I appear to have packed the entire contents of my flat into boxes and neglected to label them.
I now have two weeks left until I move, a whole pile of cardboard boxes of varying size and no idea what is where.
How do I organise said boxes into a stylish modern living space for my remaining four days and how many times can I wear the same clothes until I am deemed ' A Vagrant'?
Dear Hoggers I appear to have packed the entire contents of my flat into boxes and neglected to label them. I now have two weeks left until I move, a whole pile of cardboard boxes of varying size and no idea what is where. How do I organise said boxes into a stylish modern living space for my remaining four days and how many times can I wear the same clothes until I am deemed ' A Vagrant'? Posted by LML
Ah, the old non-labling boxes trick... Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.. THE t-shirt i wore for 2 weeks. It got a bit stinky.
So, at this stage, there is no going back, the vagrant look, luckily for you, is in at the moment... or so i'm told...
As for an orderly living space??? This is not possible, moving house involves moving stuff, and stuff gets everywhere. Goes with the territory im afraid...
Good luck with the move, and next time buy some see through plastic crates.
In Response to Re: WWHD? : Hi LML, Ah, the old non-labling boxes trick... Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.. THE t-shirt i wore for 2 weeks. It got a bit stinky. So, at this stage, there is no going back, the vagrant look, luckily for you, is in at the moment... or so i'm told... As for an orderly living space??? This is not possible, moving house involves moving stuff, and stuff gets everywhere. Goes with the territory im afraid... Good luck with the move, and next time buy some see through plastic crates. regards hoggers Posted by GREGHOGG
In Response to Re: WWHD? : Hello, Mr Kunal... Start your own name changing business mate. I know you didnt have much luck changing yours on Sky, but surely you could draw on this experience and offer a name changing service... www.iwanttochangemynamebydeedpollpleasehelp.com or something snappy like that. charge a commision for changing peoples names. Anyone called Helen Back, Richard Head, or Anita Bath will be there so quick... easy money!:) good luck hoggers Posted by GREGHOGG
I will be changing my name sky are allowing it , waiting for sky rich to get back
In Response to Re: WWHD? : Sorry Machka A little late for breakfast now, but i hope you have not been waiting all day for my answer!... Out of the two options, it has to be Cornflakes because i was forced to eat Wheetabix every day of my childhood from 5 to 15, and i hated it. It tasted like soggy cardboard. Posted by GREGHOGG
in Response to Re: WWHD? : thank god it`s not jeremy kyle ?? phew, but u did offer advise ?? Posted by spornybol
Ok sorry, your original question was, How can i shut my wife up when i'm playing poker?
My solution to this involves money... tell her that she is distracting you... if she lets you play in peace you will give her most of your winnings to spend on shoes and stuff
Ive just wasted another 90 mins of my life watching england on the TV With Wednesday's game coming up should i watch or find something else to do. Posted by hawk7112
Well, back in March, i booked the half day off work this Wednesday to ensure that i too could watch awesome England play Slovenia off the park on their way to 9 easy group points.
Now I would rather stick pins in my eyes than sit through another dire performance of overpaid sluggish and tactically flawed players.
However, being a Spurs fan, i know what it is like to suffer, but in the end, sometimes, through the pain and torment, a flicker of hope comes and the dream can realise.
Who would have thought Spurs would make the Champions League this year... Not many... Who thinks England can win the world cup this year... Not many... So, my advice is watch us beat Slovenia, beat Ghana, make the quarters, make the semi, and win the World Cup..
My dear hoggers i am in a bit of a predicament at the moment.I was 64 years old yesterday and the manager of a so called great international football team.Well we played a game last night and all i can really say is they were total rubbish.I have already ruined 1 birthday and would defo not like to destroy any more.So my question is HOW THE HECK can i possibly get out of this dilemma.
When I came back from Germany today I found a tramp sleeping in my garden shed. Should I have A...Invited him in for a beer and a smoke B...Called the police C...Set fire to the shed Or do you have any better ideas Posted by penguin7
Hi Tony, a nice surprise when you got home eh?:)
Well, i would not set fire to the shed, because that would be a terrible waste of a decent outbuilding.
I would not call the police because, what would the police do? probably fill out 256 forms before they even turned up, and by that time, the tramp will probably be aquainting himself with HD TV in your living room...
So, that leaves option a), a smoke and a beer. Then give him some friendly advice and say cheerio. Until next time he appears in your Shed.
My dear hoggers i am in a bit of a predicament at the moment.I was 64 years old yesterday and the manager of a so called great international football team.Well we played a game last night and all i can really say is they were total rubbish.I have already ruined 1 birthday and would defo not like to destroy any more.So my question is HOW THE HECK can i possibly get out of this dilemma. Kind regards F.CAPELLO Posted by dav1964
Yo Fabby, again,
You are earning 6 million pounds a year of English FA money and you are destroyed?
You had a good qualification campaign, and this is a very bad start to the tournament, but we are not out yet!
Do not dispair, just drop Heskey for the next game. Play the following team
Hart, A Cole, Dawson, Terry, Johnson, Barry, Gerrard, J Cole, Lennon, Lampard and Rooney. 4-5-1. Super sub= Jermain Defoe
Ah, the old non-labling boxes trick... Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.. THE t-shirt i wore for 2 weeks. It got a bit stinky.
So, at this stage, there is no going back, the vagrant look, luckily for you, is in at the moment... or so i'm told...
As for an orderly living space??? This is not possible, moving house involves moving stuff, and stuff gets everywhere. Goes with the territory im afraid...
Good luck with the move, and next time buy some see through plastic crates.
Thank you for this decision, they were lovely.
greg... help please..
i am paranoid that you will ignore my question.
or take your old vhs player to cash converters
I heard that cash for gold are good too
My solution to this involves money... tell her that she is distracting you... if she lets you play in peace you will give her most of your winnings to spend on shoes and stuff
sorry not the best solution but it will work
Should I have
A...Invited him in for a beer and a smoke
B...Called the police
C...Set fire to the shed
Or do you have any better ideas
Now I would rather stick pins in my eyes than sit through another dire performance of overpaid sluggish and tactically flawed players.
However, being a Spurs fan, i know what it is like to suffer, but in the end, sometimes, through the pain and torment, a flicker of hope comes and the dream can realise.
Who would have thought Spurs would make the Champions League this year... Not many... Who thinks England can win the world cup this year... Not many... So, my advice is watch us beat Slovenia, beat Ghana, make the quarters, make the semi, and win the World Cup..
Watch the game, you will regret it if you don't.
I am paranoid you will ignore my reply..
Kind regards
Well, i would not set fire to the shed, because that would be a terrible waste of a decent outbuilding.
I would not call the police because, what would the police do? probably fill out 256 forms before they even turned up, and by that time, the tramp will probably be aquainting himself with HD TV in your living room...
So, that leaves option a), a smoke and a beer. Then give him some friendly advice and say cheerio. Until next time he appears in your Shed.
Good luck
Yo Fabby, again,
You are earning 6 million pounds a year of English FA money and you are destroyed?
You had a good qualification campaign, and this is a very bad start to the tournament, but we are not out yet!
Do not dispair, just drop Heskey for the next game. Play the following team
Hart, A Cole, Dawson, Terry, Johnson, Barry, Gerrard, J Cole, Lennon, Lampard and Rooney. 4-5-1. Super sub= Jermain Defoe
Also give em a good kick up the you know what!
Happy 64th and heres to many more years
I think the Great One is resting.
greg, when you waken to your responsibilty to answer the nation's troubles, how do you cope with that enormous weight on your shoulders?