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  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited September 2011
    Got a standard knocking about from LOL_Raise on the cash tables but luckily played a lot better against the right people.  Still cutting into the losses.  Unstuck the horrendous cash losses I had in the first week or so in the month but still without a decent MTT cash.  Haven't played a DYM all month which is very odd for me but I was inclined to concentrate on the cash tables in September as I have neglected my cash game over the summer.

  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    Had violent swings in profit since my last update, went back to break even at one stage until the last two days which have been very lucrative. Now played over 500 hyper hu sngs, and showing roi of 5%. I recogn you need to play at least 2000 before you can say whether you have beaten them. Total profit for the month £347. Cash for points 4.1K.
    Posted by ACEGOONER
    At one stage was down £150 for the day, clawed it all back with some soft hyper games last night and made a small profit for the day. Total profit for the month £361. Cash for points 4.6k, will need to motor now to ensure continued priority status. The ability to pull a "sickie" will help!
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2011
    NL4 grind 1-3 tables max, mostly 1 MTT & 2 cash tables per session - 2-3 hours sessions - not including rakeback
    All cash +/- unless MTT cash is noted
    1st +3.68                    11th  drinking                                       
    2nd +18.87                 12th live poker & drink                           
    3rd +3                        13th  -8.39 AA/KK/JJ cracked, sigh                             
    4th +10.07                  14th  -7.23  Standard variance, get it in good - by river all bad                                        
    5th +6.94                    15th  -15.21 FH V Quads twice, AQVAK & QQVAA fold pre tbh                                  
    6th + 4.73 - MTT Cash  16th  2.13 yoyo session, - last hand nut FH V Quads 250 bb pot :(            
    7th -10.87                   17th  -13.29 nice coolers & horrible outdraws + 1 badly played tilt hand             
    8th +19.84                   18th                         
    9th +17.00                   19th                         
    10th on the drink          20th                       
    Total +/-
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited September 2011

    Full day of HU hypers yest, finally got to play them properly. 

    Swingy, obv.

    Started 2/3 tabling them also.

    Played 120ish, and made £166.64 with an ROI of 16%

    Can forget about the ridic donkage session on Thursday now. Always good to follow a losing session with a winning 1! No downswing here! Yet! :)

    Total for month = +393.14

    Points - 1916

    Takeaways - 28.78

  • rentisduerentisdue Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2011
    Just got around to posting yesterdays score now because got flu and couldnt be bothered

    Started early morning on 6 x 100nl tables and in the space of about 15mins i went 4 buyins up then back to level and ended up winning £224.44 on session.

    Played on low stakes for the rest of the day (badley lol) but still managed to make another £34.97

    Played the main and the mini on the night but in all honesty shouldnt have bothered because the flu was really starting to kick in by then and i ended up just doing stupids things in both tournys just to get some sleep and went out of both within 2 hands of each other.

    Cash on day =+£259.43

    MTTs on day =-£19.87

    Profit on day =+£239.56

    My monthly running total = +£5119.26

    Good luck all
  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited September 2011
    Only a couple of sessions 2day

    Total profit so far £134.17

    Poker points 1113

    i know i said i wont play tournaments BUT i just cant resist the mini prime 2nite ;))

    Date & TimeProductDescriptionAmountHeld FundsPlatformDetail18 Sep '11 at 17:21PokerHiston£3.77£0.00AHand History18 Sep '11 at 14:16PokerMaster Cash 2£16.14£0.00AHand History17 Sep '11 at 22:49PokerBurntisland£11.72£0.00AHand History17 Sep '11 at 20:49PokerMaster Cash 1£1.68£0.00AHand History17 Sep '11 at 17:34PokerStranraer£15.27£0.00AHand History16 Sep '11 at 22:56PokerHiston£22.23£0.00AHand History16 Sep '11 at 20:04Poker£400 Bounty Hunter£-1.55£0.00
  • sillymunchsillymunch Member Posts: 299
    edited September 2011
    well im not gonna post mine just yet, a few disagreed hands got played and i lost a BI last night, and another i had AA, with 8 9 10 board, guy calls my all in with K 9 and hits the king on the river losing me yet another BI, seriously thinking that cash games arent all that worth it at the lower levels, but ive started to make notes of all the people making bad calls against me and getting paid off so i can start searching for them in future :) if they are willing to put there stack in on MPGK then i definately wanna be up against them from now on
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD **** : At one stage was down £150 for the day, clawed it all back with some soft hyper games last night and made a small profit for the day. Total profit for the month £361. Cash for points 4.6k, will need to motor now to ensure continued priority status. The ability to pull a "sickie" will help!
    Posted by ACEGOONER
    Had some more wild swings on the hypers then hit gold and won 100 quid in a short space of time on the 20 quidders. Total profit now £437. Cash for points 4.9k. 11 days to make the holy grail......

    One thing I have learnt this month is my most profitable game is hu sngs, should never have lost focus and tried other things like dyms. My cash game has however improved from being a donk to a semi donk, so at least some progress there.   
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited September 2011
    Had a break of 3 days just to loosen me up playing MTTs and unfortunatly came back to much of the same. 4 major hands going against me, AA facing a limp and 4x, I 3bet get flatted b/c J104 flop allin they have 10's.... Next, limp I make it 4x get a min3bet behind so I stick in a chunky 4bet which just gets flatted amazingly, flop I shove for pot bet on J103 flop get snapped off by J10 lolz.... also a guy who has done it once before with nowt open shoves for 53 bb's I snap with AQ they have J10 and catch up....and lastly a set gets beat up by a flush that always hits for 84 bb's. Managed to claw back 1/2 a BI just now but overall variance still taking it's toll, another day I could have been £30-40 up easily...

    Start BR - £344.76

    Session - -£24.38

    Current BR - £287.49

    Hands - 7360
  • Giant811Giant811 Member Posts: 613
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD **** : Took a few days off then slowly got back into it with my usual mix of PLO and PLO8 mtts with the odd deep stack thrown in. Ran/played bad until today, when I nursed my buyin + addon to 4th place in the new £1000 gtd Omaha rebuy tourney for a cool £121.05 score (about 25% of my bankroll). Last hand the river gave my opponent the nut straight to beat my flopped straight or it could have been even better, but that's poker :) Balance since last update: +£95.80 Month to date balance: +£74.16
    Posted by Giant811
    Same old over the weekend, a few small cashes in small tourneys, but haven't taken one down in a while.

    Weekend balance: -£7.32
    Month to date balance: +£66.84
  • rentisduerentisdue Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2011
    Didnt play much today.

    Played low stakes cash this morning for about a hour = -£54.89

    Played a few tables of 100nl tonight = +£170.98

    Played main and mini and both no cashes also 2 sats = -£84.50

    Cash tables = +£116.09
    MTTs = -£84.50

    Profit on day = +£31.59

    Months running total = +£5150.85

    Good luck all
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited September 2011

       Played 3 mtts tonight and cashed in all 3, highlight being 8th in mini primo.

       Lost a few £5 dyms

      Won a BI @ nl10

      £44 profit on the night

      Up £47 in the month.
  • dantb10dantb10 Member Posts: 583
    edited September 2011
    This thread is a good read.

    Pretty swingy last few sessions for me, pretty redic really, but i cant fold so its my own fault.

    15k cash for points for month and £6,200 up total.

    Need to grind to 16k points before wed as im off on hol. No doubt will drop £6k to get the extra £150 CFP.

    Why does that always happen???
  • sillymunchsillymunch Member Posts: 299
    edited September 2011
    18th September has to be one of the swingiest days ive ever had, started off losing 4 pound to AA being called by MPGK and hitting his 2 pair on the river, another 5 pound was lost, when a board came up 3 6 9 guy puts me all in purely cus he thinks i have 2 over cards, hes holding 4 4, i call with QQ, he thinks oh no, then gets a 4 on the turn, then again lost another 3 pound holding AA when i was forced all in pre by J9 who managed to hit j and 9 on the community board, and then i lost when i bet 3 streets against a guy who had called my raise, i had hit top pair top kicker, he called with BPBK and somehow managed to get a full house by the end of his hand
    All that being said, i am now back up to £22.28, which i must of forgotten to update the 17th cus its actually an increase not a decrease xD i think i had £19 when i finally stopped on the 17th
    Starting BR £5.00

    Br 1st September: £20.22                 Br 16th September £21.24                          
    Br 2nd September: £20.80                Br 17th September £26.34
    Br 3rd September: £25.99                Br 18th September £22.28
    Br 4th September: £27.62
    Br 5th September: £30.12
    Br 6th September: £37.02
    Br 7th September: £24.09
    Br 8th September: £26.90
    Br 9th September: £33.84

    Br 10th September: £36.56
    Br 11th September: £33.56
    Br 12th September: £31.25
    Br 13th September: £36.32
    Br 14th September: £37.78
    Br 15th September: £27.76
    Profit: £21.34
  • TheDartTheDart Member Posts: 1,581
    edited September 2011
    Work commitments meant last week, I wasn't able to continue my strategy of focusing on main events and satellites into main event, played a few £5mt's and sng's each day, until Saturday where I bought into the £22bh and crashed out fairly quickly.

    The remainder of Saturday evening and then Sunday was all about trying to qualify for the SPT even, Sunday Roller and Primo, net result was a relatively expensive failure.

    Decided to pay the buy in for the mini roller, flopped a set of 3's early on in a 3 way pot, other 2 players went raise to reraise on the 10 high flop, one player had pocket over pair Queens, other had hit his set of 10's.

    Left me shortstacked, managed a double up, but was out when I was dealt Pocket Aces, all in pre flop and got a caller who had AK.

    Tuesday 13th - Sunday 20th loss - £149.96

    September Profit + £1,677.27

    September Points = 1,871

    DTD and extender tonight
  • jenny_IYYjenny_IYY Member Posts: 184
    edited September 2011
    Not updated for a few days so here goes.

    Played 2 mains and 2 minis i think in that time and also some £100nl, £200nl and a short spell of £300nl.

    My account has £574.33 more in it now than it had when last posting on here 3 or 4 days ago and most of that has come from £200nl hitting set v set when both pretty deep.

    September total now +£777.14

    Very best of luck to everyone who posts on here.

  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited September 2011
    didn't play at weekend - "dad's taxi" in full use!!
    had a good session today helped by the fact that I set mined a couple of times and got paid off.
    nice when that happens.
    up £5.32 on day, so up £24.56 on month.

    good luck

    PS dantb10 - if you ever wanted to drop some of that £6k (BLIMEY!)on nl4 while getting those points I am sure I could accomodate!!!!LOL!!!
    NO!!? Ah well wishful thinking I guess along with everyone else?!
  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited September 2011
    Total profit so far £160.90

    Poker Points 1154

    Just as a side note ive managed to string together 11 consecutive winnin cash sessions

    Date & TimeProductDescriptionAmountHeld FundsPlatformDetail19 Sep '11 at 16:58PokerSt Albans£3.94£0.00AHand History19 Sep '11 at 13:22PokerShawlands£15.37£0.00AHand History19 Sep '11 at 12:56PokerPot Limit Omaha£-3.30£0.00AHand History19 Sep '11 at 12:56PokerTake on Tikay£-2.20£0.00AHand History19 Sep '11 at 12:55Poker£100 Deep Stack£-1.10£0.00AHand History19 Sep '11 at 12:55Poker£150 Deep Stack£-2.20£0.00AHand History18 Sep '11 at 22:47PokerBroadbottom£5.99£0.00AHand History18 Sep '11 at 22:33PokerBlyth£0.00£0.00AHand History18 Sep '11 at 22:22PokerMadeley£9.00£0.00AHand History18 Sep '11 at 19:01PokerGee Cross£1.23
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD **** : Had some more wild swings on the hypers then hit gold and won 100 quid in a short space of time on the 20 quidders. Total profit now £437. Cash for points 4.9k. 11 days to make the holy grail...... One thing I have learnt this month is my most profitable game is hu sngs, should never have lost focus and tried other things like dyms. My cash game has however improved from being a donk to a semi donk, so at least some progress there.   
    Posted by ACEGOONER
    Had another barn storming day, played a bit of cash, but mainly £10 hypers today managed an roi of 29% which I know is not sustainable but very nice! Total profit for the month now £646 meaning I have made over 200 quid today playing lower stakes. Cash for points 5.3k.

    Tomorrow need to get those points beyond 6k to have a hope of maintaining priority status.
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    Total profit so far £160.90 Poker Points 1154 Just as a side note ive managed to string together 11 consecutive winnin cash sessions Date & Time Product Description Amount Held Funds Platform Detail 19 Sep '11 at 16:58 Poker St Albans £3.94 £0.00 A Hand History 19 Sep '11 at 13:22 Poker Shawlands £15.37 £0.00 A Hand History 19 Sep '11 at 12:56 Poker Pot Limit Omaha £-3.30 £0.00 A Hand History 19 Sep '11 at 12:56 Poker Take on Tikay £-2.20 £0.00 A Hand History 19 Sep '11 at 12:55 Poker £100 Deep Stack £-1.10 £0.00 A Hand History 19 Sep '11 at 12:55 Poker £150 Deep Stack £-2.20 £0.00 A Hand History 18 Sep '11 at 22:47 Poker Broadbottom £5.99 £0.00 A Hand History 18 Sep '11 at 22:33 Poker Blyth £0.00 £0.00 A Hand History 18 Sep '11 at 22:22 Poker Madeley £9.00 £0.00 A Hand History 18 Sep '11 at 19:01 Poker Gee Cross £1.23
    Posted by debdobs_67

       Nice run Debs. 

       DTD tonight , min cash in 1, still running bad in DYMs tho.  Minus £16 tonight.

       Month  up  £31  and 853 c4p, so could hit 1500 this month which would be nice.
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