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What improvements would you make to the site?



  • diablo_pezdiablo_pez Member Posts: 1,392
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site? : yes phil i agree.those £20 free rolls are not worth the time ove day.come on guys if we all give sky a shout they have 2 take note dont they?
    Posted by DELTA
    i'm with you - satellites to tornys would be much better value, the only freeroll worth bothering with is the £250 (used to be £1000 then £500...) and that's a 700 runner crapshoot
  • Ozzie08Ozzie08 Member Posts: 963
    edited July 2009
    Agreed satellites for tournys, much better than 2 hrs play for maybe £1.50 in these £20 freerolls
  • scottie68scottie68 Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    In Response to What improvements would you make to the site? : Some good points there silentbob.  More detailed Hand History functionality is due to be launched in the very near future; with further HH developments to follow on.  Omaha is on the development roadmap also, but there are a number of other items that we'd like to improve or upgrade with the existing site, before introducing new games.  The time bank question is also something we are aware of.  One of the considerations in televising the Open, is the need to get the tournament completed within the programme time frame.  Increasing the time bank available might require us to speed up the structure to finish before coming off air.  Not sure how you guys would view that?
    Posted by Sky_Des
     how bout a new programme that introduces a burn card
     time and time again the random number generated
     programme comes up with some amazing bad beats
     and i know thats part of poker but it would eleviate the
     frustration shown by players and would hopefully generate
     more new players 
  • CowgomooCowgomoo Member Posts: 749
    edited July 2009
    Def turning cards over when all in on cash tables, so frustrating not being able to see what your up against
  • kimelionkimelion Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2009
    hi i think they should slow the speed of the 5 cards the flop, river and turn because i think its to fast.

    kind regards

  • proteas438proteas438 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2009
    I would scrap the cash for points system in favour for a purchase for point system.  Sky can do their own range of poker goodies where players can exchange their poker points for these
  • PETEN666PETEN666 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2009
    Sorry if some of these have been said before, but I haven't read every post.

    What I would like (including some minor but annoying points):-

     - if I have pre-selected fold I don't want to have to select this again if someone goes all-in.
     - too many times I've gone out when people get lucky when they've gone all-in with rubbish, so what about some restricted limit     games to ease this frustration a bit.
     - Can the table window pop-up when it is my turn
     - if I have pre-selected fold I don't want to have an audio alert when it is my turn
     - my window always opens in a bigger window than it needs to be - blue area on right - black area below - so have to resize particularly when multi-tabling - might be a computer setting that one
     - Finally - ban lucky straights from poker once and for all - lol

  • jasonjeggojasonjeggo Member Posts: 67
    edited July 2009
    i think using poker points for goodies is a good idea !!!!!!!!!!
  • LegjobbLegjobb Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2009
    I notice that on this thread and on the other one specifically about freerolls, everyone from Sky has gone completely silent on this issue.
  • Grimstar30Grimstar30 Member Posts: 1,400
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    I notice that on this thread and on the other one specifically about freerolls, everyone from Sky has gone completely silent on this issue.
    Posted by Legjobb
    Hi Leg' I think Sky have just altered the Freeroll structures taking into account the community feedback and are going to run with it 'as is' for a while.
  • DELTADELTA Member Posts: 639
    edited July 2009
    could we i.e the suits look at a 5k gtd deep stack ? with sats eveyday and a stert time ove 5pm sat or sun. and a bye in ove £55 just a thought sky
  • HOG60HOG60 Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2009
    How about a noise that indicates it ur turn.
    Most of the time i'm in front of my computer.....but occassionaly get distracted by something and have to turn away.
    There is nothing to tell u that its ur turn.

    Annoying when u frantically try to raise ur AA but have been too late!!

    Also......... the typos in the chat are very annoying. This happens to every1 so there must be some sort of bug
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,289
    edited July 2009
        Hi not been playing long but have found it difficult to qualify for evening tourneys because they are afternoon dased 4 to 6pm when I'm at work. they allow you the gain entry if you qualify. [ cheaply ] rather than pay the full entry fee. couldn't they be staged the day before in the evening allowing you time to qualify for the next evening game. Any one else found this a problem.?
  • BOOTJBOOTJ Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2009
    i would like to see an end of year tourny for all those that have finished 1st in sky's big tournaments like the open. how about it guys?????????
  • DELTADELTA Member Posts: 639
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    could we i.e the suits look at a 5k gtd deep stack ? with sats eveyday and a stert time ove 5pm sat or sun. and a bye in ove £55 just a thought sky
    Posted by DELTA
    great news sky 2k ds. just a couple ove points cud we have sats like vegas and it will be low on entrants this week to short notice guys and like i say sats into a sat to give those not so well off as other a chance. thx delta
  • mufcwillmufcwill Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2009
    Downloadable software, as browser based poker is too unreliable.
  • TheghooostTheghooost Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2009
    Hi im new to sky poker,Although i have played online for 7 years,I never bothered with sky until last week.

    I think the site is overall quite good.

    My main gripe is the lack of sound,Beef up the sound please.

    Tournys are good,Not too big like stars and ipoker and pretty good structures.

    It has made an impresion on me though,I cant quite nail it,Whatever it is i know im going to be a regular here.

    Just get that sound sorted out :)
  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,572
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    How about the option to make the screen bigger for those of us with old eyes !! and the text a little bigger as well so i can read all those insults :0)
    Posted by TOPOPTIONS
    I would like to second this.I have a 22" screen and only 1/4 of the screen is used. Quite annoying , as most sites you are able to fill the screen
  • rodney2007rodney2007 Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2009
    2 improvements i think are 1.. when you get ur hands dealt why not see the 1st crad before u see the 2nd. So when u see that 1st ace there is a bit more excitment and prelongs that feelin for a split second before the 2nd card most sites deal the hands in this way. 2.. also when you start a tournament you get given your seat in no specifec way. eg i get given seat 5 for some unknown reason why not deal all 6 players a card whoevers is highest say ace high then they start with the button. oh and there was a 3rd. bring back the weekly £1000 freeroll, wednesdays i remember it being on. please please please :)))))
  • PinkcapePinkcape Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2009
    In Response to What improvements would you make to the site?:

    *cards turned over pre-flop on all-ins at cash tables
    *PLO games
    *higher buy in tournaments
    *bigger buy in tournaments throughout the day rather than 8pm onwards
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