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What improvements would you make to the site?



  • payneh19payneh19 Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2009
    I think the time bank would definately be good as well, we all need a bit more time every now and then. People are saying it would cause problems, well what about having a 3 strike system or something, only be able to use 3/4 times in one game? Also, i think the site is definately in need of a friends list. Like facebook if you will where you can find friends on tables, join them and even chat to them :)

  • skicowboysskicowboys Member Posts: 163
    edited June 2009

    THESWISS makes a lot of sense in his post, here are my thoughts.

    More games please for the better player, better blind structures etc. They dont have to be deepstack, but 1500 or 2000 chips with 15 minute blinds would give you some play, variety of buy ins, £10, £20, £50.
    Sit N Go tourneys where you win "Tournamant Tokens" for the various buy in ranges, e.g. £10+1, 6 handed 1st= £50 tournament ticket, 2nd=£10, or something along those lines.
    Full ring tournamants, 9 or 10 seater, i dont see why all of the tourneys have to be dominated by 6 handed fast structures.
    If SPUKT continues next year (please do as i think it's a great idea) have open qualifying tournaments where you can chose the venue you attend. I managed to qualify for nottingham and swansea, but was on my hols when the newcastle and birmingham events were open for qualifying, birmingham being my closest venue! You can then enter as often as you like and win seats to as many venues as you wish.
    I understand from the PTP tables that OMAHA is on its way. Are there any plans for STUD etc so eventually we could have some variety on the site, maybe even a HORSE game?
    Thats it for well!

  • CLIOKIDCLIOKID Member Posts: 783
    edited June 2009
    Time-bank for cash games - you can often have a massive decision for a whole stack and have 10 seconds to decide - it isn't enough sometimes.

    Better tournaments - the tournaments on here are awful - terrible blind structures.

    Get some £20 buy-in tournies with decent structures and prize pools - they don't need to be televised if the length of time they take to cover.

    Better rakeback deals - criminal how much rake there is on here with tiny rewards.

    Better hand history - it's really not helpful at the moment.

    Make it compatible with pokertracking software? Not sure how possible this is?

    Would also be nice if every hand didn't result in 4 to a flush or 4 to a straight also - not that I'm suggesting anything sinister of course.
  • JPDERRYJPDERRY Member Posts: 112
    edited June 2009

    extra time bar that u press that gives u 1 60 extra secs time bar to use in mtt,like u can use 10sec here and there, not open mtt lol, skypoker give u just as much of time to muck cards as they do to call? and rebuy mtts or even double chance,bad vaule for your money on sky, for mtts with play,grtds mtts just keep going down,i never seen a poker site to take £50 off a 500 grtd mtt,never seen a site to go down on grtds mtts as much as sky, and what is there to use r player points on? £20 freeroll 250 freeroll 1,000 players in, oh that used to be 1k freeroll

  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited June 2009
    i think 1 60 second time bank per mtt duration

  • twokingstwokings Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2009
    In reply to :- I guarentee if you have 2 or 3 £11 buyin £1000 GTD trnys a night they will all exceed the 1000.  What do you all think?
    Posted by FlashFlush

    Buy-ins are for losers!! They also change the thinking of some players who constantly go ALL-IN trying to double up , knowing they can buy-in later if they lose.

    Learn to play POKER............then you won't need buy-ins.
  • twokingstwokings Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2009
    Channel 865 shows too many repeats of boring conversations with people i've never heard of. lets see more hand analysis from everyday tournaments. We can then see what the other guy had when someone folded.
  • twokingstwokings Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2009
    Most games are coming down to 6 handed to get more action. With 9 handed you have to have a very good hand to even call. With 6 handed even the Pros play 2 3 offsuit. Play the presenter is a good example of how little action goes on when 12 handed.

    If players want more time (some suggest Timeouts) then play more deepstacks. Theres plenty of time to think.

    If you want improvements to the site I can supply a List. Start by making it easier to get into Tournaments and Sit & Go by getting rid of superfluous adverts for BINGO and Blackjack. We are on the POKER site because we like Poker. Adverts for SKY Vegas.etc are just annoying and slow down access to the site. The Poker league, Poker school, press releases should all be in a sub-menu.  Also get rid of the POT SIZE column in winning hands and show the hand held by the winner. Sometimes when there are 3 or 4 players all calling on the River, there is no time to work out why someone won a hand.

    Can someone tell me why you cannot display the tables in letterbox format? Or with the winning hands always displayed on the left of the table, rather than overlapping.


  • Aquanaut1Aquanaut1 Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2009
    My computer starts protesting whenever I try and open up more than 2 tables. I'd rather be playing 3 but can't because of the software.

    Tables are also slow to load up. Often I open up a cash table only to find the vacant seat has been taken.

    Why not start the TV tournies at 8 or 8:30 and then you can make the blind levels a bit longer?

  • fitzer14fitzer14 Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2009
    hi all.
          made a post yesterday regarding any interest in satts to EPT toyrneys on the same basis as "Vegas" satts.
      would like to hear any feedback.
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited June 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site? : Buy-ins are for losers!! They also change the thinking of some players who constantly go ALL-IN trying to double up , knowing they can buy-in later if they lose. Learn to play POKER............then you won't need buy-ins. Posted by twokings
    I think you're confusing buy-ins with re-buys.
    Posted by BigBluster

    Yeh lol, dont know what he was bleating on about!! needs to read the post properly before smacking down peoples ideas
  • temp118temp118 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2009

    I think there should be more Rebuy MTT, You look at the other sites they all have good fields in them, also a good prize pool at the end. And I also think the site should go back to the Open during the week with the 7 minute blinds.

    Much better and more people playing.


  • TREMAYNETREMAYNE Member Posts: 432
    edited June 2009
    The ability to show just one of your hole cards after you have won the hand would be useful.Showing you had the ace for instance but not your low  kicker.
  • paddytrinipaddytrini Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2009
    Let's look at this from a global perspective- There are several levels of player in SP but I don't think there's enough game to go around. So I'm going to make my case in accordance with that.
    1. At lower levels have  rebuys. Every level up to  £2 should be fine. Half the low level tourneys on here are crapshoots anyway, so having rebuys won't make much of a difference.
    2. There should be a freeroll every 2 hours and a larger freeroll once a day.
    3. Satelites are fine, leave pretty much as is.
    4. Televised tourneys need slower blind structures. Start 8-8.30 if necessary.
    5. Less reruns of the same guys giving the same advice after every tourney.They are getting stale now.
    6.  I mentioned my cash game  gripe before but I expectnothing to come of it because of juicy money made from rake. I do think however that choice between a £4 game and £10 game should be available.
    7. More tourneys full stop.
    8 THe richer the tourney, the deeper the blinds.
    9. Finally I want a superuser account soI can see everybody elses' hole cards
  • ZZCopZZCop Member Posts: 25
    edited June 2009

    There are a lot of good things about Sky Poker, but in answer to the question I believe the improvents below would enhance the site:

    1. The option of bigger software to fill the computer screen, with an optional download for those more regular players who want it
    2. The option of members to uplaod their own images as they do at Pokerstars, with many more additional avatars for those who dont to do this (I'm tired of looking at the same avatars).
    3, Double your Money and other sit and gos with 8,9 or 10 players, or even 12,16 etc.
    4, For more of the bigger Guaranteed tournaments to start earlier, the late hours prevents many people competing in them.
    5, More use of the Poker points such as buy ins or part buy ins for tournaments. I have over 13,000 and do not anticipate ever using them. It is not presently worth it in the small freerolls offered.
    6, Improved statistics, particulalry to say how many hands have been played in the tournament or sit and go and how many I have entered.

    7, A qualification from a satellite for the SPUK tournament to tcount for any of the forthcoming venues (preferably in the North West at some time).


  • daveydaveydaveydavey Member Posts: 217
    edited June 2009
    I think the poker points thing is a good shout, you should be able to use them in an online merchandise store or for use in tournaments/satallites.

    I also like the transfer money feature of pokerstars and fulltilt.

    However...the biggest problem on Sky Poker is collusion and the ease it can be done. A downloadable software should be developed and launched with enough press so that all players know it will be compulsary by a certain date. I think this would help sky move forward in security terms. At current it is EASY to open two accounts and play the same table because of the online base of sky. Not good enough for a site which, it seems, is trying to become an established site for serious players.
  • XAVI66XAVI66 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2009
    Allthough this is to date the best site i have played on, game-play everything is in £'s, tourneys, cash games, i would like to see some Omaha games on here, maybe a few 7/5 card stud. Also, some tourneys that have a big prize pool with blinds that go up slightly slower than on the big games now. I think it would be a good idea if you had such a tourney on a Sunday, possibly starting at 7/8pm and finishing at 11pm/12am with slower blinds. Apart from that, i think the set-up of the site and the tv chanel to go with it is very good. I don't think there is another site that can look at and help you with where you are going wrong when playing.
  • nicklucasnicklucas Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site? : Time Bank - you make the point well, imo. It illustrates the problerm precisely - we all want a bit more decision time now & then, BUT......we all get miffed when Players abuse it. A double-edged sword, if ever there was one. On balance, personally, I prefer it "as is".
    Posted by Tikay10
    I disagree Tikay, I think if you have a timebank button and you have to play to build like on FTP it works well, people are always going to abuse certain things but the majority would benefit without abusing. I dont think you should rule it out in order to prevent abuse, although I think the option should not be available for JPDerry.
  • nicklucasnicklucas Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2009
    The rake taken at the low stakes HU tables is a farce, this should either be removed to encourage more HU action or have some sort of rakeback, the rake taken is ridiculously high.
  • LyingqEyesLyingqEyes Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2009
    In Response to What improvements would you make to the site?:
    For a long time this was the only site I'd played poker on. However over the last 6 months I've tried one or two others & came to realise that as much as I like playing here there are certainly some improvements & additions that would be great. Namely, It would be great if I could get a more detailed hand history to help me look back through hands and how I've played them. Currently you can only see what your hole cards were, community cards & final outcome. Also, variations of the game. One of the reasons I tried other sites was because I wanted to learn omaha amongst other variations. Also, better options for player points. Currently there are a couple of small freerolls to use them for but that's it. How about giving options to buy in direct to bigger tourneys or Sky Poker merchandise? One other thing I'd like is a time bank for use on the tables. Sometimes the 15 seconds you get just don't seem long enough in some situations What does anyone else think?
    Posted by silentbob
    I absolutely agree...better hand history, time-bank for those crucial situations, not too fussed about poker points but, would like to see higher GTD prize pools offered by sky...They always seem to fill well over the GTD anyway.
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