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What improvements would you make to the site?



  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited October 2009
    Top Idea TheDOn i like that. If monthly isn't possible then what about an end of year MTT With all the open winners from that year. Declare a national Sky poker champ so to speak !!!
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited October 2009
    That exactly the kind of thing i meant to say i just was in a hurry and quickly rote it down in breif lol.

    It would also in most peoples eye give a change to the Sky Poker Chanel which seems to play the same thing day after day,/
  • sarge2009sarge2009 Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2009
    Think there should be a few re-buy tourneys on the site
  • -mystery--mystery- Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2009

    for those smaller stakes players we need a 1p 2p cash game because a standard buy in at the moment is £4 so if you have a small bank roll of say £40, your playing at 10 buy ins wich is out of you BR depth.
    allso i think haveing you own pictures as avatars would be good like on poker stars.
    as for the time bank i think we soud hav a 15 second one but the player has to choose to use it as in poker stars if you havent made your decision it will run the time bank

    good luck at the tables


  • SC84SC84 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2009
    I would like the optionto muck losing hands to be removed, as it seems a little unfair that you dont get to see the hands that people have been betting against you, and this often helps in getting a read on the player. As on real table if you have called a bet you have to show your cards you cant just fold as you lost.
  • millsdadmillsdad Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2009

    What I dont like is people that enter sit and go's and dont turn up until the blinds have increased missing out the lower blinds. In tournaments like double up I find this unfair and unsporting there should be a way of removing these people from the tornament if they miss a complete blind round. I understand that due to some circumstances players may get disconnected but not for a whole blind round.

  • ArchangelArchangel Member Posts: 169
    edited October 2009
    A bad beat of the month comp ie worst one gets into the open or something.  A friend of mine lost with quad tens for instance.  
      On the tv show it would be nice to have a live tourny on tv not just the open replays ect.  I understand why it's there and what kind of tv show it is but an hour a night or week of an english tourny in the vic or nottingham would be amazing.  We dont need to see hole cards.  Just the banter is good to watch.  This would be my personal main change to the product.

  • APPLEAPPLE Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2009
    ID like to make a suggestion when i win a double up tourney my account gets credited with the cash IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?
  • Sky_RichSky_Rich Member Posts: 3,837
    edited October 2009
    please bear with us guys, the release today has caused a few small problems but we will have everything working again soon and all wining will be credited eventually.

    thanks for your patience everyone
  • ArchangelArchangel Member Posts: 169
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site? : Time Bank - you make the point well, imo. It illustrates the problerm precisely - we all want a bit more decision time now & then, BUT......we all get miffed when Players abuse it. A double-edged sword, if ever there was one. On balance, personally, I prefer it "as is".
    Posted by Tikay10

    15 second isn't long enough for everyone to peice together a hand on an important decision especially if it is for a lot of money.  I would like to see a extra time bank you cant hit say twice max per game maybe an extra 15 seconds.  You can't really abuse 30 seconds (I'd hope).  Such a small amount of time could save or win people a lot more.  I'm not saying have sixty seconds or a more just a little more.  Thats just me.  
      All the best

  • billyprobillypro Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2009

    Turning points into cash by the way of small table tournies i.e 10 seater tables for maybe 100 points each and the winners, 2nd and third get a cash prize.

  • sue-67sue-67 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2009
    Myself and partner often play on Sky poker at the same time using the same I.P address. It would be brilliant if we could play in the free rooms and be allowed to play at the same time in the same room. I know this is possible as we have ended up in tournaments in the same room before now. I feel not being able to do this is a let down. So does my partner.  Playing each other in free rooms can in now way lead to fraud as the chips were playing with are free anyway. I would be gratefull for an answer to my question please.

  • kidpkr666kidpkr666 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2009


  • mosquito01mosquito01 Member Posts: 30
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site? : Hadn't even thought of that but yeah, that would be good
    Posted by silentbob
    Exactly what i would, personal avatars, all the same looks silly.look on Pokerstars,
  • whyte11whyte11 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2009
    id say omaha would be great to see on the site
  • ArchangelArchangel Member Posts: 169
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site? : Exactly what i would, personal avatars, all the same looks silly.look on Pokerstars,
    Posted by mosquito01
      I hate those avatars on pokerstars(my opinion only).  Those pictures of dogs and kids really kill me.  I ask one player with a kid if he was some kind of pedo and was happy to see him go on tilt to me.  It was wrong but very funny for me.  I think I shall go to heck for it but it was well worth it.
  • giveitmegiveitme Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2009
    It takes to long for the lobby to update which is pain when trying to join a s&g. 
    Aalso it takes forever to laod a table & quite often I miss the first hand some times more.
    When the table evetually loads every things ok.
  • eagles08eagles08 Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2009
    I would personally like the idea of an I'm Ready button across sit & gos. I play turbocharged heads up and I do enjoy them but in the 40 or so seconds it takes for the tournament to start if both players are there and can press an I'm ready button then it would get the game going just a bit quicker. I know sometimes tournaments for players launch slowly but for the special times we are both there and ready it would be great if we could start instantly.

    P.S I do like the new upgrade with rematches being allowed
  • iluv2winiluv2win Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2009
    i think thier should be more speed touraments its turin in to deepstackers
  • derk2827derk2827 Member Posts: 44
    edited October 2009
    its not right loosing your monthly points should be a change here.? different range pp tournaments ex  50,100,150,200 etc more often,why not givepp for our monthlys.
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