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Lawless Britain



  • legascaaclegascaac Member Posts: 201
    There’s lots off homeless and old folks struggling up here with the cost off things and housing shortages are bad as well
    Maybe standard off living down south ok but not up here
    Then to make things even worse up here we’ve got idiot , Hamsa’s law against the majority off Scottish people well the white ones
    Which has raised a lot off anti Islamic sentiment it’s increased 10 fold up here , folk are raging 😡 .. this is going to kick off now .. these right wing protests won’t stop now and the next Palestinian one will be a riot .. same the other side the next Jewish one will be the same .. all you hear out n about , is folk talking , about are the problems with immigration .. most are saying no more .. after what happened in Southport .. we can’t keep on top off our own problems in house .. as a believe this boy that committed this horrendous crime is from here and not as most miss information saying he’s an immigrant .. but if it is mental health issues he’s a prime example off how we can’t get help to out own citizens that need it , far too many are missed , so how can you help more , probably explode 💥 now anyway ..
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,988
    We dont yet have a full explanation of what happened in Southport.
    So it is too early to draw any conclusions.

    We have a young man that has committed a horrible crime.
    To suit the narrative of the troblemakers it was claimed that he was an immigrant, and a Muslim.
    Neither was true.
    We had another man that looked quite similar to him, and was a Muslim, who up until the other day was our Prime Minister.

    The so called protests have accomplished nothing positive.
    They have been an excuse for vandalism, which has cost money that would have been better spent elsewhere.
    They have injured police officers, that were just doing their job, and would have better off spending their time crime solving, than just containig a mob.

    A simple way to reduce immigration would be for Brits to actually fill the jobs we have available.

    I suppose these protesters moderate their thinking when they have to go to hospital, they would probably have to wait weeks to be seen by a doctor that wasnt an immigrant.

    There are people among us that are prepared to blame anyone, or everyone, because their own life is not going well.
    They would be better trying to improve it, and take some responsibility.

    The guy was born in the UK, so what were they protesting about?
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    I do believe we have a problem with immigration and I think a lot of people believe that.
    However even if we assumed for the sake of argument that the individual was a radical Islamic terrorist who had spoken often of how he planned to do this in the name of Islam it would not justify any of this violence and behaviour.

    Regardless of the facts surrounding the stabbings there is no reasonable reason to believe that the random Muslims and mosques attacked by the mobs had anything to do with it.
    It really is not too much different to individuals attacking me or my family for the wrongs they believe Israel are committing against Palestinians.

    this violence wont achieve much apart from hurting random individuals doing millions of pounds worth of damages and hopefully achieving criminal records for those that carried out this thuggish behaviour, though we can probably guess how likely I think that is, with all the confidence I have in law and order. Meh they probably some done because of media pressure and etc which I suppose would be a small positive.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663

    "People who were inside the Holiday Inn Express in Rotherham when rioters descended on it over the weekend say they had to push fridges and other furniture against a door to create a makeshift barrier.

    A shaken hotel worker, who did not want to be identified, describes the experience as "absolutely terrifying".

    A man who lives near the hotel says anyone trying to justify the violence is "an absolute joke".

    "It is just young hooligans trying to find any excuse to cause trouble," the man said. "There’s no reason for them to be here, they’re just a waste of life, waste of fresh air.""
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    I'm going to chuck my twopenneth in here whilst remaining balanced and objective.

    Firstly, the protestors. Who are they, what are they hoping to accomplish and why now.


    Let's get one thing clear, not everybody protesting was there for violence. In Hanley I saw people engaging from both sides who were definitely looking for trouble. However this probably accounted for 10%.

    Not everybody protesting identified as either right wing or xenophobic. Some were and that cannot be disputed but just because you speak out about something does not automatically make you right wing, racist of fascist, despite what the press and woke politicians would have you believe.

    Also some of the protestors in Hanley were from ethnic and mixed race backgrounds. Not your typical EDL. NF. C13. BNP mix. Strange how the "far right thugs" didn't attack them. Maybe just because the main body weren't there for aggro.


    Many of those I spoke to or heard weren't after an end to immigration or asylum. They were after a level playing field, an end to two tier policing, and end to immigrant rights over citizens rights and the end to the policy of housing immigrants before our own homeless.

    As one put it, if the system put as much money and time into legal representation for the homeless of the UK as they do preventing asylum seekers from being deported we'd have no homeless.

    Also many felt it was just the right time to take to the streets and let the Government know that they've had enough of being ignored, marginalised, and pushed aside.


    Because with a new Government in power who it would appear are going to tip the Nation into chaos and push the already beleaguered into yet more crippling poverty it's maybe time to let them know that you can only beat a dog so much before it attacks.

    I didn't get the sense that many were actually that bothered about the supposed main objective which I believe was the awful events in Southport but just that that was the catalyst for everybody to vent their own personal spleen regarding whatever they felt was their own trigger.

    One of the questions now is how does the Government respond.

    Well quite clearly Starmer thinks that more police is the answer. That plays right into the hands of the protestors who are already and with some credible evidence portraying the Police and judiciary as a two tier system, meekly surrendering positions when the minority rights card is played and then going full bore when it's the reverse.

    In Hanley, the bulk of the Police were lined up against the demonstrators with a paucity of numbers facing the counter demo. The line facing the main group were quite strict, threatening arrest for swearing and using gestures. Whilst the fewer counter group could swear, gesticulate and provoke with impunity, which included the use of loudhailers whilst the Police watched on and smiled.

    Two tier policing evident right there, don't believe me, there's an independent filmmaker put an hour long vid up on You Tube

    As for deploying troops. Really, that would be a disaster. The first time a shot is fired by a British squaddie against a British Subject on the mainland then it's game over. No political party is ever coming back from that.

    Oh and I know you want to know why I was there. Simple, I wanted to see and observe what occurred, not from any wish for vicarious thrills or to witness violence, not that there was much to witness. In fact there's more trouble on a Stoke match day, although to read the reports in the local press you'd think that there had been a pitched battle.

    Also I was interested to know why people thought that protesting immigration had a direct correlation with the safety of children. I failed spectacularly to get a coherent answer on that one.

    For me the most ironic sight of all was the 6 protestors 4 men and 2 women who on leaving the area were seen to enter a local Indian/Bangladeshi restaurant.

    Integration at it's finest but I suppose by then the press had already got their story.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    Its these gangs of youths in masks i,m worried about.

    They've been getting away with crime for so long and these riots are fun to them

    2 altercations now in 3 days with kids on stolen motorbikes. Phoned 999 on one occasion and threatened to kill the lad (i lost my rag) . response : "Oh can you phone 101 please" Thankyou

    Police can't chase in this area with no helmets. Its a joke
  • legascaaclegascaac Member Posts: 201
    Edge you just hit the nail right on head , they protest against Israel ( remember who started it )vandalism off all sorts , nothing done by police now against these protesters vandalism your all going to jail is that cause these kids lives don’t matter as much Keir …? Or tell me why didn’t first lot go . Your making a great start Labour . remember kids got killed a thought that the backlash from it would have been worse than it has ..
    Our own police well joke's. discriminate against British people and justify why the other lot should get away with it .. they’re just British 🇬🇧 people who’ve had enough.. or get all the Palestinian protesters vandals charged as well from they protests..

    But your bang 💥 on the money with what you’ve just said

    It’s definitely going to go bang soon , folk have had enough.. off government promises well lies then still not listening once they’re in power. If they . put it to a public vote on immigration .. am willing to bet they would vote for no more immigration ..i would be having a bet on it anyway .

    Anything where kids are hurt or killed in that kind off way always brings trouble . Law n disorder …. when it the families off they children that we should all be thinking about and how we protect them better hopefully so there’s not a next time . Absolutely tragic for the ones lost and their families my deepest sympathies to you all . And am hoping all the rest off the people and kids recover quickly and soon

  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,988
    Essexphil said:

    "Protect the kids". A laudable aim. And what seems to be a fairly linear choice. It seems to me the 2 main options currently appear to be:-

    1. Take time to discover what went wrong. Investigate why this young man did what he did. Whether there were opportunities for various authorities to have stepped in earlier, or not. With foresight-not hindsight. There is likely some major mental health issues at play here. Because sometimes there are important lessons to be learned. And-sadly-sometimes such things are unavoidable, however much we wish otherwise; or

    2. Decide to pick on a Minority. Not the 1 that this poor lad belonged to-just any Minority. Because it may be the case that the best way to protect our kids is to attack someone else's kids. And start some form of race war.

    Me? Option 1, thanks.

    For all those who believe in Option 2, I pity you. Frankly, you are not members of my Race. The Human Race.

    Thats a funny thing.
    I was only saying to Misty last night, that I hadnt seen you for a bit.
  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,529
    Ah watched a documentry a while back by Journalist Mobeen Azhar called " Hometown ",
    It was really interesting, worth a watch. He was from Huddersfield and had moved away but went back to cover a story about an Asian man who was shot dead by the Polis.
    While he was there he went to where he was brought up and he couldn't believe what was going on, it had become a ghetto where white people couldn't go and there were other areas of town where Asians couldn't go.

    That's where a lot of the problems are, a town like Hudderfield, working class town where a lot of folks feel disenfranchised, lack of government spending for years, no investment in the real problems, drugs rife, gangs fighting for turf, a lot of people not prepared to get on with people of different colour or faith.

    Ah fear riots will become more common in the future.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,361

    I'm going to chuck my twopenneth in here whilst remaining balanced and objective.

    Firstly, the protestors. Who are they, what are they hoping to accomplish and why now.


    Let's get one thing clear, not everybody protesting was there for violence. In Hanley I saw people engaging from both sides who were definitely looking for trouble. However this probably accounted for 10%.

    Not everybody protesting identified as either right wing or xenophobic. Some were and that cannot be disputed but just because you speak out about something does not automatically make you right wing, racist of fascist, despite what the press and woke politicians would have you believe.

    Also some of the protestors in Hanley were from ethnic and mixed race backgrounds. Not your typical EDL. NF. C13. BNP mix. Strange how the "far right thugs" didn't attack them. Maybe just because the main body weren't there for aggro.


    Many of those I spoke to or heard weren't after an end to immigration or asylum. They were after a level playing field, an end to two tier policing, and end to immigrant rights over citizens rights and the end to the policy of housing immigrants before our own homeless.

    As one put it, if the system put as much money and time into legal representation for the homeless of the UK as they do preventing asylum seekers from being deported we'd have no homeless.

    Also many felt it was just the right time to take to the streets and let the Government know that they've had enough of being ignored, marginalised, and pushed aside.


    Because with a new Government in power who it would appear are going to tip the Nation into chaos and push the already beleaguered into yet more crippling poverty it's maybe time to let them know that you can only beat a dog so much before it attacks.

    I didn't get the sense that many were actually that bothered about the supposed main objective which I believe was the awful events in Southport but just that that was the catalyst for everybody to vent their own personal spleen regarding whatever they felt was their own trigger.

    One of the questions now is how does the Government respond.

    Well quite clearly Starmer thinks that more police is the answer. That plays right into the hands of the protestors who are already and with some credible evidence portraying the Police and judiciary as a two tier system, meekly surrendering positions when the minority rights card is played and then going full bore when it's the reverse.

    In Hanley, the bulk of the Police were lined up against the demonstrators with a paucity of numbers facing the counter demo. The line facing the main group were quite strict, threatening arrest for swearing and using gestures. Whilst the fewer counter group could swear, gesticulate and provoke with impunity, which included the use of loudhailers whilst the Police watched on and smiled.

    Two tier policing evident right there, don't believe me, there's an independent filmmaker put an hour long vid up on You Tube

    As for deploying troops. Really, that would be a disaster. The first time a shot is fired by a British squaddie against a British Subject on the mainland then it's game over. No political party is ever coming back from that.

    Oh and I know you want to know why I was there. Simple, I wanted to see and observe what occurred, not from any wish for vicarious thrills or to witness violence, not that there was much to witness. In fact there's more trouble on a Stoke match day, although to read the reports in the local press you'd think that there had been a pitched battle.

    Also I was interested to know why people thought that protesting immigration had a direct correlation with the safety of children. I failed spectacularly to get a coherent answer on that one.

    For me the most ironic sight of all was the 6 protestors 4 men and 2 women who on leaving the area were seen to enter a local Indian/Bangladeshi restaurant.

    Integration at it's finest but I suppose by then the press had already got their story.

    Excellent piece.

    The phrase "Two tier policing" is bang on the button.

    There's a heavy handed approach depending on who is protesting.
    Any politician denying it is either blind or thinks we're stupid.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663

    Some interesting & well thought out replies there.

    However, I'm not even remotely convinced that any of it is within the thought processes of 12, 14 & 15 year old kids wearing masks, balaclavas, chucking bricks at police, & trying to set fire to buildings within which several hundred people are inside, effectively given the choice of being incinerated or beaten to pulp by the mob if they try to exit.
  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,529
    The kids are just following their peers trying to act big, being egged on by older people who sit in the background.
    Social media has a lot of good qualities but whats goin on here is showing it up for what it is if it's not controlled.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    I remember the Tories and Labour before the election had mass immigration as one of the top priorities that they had identified as a concern of a large section of the electorate.

    Neither has had a meaniful answer to it, and here we are....

    It's not even being discussed now.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,361
    Tikay10 said:

    Some interesting & well thought out replies there.

    However, I'm not even remotely convinced that any of it is within the thought processes of 12, 14 & 15 year old kids wearing masks, balaclavas, chucking bricks at police, & trying to set fire to buildings within which several hundred people are inside, effectively given the choice of being incinerated or beaten to pulp by the mob if they try to exit.

    Yes, this is bringing the topic back on topic.

    The riots are very little to do with two tier policing, its just giving a label to "justify" the riots after the event.

  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,669
    edited August 2024
    Tikay10 said:

    Some interesting & well thought out replies there.

    However, I'm not even remotely convinced that any of it is within the thought processes of 12, 14 & 15 year old kids wearing masks, balaclavas, chucking bricks at police, & trying to set fire to buildings within which several hundred people are inside, effectively given the choice of being incinerated or beaten to pulp by the mob if they try to exit.

    Those kids are feral. If they have role models in their families they are bad ones. Their fathers, if they are still present in the family home (unlikely), have little or no regard for authority or the police and are likely involved in criminality and have normalised it for their children. The role model of a stable two parent family is long gone in many areas and the state benefits system has probably encouraged this.

    In the South East of England we have so far been spared similar scenes to those that are being shown in the media but I suspect it might arrive down here soon. If so I know I won't be going out to watch or record it on my phone. I have been let down by the police in the past but I couldn't stand by and watch people atttack them or others.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,988
    VespaPX said:

    I remember the Tories and Labour before the election had mass immigration as one of the top priorities that they had identified as a concern of a large section of the electorate.

    Neither has had a meaniful answer to it, and here we are....

    It's not even being discussed now.

    VespaPX said:

    I remember the Tories and Labour before the election had mass immigration as one of the top priorities that they had identified as a concern of a large section of the electorate.

    Neither has had a meaniful answer to it, and here we are....

    It's not even being discussed now.

    Yeah It has been all of a month since the election.
    What possible excuse could Labour have?
    The Tories started releasing thousands of prisoners early, last October, because there is no room in our prisons.
    Labour should have built half a dozen prisons, and recruited a couple of thousand officers by now.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,988
    Rioter bitten on backside by police dog cries in court
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,988
    Artists react to far-right riots in the UK: ‘More than 'thuggery', it is violent racism'
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