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  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: WWHD?:
    Having lost in the first round of the Hu challenge to some geezer called Greghogg I find i am back in due to a lucky draw. However I now find myself playing Hoggers mate Irishrover. How can I beat him ?? Steve
    Posted by bigbiker22
    Hi mate,

    i am pleased you made it through because you got very unlucky vs that greghogg chap

    Irishrover, is a small stakes genius, one look at his sharkscope will send you dizzy

    my advice, is to play super agro and to wear him down slowly but surely.

    let me know when this is on and i will rail

    Good Luck!

  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: WWHD?:
    I enter an MTT and find that I have one opponent who is "away". Should I steal his blinds? Assuming that I do steal his blinds and he sits in after a bit saying "sorry, I was a bit busy at work" (which I read as code for "the boss has just left after catching me unawares") should I offer to equalise chip stacks before continuing?
    Posted by MereNovice
    It depends who it is Vince

    If its someone you want to make babies with then yes, if its a fat random middle-aged man, then just whistle to your self quietly and pretend it didnt happen.
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: WWHD?:
    Dear Mrs Hogg, A friend of mine that supports Arsenal wants a wager with me as to which of Spurs or Arsenal will progress further in next seasons Chumpions League. Now whilst, I know the obvious answer, the question is what size of wager / prob-bet to make?? WWHD???? (all arsenal fans please note reply)
    Posted by JAEGERBOMB
    A better bet would be how much are they going to sell Cesc Fabregas for

    less than 10 million 10000/1
    10-20 million 25/1
    21-30 million evens
    31-40 million 8/1
    41-50 million 12/1
    50 million plus 20/1

    This also has an effect on the champions league question, because without Cesc Fabregas, they are nothing.

    Spurs need to get in the Champions Leguge proper first before i can give you a serious answer to your question

  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited June 2010
    pls answer the original question Mr hogg sir or are you trying for career in politics now???

    Also, regarding my previous question re: my paper column, im finding the time i spend on this is ruining my poker ability.........also the readership dont seem to respect me, and im thinking of saying "stuff them"

  • cookie83cookie83 Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2010


    I've got a nasty rash in an unmentionable place...

    Should I hope it clears up on it's own or buy some over the counter cream for it?

  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: WWHD?:
    Hoggers, I've got a nasty rash in an unmentionable place... Should I hope it clears up on it's own or buy some over the counter cream for it? Ta
    Posted by cookie83

    Win the WSOP Main Event and then some attractive young ladies won't mind?

    I'm sure that Hoggers will be able to supply more responsible advice.
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: WWHD?:
    pls answer the original question Mr hogg sir or are you trying for career in politics now??? Also, regarding my previous question re: my paper column, im finding the time i spend on this is ruining my poker ability.........also the readership dont seem to respect me, and im thinking of saying "stuff them" WWHD??
    Posted by JAEGERBOMB
    OK, at this stage put a tenner on Arsenal to last longer in the Champions League than Spurs, because Spurs are not even in it yet

    If the readership don't respect you, then why are they reading it in the first place? Tell em to pee off to another paper.

  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: WWHD?:
    Hoggers, I've got a nasty rash in an unmentionable place... Should I hope it clears up on it's own or buy some over the counter cream for it? Ta
    Posted by cookie83
    Well cookies and cream go well together..

    So cream it is, and don't engage in any activities that might aggravate it, if you know what i mean...

  • imberimber Member Posts: 1,334
    edited June 2010
    Hi Mr Hogg - what do you do when you have paid your hard earned £3.30 and find that your only two opponents are half cousins of Phil Ivey? I am sat there with a guy who claims to be a mere novice - yeah!! and a nice guy called Greg who I last saw on an article about the WSOP!!!
    I was tempted to turn tail and head for the hills but my sense of adventure (or harrykarry - never could spell that) took over. Really enjoyed the battle and felt I learned lots - even ended up coming second having witnessed the Greg chappie take a dive.
    Was my £3.30 well spent - or should I go back to avoiding the "big boys" at all costs?
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: WWHD?:
    Hi Mr Hogg - what do you do when you have paid your hard earned £3.30 and find that your only two opponents are half cousins of Phil Ivey? I am sat there with a guy who claims to be a mere novice - yeah!! and a nice guy called Greg who I last saw on an article about the WSOP!!! I was tempted to turn tail and head for the hills but my sense of adventure (or harrykarry - never could spell that) took over. Really enjoyed the battle and felt I learned lots - even ended up coming second having witnessed the Greg chappie take a dive. Was my £3.30 well spent - or should I go back to avoiding the "big boys" at all costs?
    Posted by imber

    Lol, Hi Imber, that 3 handed PLO8 "mtt" was great fun.

    Don't be worried about either me or Merenovice, we are both really poor players honest:)

    The £3.30 was well spent because, you got to play vs a couple of donkey luckboxes, and you were unlucky not to win.

    Look forward to the next time


  • cookie83cookie83 Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2010


    I've got an important work meeting on Thursday...

    Now should I spend my eveing from now till then doing lots of detailed preparation or donk of my bankrole in various skypoker tournies?? WWHD?
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited June 2010
    I drove back from Kent last night (dingy place with loads of overweight people) ;)

    I want to know what u would do with middle lane drivers.

    I spent 2 hours on the M25 and M3 going mad watching these numbskulls.

  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: WWHD?:
    Hoggers... I've got an important work meeting on Thursday... Now should I spend my eveing from now till then doing lots of detailed preparation or donk of my bankrole in various skypoker tournies?? WWHD?
    Posted by cookie83
    Hi Cookie,

    Firstly, well done on that brill Primo win and your great recent results. Feel free to donk your cash in my direction:)

    Now, your question..

    I believe that in some companies and organisations, they have meetings about having meetings about having meetings. I.E they are arranged specifically to make self-important middle managers look like they are actually doing some work, when in fact they use it as an excuse to get the staff canteen to deliver some coffee and volauvonts.

    However, assuming this is a proper important meeting, i would obviously not play pokerage and would do some preparation. Once a boy scout always a boy scout and when you have the phrase "be prepared" engraved in your brain, this is much better than "winging it", even if "winging it" is kind of fun sometimes:)

    Good Luck


  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: WWHD?:
    I drove back from Kent last night (dingy place with loads of overweight people) ;) I want to know what u would do with middle lane drivers. I spent 2 hours on the M25 and M3 going mad watching these numbskulls.
    Posted by phil12uk
    Phil, you obviously had the misfortune to go to Medway, there are no overweight people in Folkestone, we are all perfectly normal and healthy here:)

    Middle lane drivers, there is actually a website dedicated to this subject entitled Middle lane morons. Unfortunaltly for me they are also known as Road "Hogs", although note only one "g"

    I would make middle lane driving an offence punishable by public medieval torture methods such as seen in the London Dungeon.

  • Donut64Donut64 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited June 2010
     Dear Mr Hogg
     I get no respect at the poker table even when I win I get accused of being Jammy Donut! Why is this? when Im Obviously an Iced Donut with sprinkles! :)
  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited June 2010
    Dear Mr Hogg,

    Im having a bit of a luck-box run at the moment but unfortunately I have to go to Holland to work on Friday for 3 weeks!!!!!! Should I accidentally miss the plane??

    Also I've made a promise to a friend that if a somehow make £1k profit for each month July-October then I will take them to Vegas for the November9??

  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: WWHD?:
     Dear Mr Hogg  I get no respect at the poker table even when I win I get accused of being Jammy Donut! Why is this? when Im Obviously an Iced Donut with sprinkles! :)
    Posted by Donut64
    Hello Donut,

    I have not played you before until we played a 10 seater sng last night.

    All i can say is that you are the jammiest donut i have ever had the pleasure of playing a "ring" game with...

    As for respecting your raises, well, in future expect a reraise every time you raise me when i am in the bb.

    still sulking:)


  • Donut64Donut64 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: WWHD?:
    In Response to Re: WWHD? : Hello Donut, I have not played you before until we played a 10 seater sng last night. All i can say is that you are the jammiest donut i have ever had the pleasure of playing a "ring" game with... As for respecting your raises, well, in future expect a reraise every time you raise me when i am in the bb. still sulking:) hoggers
    Posted by GREGHOGG
     Thank you! Im sure I will call and get jammy and take your chips quicker! You are so kind! :)
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: WWHD?:
    Dear Mr Hogg, Im having a bit of a luck-box run at the moment but unfortunately I have to go to Holland to work on Friday for 3 weeks!!!!!! Should I accidentally miss the plane?? Also I've made a promise to a friend that if a somehow make £1k profit for each month July-October then I will take them to Vegas for the November9?? WWHD???
    Posted by JAEGERBOMB
    Give me your username and password, and i will get your negative varience well and truely out of the way for you, so when you return from Holland your super run will continue and you will take your friend to Vegas to watch at least one Sky Poker qualifier on the ft. fingers crossed.

    P.S the give me your password bit is a joke, do not under any cicumstances give your pin to anyone innit.

  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited June 2010
    Kind words of wisdom Sir Hoggers,

    If the impossible does happen should I also pay for said friends food bill?? I am slightly worried my budget will not extend that far.
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