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  • sillymunchsillymunch Member Posts: 299
    edited September 2011
    Starting BR £5.00

    Br 1st September: £20.22

    Br 2nd September: £20.80
    Br 3rd September: £25.99
    Br 4th September: £27.62
    Br 5th September: £30.12
    Br 6th September: £37.02
    Br 7th September: £24.09
    Br 8th September: £26.90
    Br 9th September: £33.84

    Br 10th September: £36.56
    Br 11th September: £33.56
    Br 12th September: £31.25
    Br 13th September: £36.32
    Br 14th September: £37.78
    Br 15th September: £27.76
    Profit: £22.76
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    Another losing day mostly due to my own fishy bad play. Some days i seem to play solid and on others for some strange reason i just can not stop fishing. Played most of the day on cash and MTTs and total loss was £220.07 Monthly running total now +£4350.81 Good luck.
    Posted by rentisdue

    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    after +2k day, -2k day september is so much fun
    Posted by LOL_RAISE

    -700 day, after running pretty badly at the start (set over set x2, AK<AQ aipf etc. etc.) I went on massive tilt, as badly as I have in ages (I used to tilt soooo easily but now I have got much better lol) total for month ~ +£700
    Posted by yb

    "He's worried! You cut him! You hurt him! You see? You see? He's not a machine! He is a man!!!"

    September 14th not a good day for forum Dragos!

  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    In Response to  Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD **** : In Response to  Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD **** : In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD **** : "He's worried! You cut him! You hurt him! You see? You see? He's not a machine! He is a man!!!" September 14th not a good day for forum Dragos!
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Cmon dohhh even you would have to admit that fight was RIGGED ;))
  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited September 2011
    two different days
    13th - down £2.77 - my fault entirely, misread a hand he had the goods AJ v KK
    14th - played well I think except for one hand where I over thought it (I know on nl4!!). Still was up £8.23. Lost a couple of quid when ran AA into 95 and they flopped a straight. they gambled and won. hadn't played them before, notes made!

    balance up on month £17.18
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited September 2011
    This game sure does teach you variance. All the hard work of bulding it back up to a microscopic profit for the month and in two tiny sessions I do around 4.5 BI's to get a good hard knocking on the head to send me down to the dumps again. One hand in session I played badly admitidly but other major two was TPTK against set, and overpair cracked by slow cards, Just a case of plowing on though as I'm still more than comfotable for this level (which makes the beats easier lol) just a case of finding some consistent run good like last month, still shock myself when I look at the sessions I had just 3-4 weeks ago lol.

    Start BR - £344.76

    Session - -£21.73

    Current BR - £311.87

    Hands - 6650
  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited September 2011
    Well im just holdin my own at the mo

    Total profit £65.89

    Poker Points 1000

    So right on target at the mo for my 2k
  • Any2SuitedAny2Suited Member Posts: 1,240
    edited September 2011
    Rocky 4 for the win !!!! only in the film world would a 5foot 6 13 stone at best sly stallone fight and win against a 6foot 4 16 stone opponent (dolph lungren) with better reach/jab and everything else and be still standing in the later rounds ! let alone go for the win in front of the politburo(russki gov) and be allowed to leave standing!
  • Any2SuitedAny2Suited Member Posts: 1,240
    edited September 2011
    Was that quote from apollo creed dohhhhhhh???
  • BrrrrrrrBrrrrrrr Member Posts: 4,239
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    Rocky 4 for the win !!!! only in the film world would a 5foot 6 13 stone at best sly stallone fight and win against a 6foot 4 16 stone opponent (dolph lungren) with better reach/jab and everything else and be still standing in the later rounds ! let alone go for the win in front of the politburo(russki gov) and be allowed to leave standing!
    Posted by Any2Suited

    Have you been drinking?!
  • BrrrrrrrBrrrrrrr Member Posts: 4,239
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    brrrrrrrr i was responding to dohhhhhhh famous film quote you re..tard and yes i have been drinking!!!!!
    Posted by Any2Suited
    My now makes sense, i'll put your over reaction to the question down to the fact that you have been drinking you muppet! LOL
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2011
    NL4 grind 1-3 tables max, mostly 1 MTT & 2 cash tables per session - 2-3 hours sessions - not including rakeback
    All cash +/- unless MTT cash is noted
    1st +3.68                    11th  drinking                                       
    2nd +18.87                 12th live poker & drink                           
    3rd +3                        13th  -8.39 AA/KK/JJ cracked, sigh                             
    4th +10.07                  14th  -7.23  Standard variance, get it in good - by river all bad                                        
    5th +6.94                    15th  -15.21 FH V Quads twice, AQVAK & QQVAA fold pre tbh                                  
    6th + 4.73 - MTT Cash  16th                        
    7th -10.87                   17th                         
    8th +19.84                   18th                         
    9th +17.00                   19th                         
    10th on the drink          20th                       
    Total +/-
  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited September 2011
    a small profit of 24p!!!
    very happy after the following happened within 5 minutes of starting:
    QQ v AA - call pre flop Qxx - allin - turn A!
    AA v Q10  7x pre (1st to act) called - flop Q10x
    Q10 v AA - no raise pre, in bb, - flop Q10x - allin - turn A

    grinded it back, got very lucky once when my AK v A10 - flop A10x - allin on turn and K on river.
    such is poker
    so balance up £17.42
    small steps
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited September 2011
    Still fighting back, although it is becoming clear that I must lose a couple of buy ins at the beginning of every session to really test my un-getting-stuck-ness.

    The earlier fire has been put out to:

  • rentisduerentisdue Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2011
    Messed about for most of the day on small stakes cash and only went onto 100nl at about 8pm while playing the main and mini bounty hunters. 1 bounty in main and came 3rd in mini with about 10 bountys.

    Total cash profit on day = +£173.09

    Total MTT profit on day = +£49.10

    Total days profit = +£222.19

    My monthly running total = +£4573

    Good luck all

    Now off to the tables to see what value i can see ( hope DOHHHHHHH is still on 200nl lol . . . . . just kidding mate :) )
  • sillymunchsillymunch Member Posts: 299
    edited September 2011

    Starting BR £5.00

    Br 1st September: £20.22                 Br 16th September £26.32                          
    Br 2nd September: £20.80
    Br 3rd September: £25.99
    Br 4th September: £27.62
    Br 5th September: £30.12
    Br 6th September: £37.02
    Br 7th September: £24.09
    Br 8th September: £26.90
    Br 9th September: £33.84

    Br 10th September: £36.56
    Br 11th September: £33.56
    Br 12th September: £31.25
    Br 13th September: £36.32
    Br 14th September: £37.78
    Br 15th September: £27.76
    Profit: £21.32
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    NL4 grind 1-3 tables max, mostly 1 MTT & 2 cash tables per session - 2-3 hours sessions - not including rakeback All cash +/- unless MTT cash is noted 1st +3.68                    11th  drinking                                        2nd +18.87                 12th live poker & drink                            3rd +3                        13th  - 8.39 AA/KK/JJ cracked, sigh                              4th +10.07                  14th  -7.23  Standard variance, get it in good - by river all bad                                         5th +6.94                    15th  -15.21 FH V Quads twice, AQVAK & QQVAA fold pre tbh                                   6th + 4.73 - MTT Cash  16th                         7th  -10.87                    17th                          8th +19.84                   18th                          9th +17.00                   19th                          10th on the drink          20th                        Total +/-  +42.43
    Posted by rancid
    Folding QQ pre at NL4, you need some solid reads for that mate.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD **** : Folding QQ pre at NL4, you need some solid reads for that mate.
    Posted by Dudeskin8
    Yeah the way the hand played out pre, I 5bet shoved my QQ he could only be 4 betting  AA/KK/AK really.
    Only because I had him all in twice before with him being way behind did I think he could have AK/JJ/10's here.
    O yeah and both times before he improved to win, bad beat city.

    Just need to get through this bad run, cards come out better then I am +£20 :() Variance aye
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD **** : Yeah the way the hand played out pre, I 5bet shoved my QQ he could only be 4 betting  AA/KK/AK really. Only because I had him all in twice before with him being way behind did I think he could have AK/JJ/10's here. O yeah and both times before he improved to win, bad beat city. Just need to get through this bad run, cards come out better then I am +£20 :() Variance aye
    Posted by rancid

       Think this was me, sorry bud. I almost didnt sit down when i saw you there but all other tables 
       were full. As i said in chat was only messing about on that table but eventually left with a nice
       4 BI profit. Note to self, must mess about more LOL.
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited September 2011

      Decided to have a shot at Main and mini last night, WHY OH WHY?????

      36 quid down the swanee.

      Managed small cash in 400 gtd bh and adecent 4BI up at nl4.

      Total loss on the night 23.00 pounds.

      September total  +21 pounds.
  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited September 2011
    small hour and half session lunchtime - up £1.82
    unfortunately had to leave as table was a good one to be on
    balance up for month £19.24
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