Day 14, took a huge down swing managed to salvage what damage i had done on SnG's but it had its problems like when my screen kept freezing whilst multitabling the SnG but managed to get it up and running and cashed in both Starting BR £5.00
Didn't play NL4 last night but carried on with the 7CS. Had a bet come good and chucked the winnings onto tonight's games and some golf bets. Then played a speed tournament and finished 5 off the money.
Played my 1st cash session of the month on Monday. Played 4x100nl for a few hours, between midnight and 3am ish. Was in abit of a tangle, and bluffed off 2 and a half stacks to Gerrard9 who just owns the life out of me time after time.
Had a good end to the session though, think I'd bust on 2 tables, the third had broken, and I was left 1 tabling.
Had the old "set v top pair, top kicker" scenario for a 240 quidder, then had a geezer spew the river with his missed draw for another buy in, and the krazy hand I've just put in the clinic, for a third big pot in a short space of time.
ended the night +£177, which I thought was all cash profit, until I remembered I had final tabled a DTD event earlier that night for £36.
Hopefully get some volume in on the HU Hypers now that the World has stopped spinning. Determined to show a profit @ them.
not updated in a little while, went to spt final did a lose in that mid day1. lost ~500 @ cash when my 5 blue cards could not beat good live regs bigger 5 blue cards.
had couple of small losing sessions online. then yesterday was up 3.2k at one point. then lost 3500 pot at nl500 2nd nuts vs nuts which will be super fun to watch on top of the pots . made £2k profit overall yday ~10k c4p also
Still somehow staying away from the big red numbers after a nice session, did start bad after a guy open shoved after 2 limps with KK, me holding QQ in BB lol, but got it back slowly mainly thanks to same hand happening again but me with KK and a guy limp/4betting with 99 and calling shove, I didn't see a 9 .
Been playin mostly nl20 and doin well so far , woulda been 4 buy-ins up but blew 2 buy-ins last nite (when the software let me play) at nl20 PLO , god thats a high variance game )
^^^ key to plo20 is aggression you start of aggro flop the nut flush and treble up when they dont believe you and they get it in with their 2 weak flushes, think you was still on the table at the time, did you enjoy it though ?
been pretty much a mehhh day today hardly got any action HU so took a couple of shots on 3 handed 6 max tables which went well until tables filled up and i left
like + £95 so far for the day doubt ill play much more today/tonight with football being on
^^^ key to plo20 is aggression you start of aggro flop the nut flush and treble up when they dont believe you and they get it in with their 2 weak flushes, think you was still on the table at the time, did you enjoy it though ? been pretty much a mehhh day today hardly got any action HU so took a couple of shots on 3 handed 6 max tables which went well until tables filled up and i left like + £95 so far for the day doubt ill play much more today/tonight with football being on september profit + £435 Posted by delaney09
Hi mate , yeah i luv PLO and i did indeed see ya did well , only really play when i got a bit of spare profit to burn lolz
Crazy, crazy session, my baddest yet, had so many good hands made strong 3bets with QQ/AA/AK (many a time) but flop let me down every time and even when I had it good turn killed me, not one set as well which sucks but to be expected, offically the end of my little spell of run good lol, back to normz.
Played 2 cash tables earlier tonight for the first time this week but site was running so slow for me i had time to make a cuppa from the time the flop started to fall until the time it hit the board lol. Still managed to make £87.32 so shouldnt be too unhappy for about 10 mins play
Also played main and mini and although the site seemed to be running ok then i wasnt lol
Spent a couple hours 2 tabling 7CS and FLO and then a couple more hours 4 tabling NL4. And that bet from a couple days ago came in last night but I've already done that dosh on tonight's games.
7 £5 dyms lost 1st 3, won next 3 lost last 1. Running well in mini when 4/60. Fell in love with TP on a 9 high flop blind on blind, did most of my stack to bb jj. Next orbit i jam over small blind with AJc called by guy who did me earlier. Flop and turn JJ. He has 88 and spikes his 8 on river. 4th to out in 58th in no time.
Also lost a little on cash so total loss for the night of £22
-700 day, after running pretty badly at the start (set over set x2, AK<AQ aipf etc. etc.) I went on massive tilt, as badly as I have in ages (I used to tilt soooo easily but now I have got much better lol)
All cash +/- unless MTT cash is noted
1st +3.68 11th drinking
2nd +18.87 12th live poker & drink
3rd +3 13th -8.39 AA/KK/JJ cracked, sigh
4th +10.07 14th
5th +6.94 15th
6th + 4.73 - MTT Cash 16th
7th -10.87 17th
8th +19.84 18th
9th +17.00 19th
10th on the drink 20th
Total +/-
Starting BR £5.00
Br 1st September: £20.22
Br 2nd September: £20.80
Br 3rd September: £25.99
Br 4th September: £27.62
Br 5th September: £30.12
Br 6th September: £37.02
Br 7th September: £24.09
Br 8th September: £26.90
Br 9th September: £33.84
Br 10th September: £36.56
Br 11th September: £33.56
Br 12th September: £31.25
Br 13th September: £36.32
Br 14th September: £37.78
Profit: £32.78
profit for the day + £230
profit for september + £340
no fun hands this time round just some standard ons with a royal thrown in on plo
September Profit: -£40.35
had couple of small losing sessions online. then yesterday was up 3.2k at one point. then lost 3500 pot at nl500 2nd nuts vs nuts which will be super fun to watch on top of the pots
Start BR - £344.76
Session - £9.14
Current BR - £357.99
Hands - 6190
Been playin mostly nl20 and doin well so far , woulda been 4 buy-ins up but blew 2 buy-ins last nite (when the software let me play) at nl20 PLO , god thats a high variance game
Profit so far + £73.13
Poker points 913
been pretty much a mehhh day today hardly got any action HU so took a couple of shots on 3 handed 6 max tables which went well until tables filled up and i left
like + £95 so far for the day doubt ill play much more today/tonight with football being on
september profit + £435
Start BR - £344.76
Session - -£24.39
Current BR - £333.60
Hands - 6450
Also played main and mini and although the site seemed to be running ok then i wasnt lol
Total on day +£62.02
September total at the mo = +£202.81
Very best of luck to everyone.
September Profit: -£32.85
7 £5 dyms lost 1st 3, won next 3 lost last 1. Running well in mini when 4/60. Fell in love with TP on a 9 high flop blind on blind, did most of my stack to bb jj. Next orbit i jam over small blind with AJc called by guy who did me earlier. Flop and turn JJ. He has 88 and spikes his 8 on river. 4th to out in 58th in no time.
Also lost a little on cash so total loss for the night of £22
Profit for September £44.
Some days i seem to play solid and on others for some strange reason i just can not stop fishing.
Played most of the day on cash and MTTs and total loss was £220.07
Monthly running total now +£4350.81
Good luck.
total for month ~ +£700