wd all. couple of big stacks amoungst our ranks i think (tikay if possible could we get another one of those big lists, so we can figure out how our guys fair up to the rest)
saturday morning, reading through this thread as if watching live... exciting stuff and very well played our team. magnificent five into day 2. thanks for the coverage tikay and skypoker team. pleased for you, proud of you too.
Firstly, thanks very much for the updates Tikay and everybody else involved from Sky down there. Keep up the good work.
Secondly, how good is the standard on Sky with all the blue hoodies left in. Well done to the players still involved, keep going today. I will be following this thread on my phone today whilst at the football (Leeds v Burnley) but will not be posting. Keep playing your game guys and one of you take it down.
As for Rich, superb mate. We know you were a bit nervous but you have proved to everyone that you can do it at this level. Chin up and keep playing confident poker.
In Response to Re: TSP's Walsall GUKPT Live Update starts hereeeeeeeeeeee : vwd today Rich, really excellent..........but can u let me into a little secret, (I won't tell, promise)...... the camera panned in on you and your face just dropped when,..... if my memory serves me right,......the lady player went all-in against you after your initial raise post flop and I think it was on a spade board. You really didn't want to lay it down but to your credit you came back well after that........ps; this was in the last hour or so ie; when you came onto glitterbabes table and I think it was b4 your massage. Good luck to you all tomorrow...........hope you run good. pps; excellent work Tikay....g8 thread by you as usual....and gr8 support by the community. Posted by billyboots
I had J-10 offsuit, mate. And the Jack was a spade. Blinds 400/800 antes 75 and I was on the button. She raised pre-flop from mid-position to 1700 and I called, in position. The flop came down 8-6-2 all spades.
She made what I believed at the time to be a standard continuation bet of 2.1k as she could have easily missed with a big Ace, and I decided to put her to the test with a re-raise of 5.7k, but then she jammed and pretty much had me covered chip-wise.
I had put 7,400 in the middle and had about 10-11k back. It was obvious to me then that she had a big overpair, and was protecting it from the spade draw, and it would have been an immediate fold from me were it not for the fact that my Jack was a spade! Hence why I went into the tank.
So, although I had two overcards to the board I knew that even if I hit one of them on the turn or river, they were probably no good and therefore I'd be calling purely to hit a spade for my tournament life. Worse still, one of her big pair cards could easily have been a spade OR perhaps she really HAD missed with her AK on the flop but again one of those cards was a spade and she was therefore crushing me. In the former case I'd be looking at runner-runner non-spade for two-pair or trips. Thin, in other words.
I decided I didn't want to go all-in behind and hoping to hit. I know there's a lot of folk in that spot who would say it was an auto-call having put so much in the pot already, but I felt like I could wait for a better spot with 11 BBs, so I was 'happy' with the fold.
The 'mistakes' were made before that, firstly: calling the pre-flop raise: I would probably have been better off folding J-10 off, and secondly making the post-flop re-raise too big. Wayne (Gliterbabe-sat next to me) believes that pot-committed me and from that point I should have called the all-in.
Not one of my better hands, I grant you. But in a parallel universe, I make the post-flop re-raise, she folds with A-K of hearts and I take down a healthy pot with the worst hand. Unfortunately though, it's this universe I'm living in
Hi Pod, back on now just been walking my dog bobby along the canal. I've not had a go yet but was on about the incident Tikay told us about yesterday at Walsall when the player sat next to the dealer had their winning cards scooped up so they lost the hand. Think it was one of ours.
Secondly, how good is the standard on Sky with all the blue hoodies left in. Well done to the players still involved, keep going today.
Seriously I would say that about half the guys that I played yesterday would stuggle to be a winning player in £22 Sky 8pm MEs. Really bad.
Thanks for the support guys. We got 4 blue hoodys plus Ben thru. Just hope that Rich and Darren (Solidstan) can both get an early double up to give themselves some breathing room.
I've never had such a draining day of poker. I'm used to long sessions online and live cash but this was something else. I was really concentrating throughtout and really really felt it.
66 left so still a long way to go. Think all the Sky guys are gonna head down the pub for lunch and a drink or two before we head over to the casino so thanks a lot for all your support and hopefully we can do a collective BINK!
Not as much sleep as I would have liked last night.
Didn't set an alarm, stuck the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on my hotel door, set my phone to Silent. Not required at the casino till 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The path was clear for the sleep of my life. I figured at least 12 hours. I'd make up for all the accumulated sleep deficit over the past few weeks and arrive at the casino for 1pm, refreshed and in top form.
I woke up at 7.15am. FML.
Once I'd woken, I thought- no problem, I'll just go back to sleep...on this ordinary day...ordinary Day 2 of the GUKPT, that is. Well that was it. As soon as I remembered why I was in that hotel room my head it started whirring. 15,950 chips. Blinds 500/1000 running antes of 100 and 2250 chips an orbit when play resumes. How do I play a low stack that's not quite yet a short stack?
Before I knew it I was scouring the poker forums and making calculations. How many Ms do I have? (6.3 btw). What will I do if I hit a medium pocket pair? Do I open-shove? etc etc...
So, not as much sleep as I'd like, but I'm still raring to go. I'm currently in Starbucks across the way from the 'luxurious' Holiday Inn Express, downing a bucket of caramel macchiato to flood my system with caffeine and getting myself in the zone.
Bang up for this though! In less than 90 minutes I'll be back in play and put right under pressure from the first hand. Double-up or die time- and you can guarantee it'll happen in the first 30 minutes of play.
Best of luck all on day 2.
saturday morning, reading through this thread as if watching live... exciting stuff and very well played our team. magnificent five into day 2. thanks for the coverage tikay and skypoker team. pleased for you, proud of you too.
Please can we have some blue hoodies on the final table.. tyty
Impressive debuts from Ryan, solidstan, and Richdonk:). Go Go Go!!!!
Firstly, thanks very much for the updates Tikay and everybody else involved from Sky down there. Keep up the good work.
Secondly, how good is the standard on Sky with all the blue hoodies left in. Well done to the players still involved, keep going today. I will be following this thread on my phone today whilst at the football (Leeds v Burnley) but will not be posting. Keep playing your game guys and one of you take it down.
As for Rich, superb mate. We know you were a bit nervous but you have proved to everyone that you can do it at this level. Chin up and keep playing confident poker.
Nice to see sky players doing well.
Good luck Today to ALL left in, very ul to those who not!! Great debuts too !
Ben & Wayne Looking good!! Run good to every one obviously... but gotta add
Richard 'Respect ma Orfority' Orford FTW !!!!!!
ben nuttall ftw!!!!!
Seriously I would say that about half the guys that I played yesterday would stuggle to be a winning player in £22 Sky 8pm MEs. Really bad.
Thanks for the support guys. We got 4 blue hoodys plus Ben thru. Just hope that Rich and Darren (Solidstan) can both get an early double up to give themselves some breathing room.
I've never had such a draining day of poker. I'm used to long sessions online and live cash but this was something else. I was really concentrating throughtout and really really felt it.
66 left so still a long way to go. Think all the Sky guys are gonna head down the pub for lunch and a drink or two before we head over to the casino so thanks a lot for all your support and hopefully we can do a collective BINK!
Best of luck guys, keep wearing the blue hoodie with pride!!
I hope Sky will have a winner on one of these live events soon