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What improvements would you make to the site?



  • UrdadiUrdadi Member Posts: 297
    edited October 2009

    The ingame tool that provides basic analysis of your hand is a nice touch. But I would like to see a link or full hand analysis tools available that would allow you to analysis your hands either ingame or preferably offline. Whilst it is always nice to win a hand. It is important to understand why you lost. Some applications are available on the net that help you do this but it would be good if this was available from this site.

  • SHORT1SHORT1 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2009
    i would totally change the way in which the hands are dealt, into a more TOTALLY RANDOM, 100% RANDOM, sofware. because its impossalbe to become and stay a winner with any online random number generater being used to deal each hand because i, you, we all know, that you cannot possibly win every hand which is very un realistic in the sence that in online poker you have to yes HAVE TO LOSE SOME HANDS. why???? if i play any given hand i enter that hand with the thinking i am going to win this hand but for you to MAKE us lose hands due to the fact that we have.... lets say WON the last 4 hands in a row, then you give us KK or AA top 2 hands in poker and you give someone that will probably call the big/ HUGE bet that you put in pre-flop, with the intention of either giving them the nuts on the flop or a 20 outer or something and making them win the hand. this i find is an absolutly rediculas way of running any poker tourniment. it wouldnt be allowed in a live poker game of any standard. the way in which you reward the dreadful players time and time again, giving them the miricle outs they need when you got lets say AK and they got 88, flop 10QJ, and you bet a little or even check and they raise so you re raise and then the all in situation occurs and time for cards on they're backs i think brilliant not a split pot he hasnt got the same, the turn card 8, and river j. oh yes then you gotta remember you are playing at SKY POKER, not in any other game should have just seen it coming, it happens in every single tourniment i play in and my friend exactly the same thing when we are at our local or having a live game in the house or when we play for wales poker league, why we insist on still playing here is beyond us all really, but the example i gave is all this poker site is about and i think many of no ALL of you reading this will say yes you are so right. i play alot of bounty tourniments all for different buy- ins but i WILL NOT buy in for the £10 bounty any more as this is the main one that causes me to lose my poker stack as you at sky poker will not allow me to get very far at all bad beat after bad beat after bad beat in every single one ive ever played in, oh actually there was one that it didnt occur in and guess what i won that one, would you adam and eve it!!!!!!!!! when this doesnt occur i make the money in tourniments but its so hard playing here as i play 20 tounriments with bad beats before i play that one where you dont CHEAT. many thasnks mandy james
  • edited November 2009
    One quick thing that could improve things a lot. When you're given the option of "Show" or "Muck" your hand why does the timer have to take so long? 2 secs is more than enough. Folk use this a lot to slow the game down and it's very irritating. I reckon it would only take a techie bod a few seconds to sort this so please do it ASAP. Thanks. 


  • UrdadiUrdadi Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2009
    I would like it that when I launch a table and the loading screen comes it, that it is quicker than 5 minutes. 90%+ there are no issues. But sometimes I miss the start of the tournament. not fun. Mainly happens when there are over 900 players in the tournament.
  • mabsuemabsue Member Posts: 382
    edited November 2009

    Given the amount of debate about not getting to see the final tables due to longer stucture how about we have a show in the week dedicated purely to the main event final tables from the previous week just an idea (but a good one me thinks )

  • giveitmegiveitme Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    How about the option to make the screen bigger for those of us with old eyes !! and the text a little bigger as well so i can read all those insults :0)
    Posted by TOPOPTIONS
    You can, on the bottom of the page you should see 100% with a downward arrow to the right click on the arrow & you can change the page
  • fitzer14fitzer14 Member Posts: 248
    edited November 2009
     I think drug testing after some hands is is
  • spud451spud451 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009
    id like to see a bad beat jackpot.
  • CrackedupCrackedup Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009
    What about a Roulette MTT tourney Low buy in possible big bucks, can register have it late and dont even need to be logged in to play :)
  • codcod Member Posts: 36
    edited November 2009
    id like a room 4 permo chat banned players to go 2 so only they the foul mouthed ones can chat n rave away 2 their hearts bout it,or is there only me.
  • codcod Member Posts: 36
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    i would totally change the way in which the hands are dealt, into a more TOTALLY RANDOM, 100% RANDOM, sofware. because its impossalbe to become and stay a winner with any online random number generater being used to deal each hand because i, you, we all know, that you cannot possibly win every hand which is very un realistic in the sence that in online poker you have to yes HAVE TO LOSE SOME HANDS. why???? if i play any given hand i enter that hand with the thinking i am going to win this hand but for you to MAKE us lose hands due to the fact that we have.... lets say WON the last 4 hands in a row, then you give us KK or AA top 2 hands in poker and you give someone that will probably call the big/ HUGE bet that you put in pre-flop, with the intention of either giving them the nuts on the flop or a 20 outer or something and making them win the hand. this i find is an absolutly rediculas way of running any poker tourniment. it wouldnt be allowed in a live poker game of any standard. the way in which you reward the dreadful players time and time again, giving them the miricle outs they need when you got lets say AK and they got 88, flop 10QJ, and you bet a little or even check and they raise so you re raise and then the all in situation occurs and time for cards on they're backs i think brilliant not a split pot he hasnt got the same, the turn card 8, and river j. oh yes then you gotta remember you are playing at SKY POKER, not in any other game should have just seen it coming, it happens in every single tourniment i play in and my friend exactly the same thing when we are at our local or having a live game in the house or when we play for wales poker league, why we insist on still playing here is beyond us all really, but the example i gave is all this poker site is about and i think many of no ALL of you reading this will say yes you are so right. i play alot of bounty tourniments all for different buy- ins but i WILL NOT buy in for the £10 bounty any more as this is the main one that causes me to lose my poker stack as you at sky poker will not allow me to get very far at all bad beat after bad beat after bad beat in every single one ive ever played in, oh actually there was one that it didnt occur in and guess what i won that one, would you adam and eve it!!!!!!!!! when this doesnt occur i make the money in tourniments but its so hard playing here as i play 20 tounriments with bad beats before i play that one where you dont CHEAT. many thasnks mandy james
    Posted by SHORT1
  • edited November 2009
    In Response to What improvements would you make to the site?:
    For a long time this was the only site I'd played poker on. However over the last 6 months I've tried one or two others & came to realise that as much as I like playing here there are certainly some improvements & additions that would be great. Namely, It would be great if I could get a more detailed hand history to help me look back through hands and how I've played them. Currently you can only see what your hole cards were, community cards & final outcome. Also, variations of the game. One of the reasons I tried other sites was because I wanted to learn omaha amongst other variations. Also, better options for player points. Currently there are a couple of small freerolls to use them for but that's it. How about giving options to buy in direct to bigger tourneys or Sky Poker merchandise? One other thing I'd like is a time bank for use on the tables. Sometimes the 15 seconds you get just don't seem long enough in some situations What does anyone else think?
    Posted by silentbob
    i like this post very good comments i back you on this one 100% keep um coming and i hope they do something about it c u at the tables posted by lindasky
  • edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    dont  know  what  other  players  think  but  i  would  like  sky    to  give  u  points   for  every  rake  hand  not  every  20  hands   most  other  sites  do   any body  else  think  the  same
    Posted by scrumdown
    yes great idea loads of other sites do, your right why cant this site do the same.posted by lindasky see you at the tables gl
  • edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    good points jim, i am sure the sky boys will look into your ideas
    Posted by porkerman
    please give us players bigger touneys, so we dont stray away from this site. cos i wud love this site to go from strength to strength. posted by lindasky thx hope u do smiles
  • edited November 2009
    i would love to see a running jackpot for anyone that got a royal flush, as some sites do have them.pls make this happen as you dont see this hand often thx lindasky.
  • Degross01Degross01 Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2009
    Would love to see some Pot Limit Omaha introduced here, it's great fun and if there was some TV coverage on 865 would make for some great action and talking points.
  • markiskingmarkisking Member Posts: 29
    edited November 2009


  • grimsbyr06grimsbyr06 Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2009
  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,572
    edited November 2009
    I have asked this question before , but have not had a reply.
    When are we going to be able to have the option of enlargeing the table to fill the screen? Other sites do it, why not sky poker?
    wynne 1938
  • kevywevy17kevywevy17 Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2009
    let the smaller stack win a hand for once would be a better idea im off ill be using my points for freerolls but sky aint getting another penny from me
    that gareth26 said when calling my all in with 104 c v KK its all a bit of fun
    well it aint when your unemployed getting 63 a week from the dole and someone calls with rubbish and hits
    now come in TK to tell me 60/40 kk v 104c or whatever its a sham especially when it pause to go get the death card
    xmas is a sad state of affairs with 2 kids this year
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