i would like the chatt boxes watched more by sky staff so they can worn people about there chatt i was playing last week in a double your money when one off the players called liverpool people murders because we killed our own fans at hillsbrough sorry but that is not true so the person who said it should be banned from the chatt it hurt so much from slowbow
I do enjoy sky and the banter so this isnt an attack and I know it is only two years old and still improving. The hand history is probably the worst I have seen on any site bare none, that needs tweeking. I know many players have problems when the game starts but poker page wont open. People will say it is the PC or laptop but as we know this isnt always the case. Thats about it really pretty good site all in all with good friendly play
i would like the chatt boxes watched more by sky staff so they can worn people about there chatt i was playing last week in a double your money when one off the players called liverpool people murders because we killed our own fans at hillsbrough sorry but that is not true so the person who said it should be banned from the chatt it hurt so much from slowbow Posted by slowbow
Thats outrageous and clearly they know nothing about what happened that day. they should be lined up and shot for a stupid comment like that.
there is an easy way round it, which is already in place on other sites. the Time bank if it is over used by players they are given less time, the next time they want to use it. and this is perhaps recet hourly.
Hay people's, here goes and i hope you can all understand what in a trying to say...What i would like to see is the chance to book a table for a private game within friends, What i am trying to say is if Sky could have table available that i could go along and book for a certian time and certian number of players, i.e: 7pm. 10 players (2 tables or one large table needed) I then have the option to request the desired players to join me at this time...The person booking the table then sets the buy in amount, i.e: £10 + £1 (£1 for sky per/person) and sky use their system to work out the pay outs. With doing this Sky will also get more players as not to many of the people that i play in my pub league play on Sky, And i can refer them..
I was thining about the free rolls or fun games to add players and thought what if there was a £5 tourny or whatever and the winner gets all the money to travel up to the studio and have a session learning from one of the experts. Maybe it wouldnt work out and sky would loose money but it would be cool once or twice a year july and xmas. Having a Tikay or someone watch you play online and help you one on one for a few hours. Better than any small cash prize in the long run. And think of the poker press and good will. Like I say it may not be possible but I would play it any day.
are there any plans to have pot limit tourneys maybe start off with a few see how it goes if there is enough interest (which i am sure there would be ) then have a league alongside MTT/STT/CASH
I played pl tonight for the first time and thought it was great but could not find any tourney's
How about the option to make the screen bigger for those of us with old eyes !! and the text a little bigger as well so i can read all those insults :0) Posted by TOPOPTIONS
It would be great to be able to make the screen and text bigger, i feel like i'm really straining my eyes aftera while - other sites i've used can all be put into full screen if you want it.
I've had a few abusive players on tables i've been playing on - before the first flop they start swearing at people and ranting away at them with abusive language - you can't see all of it cause the system 'stars' it out, but you know what they mean.
It would be good if there was some sort of button on the player picture or even at the bottom of the screen where you can click and report this person, I had to email the 'contact us' team and they were helpful and banned the person from the chat for a month, but it would be so much easier if you could just block/report with the click of a button
I enjoy the chat normally, its good banter, whether its getting a bad beat, or nicking a flush on the river - its all good fun and part of the game - some just like to be abusive to put others off and i don't like to turn the chat off as i like chattin with the peeps in a game
I played on Pokerroom then iPoker from 2003 and had a look at SkyPoker ages ago. I hated it. Late last year I had another go and played loads of games, mainly sngs and mtts. I built up a bankroll fairly easily through all the bad players however in April I decided to take my profits out and ship it to Full Tilt and PokerStars where I do OK. Why? 1. Apart from the good DYMs/DONs the pther SNGs are useless donkfests. Blind structures/times reduce the skill factor too much 2. No proper handhistory so no possible analysis. Actually I started videoing the tournies using WM Capture. 3. Lag in the SNG sign ups, my screen on my PC would show spaces when they were full - irritating. 4. Unimaginative SNGs, not all of us want to play 'scary' or 'bounty'. Other sites have STEPS/Matrix/Satellite etc systems which are great for low stakes solid players 5. Sometimes my flash version crashes or I can't join the game. 6 The cascade multi window system is wierd. Often I'm cabout to click one screen and another instantly flips up instead! Not waiting until I'm done with the other. 7. I played the TV Mtt thing once. OMG what a donkfest. The blinds were so fast that it was shove/fold way way before the bubble. To make final table you have to win so many flips it ridiculous. No skill required! 8. The silly blind structure in the higher value MTTs mean that bad players get lucky and don't learn how to play properly. 9. No rakeback deals. The points are relatively worthless. I don't play £20 feerolls. 10. PLO games, especially cash. Its such a shame SKYPOKER isnt better because it could have been massive by now. I was playing in the GUKPT and mentioned skypoker, it was like walking into a board meeting with a copy of the Sunday Sport under my arm!! It has zero respect amongst high volume players. Sky need to find out why and act on it.
Bit bored of being a shadow avatar in games and dont look anything like the character choices so more of selection would be nice or even a browse files and download picture option?
1) Make a downloadable version for easy game playing (not internet browser)
2) Have auto reload button or a little button to reload to the max amount on cash tables rather than having to type in the exact amount as this can be hard when playing 4-8 tables.
Sky Poker has many great points, I have played here for a while now and made a bit of money , recently though the site seems to have lost a lot of players. Like many serious players I have accounts at many sites and see regular updates, promotions, bonuses and exciting new competitions. I occasionally log in to see the tournaments here and occasionally play, sadly the other sites are more appealing often with gtd prizes way higher and more games in the bracket i like playingin (5£- 30£ mtt with 150 to 1k+ players). I often wonder if the busy marketing people are soo busy thinking up the next idea they have no idea what other sites are offering, have a look out there and see.
The improvements I would like are: drop the web interface and go with proper poker software!! or a bare minimum better graphics - look at PKR for the ultimate but even party or IPN network skins are nicer,
Reload bonuses - reward us for staying here
Optional time bank (You press a button to activate and you have a set time, when its gone, its gone; see PKR $10,000 open you get 90 seconds) only for big mtts only and each player get
'Better blind structured bigger games' so you can actually play poker rather than fold or shove - every night there should be a big game with 12 minute blinds or more for decent prizes - im mean 1000's not 150 or 400gtd pub poker fests, if i wanted to play for a few quid then I play at the pub or local poker club.
full tilt offer 250 seater sngoes - yes upto 250 and they fill up in less than 30 minutes during peak times, I waited in a Sit no go here for over 20 minutes at around midnight and left as no one joined so0oooo.... offer some progresive jackpots - win 3 get a SKY widget win 5 in a row and get a Dinner date with Michelle!! the possibilities are endless look at the IPN network jacpots for prizes eg 2$ sng you could wina jackpot of $2000 for 4 in a row. 5$ entry you can win $18,000 for 5 in a row!! sounds a bit more exciting doesnt it!! so the real biggy is:
Sky needs to get bigger, I joined ages ago where a guaranteed £1000 freeroll was run every Wednesday, this diminshed to £500 and ultimately smalller, the Velocity was £2500 gtd now its a small sng style mt tournament. The open has been a great competition, sadly i still cant say I've won it yet but even the numbers for this seem down on last year. Youve introduced alot of bounty hunters and ridiculous roulette these things are gimmicks aimed at gamblers, not a solution to get serious poker players on to your site.
IMHO What Sky need to do is promote the poker on more channels, maybe not just sky! I have the pleasure of watching sky channels and rarely see an advert for sky poker, instead at every ad break more programmes are advertised. Dunno if you guys have been naughty or just cant pull the strings but the numbers on the site are dropping and when numbers drop so do prizes and it snowballs. It will quickly become a site for the televised events only and the rest not worth bothering with. I have never seen an add during prime time sports or evening programmes, imagine the response to an advert during peak sky 1, the ashes or big footy matches!!
Sky also has access to some of the best events in the world!!! a virtual monoploy on Premier football, Golf, Cricket etc cant you blag some decent prizes like VIP packages, free tickets or even Sky TV packages. Luring players is difficult these days but Sky have the clout to achieve this.
If you need any marketing help I was recently made redundant and could do with a challenge (my buy in fee is low but guaranteed huge prizes).
Thanks for your patience reading all this, but i LOVE poker and I hate to see a good concept not fulfilling its potential good luck
Well this site is good some people say things but overall i would give it 9/10 im not the best at poker but i try my hardest of what i can when i am on the site if i was to make changes it would be more free tournies for people coming in to the game like 500pound free rolls for like 50poker points to join and a maximum of like 500 players this would be good because it give people who dont like playing cash that much a chance to win some cash and play that little bit more, and get uste to it more and see how the site is and get uste to playing on it with the great players that are within the site
many thanks roy please take this suggestion in to consideration
how about a mute button for gobby, so called players who feel no shame in tryin to belittle others and refuse to shut up even tho no one is interested? tonight one guy, i'd love to name and shame but won't stoop to his level, laughed at every raise anyone on the table dared to do ' 150, haha ' ' dont you know not to min raise?' ' get some game ' and other so called wonderfull advise..... i hope he can play as well as he chats anyway, rant over, would be great to mute certain players, i'm sure i'm not alone. cheers Dave
LOL Dave, Mute button, I would prefer the STFU button - i cant see one You always get a few who think that everyone is interested in what they are saying
This is one problem all sites refuse to tackle properly, chat box abuse is everywhere, Swearing and laughing at other peoples missfortune, luck, poor play, good play any reason. Chat boxes are there and some people use this very well trying to tilt people with abuse/advice/criticism.
My rules would be simple, the profanity filter is there for people who do not wish to see it, anyone abusing this system by using sh*t for example - should be banned
the Chat box should be policed by Sky
Specific abuse that a player finds offensive should have a button to report it and action should be taken, Whilst I dont know how strict Sky is I know that other sites allow almost all chat regardless of content and reporting people often results in no action - if sites appear they allow this activity it will only encourage more.
I play live poker and whilst the banter can get severe amongst friends its never as bad as these little boxes.
Criticising play often has the negative effect of tightening up the player concerened - what benefit is that?? never tell anyone they play bad, in fact why not encourage them with - 'well played' or 'great call how unlucky'
Best advice is ignore any negatives, dont lower yourself to the level of the retards that are doing it but dont forget to exploit tilted players due to a heated 'chat'.
I look on chat box wars as a great sign there are potential tilt monkeys ready to be spanked.
I have two; 1) Make a downloadable version for easy game playing (not internet browser) 2) Have auto reload button or a little button to reload to the max amount on cash tables rather than having to type in the exact amount as this can be hard when playing 4-8 tables. Posted by Cowgomoo
Total aggreement with auto reload a real pain multi tabling
Only just seen this thread, I've got a few that I'm sure have been mentioned before.
1) Downloadable version...using a browser is a nice way for casual players but because of how browsers operate the software can be unstable/use up far more RAM than necessary.
2) Some form of time bank. Not excessive like stars but maybe an extra 15 seconds if requested.
3) Far better hand history...the new one is a joke too.
4) If someone calls you, be able to see they're mucked cards.
5) Auto top up to max/one click button top up to max.
6) The 2k bonus scheme reintroduced. If your margins can afford it one months then they can afford it every month.
7) Buddy list would be good.
8) The ability to make some private tournaments that are password only, so people who are friends can have a friendly SnG without the fear of some random guys taking seats.
I hope this can be done in the near future.
I was thining about the free rolls or fun games to add players and thought what if there was a £5 tourny or whatever and the winner gets all the money to travel up to the studio and have a session learning from one of the experts. Maybe it wouldnt work out and sky would loose money but it would be cool once or twice a year july and xmas. Having a Tikay or someone watch you play online and help you one on one for a few hours. Better than any small cash prize in the long run. And think of the poker press and good will. Like I say it may not be possible but I would play it any day.
hi there
are there any plans to have pot limit tourneys maybe start off with a few see how it goes if there is enough interest (which i am sure there would be ) then have a league alongside MTT/STT/CASH
I played pl tonight for the first time and thought it was great but could not find any tourney's
It would be good if there was some sort of button on the player picture or even at the bottom of the screen where you can click and report this person, I had to email the 'contact us' team and they were helpful and banned the person from the chat for a month, but it would be so much easier if you could just block/report with the click of a button
I enjoy the chat normally, its good banter, whether its getting a bad beat, or nicking a flush on the river - its all good fun and part of the game - some just like to be abusive to put others off and i don't like to turn the chat off as i like chattin with the peeps in a game
1. Apart from the good DYMs/DONs the pther SNGs are useless donkfests. Blind structures/times reduce the skill factor too much
2. No proper handhistory so no possible analysis. Actually I started videoing the tournies using WM Capture.
3. Lag in the SNG sign ups, my screen on my PC would show spaces when they were full - irritating.
4. Unimaginative SNGs, not all of us want to play 'scary' or 'bounty'. Other sites have STEPS/Matrix/Satellite etc systems which are great for low stakes solid players
5. Sometimes my flash version crashes or I can't join the game.
6 The cascade multi window system is wierd. Often I'm cabout to click one screen and another instantly flips up instead! Not waiting until I'm done with the other.
7. I played the TV Mtt thing once. OMG what a donkfest. The blinds were so fast that it was shove/fold way way before the bubble. To make final table you have to win so many flips it ridiculous. No skill required!
8. The silly blind structure in the higher value MTTs mean that bad players get lucky and don't learn how to play properly.
9. No rakeback deals. The points are relatively worthless. I don't play £20 feerolls.
10. PLO games, especially cash.
Its such a shame SKYPOKER isnt better because it could have been massive by now. I was playing in the GUKPT and mentioned skypoker, it was like walking into a board meeting with a copy of the Sunday Sport under my arm!! It has zero respect amongst high volume players. Sky need to find out why and act on it.
1) Make a downloadable version for easy game playing (not internet browser)
2) Have auto reload button or a little button to reload to the max amount on cash tables rather than having to type in the exact amount as this can be hard when playing 4-8 tables.
Sorry it s a biggy I got a lot to say!!!
Sky Poker has many great points, I have played here for a while now and made a bit of money
The improvements I would like are:
drop the web interface and go with proper poker software!!
or a bare minimum better graphics - look at PKR for the ultimate but even party or IPN network skins are nicer,
Reload bonuses - reward us for staying here
Optional time bank (You press a button to activate and you have a set time, when its gone, its gone; see PKR $10,000 open you get 90 seconds) only for big mtts only and each player get
'Better blind structured bigger games' so you can actually play poker rather than fold or shove - every night there should be a big game with 12 minute blinds or more for decent prizes - im mean 1000's not 150 or 400gtd pub poker fests, if i wanted to play for a few quid then I play at the pub or local poker club.
full tilt offer 250 seater sngoes - yes upto 250 and they fill up in less than 30 minutes during peak times, I waited in a Sit no go here for over 20 minutes at around midnight and left as no one joined
Sky needs to get bigger, I joined ages ago where a guaranteed £1000 freeroll was run every Wednesday, this diminshed to £500 and ultimately smalller, the Velocity was £2500 gtd now its a small sng style mt tournament. The open has been a great competition, sadly i still cant say I've won it yet but even the numbers for this seem down on last year. Youve introduced alot of bounty hunters and ridiculous roulette these things are gimmicks aimed at gamblers, not a solution to get serious poker players on to your site.
IMHO What Sky need to do is promote the poker on more channels, maybe not just sky! I have the pleasure of watching sky channels and rarely see an advert for sky poker, instead at every ad break more programmes are advertised. Dunno if you guys have been naughty or just cant pull the strings but the numbers on the site are dropping and when numbers drop so do prizes and it snowballs. It will quickly become a site for the televised events only and the rest not worth bothering with. I have never seen an add during prime time sports or evening programmes, imagine the response to an advert during peak sky 1, the ashes or big footy matches!!
Sky also has access to some of the best events in the world!!! a virtual monoploy on Premier football, Golf, Cricket etc cant you blag some decent prizes like VIP packages, free tickets or even Sky TV packages. Luring players is difficult these days but Sky have the clout to achieve this.
If you need any marketing help I was recently made redundant and could do with a challenge (my buy in fee is low but guaranteed huge prizes).
Thanks for your patience reading all this, but i LOVE poker and I hate to see a good concept not fulfilling its potential good luck
if i was to make changes it would be more free tournies for people coming in to the game like 500pound free rolls for like 50poker points to join and a maximum of like 500 players this would be good because it give people who dont like playing cash that much a chance to win some cash and play that little bit more, and get uste to it more and see how the site is and get uste to playing on it with the great players that are within the site
many thanks
please take this suggestion in to consideration
tonight one guy, i'd love to name and shame but won't stoop to his level, laughed at every raise anyone on the table dared to do ' 150, haha ' ' dont you know not to min raise?' ' get some game ' and other so called wonderfull advise.....
i hope he can play as well as he chats
anyway, rant over, would be great to mute certain players, i'm sure i'm not alone.
This is one problem all sites refuse to tackle properly, chat box abuse is everywhere, Swearing and laughing at other peoples missfortune, luck, poor play, good play any reason. Chat boxes are there and some people use this very well trying to tilt people with abuse/advice/criticism.
My rules would be simple, the profanity filter is there for people who do not wish to see it, anyone abusing this system by using sh*t for example - should be banned
the Chat box should be policed by Sky
Specific abuse that a player finds offensive should have a button to report it and action should be taken, Whilst I dont know how strict Sky is I know that other sites allow almost all chat regardless of content and reporting people often results in no action - if sites appear they allow this activity it will only encourage more.
I play live poker and whilst the banter can get severe amongst friends its never as bad as these little boxes.
Criticising play often has the negative effect of tightening up the player concerened - what benefit is that?? never tell anyone they play bad, in fact why not encourage them with - 'well played' or 'great call how unlucky'
Best advice is ignore any negatives, dont lower yourself to the level of the retards that are doing it but dont forget to exploit tilted players due to a heated 'chat'.
I look on chat box wars as a great sign there are potential tilt monkeys ready to be spanked.
1) Downloadable version...using a browser is a nice way for casual players but because of how browsers operate the software can be unstable/use up far more RAM than necessary.
2) Some form of time bank. Not excessive like stars but maybe an extra 15 seconds if requested.
3) Far better hand history...the new one is a joke too.
4) If someone calls you, be able to see they're mucked cards.
5) Auto top up to max/one click button top up to max.
6) The 2k bonus scheme reintroduced. If your margins can afford it one months then they can afford it every month.
7) Buddy list would be good.
8) The ability to make some private tournaments that are password only, so people who are friends can have a friendly SnG without the fear of some random guys taking seats.