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bring back mickjenn1?

hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
edited March 2010 in Poker Chat
i think we should let him back, one of soundest guys you could wanna meet, and hes a good laugh. he got banned for a heat of the moment thing which everyone has, cant he be given another chance. hes been to all the spt events and got along with everyone, just ask the likes of dylan12, gliterbabe, ljamesl, delta, ed giddins and orford etc etc plus no doubt alot more players have met him and had a good laugh. i think sky should give him another chance, mainly because then i dont have to write threads for him ;) haha naaa im just kidding, be good to have his banter back on the site and not just in the live games. 

what do people think, comeon sky


  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2010
    He might have some choice words to say to me after that sickening beat I just gave him - but yeh wud be nice to talk to the guy behind the avatar!!! :)
  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bring back mickjenn1?:
    He might have some choice words to say to me after that sickening beat I just gave him - but yeh wud be nice to talk to the guy behind the avatar!!! :)
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    lol hes funny as **** mate, you probs get to meet him if you go to an spt event or the dtd event people are organising on the (anyone fancy a live game) thread by dylan12 i think thats what the thread is called
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited March 2010
    I didn't really know Mickey before his ban, but since then we chat on msn and he is a very sound guy.

    I don't know the detail of the offence (he's never once whinged or complained about his ban to me)............  but do we need to have such a 'hanging offence' ban on the forum?

    I don't think so.
  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bring back mickjenn1?:
    I didn't really know Mickey before his ban, but since then we chat on msn and he is a very sound guy. I don't know the detail (he's never once whinged or complained about his ban to me) but do we need to have such a 'hanging offence' ban on the forum? I don't think so.
    Posted by elsadog
    well plenty of people lost there cools on the tables and the forum but the max ive seen been given is a month ban, so a little harsh imo
  • MICKYBLUEMICKYBLUE Member Posts: 2,035
    edited March 2010
    my vote was errrrrr yes...........
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited March 2010

     i have never met him ,

     but from what i hear ,

     he is very very sadly missed by loads of players on here ,

     can he get a skypoker pardon please bernie ?

     just put conditions on his reprieve,
    this way everyone is happy !

  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited March 2010
    used to chat to him a bit ,way back. and won his first deepstack tourny last year. didnt realise he was sat next to me on a sng at luton. he pushed all in first hand and took down decent pot on my bb then showed complete bluff. next hand he did it again and i had ace rag called him thinking hes up to it again and he showed kk. hit an ace and basically took him out. didnt stick around to long to appoligise, wasnt till 5 mins later he left and lisa said goodbye mick, that i realised who it was. so for that reason bring his chat back so he can abuse me for that call. ps wont let me put the word m i c k s!!!!
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,668
    edited March 2010
     I think the ban should stay for life......and he should be banned from playing on this site aswell. If he was, I would have cashed in the Saturday Soccer tourney!!!!!


    Does seem a little unfair that some people get only a month ban while others get a life ban. I know Sky Rich has put the forum rules up but I still think that the forum/chat ban is still a grey area.

  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited March 2010

    Micky was the one shinning star that  got this forum going, always fun, always  helpful answering players questions  on poker  .. 
    Sure  there  were  and are many  players who  make great  contributions here, but if ever there was a player  who was  more fun and helpful it could be found in Micky's thread .

    This forum is so much the  poorer for  not having him here,  he's a winning player, and I    for  one  would like  to see  him back... 

    As pointed out by others he's at all the live events chatting with all the people that run the live shows on TV  !! 

    So,  I suspect  even they  would like him back but  this is the strangest politically correct forum, with so many players being banned for having opinions  that aren't in-line with the marketing of  SkyPoker ..

    As I've said before here, this forum was originally supposed to have been set  up  for the players,    it's evident it was not for them   but a marketing tool for  the company !

    Yes  this forum   needs more people like MickJenn    and not the propaganda machine !

  • DELTADELTA Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2010
    well wat can i put that has not bin said except haha wat 4 it .......the man is a total legend and a very good friend ove mine now. good luck in ur quest for this husty im with you 100%. del
  • OnlyOneCTOnlyOneCT Member Posts: 1,181
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bring back mickjenn1?:
    Micky was the one shinning star that  got this forum going, always fun, always  helpful answering players questions  on poker  ..  Sure  there  were  and are many  players who  make great  contributions here, but if ever there was a player  who was  more fun and helpful it could be found in Micky's thread . This forum is so much the  poorer for  not having him here,  he's a winning player, and I would  for  one  would like  to see  him back...  As pointed out by others he's at all the live events chatting with all the people that run the live shows on TV  !!  So,  I suspect  even they  would like him back but  this is the strangest politically correct forum, with so many players being banned for having opinions  that aren't in-line with the marketing of  SkyPoker .. As I've said before here, this forum was originally supposed to have been set  up  for the players,    it's evident it was not for them   but a marketing tool for  the company ! Yes  this forum   needs more people like MickJenn    and not the propaganda machine !
    Posted by bennydip2
    + 100000000

  • DELTADELTA Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2010
    plus plus he has said he is putting his doo daa in my ear hole next time we sleep together.....cant wait ive got big ears
  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited March 2010
    I have met Mick at SPT events and he is a top guy, great player and like the others say doesn't complain, just gets on with it.

    I think a clean slate is the common sense decision personally.

  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bring back mickjenn1?:
    plus plus he has said he is putting his doo daa in my ear hole next time we sleep together.....cant wait ive got big ears
    Posted by DELTA
    oi he said i could sleep with him again! 
  • sara36dd08sara36dd08 Member Posts: 826
    edited March 2010
      def bring him back hes a top guy
    met him twice at spts

    not a bad word to say

    come on sky theres worse than mick on here

  • OnlyOneCTOnlyOneCT Member Posts: 1,181
    edited March 2010
    I've also met Mick at SPT Events and chatted to him elsewhere and he comes across as a really sound and top bloke and certainly this ban that he is currently got SHOULD be overturned and put whatever has gone on in the past to history and start again.
  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2010
    hopefully a suit can come and read over this thread, and give us some sort of feedback to what they think
  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bring back mickjenn1?:
    hopefully a suit can come and read over this thread, and give us some sort of feedback to what they think
    Posted by hurst05

    lol  ..  that wouldn't be politically correct  now would it ...    :))
  • ChirpyChipChirpyChip Member Posts: 556
    edited March 2010
  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bring back mickjenn1?:
    In Response to Re: bring back mickjenn1? : lol  ..  that wouldn't be politically correct  now would it ...    :))
    Posted by bennydip2
    LOL heres to hoping ;)
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