For You?:
    As someone who was a small part of it, I think it was a great idea, but does have some serious flaws. But Im sure Sky will learn from this year and make it better next year. I do have lots of constructive criticism to offer but out of respect to the three players still involved, I think its better to keep it until the competition is over. One comment I would make is that personally I am more inclined to vote for the two players who throughout the week have been playing in many different areas of sky poker rather than someone who is only seen occasionally on higher level cash tables and posts about his ventures on other sites.
    Posted by penguin7
    I totally disagree. Sparce has actually been playing a variety of tournaments and smaller cash games all over sky for the last week. I also don't see how playing on a different site should influence your decision in any way, shape or form. 

    I also fail to see the correlation between the stakes the candidate is playing and the number of votes they deserve.

    What you are saying is akin to reverse snobbery.
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