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What improvements would you make to the site?



  • pokerwillpokerwill Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2009
    some of the big tournaments need a much better structure i think.  i played the 10k bounty the other night and blinds went up every 7 mins with 3 minutes break.  i think for this size of tourny blinds shud b 10 minutes.  also a lot of the blind levels seemed to be skipped so before u no it the only was to play is push and pray - not what i want when i sit down for a quality game of poker.  this is why i stick to the deepstacks, true poker as it shud b.
  • gaz1965gaz1965 Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2009
    I would like to see all the payout on the tournaments instead of only a few. Maybe a scroll button?
  • shaun84shaun84 Member Posts: 685
    edited September 2009
    retrain your customer service staff. you could ask the same question to 5 different staff members and get 5 different answers. awful manners too. i've never met one who was polite. they speak to you as though your a child they are trying to pacify. i've complained so much but they do nothing and don't even reply. i'll be looking for a new site where customer service is more of a priority. dissappointed!!
  • punka2punka2 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2009
    How about tourneys where you have to get through heats and a semi final to play the final, maybe weekly with satilittes in throughout the week. No being able to put yourself straight through to the final by paying a wedge.
  • bail178bail178 Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2009
    please make the multi table tourneys 10 seaters, there is nothing worse than being at a 6 seater table with 3 or 4 sitouts, it does my brain
  • wemjaywemjay Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2009
    stop peolple cheating discusing there hands after someone has moved all in before any more action is taken example telling the rest of the table to fold i got pocket aces and this can be done in the chat box and there is time because it happened to me earlier today in a primo sat.  I did complain about it but got told there is nothing that can be done about it.  so i presume i am right in saying its ok to cheat because thats exactly what it is to me LETS PLAY SKY POKER ITS OK TO CHEAT ON THERE
  • wemjaywemjay Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2009
    Ihere here n Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    retrain your customer service staff. you could ask the same question to 5 different staff members and get 5 different answers. awful manners too. i've never met one who was polite. they speak to you as though your a child they are trying to pacify. i've complained so much but they do nothing and don't even reply. i'll be looking for a new site where customer service is more of a priority. dissappointed!!
    Posted by shaun84
  • mrsbenomrsbeno Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2009
     id like dealer and aviator sound added,much more relistic than just the clink of chips. and plus you can hear whats going on if you pop off to make a brew. they have it on blue square. other than that I love the site i love playing in £ s i dont know of any other sites that do and iv tryed loads.
  • BejanBejan Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2009
    My improvement is entirely cosmetic. As computers (and screens) advance the 640 and 800 modes are becoming as antique as 8 inch drives and floppy drives. I find playing on my mac (and other pcs) that the actual pictures in the best resolution for the monitor make the hands miniscule and stretch my eyesight. I either squint - meaning occasionally cards get mistaken for others or have to drop screen res thereby losing a lot of useful screen space. Could some clever programmer from sky please allow the tables and hands to be made larger? Preferably with sme sort of option al zoom - so either the table can be full screen/ half screen or the mini screen we get for multi tables.
    Thanks for listening
  • JAG128JAG128 Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2009
    now after alot of moaning about people not standing when they leave and causeing long waits at tables , it seems we have reached a situation where your booted off the table to dam quick , you cant even go to the toilet without getting booted from the table .

    So I suggest a brb button to be added to the table so players can use this and wont get booted for 5 - 8 mins so that they have a chance to use the toilet or make a coffee etc.  and still be able to get their seat on the chosen table , their is nothing worse than having a good run at a table then needing to go to the toilet and find that you have been booted off the table by the time you get back ..... thats how it stands at the moment.
  • JAG128JAG128 Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site? : Time Bank - you make the point well, imo. It illustrates the problerm precisely - we all want a bit more decision time now & then, BUT......we all get miffed when Players abuse it. A double-edged sword, if ever there was one. On balance, personally, I prefer it "as is".
    Posted by Tikay10
    In all fairness Tikay10 i would exspect that reply from you as time means money for sky , but how would you like them time limits imposed on real tounaments ie: live
  • JAG128JAG128 Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    retrain your customer service staff. you could ask the same question to 5 different staff members and get 5 different answers. awful manners too. i've never met one who was polite. they speak to you as though your a child they are trying to pacify. i've complained so much but they do nothing and don't even reply. i'll be looking for a new site where customer service is more of a priority. dissappointed!!
    Posted by shaun84
    On this topic i find the staff to be 1st. class they have allways helped me in the best possible way that they can , and certainly never been rude to me
  • mrsmmrsm Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2009
    iwould have tables at the side and u could move about to have like a drink and also u could dress u re only player up
  • mrsmmrsm Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2009
    would like to see dealer at table andalso would like to be able to change the cards from time to time .also these people that have away sign on for more than five hands should be removed from table as i played one and three people were away for 30min
  • wa3gywa3gy Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2009
    Full screen tables would be ok
  • mrsmmrsm Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    Full screen tables would be ok
    Posted by wa3gy
    some of what u say i can agree with skypoker does have its favourite players from time to time also sky say its not rigged i think from time to time it is when you,ve got pocket kings or what other pair u go all in get called with 27 and get beat thats a joke
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,861
    edited October 2009
    What has happened to the t.v. coverage?You used to cover the open live every night.It now seems to be Thursday,Saturday,Sunday and possibly Monday.Are you seriously not covering your biggest tournament of the week?The rest of the week seems to be filled with mind numbing repeats of the previous days action,which is probably exasperatingly fresh in the mind of everyone that watched it.I find myself frustratingly able to repeat some of the commentary word for word.It seems to me that the overwhelming majority of the players that you interview will refer to the live coverage and the chance of seeing their hands on the telly as their main reason for playing on Sky.Why do you want to alienate these people?
    I have to say that the t.v. coverage which was responsible for drawing people to Sky to play is more likely these days for driving them away.No coverage of the biggest tournament, and constant repeating of the same tournament is nonsense.I have seen the same tournament three times this week!!
  • TRIPPER123TRIPPER123 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2009
    just change the hole thing the way the cards come out its rubbish let it not be a 50/50% whatever the hand let the ace not come out almost every flop 50% chance of winning with your high pairs against the rag ace many more fishy things happen constantly so constantly alot of the time i can predict whats coming out next so skyjoker you think you can sort that for me the fishy unreal joke site/.com
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited October 2009
    Errrmmmmm................. Have i stumbled into the wrong thread???? I thought this was site improvments not whinge about getting outdrawn thread????/

    a couple of points

    1) Outdraws HAPPEN (and we all feel that pain of injustice when they do but do you have to carry it about with you  long enough to write it down on here???). I'll give you a hint ladies and gents.... it's called probability for a reason..... because your probably going to win... not that it's divine mandate that you must. If you are 80% fav to win then all that actually tells you is you are guaranteed to lose 20% of the time

    2) If like you all say "it only happens on SkyJoker" then where did the name jokerstars come from???

    3) It does happen live and before you all claim "Not half as often" thats because you only see half the hands lve.....ratios you see :) thats how it works... more hands you play..... more outdraws you will see K ..... k

    now i've got that off my chest can we please have an exportable hand history that can opperate in conjunction with Poker Tracker.... CHeers SkyJoke......erm Skypoker :)
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited October 2009
    just a suggestion, how about the winner of all the televised events, play in a monthly televised freeroll and pit their wits against each other.
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